Princess in a New World Chapter 3

Princess in the new world

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 3

Serinina begins making plans for the future of her new family and ways to deal with her unnatural abilities

Serinina was back home wearing her pants and top again. She had just remembered that she had not been allowed to wear pants in over a thousand years. Since the humiliating and traumatic coronation that her sister stole from her, and from then on, forced her to wear dresses. She had not been allowed pants. This was the first time she wore pants again.

But her mind was consumed by the magic debate now. She told Sharon that she did indeed want to reintroduce magic into this world. Serinina disagreed with Sharon that this power didn't belong in the world. But there had to be some way to even the score. If only one sex had this power, it tilted society too much in that direction and made the other side helpless and angry. Serinina felt it

Serinina wanted men also to have the power, and then she thought of Adam. Was such a thing possible? This was something that she was going to have to find out. She didn’t want to frighten the boy in any way, and she swore she would never hurt him. And she also vowed never to use him. She also wanted to ensure that no one would ever use him, and Serinina has personal experience with women who were so vindictive and hateful with magic that they had no qualms over destroying an innocent boy. If she was going to reintroduce real magic to the world, she wanted to ensure the men she loved were protected. She had to see if there was any way she could grant a boy this power first.

Then there was another thing to consider. This was a feminine power, and only by strengthening Serininas connection to her femininity allowed her to unleash the power. She had to totally surrender her masculinity to use the power. The boys who were granted this power had to use their femininity to unlock it. This was unacceptable. She wanted to see Adam grow up to be a strong man. He shouldn't have to surrender it to be granted the power to protect himself. But now she had a problem. That was the way this power worked. She was now thinking of trying to alter the very nature of this magic itself so a boy could unleash it without surrendering his masculinity. How was this possible? Was it even possible

Then Serinina determined that if this were not possible, she would not reintroduce magic into today's society. Serinina would refuse to teach it unless she could teach it to boys.

This would require a lot of study on her part. And since she could no longer visit the great Library of Guanether anymore. Serinina had to think about what she already knew, and she was lucky she had such an impressive memory.

So Serinina spent the better part of the evening just going though what she already knew about the nature of this power. There had to be a way to do what she wanted. But then she began to form an idea in her head. She needed many people to help her with this, so Serinina started to make her plans.


Aanya had been called to Patineas office this morning while she was preparing for the day. SO she got herself dressed and was waiting outside of the King's personal office. She was remembering all of the times she had done this with her husband, Gerric, long ago.

Then she started remembering how this had all happened. None of this was supposed to happen this time. But first, Patinea had killed her adoptive family and allied with the darkness to retake the throne. Edwyn was on the throne. Serin was supposed to be his ally to repel the attack, but Serin now returned to Serinina had turned at the last moment and took her army to Patinea. It must have really angered her, but the last thing Serinina wanted to do was ally with her sister. And that was a sight to behold as the two marched on the capital.

But the one person Serinina hated more than her sister at the time was the Goddess herself. Edwyn was the son of the Goddess, and that was who she blamed for the destruction of her entire life. She swore never to see the Goddess ever be restored. So the two sisters allied and marched on the capital together under Lilith. They destroyed Edwyn's army and Serinina, installed Patinea as the King once again. Serinina had an ace to pull, and she turned on Lilith now that Lilith was no longer of any use. Serinina used her power and battled Lilith, and finally destroyed her once and for all. Beings of Liliths power cant really be destroyed, but she was sent back to her own realm.

Patinea had returned to the religion of the Goddess much to Serinina's anger. Aanya was there to hear Serininas very stern warning to Patinea not to wast her forces on the priests. Serinina said the Goddess must never be released to the land, and she would never allow it. Patinea was always so headstrong and refused to listen. She took her army up to the mountain to try to retake the final fortress of the priests.

