signature on comments

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when i decide to leave a comment, there is a "signature" on the body section, just my screen name. Now, some people have sayings or even pictures that they use whenever they leave a comment, and i assume they dont have to retype it every time. How can i do this as well?

Account edits

Look over to your right (--->that way, if your as dyslexic as me, or if you wonder if people mean the screen's right when they say things like that; ugh, also like me)...
Click on the 'My Account' link on the menu under your name...
Hit the 'Edit' tab near the top of that page...
Go down to the 2nd box from the bottom on that page, it's called 'Comment Settings: Signature' and then there's a box...
You can put text or links (images or other) into that box and it will show up on everything you post unless you take it out while previewing the comment.

If this seemed detailed to the point of condescending... well, it's just that's the kind of instructions I usually need.


I will give that a shot.



Hey, it works! Thanks

Hey, it works! Thanks again!

"Life isn't all butterflies and rainbows"



The only pitfall is that it

Zoe Taylor's picture

The only pitfall is that it has a length limit. I don't recall the exact character limit, but it is very generous. :-D

I only hit it once when I was using a rather large signature (quote plus image), which caused an HTML tag to get lost in the ether.

I've since switched to using my QoS blockquote signature for some time now ^_^

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

That Bonnet . . .

. . . begs a Drea sonnet.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)