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(Cover image designed by Joyce Melton.)
(Edited by Angela Rasch.)
"Okay, so we need to start using waterproof mascara on you. Duly noted!" Sis is "fixing my face" after my flight from Race's office and before I go into the War Room. "And you're going to have to start learning to do your own makeup, Sis. I won't always be around to fix it for you."
I glare at her. "Gee! If I wanted to wear makeup, then maybe I would get right on that. Or … maybe if I was born a girl … and grew up as one, I would want to and already know how …." I shake my head. Taking out my frustrations with my "mate" on my sister isn't the answer. I shake my head at that the bizarreness of that thought. "I'm sorry, Sis. He just totally infuriates me!"
I see her permanently darting eyes flash the yellow of her wolf and she sighs. "I have faith it will all work out, Hon. Now, let's get you prettied back up and into the War Room. They're waiting on both of us." She quickly finishes working on my face and pushes me out of the little conference room and into the War Room.
All Hell has broken loose in the room. Ginger is on the other side with Momma J, watching something on the wall of monitors. Momma J is covering her mouth in horror.
Sis pushes me over and Momma takes over control of my chair as Ginger pulls Sis into a tight one-sided hug. I focus on the screen and my jaw drops as I watch the scene that is unfolding. This must be what Race was talking about.
The feed from China is showing a huge field with line after line of soldiers standing at attention—there must be a couple hundred. A man, that Ginger lets us know is one of the dragons in human form, is walking down the ranks and stopping at soldier after soldier. Each soldier then goes to one of two new forming groups at either side of the field. On the left side of the field, another man … the other dragon … is doing something to the men in that group and they transform into one of the types of dinosaurs, seemingly at random as to which types, in the growing army. The soldiers in the larger group on the right side are apparently very nervous and are milling around.
When the first dragon gets to the last of the soldiers, he sends him to the dinosaur group. The second dragon quickly finishes transforming everyone in the smaller group on the left into fidgety dinosaurs that as usual don't outright attack each other, but the carnivores in the group are clearly looking for blood. Overall, less than ten percent of the full group is in the dinosaur camp and the rest are nervously looking over at the agitated animals.
The two men shift into their dragon form and take off into the air. Suddenly, the non-carnivores stampede and surround the group of men on the right side of the field—the ones not transformed. The carnivores then jump over them into the circle and I'm suddenly very thankful that the feed is grainy and in black and white.
The dragons fly to a new field with a new group of soldiers in the middle.
Momma J is pale. "That was the third field of men that we know of. My understanding is that this has been going on for quite some time …. It takes about an hour for each of these groups, but the speed seems to be increasing ... as if they're getting more efficient at it. Those poor people! Can you imagine the terror?"
I don't know which is worse. Being transformed into a dinosaur … I assume against their will … or being devoured by one to avoid being transformed. I can't help but shudder. "So, they must have thousands of dinosaurs by now? To what end? And … are they shifters? Like the dragons?"
I feel Race's aura quickly approach the room, but he doesn't mentally connect with me. He storms in and quickly looks around but avoids my eyes as he answers my question, which he obviously heard. "No. At least not most of them. It works differently with dark magic. Those dragons are first and foremost dragons. They can just temporarily shift into a human form. Unlike Sarah or Ginger who are primarily human and can shift into a wolf."
I can't help but wonder if that means that Race is also "first and foremost" human? I've never seen him change into a dragon, even if he says he can—but I assume that's what he means. I shrug and listen to the rest of his explanation.
"Those dinosaurs are permanently transformed because it was mostly done against their will … but they did choose the transformation over death and reluctantly submitted to it. That's what leaves them vulnerable to the dragons' control and is increasing the overall level of dark magic, allowing the increasing speed at which the transformations are taking place." He sighs. "A few will welcome the change and fully accept the dark magic into themselves during their initial transformation … and will thus be able to shift into something else, potentially into human form. But their primary forms will now forevermore be the dinosaurs they currently are."