And they were all shocked to see Serinina there alone, outside of the refortified walls adorned in glorious shimmering armor that rivaled Patineas armor and holding a giant massive sword in her hand. Serinina wasn't there as her sister's ally now. She was there to fight for the priests and how she accomplished that was beyond Aanyas understanding. Serinina was wearing a cruel bloodlust expression on her face. But it was amazing and horrifying to see Serinina there singlehandedly destroying what was left of the royal army. And to their horror, Serinnia flew the flag of Denae on top of the final fortress. The symbol of her family and the last King. And the final heir to the family. The sun hawk flying over the fortress, and she was there as a woman totally destroying Patinea's army. None of Patinea's army got close to her. Her stricks were so lightning fast. And she used her power to throw or crush anyone else. The army was destroyed and forced to retreat.

And now here they stood. The kingdom's army was broken.

The door opened, and Aanya was summoned in, and Aanya walked through to see a defeated and crushed Patinea.

She signed, ” Mother, what am I supposed to do now? I even have Actonia. But she is no use without her power. I have no money, no resources to raise another army. And we know what is coming.”

Actonia, without her power, wasn't of much use. But she said, strained and defeated. “I saw so many visions at that time. I could hardly comprehend many of them, but we knew it was along shot, but it was the only one at the time. But transforming Serin was a long shot, and there were only a few outcomes in which she could be happy as a girl. She was unhappy in most of them. And she was this angry in some of them, and it turned into a disaster in which she would do anything to destroy us. That's the one that happened. I didn't know it at the time, but we weren't supposed to force and hurt her. She was supposed to find her own way, and she would find her way to us. Serin was a good soul who always wanted to do what was right. But forcing and crushing her the way we did, turned her against us, and against the Goddess. We were never supposed to do that. But in that outcome, she was still seen to be happy in the end, but we would have been different. The Goddess had a great reward for Serin, but not so much for us for what we did. What we were supposed to do was work together with Serin to restore the Goddess. I didn’t know that Serin's assistance was vital to restore the Goddess. That's something I never knew. I always saw the final son and heir of the Denae throne as our enemy we had to crush, so he was never a threat. That was our big mistake.”

Then suddenly, Aanya began thrashing around her chair, and gagging. Patinea thought Serinina was gone. But it seemed that whenever people started choking out of no where, Serinina was there causing it. She found that out fast when all of her guards died one day. Serin returning to Serinina was a political statement to her that day. She had returned to darkness, this was a life imposed on her against her will. And this was what she was going to be to spite and destroy the goddess/ the form the Goddess gave her was the form she was going to use to spite, and defeat the Goddess.


Serinina had found the answer and decided to make contact once more with her sister and her family though time. Serinina had given Patinea the orb and the gems she could use to make contact whenever it was needed. So she placed another orb in front of her and chanted the spell in the ancient language and focused her mind on the orb, and it made contact with the other orb from before the invasion. She felt Patinea talking with her mother, Aanya in the king's office. So then Serinina focused on Aanya's presence, and created a ring around her mother's throat and tightened her fist. She felt Aanya choking wildly. Then she made her presence known and created a projection of her enlarged face above the Desk. Serinina had her princess crown over her head. She spoke to them, “Send Aanya out. I have no interest in a woman who felt so little concern for the welfare of her son; she was willing to sacrifice him. Get her out of my sight now!”

The choking ceased, and Aanya was ushered out in tears.

Then Serinina mocked, “I can see you have trouble arent you. I warned you against sending what remained of your army to that fortress. You refused to listen. You have no options left. This is the end.”

“So are you here to mock us,” Patinea said in anger.

“A little. We could have worked together, that's how it was supposed to be, wasn't it Actonia?” Serinina said.

“Yes, none of us knew it, but that's how it was supposed to be. I know what we were meant to do, and I am so sorry for what we did.” Actonia said sadly. “We betrayed our own ideals in turning you and then abusing you. None of us knew that you would turn to us if we let you find your own way. It never occurred to us, but we betrayed the Goddess and our ideals in abusing you as a woman. Serinina, did you know
that the Goddess had an enormous reward in store for you for your loyalty, if you remained with us even after all of our abuse? Do you have any idea what she was going to bestow on you?”

