
I am transgendered and have known since i was about 5 that I was 'different'. I suffer quite badly from depression, and have done so for most of my life although its beeen worst in the last 6 years or so. It has cost me a lot of hope and dreams, a six figure career, a business, and a house.

I am posting this because I have felt down again in the last few days, and I wanted to say thank you to the people who have read my story, and thank you even more to those who kudos and comment. Personally I find it very difficult to take much interest in life or the real world, when what I want and need is so far away.

I am working with the NHS in the UK and only last month had to take the step of saying that I didnt feel ready to go forward for formal diagnosis, by the second doctor. Not because I am unsure, but because i am crippled by self doubt and a lack of self confidence. My next step is the 'real life test'which I have to do for 6 months before having a chance of getting the hormones I need to even begin changing my body. It is a cruel part of th eprocess in the uk that they won't prescribe hormones unless you have gone through the first 6 months without them, thereby showing you can 'cope'. I guess I understand their reasoning but since that appointment I have managed to put on about 15lbs and drank a load as well. Currently I am 6ft tall with wide shoulders, and a big head and I weigh bout 220lb, and hairy as a freaking gorilla. I hate my body and have all my life been in conflict with it, and largely hated myself as well.

What little self worth I have at the moment is largely the result of the feedback I have to my writing. Whatever else is shit in my life I can apparently do that reasonably well. So once again THANK YOU. I will keep on writing and I hope you will keep on reading and enjoying and then letting me know.

It makes me wonder how many of the readers/writers on Big closet are in similar circumstances and if anyone is willing to share I would love to know.

Thanks again.

Ashleigh (the name my Mom approved of but I have never been able to use in public yet)