Sis purses her lips in thought. "Does that mean that they've lost all humanity? When I shifted into my wolf the first time, I struggled to keep my connection to my humanity—at least at first. After a while I was able to fully connect myself to wolf and we fully … merged. When Ginger did the same, we were able to then communicate with one another. But if our wolves were our primary forms, wouldn't that 'persona' take over as primary, as well?"
Ginger looks sick at the thought as she nods in agreement with Sis' line of reasoning.
"I'm afraid so." Race sighs. "Those poor souls have been condemned to life as a different reptilian species. Some of the species of dinosaurs are smarter than others, but the transformed humans are now only as smart as they would have been if they had been born in their new host bodies, with the brains that come with them. They are all bound to the Dragon that transformed them, Grae'bar. It is very similar to Sarah being the alpha of her pack." He smiles with a slight sparkle in his eye. "When she and Ginger get it built up to an actual pack, that is."
"But how will we do that, Your Highness?" Ginger looks distraught. "They have a huge head-start on us. And even if we could just transform humans into wolves, neither Sarah nor I would condone something like that against people's wills! And surely we're not supposed to have that big a pack?"
I choke at Ginger calling Race, "His Highness." I had also noticed how both Sis and her had bowed their heads to him when he came in the room. I open up mentally to Sis. What's the deal with Ginger calling Race, "His Highness?" Why are you treating him like royalty?
She looks over at me and I could swear she sighs. Because that's who he is, Lexi. He's our king. Somehow, I wound up as queen of the wolves, but he is king of all shifters—at least those born of Light Magic.
Then I'm glad I'm not a shifter. I don't bow down to "royalty." I grunt as I think about reading about Mad King Ludwig just a few days ago … it seems like ages ago. I look at Race and shake my head as the lust for him builds up in me again … I may be somehow fatefully bound to him as his "mate." But I will never submit to him as my "king."
He is glowering at me, and I know he can't read my thoughts. I have them securely blocked – although, I don't know how much he can get from Sis … if he really is her "king" and she has submitted to him. Is she simply relaying my thoughts, intentional, or not? He shakes his head in frustration and looks at Ginger.
"Our way of increasing our numbers is different, Ginger. We can't control who has access to magic, but the gods and goddesses have given the royal lines of shifters the power to grant deserving individuals the power to accept their animals—even those without magic." Race looks at Sis. "For example, Sarah can grant a wolf to anyone—the same as Kamorkis granted her and Ginger theirs. It is not unlimited, though. There has to be an available match. The gods and goddesses can create a new match."
I'm totally lost. Matches?
You'll understand, Sis. After Otohime explains it to you. Non-shifters aren't supposed to know how it all works.
Race sighs as he continues. "There are many animal-shifter lines, like wolves, bears, lions, panthers, and more. There are many packs currently forming around each line, each with its own alpha and resulting hierarchy. But there is only one king or queen of each line—and there is only so much they can do. We can only hope we remain in the gods and goddesses' favor, and that they continue to bolster our ranks!"
I shake my head. There is so much wrong with that statement. I still don't trust the gods and goddesses … and now I have to wonder if I can trust my own sister any more than I can trust them—or my "mate."
I lay in my bed and wiggle my toes for the hundredth time since Sis worked on me this afternoon. After she finished pushing her healing energy into my spine, I was able to move them for the first time in years. I also finally have much finer sensation returning to below my injury – it doesn't feel like things are touching me through a thick blanket, anymore … it's more like through a silk sheet. It's not perfect, but I can discern much softer caresses – and I can wiggle my toes!
Of course, the whole session was an exchange, again. No one has figured out how Sis can connect to me without tapping into our personal magical pipeline. Even though she can now connect to Ginger and will be able to connect to anyone in her pack … or any wolf, as queen … she shouldn't be able to connect to me. And our connection goes way beyond just the mental communication—it's somehow freeing my red magic to flow unhindered back into her. I know there will be consequences to that – likely in the form of me "maturing" more as a girl. I sigh. I simply don't know what to do with that.
