Family Curse

Stumbles Of Love Part 4

Seeing Erin oh so casually bring forth that little flame, then snuff it out, showed that there did seem to be magic still in the world.

She and Erin sat in the kitchen at the gorgeous oak table, chatting over cups of tea just like many often do in the early evenings.

"I've been wondering, Erin," Stasia inquired, "Just how long have you been able to do magic?"

Stumbles Of Love Part 3

Here is the next bit of Stumbles, I've known the initial premise for Erin being Erin, but didn't know WHY until I woke up several hours ago.

I added the tag for Magic because it is and will be part of the story, as I will explain in the talk between Erin and Stasia here.

The cautions are due to the violence in parts of this chapter and the suicide of Erin's father before she was born.


Stasia had to stand there and wait for a few minutes before the door opened and Erin spoke, "Welcome to my home. Please enter."

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