Trying to locate a story

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Hi, everyone. I was trying to locate the name of a story. It involved a guy being transformed into a video game heroine. All I remember is that she had purple hair, had a weapon (or two) that was sheathed underneath her skin, and that other people were transformed at the same time that she was.

Can anyone lend a hand in my search?


O. Kaysonel


Try, Morpheus' Kombat Champion

Try here

Failing that, email me at [email protected] and I'll attach it back to you.

edit. Morpheus has most all his stuff at Fictionmania. There are a lot of his super hero stories at, and a few he has written specifically for his yahoo group in the files there. He also has quite a bit at the group TG_Fiction you may have to get a yahoo id and join the group to read stuff if you don't have one.

You may find a few scattered elsewhere but not likely.