When Sis was done with the session … and Race monitoring it to make sure that nothing bad happened with my red magic … we had come home. Well, Sis, Ginger, Momma J, and I had. Not "His Highness." Oh no! He can't be bothered with me … his mate. I wipe the tears away that well up in my eyes. At least I can control them enough to not bawl … maybe that's my "progress" for today.
I find myself wanting to talk to Sis and I try and reach out to her, although I know I won't be successful. After we got home and she helped me clean off my makeup, she and Ginger left. They are not only magically … but also legally … bound. They took full advantage of one of the perks of working where we do – easily getting official paperwork. So, Sis is now moving in with Ginger … her mate.
I know I won't be able to connect with her right now, because they are both out running as their wolves. When she is in her wolf form, our mental communication breaks down and I won't be able to connect with her until she is close to transforming back. But she did promise to come by in the morning to help with my makeup … to make up for moving out … yay rah!
I sigh and think about Race. I have no idea what to do about that situation. I can feel his never-ending tug on me constantly stoking my desires. My need for him seems to grow by the minute … as does my frustration with him! I don't get how this whole fated mate thing is supposed to work. Obviously, it doesn't have to be two individuals of the opposite sex, as Sis and Ginger have proven. But they were both self-declared lesbians before they were bonded. And … well, Kamorkis had something to do with that bonding – so, was it just an exception to the rule? And that still doesn't help explain where that leaves Race and me?
I reach out mentally to him. Race? I wait several minutes and hiss in frustration at the radio silence. I know he can hear me – I felt his heartbeat quicken through our emotional connection when I reached out. He's just ignoring me. Fine! Your High-Asshole-ness. Just keep ignoring me and see how happy your mated life is going to be! I get a glimpse of a very erotic dream he's having … with me in it. I sigh. So … he's not truly ignoring me—he's just asleep. Like I should be, since it's one o'clock in the morning.
Try as I might, I can't sleep. I lay there in frustration and ball my hands into tight little fists. I take my pillow and put it over my face, so that I can scream into it without being heard and waking Momma. Finally, I can't stop the flood of tears, and I keep the pillow over my head to muffle my sobs.
I feel a gentle, warm caress envelop my mind, and I instinctively know it's Race embracing me through our emotional connection. He's still asleep and it's an unconscious act on his part, but it makes me sob even more because it's filled with such love … love that he won't give me in a conscious form. I finally give in to the subconscious mental embrace, and he fills me with an inner glow that spreads to every corner of my body. Minutes later, my body writhes as it bursts with intense orgasmic pleasure. Thankfully, the pillow is still over my head, as I once again scream into it—this time in ecstasy—and I finally slip into an exhausted sleep ….
I wake up in a sweat and breathing hard. My heart is pounding from the dream I was having right before I woke up. Race was pleasuring me in ways that I wouldn't ever have dreamt of … well … until now. I sigh in the aftermath of the post-orgasmic glow, and smile as I feel the slight pressure of Sis "knocking" on my mental door. Good morning, Sis. How was your run with Ginger?
It was interesting. Tell me … did you and Race finally …?
What? No! He still isn't talking to me. Why?
Because … well … something triggered an event in our connection last night. I felt a surge of your red magic flow into me. It strengthened me … and my wolf turned … pink. Well … it's still ginger, but definitely a very pinkish ginger.
Memories of my dreams flood my mind before I can censor my connection and Sis giggles. I blush. Sorry. Race and I didn't really … but we're somehow connected in our dreams, where we're very active! Although, who knows how that actually works—given my lack of certain parts that are very front and center in those dreams. I've never had a desire for such parts, but I have to admit it's hard to not want them when Race plays with them the way he does in those dreams!
Her giggles flood my mind again. Mmmmhmmm …. Those parts certainly have their advantages. I'll be over in half an hour and you're getting your first makeup lesson. Be ready, Sis. No arguments! Over and out!
I frown as she goes radio silent. I look at my phone to see what time it is and am surprised to see it's nearly eight o'clock. I swing over into my chair and jerk as I feel the cold metal against my legs. I wiggle my toes for good measure and roll myself into my bathroom to take a shower and get the smell of a night of beautiful sex off me that I still have no idea how got on me, in the first place.