“No,” Serinina stated. “And I don't care either. She did this to me and expected me to be happy. I don't know how you ever saw me happy as a woman after everything you all did. How could I ever have been happy after all of the abuse and suffering you inflicted. Actonia, that's so stupid. The Goddess cursed me, and cursed my entire life.”

“No, she didn't,” Actonia said firmly. “That was us, not the Goddess. Turning you was the will of the Goddess, but you could have been happy if it wasn't for our anger we inflicted on you. We should never have done that, and then you would have found your way to happiness. You still could have, but it was much less likely after what we did. But, Patinea was still going to be King. But it wasn't going to mean much after the Goddess was restored, and her new order began being implemented across the world. And that was going to be your duty. You were going to be in charge of the efforts to restore the goddess rule across the world. Something like the emperor. Even Patinea was going to have to kneel toward you. I bet you didn't know that did ya. I saw it. But you turned on her, ensuring she was never going to rise. And you left us at a critical point. You still could have helped and resisted the Saxons. But you abandoned us. Now we have no hope. Why have you contacted us?”

“I plan on restoring the Goddess. I have gathered supporters, and I will be in charge.”

“Are you serious,” Actonia inquired doubtfully.

“Yes, I still feel her presence after over a thousand years. But, I need some information, and I think it is possible. Can boys have the power of the Goddess?”

“I don't see how,” Actonia replied.

“I believe they can, and I think I have found a way and not what I did with your brother, or as myself as Serin using my feminine side. I believe a man can do it using his masculinity. In the beginning, I found that the Goddess had male followers and men in high positions. But they were betrayed by the female followers who forced the men out and subjugated them. All that resulted in was the Goddess turning on her followers, seeing the uprising and revolt that followed. And that was what was you were trying to do, and it doomed the first followers of the Goddess. The Goddess could not be restored in your time. None of you really believed in her ways of equality and justice. You were all unworthy. Especially you Actonia with your cruelty and brutality. And you Patinea, was more worthy in that you allowed men to serve in positions of power. But you brutalized me.”

Patinea was in tears, “I am sorry, Serinina, I know how wrong I was to do it now.”

“Its all too late for you. Your fate is sealed.”

“Where is my brother Jerric?” Actonia asked.

“I had him sent here so he would not be killed in the invasion. I think he's one of the sons of the gypsies. I will continue his training if I can find a way to train regular boys without requiring them to unleash their feminine force. And I think it's possible. Can you show me how to summon the Goddess, Actonia, please? I need to know.”

“That is very difficult, but here is what you need.” Then Actonia explained what kinds of stones and gems he needed and the spells to link them. Then how to purify the ground he was going to summon the Goddess on and the spell required to summon the Goddess.

“Thank you, Actonia. And I am still not sorry. None of you have any idea how bad you hurt me. I am not sorry at all.

The Actonia asked right before Serinina was going to cut contact, “I had one other reoccurring vision before you took my power. I had a vision of your image on walls and posters, and people were calling you the new Iron Lady. And you were wearing armor in those posters raising your fist. People there seemed to love you, and you were in some sort of election. They called you the Iron Lady. But what does that mean?”

Serinina shook her head, “I have no clue. But I have plans to make here. Thanks for helping me.”

That talk was useful, Serinina thought to herself. She still planned to unleash a lot of her anger at the goddess and demand answers once and for all. And the Goddess knew that Serinina was her final hope to be released.
Serinina made a few calls and then went into the living room where her father was sitting on his sofa.

Serinina approached and got Matthews's attention. “Can we talk for a few?” She asked

Matthew looked over at her. “Sure, I sense you are having a serious problem. Is it anything I can help you with?”

“No, but I want to tell you about it when the time is right. It is about the magic, and this is a big issue. Would you mind if I worked with Adam on it?”

Matthew got defensive, “Adam, why on him?”

