The Rise of the Warrior Queen Matilda / Chapter 3

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The Rise of the Warrior Queen Matilda

Chapter 3

Alastair said “I am happy to help you out. I can see you doing great with your army when we get back here after the Combat Arena you will need to work out how to get your army working together.”

Matilda and her family left the great hall and went out of the castle then meet up with the clan warriors the ones that are going with them to Fen-Wood Village for the Combat Arena Alastair asked “are we all ready to go” everyone said “yes” Alastair said “let get going then.”

Matilda was walking with Niall Matilda said “Niall do you know who my other officers are and where they come from” Niall said “yes, I do I met them last week I will bring them to you when we get to Fen-Wood Village" Matilda said I hope the Dancing
Dragon's name will be lucky for us” Niall said “it will be with you as our Warrior Queen.”

Matilda said “when we won many battles that the world knows my name and the Dancing Dragon's name, I want to retake Kinmore from the Vikings to make it my Queendom. I will be the Warrior Queen for that Queendom.”

Niall said “we can do that but that could be our 1st battle” Matilda said “we will need a lot of information 1st before we decide on it being our 1st battle.”

Matilda called over for her father to walk with her and Niall Matilda said “father what do you know of Kinmore” Alastair said “after Vikings taking over it not much why?”

Matilda said “I want to retake Kinmore back and make it my Queendom. Niall thinks we could do it for our 1st battle.”

Alastair said “I think you should go for it and it will be a good 1st battle but when you get the Queendom you will have to defend it. Vikings will try to retake it back or someone else will try to take it from you.”

Matilda said “I will talk to my other officers and I will start planning to retake Kinmore and claim the Queendom when we get back.”

Matilda said “Alexa, what do you think about what I was talking about? Alexa said, "I agree with them you should do it.”

After 2 days travelling, they made it to Fen-Wood Village and started making camp. Matilda and Alastair went off looking around and trying to get information.

Matilda was not happy with some information they got. Matilda said “Father, I want a DeathMatch with the leader of the Vikings group. What is here and I want a DeathMatch with the rest of the Vikings group. Can you try to set that up for me please.”

Alastair said “are you sure about this Matilda” Matilda said “yes, I am father this will show what I can do and I want them to see why I use the Dancing Dragon's name it will get my name out there and the Dancing Dragon's name out there too.”

Matilda then said "If you can arrange 60 warriors to go up against my 6 officers it will be good for my officers to work together and show what they can do and for me to know what they can do.”

Matilda said "I want them to know what I can do in real Death Matches” Alastair said “ok I will see what I can do set this up for you but be careful I don’t want to see you die on me” Matilda said “I will be careful.”

Matilda and Alastair went to see what they can do to get the Death Matches and to set a match for Matilda officers Alastair talked to his friend to ask if they could set up the two Death Matches and group match Alastair friend said yes to them then.

Matilda and Alastair went back to the camp when they got there Matilda went to find Niall.

Matilda found Niall talking to some clan members. She went up to him Matilda said “hey Niall I need you to get all my officers we have many things we need to talk about I will be talking with Isabella and Calvin why I wait Matilda went looking for Isabella and Calvin.

Matilda found Isabella and Calvin sitting down talking by the fire pit. Matilda said “hey you two can you do me a favour by setting up 300 targets for me the way I like it when I do the swords dancing technique.”

Matilda then said “so I can show my swords dancing technique and I will be taking on my 6 offices and then I will face off with two Knights ”both of them said “we can do that” both of them went to get started on putting up the targets.

Matilda sat down by the fire pit waiting for her officers to come 25 minutes later they came where Matilda. Matilda said “sit down please so we can get started. We had a lot to talk about when the 6 officers sat down.

Camilla said “I am called Camilla. Next to me is Freya. She has 65 Amazon warriors under her and she wanted to join you when she heard that I joined you.”
Matilda said “nice to meet both of you. We need more warriors because I will be planning a battle when I go back to the kingdom. That is one of the things we need to talk about.”

Matilda looked at Captain Shen and Captain Brim Matilda said “nice to see you captain Shen and you too Captain Brim again I am happy to have you both under my banner” captain Shen and Captain Brim said "I am happy to join you.”

Cerdic said “I am called Cerdic it is very nice to meet you and to join you” Matilda said it nice to meet you and thank you for joining my banner you all now my cousin Naill I am Matilda.”