Thirty minutes later, I'm sitting in front of Sis' old vanity … in the room she just abandoned a day ago … only now it's covered in makeup that is meant for me. And she's giving me a serious lesson in how to put it on. I'm fighting it but losing.
I jump and look at Sis, whose eyes are very golden-yellow and her canines are very long. Her wolf is very front and center—as her loud growl just punctuated.
"Sis! You will pay attention and you will learn to do this! I can't look out for you all the time. You're a woman now … and you will not embarrass the rest of us! You will learn to be a lady. I don't remember much of your real mother—but I do remember she was a real lady. If you won't do it for me—or Momma, then do her proud, Sis!"
Memories of Mom flood my brain in a torrent as fast and furious as the waters of "the event" that assaulted our apartment building. Sis is right. Mom was always the perfect lady … and her looks were always immaculate. If I had always been her daughter, I would either be following along voluntarily … or completely resisting in rebellion. I think I'm in the resistance park, right now … but is that how I want to honor Mom? I briefly consider what I would look like in Goth makeup and suppress a giggle.
I sigh loudly and nod. "Okay, Sis … I'll … try …. No promises, though! Mom was an impossible card to follow … and you and Momma J are no less impossible. So … ummmm … there!"
You sure showed me! Sis giggles in my mind. I had forgotten that I let her in earlier. And those memories of your mom were spot on. I always adored her poise and self-confidence. She was a true lady! And … Goth is definitely not you! "Okay. Now pay attention! This is foundation …."
The next hour goes by quicker than I expect as Sis shows me how to do my face. I pay as close attention as I can, but the whole process still seems so foreign and daunting to me that Sis winds up doing most of the work, in spite of making me try several of the steps, myself. She just huffs when I nearly poke my eye out with the mascara wand and takes over. "Don't think this is the end of our practice sessions, Sis. But we do need to get you done today, so that we can get on the road."
When she's done and I pass inspection, she insists that I put on another dress after I don the matching lingerie she brought with her for me to wear. I gasp when I feel the lacy panties tickle my inner thighs and she giggles. I blush. "I'm not used to feeling anything down there … but this is … I don't know …." I shiver a little.
"It's just one of the feminine things that girls get to enjoy. We may have to put up with bras—but we can look good underneath while we do. And only we know … it's our little secret what we have on underneath. The lace is just a constant tiny reminder." She winks. Then she helps me into the dress that she insists I wear, before adding some matching ballet flats on my feet.
I still can't move my legs … but I wiggle my toes in the shoes and smile. "Do you think that we can do a little more healing today?"
Sis shakes her head and frowns. "I promised His Highness that I wouldn't do anything to aggravate your red magic over the weekend. We'll have to wait until Monday—unless you want to go into 'the office' over the weekend. I know you want full control of your legs, Hon … but I was hoping we could have a little rest from all the magic and just relax over the weekend?"
I smack my head. I had completely forgotten that it's Saturday and we're not expected at the West Wing, unless there is some emergency development. I groan. "No. You're right. I could use some space from 'His High and Mightiness.' If only I could completely shut him out of my mind …. I really want him. It's so frustrating, because I don't want to!"
Sis pats me on the shoulder and smiles. "Well. Let's go have a girls' day out! Some retail therapy will do you good. Don't worry! I know Alex wasn't into shopping … but I'm confident that Lexi will be!"
I grumble, "Shopping? Really? I thought you said something about relaxing! Maybe we should go into 'the office,' after all!"
She just slaps my arm with a play growl that is still hair-raising. She grabs her purse and puts it in my lap, then gets another from the same bag that the dress and shoes I'm wearing came from… one that suspiciously matches my shoes … and places it next to hers. She then wordlessly starts pushing me toward the door.
Momma J drops us off at the mall on her way to work. She's picking up some weekend shifts to make up for missing her time during the week.