“Its just something I want to know if it's possible. I don't even know if it's possible. I won't hurt him, I promise, I simply want to know.” Serinina pleaded. Matthew agreed and called the boy in.

Adam came walking into the living room, wondering why his father called him. He saw his adapted sister standing then and asked, “What did you want?”

“Serinina had something she wants to ask you. Do you mind?” Matthew asked his son.

The boy shrugged. “Sure, no problem. What's up?” He looked up at his older sister that he still wasn't sure about.

She had learned a lot more about the language they spoke here. Sharon was amazed at how quickly Serinina could pick things up. Serinina looked at Adam and said in his language, “Adam, there's something I need to know. And I want you to know something about me. Your dad said it's okay, and I will never hurt you. But, I am a witch.”

Adam laughed, “Witches aren't real.”

Serinina looked into Adams's eyes. She reached out with her mind to connect with his. She said nothing. Her mind locked with his, and she said into his mind, “Do you want to bet.”

Matthew heard nothing. Adam heard her speak directly into his mind, and he screamed in fear. He clung to his father when Serinina spoke more softly, “Please don't be afraid of me, Adam. I dearly love you, and I will never hurt you. This is simply the power that I have. I wanted you know. Please don't be afraid.”

Adam approached Serinina and said in his mind, “It was just a shock. Can you hear my thoughts too?”

Serinina roared, “Yes, I can. It's cool, isn't it.”

Then she looked at Matthew and said, “I have learned what I can. And I can bestow the gift to Adam. He doesn't have it, but I think I can, if it's okay with you, Matthew.”

Adam smiled at the thought of having this. Matthew was more hesitant. And he asked, “Why would you want to bestow it on Adam, what is this all about?”

“You know my history, you read it all.” Serinina pointed out. “And its dangerous for only one sex to have this. It makes the other sex helpless and angry. If I am going to reintroduce this power to this world after over a thousand years. I also want to teach boys to use it. Or I will refuse. I don't want boys like Adam to be helpless against girls who have it. I want boys to be able to defend themselves.”

“that makes sense. Okay, I will let you,” Matthew replied. “Adam, will you accept it?”

Adam shrugged. “Of course, thanks. What do I have to do.”

Serinina said, “Nothing really. It's up to me. So let me connect with you again.” Serinina knelt down to Adams's level and put her hands on both sides of the boy's face. She looked deeply into his eyes as she reached out with her mind to connect with his.

She said into Adams's mind, “Relax, I promise I will never hurt you. I am going to bestow a great gift to you. You only have to let me.”

“Okay,” The boy said with his mind. Serinina reached deeply into Adams's mind and saw everything. She saw his memories, she saw the love he was starting to form for Serinina. She saw the functions in his brain that controlled his thoughts, his movements, his memories, and his functions. Then she saw the space reserved for the spark that girls usually had. She focused on him hard and forced into that area within the back of his mind and began forming that spark in Adams's mind. It was a brilliant charge that she bestowed into his mind that created his connection with the Goddess in which she could channel her power into him. It was only the beginning. The rest would be up to him and her to teach him how. He cried out as the charge formed in his brain, allowing him to connect with the Goddess.He knew what it was and accepted it.

Matthew was concerned as Adam cried out in pain when Adam said gently, “Don't worry, she is only giving me this thing. I am accepting it, and it was a little painful having something put in my head.

“It is done,” Serinina said, amazed that she was able to bestow such a gift on anyone. But the problem was it was a feminine spark reserved for females. That was the only thing she knew. But once she learned more, she could help reform it into a male spark a boy could use. But she needed to have a talk with the Goddess for that. “Adam now has the power, and I can begin teaching him, but there is still a problem, and I want to have a big meeting for that. So I want you, Matthew, Adam, and I told Sharon we will be coming, and I want to see all of the Wiccan and their children. This is something I need to tell them all. And I need to get there.”

Matthew got them ready, and his children got into the car. They took off for Sharon's place. She owned a large manor built on in an area of twenty acres of forest and land. Serinina knew she was going to have to be strong in this.