Matilda said “tomorrow at the Arena I have two Death matches one with an Vikings leader the other one is agent the rest of the Vikings group that should be aroused 60 of them I have set up a match for you 6 agent 60 other warriors you 6 will work as a team I want to see what you 6 can do as a team.”

Matilda then said “I am planning to Kinmore and claim Queendom for myself. The Vikings have it at the moment. We will need more warriors and knights if we are going to take it over and we need to defend it when we get it.”

Naill said “we will show you what we can do as a team” Captain Shen said “ I will send a message to a friend who leads the Gray Wolves Knights Naill I will talk to a friend who is in another clan” Cerdic said "I have a friend who can join you.”

Matilda said “good I asked my sister to set up some 300 targets. I am going to show you why I am called the Dancing Dragon because I will be doing the sword dancing technique after that I will take on you 6 then I want to take Captain Shen and Captain Brim on.”

all 6 said “ they will be happy to take you on and watch the swords dancing technique Matilda said “bring all the knights and warriors you have under you so they can watch” all 6 said ”they will do that.”

All 6 officers got up and went to get all warriors and knights to watch. Matilda got up and went where her mother and father were. She found them and Matilda said “hi mother , father.”

Matilda said "I'll be showing you something I want you to bring the clan members to see sword dancing technique and afterwards I will face my 6 officers then the two knights.”

Alastair said “ok we will go and watch you and we will bring the clan members to watch.”
Matilda said "I talked to my officers about retaking Kinmore and claimed Queendom for myself. They will be going to get more warriors and knights to join me so we can do it.”

Alastair said “good I know you will be able to retake Kinmore and claim Queendom for yourself” Matilda said "why my officers are getting more warriors and knights I will be needing to go to Kinmore to get a lot of information.”

Kylie said "you can't go by yourself you need two or four to go with you when you go” Matilda said "ok I will take my two Amazon officers with me” Kylie said "good.”

Alastair said “I want reports every two weeks when you go so I know you are doing ok Matilda said "ok I will send reports every two weeks.”

Alastair and Kylie left to get all the clan warriors to come to watch.

Matilda said “let's see my stats before I go.”

NAME: (Queen) Matilda Lyster AGE: 13 GENDER: Female/Male CLASS: Warrior Queen


Matilda went to where the targets were waiting for her. She looked around and could see all her warriors and knights and clan warriors watching her.

Matilda got her swords ready. She started to do small jumps then she danced her way to the targets and cut them why she moved. She was fast and graceful. You could see how dangerous she can be in battle.

The targets didn't last long; 300 targets fell in 3 minutes.

Matilda put her swords away and started to move the down targets Isabella and Calvin help her.

When the targets were removed Matilda officers were getting ready to take on Matilda.

Matilda asked “are you 6 ready” all 6 said “ they are ready.”

Matilda got her axes ready.
She started to do small jumps then she danced her way to the 6 officers. She was fast and graceful. She could get them but pull her hit so it doesn't do any damage to them.

They stopped because they could see they got beat by Matilda. Put her axes away.

Matilda got her sword and metal shield. She asked “Captain Shen and Captain Brim are you ready? Both said “they are ready.”

Matilda was using her speed to her advantage. She was too good for them when they tried to get her. She got them instead.

After Matilda finished Captain Shen and Captain Brim said “you keep getting better and better” Matilda said "thank you I keep trying to improve over time.”

Matilda's other officers came over telling her how she impressed them and they haven't seen anything like the sword's dancing technique.

Matilda went over to her family and they were telling her how they liked sword's dancing technique and how well she did.

They all went for food and drink after that they went to their tents to go to sleep.

The next day Matilda was getting ready then she left her tent and went for food and drink after that she went and checked that all her warriors and knights were ready for the Arena.

Everyone was ready to go to the Arena. Matilda's mother and father and sister went to the stands to watch.

Why the rest went to the room that leads to the Arena to wait for the turn in the Arena.

Matilda went around talking to others who were waiting for their turn.

After a while Matilda went and sat down and watched the matches and talked to Alexa. Her officers were sitting next to her and also Calvin talking about the matches.

Matilda officers were called to enter the Arena Matilda said “to them goodluck” they said “thank you.”

Matilda officers won the match when they came back Matilda said “well done” to them they said “thank you.”

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