Sis and I are meeting Ginger for some long overdue breakfast, as is evidenced by my stomach growling louder than Sis angry wolf! She quickly wheels me through the unbearable heat and strong winds and makes a beeline straight to the outside restaurant entrance. We enter the heavenly coolness of the restaurant, and go directly to the back, where Ginger already has a table waiting for us. Their bond led Sis straight to her without us having to ask or search the restaurant. It's just like I could navigate straight to where Race is, right now … if I wanted to, which I vehemently remind myself that I don't!
Ginger smiles brightly at me. "You look lovely in that dress, Hon! Red really suits you!"
I blush about as red as the dress and shrug. "Ummm … thanks? I'm still not sure how to take being complimented for looking good in a dress!"
"You take it as the compliment it's meant to be!" She giggles. "Now, let's order. I'm starved and there's a lot of shopping to do, today … along with some other things. Did Sarah tell you that you're staying over with us tonight? Your momma's pulling a double shift and do we have plans for you!"
I groan in dismay. But before I can reply, our waitress comes over and I forget about retorting after losing myself in the menu. We order and while we're waiting on the food, I observe Sis and Ginger interacting with one another. I have already "witnessed" their very intimate comingling and still flush with heat at the memories of the ensuing feelings that I vicariously enjoyed. But it's still very different for me to watch my thirteen-year-old sister look and act like a very mature woman in her late teens … not that hot, steamy sex was to be any more expected of my little sister.
I shake my head at our new reality. The two of them are certainly now inseparable. I had noticed the diamond solitaire and wedding ring on Sis' finger when she came in to help me with my makeup, this morning. I now see the matching set on Ginger's left ring finger, which only physically punctuates what is palpable through my connection with Sis.
The thoughts of Sis' and Ginger's intimacy make my connection with Race flare up and I feel a strong tug on my heart … and an overwhelming desire for him. Thankfully, breakfast arrives, and I do my best to distract my thoughts with my omelet and fruit bowl. I can only hope that the food is better than this weak stuff they call "coffee!"
A good thirty minutes later, Sis is pushing me out into the mall and straight toward Victoria's Secret. I put my hands on my wheels and do my best to stop the train! "Wait! There's no way I'm going in there!"
Ginger giggles and Sis gives me a look. "I felt your lust for His Highness bleed through our connection at breakfast, Sis. Trust me—when we're done, today, he won't be able to ignore your bond anymore. You're a woman now—use your weapons. You supposedly have war magic—I don't really know what that is … but women always make the best warriors. Especially, when it comes to love!"
I have no idea how she became an expert, seemingly overnight, but Ginger appears to be in total agreement with her.
The next several hours are thus spent getting measured for and picking out lingerie, sleepwear, dresses, tops, and skirts. Sis won't let me get anything with legs, since she insists that when I get my strength back in them, they will fill out and things will fit differently. The same is true for shoes, although, she does insist I get two pair of casual "appropriate" women's styles to replace my usual guy's sneakers and supplement the pair of flats I'm currently wearing. After rounding it all out with "accessories," like belts, scarves, and purses, we take the whole load out to Ginger's SUV where the entire haul completely fills up the voluminous cargo area of the huge vehicle.
"I still don't see why I need all of this stuff! And you really shouldn't have paid for it all, Ginger!" I know I'm bordering on whining, but the whole thing is pretty embarrassing, to be honest.
"Oh, hush! I've always wanted a sister and now I have one. They pay me really well in my current position, as they will you, too, I'm sure. Anyway, I haven't had this much fun in years! Thank you, Sis!" She smiles genuinely at me, to let me know she really means it.
I sigh. What can I say to that?
Nothing! Other than "thank you!" Once again, Sis' newfound maturity hits me square in the gut.
I nod. "Well, then … Thank you, Sis. I'm exhausted and ready to relax, but my omelet is gone, too!"
Sis laughs. "Yeah. We have one more stop, then we'll head home and order pizza for our little party." She hands me a granola bar. "Here. This will stave off the hunger, for now! There's water in the car."