She knew what she needed now as Matthew pulled his car into the driveway of Sharon's place and parked off to the side.

Serinina saw the families of the clan gathering and wondering why Sharon called them all there. But Serinina went into the forest to gather what she needed. She found the gems and the stones that she needed for the incantation she was going to do and then spent a few extra minutes purifying the stones and enchanting them with the power of the Goddess.

It was about time, so she went to the open field where the families were beginning to gather, and she selected an area and started the ritual.

The families saw her place the strange stones in a sort of circle around the chosen area. Then she knelt down and placed some of the other stones in and began chanting softly to purify the area of all corruption and evil. The people were wondering what she was really doing. They had no clue.

Then they were shocked when she began chanting louder in the ancient language, and they saw the stones glow and link with eachother to create a boundary around them for the Goddess to arrive when she was ready. It all connected directly to the spirit of the Goddess Prognita.

Everything was ready to begin. Calling the Goddess was for later. She needed to start this meeting that she called. So Serinina faced the people that had arrived. Jerric's new family had arrived. Serinina spoke, “Jerric, how are you doing in this time?” She spoke modern English now.

The boy's eyes rose and met Serinina. “I am doing well, thanks for asking Serinina. I can see you are still in a leadership position here. You were born for it. I was wondering how you were doing.”

Serinina held out her hand and asked, “Can you come to me, Jerric. I would like you to be with me when I speak to them. I have something important that I need to tell them.”

Jerric walked toward Serinina. They were roughly the same age, but Jerric was still very small and effeminate for a boy of fifteen. She whispered in Jerric's ear, “I am so sorry for what I did. I know I can never take it back.”

“It is alright,” Jerric replied. “I am still a boy, even if I am a small boy with some female attributes. It was all because of my sister. It was torture for her watching me grow in my power that she could no longer touch. And she met a fitting end, so I hear. I am glad you had me leave.”

Serinina turned to the crowd and spoke loudly. “Sharon and I had a major disagreement. I am a mighty witch, and so is Jerric under my personal instruction. And after I displayed my power, Sharon told me that the power did not belong in this world. I disagreed and planned on teaching this skill to children in your school. I went home that night and began planning on how to achieve that to make a new generation of real hekatin. But the more I considered it, the more I saw I would be creating a problem. And that problem is that this power I have is one only females can use.”

Serinina waited, and then said, “And I know you are thinking of Jerric here. Isn't he a boy. Well, he was a boy, much like I was. He was transformed by evil, and I had him transformed back. But the feminine power remained and allowed him to use it, if he was willing to connect with his feminine spirit. He was, and he is a powerful witch. But this is the core of my problem.”

The crowd just waited for Serinina to get to the point. Most of them knew about Serinina being the boy princess. “The problem is that I can only teach girls. This power only works with girls or feminine guys who have no hesitation in connecting with their feminine side to channel the power of our Goddess Prognita. And I am not willing to only give this power to girls. It will distort society and make boys helpless against it. The way it made me helpless against the power of the witches who wanted to destroy the innocent boy Serin was. So I am unwilling to create a new generation of witches if I cant empower boys the same way.”

Sharon said, “This was what I meant, and do you have a plan to solve it?”

But Jerric's new mother, Cynthia, asked him,” And since you claim to have this power, can you show us any of it?” She asked in a voice full of doubt.

Serinina sweetly smiled and said, “I was hoping someone would ask it. I think it would be more effective if Jerric here shows his power. It is an apparent and warm day today. It isn't supposed to rain at all. Jerric, can you please give us some rain. And all of you are going to wish you bought an umbrella.”

This was simple. Sharon braced herself. She saw this before. Jerric called on the power of the Goddess, and they all saw him chanting in an incomprehensible language and dancing around in a circle. They saw the golden power begin flowing through his body. His hair brilliantly glowed, and his fingertips snapped as the energy flowed through him. His chanting and singing rose louder and louder. He danced faster, and dark clouds rolled in overhead. The sun was blocked, and then it began pouring rain down on them. It was a downpour. Some of the people cursed as they got soaked, but the point was made.

