Location of readers

One of the things that make it hard for me to enjoy some of the stories on BCTS is the use of local or national phrases that are not known in other countries. Living in Australia, the big place south of India and China, we have some idea of what American terms are simply from the amount of TV supplied over the airwaves. Honestly though it is hard to understand the story lines without a point of reference, what does GPA or CAT mean with college scores, what are Sophomores or Juniors?

Should we as authors spend more time and effort to make sure that our readers are on the same page, should we write to our readers understanding? Anyway what are the reader demographics for BCTS? Americans, British, Canadians. Should our stories come with a dictionary of terms. Surely if we all wrote in Strine (Australian slang) it would be much better for us lot down here.....

Just a thought.

Have a great day