I groan, but nearly fall out of my chair when Sis … Sarah, not Ginger … gets behind the wheel. "Sis?" I choke on my bite of granola bar. "When did you start driving? You're just thirteen … well, you know what I mean!"
Ginger giggles. "Well. Hold on to your hat! She drives like a bat out of Hell! Thank the Moon Goddess for her supernatural reflexes!"
Fifteen harrowing minutes later, Sis parks in front of "Zoe's," a tattoo and piercing salon.
"Why are we stopping here?" I have a bad feeling about this and don't like the look they give each other. "Look. I gave in and went into Victoria's Secret. I even gave in and went into the women's restroom with you. But I put my foot down on this one!" I blush. "Well … if I could … but you know what I mean! I'm not getting a tattoo! I despise tattoos!"
Sis giggles. "You needed new bras, and like you were going to go into the men's room in a dress? Really? And no one said anything about you getting a tattoo. Ginger and I are. You … are getting your ears pierced. And we're all three getting our noses pierced!"
Ginger nods in full agreement, folds her arms in front of her chest, and gives me a mock glare. "No arguments, Sis! Think of how hot it will look … and I happen to know that His Highness has a weakness for girls with a hoop in their nose." She can barely contain her giggle.
Somehow, I know I'm not going to win the argument against these two. I figure I can just take out the piercings later and the holes will heal up, so I give in.
Two hours later, we exit the building with their new matching wolves tattooed on their butts, two gold hoops in each of my ear lobes, and a small gleaming black hoop in each of our noses.
Before we get in the car, Ginger faces Sis and wraps her arms around her, placing her hands on her butt cheeks—Sis mirrors the action and places hers on Ginger's. They close their eyes in a strange sort of hug for a couple of minutes, then smile at each other. After that, Ginger comes over and smiles at me, before placing her hands on my cheeks … on my face, not my butt. I feel a slight tingle as her energy flows into me. After about a minute she stops, and she removes her hands. "I may not be able to heal your back and legs, Lexi—but I can certainly heal a couple of small holes! You're good to go now, Hon! Your holes are all healed and completely permanent!"
I finally realize they had been healing each other's tattoos and piercings. I suppress a groan. So much for letting the holes heal up! "Ummm … thanks, Sis. That's very thoughtful of you."
She taps my nose and smiles knowingly as we get in the car. "Okay. Now to get you home and that hair and those nails taken care of!"
I give her a quizzical look and Sis grins at me in the rearview mirror. "Hon. Ginger was a licensed cosmetologist before she became a powerful magical healer. How else do think she gets her makeup and hair so perfect all the time? You're in for a real treat! Of course, she'll take care of those brows, too! I haven't had time to work on them, yet."
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It's odd
While I never cross dressed, I did put makeup on in the bathroom occasionally. Of course I cleaned myself up before I stepped out. It wasn't until I was 50 years old that I came out to myself. My phrase for accepting did I was transgender nothing I could do would change that.
Maybe you just needed a little red magic!
The main thing is that you DID come out to yourself!
One side of the world is on fire
Wondering how far behind Race and the others are getting in this World War of Magic? Keeping in mind it wasn't technology that pushed the allies back out of N Korea but the mass of soldiers China sent against them. Black Magic is building a mass of bodies to take over the world.
Okay, Shauna, your slow approach to Lexi finding her "red magic" and herself whole is driving me insane. Well I can't be driven insane as I already is.
Hugs Shauna well done
Life is a gift. Treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Slow and steady ...
Wins the "crazy" race! :D
Yeah ... the numbers are getting worrisome. But I have to take the other slow (to drive you nuts ;), so that's giving the other side a HUGE advantage!
Thanks, Barb! As always!
I'm looking foward
To the next exciting chapter to see how much more Lexi changes & maybe more about red & war magic revealed. Hopefully Lexi can get the use of her legs back
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
More news to come!
Next week .... Same bat time, same bat channel! :)
Loving it!
Really enjoying the story. I can’t wait to find out what Lexi’s ultimate destiny is!
I'm glad you're enjoying it!