Then Serrinina did the same, only she did it very differently, and the temperature dropped, and the rain turned to ice and then snow. The snow began gathering upon the ground until Serrinina stopped it all and let the clouds dissipate, and the temperature rose to what it should be.

She looked out at the families that gathered, who were now very afraid and stunned at the display of power they had just witnessed. This was very real.

“This is the power we are dealing with. It is very real and very dangerous. And I am unwilling to teach it unless I can teach it equally to boys and girls. I am a symbol of what can happen if only one sex possesses this power, and the other sex doesn’t. They are helpless, and one sex can become tyrannical and abusive, and they can't be stopped. So I have a solution, I think, and I hope. I made this area to call upon the Goddess herself. I will summon the Goddess Prognita herself for her advice and her aid.”

Then Serinina said, “Everyone kneel, as I summon our Goddess.”

Serinina spoke loudly in the same incomprehensible language calling upon the Goddess to make her appearance to them. The stones glowed white-hot as the ground within the stones solidified, and strange symbols appeared on the newly formed stone. The air within the stones shimmered, and its temperature rose as the form of a magnificent woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Serinina knelt and bowed her head respectfully.

The Goddess sneered at Serinina. She spoke with hateful contempt. “How dare you kneel and pretend to be respectful after what you did to me! Why do you even pretend to respect me when I know how you really feel and what you really intend.”

“Fine, let's dispense with appearances then.” Serinina rose and stood there proudly. “I will show you how much I respect you, Prognita. And I have not one thing to defend. I did what I felt was right, and it was the right action. I am ashamed of nothing I did.”

“You let yourself get so consumed with your anger at your treatment. It is so sad that you did that Serinina when you could have been so much more, and you could have saved your people. It was you who condemned them to slavery and death, only to spite me when we could have worked together to strengthen them and resist the invasion. You condemned me and condemned them all. You do have a lot to answer for.”

“It was you who condemned me,” Serinina replied. “You destroyed me and cursed me with this body, and I was abused and mistreated by your followers. I know that abuse may not have been your plan.”

“It wasn't, that was a violation of the plan,” Prognita replied, trying to look at him softer and more reasonable. Her compassion flowed out, but Serinina was unwilling to compromise.

“That doesn't matter. Transforming me was part of your plan to regain power. In doing so, you made me helpless against a group you knew had a lot of rage at people like me. They were just waiting to unleash it all at the only one they could. I was the heir of the last King that oppressed and persecuted them. Even if I was the innocent fifteen-year-old that had nothing to do with any of it. They couldn't wait to humiliate and abuse me. And you had to know that was going to be the very likely result of what you did. Especially after the awesome display of your victory after my transformation and my sister's coronation. Don’t tell me you didn't know all of that was going to happen, and you are the one responsible for my abuse. You made it possible.”

Serinina was screaming in rage at that point. Everyone present saw the unbridled rage. “I was going to bestow an enormous world-changing reward on you for what you suffered at their hands. And those that abused you were going to get nothing except the reward of kneeling at your feet. They were going to be at your mercy.”

“I didn't care,” Serinina screamed. “I didn't. After what you did to me, they still got their reward of enormous unchecked power to abuse and hurt me. And you wouldn't have allowed me to get any revenge on them once I held the power. She was still your vessel and still going to remain the King regardless of what position you bestowed on me. They all finally got what they deserved, and so did you, Prognia.” Serinina smiled cruelly. “I hope you enjoyed the nearly two thousand years trapped in your tomb. If you had bestowed this power on me at birth and given me the visions instead of Patinea, and wanted me to be the one restore you, then I wouldn't have been hurt. But you made an error. And I had to punish you all for it. I couldn't let you all succeed.”

“That's how you felt. But what do you want now?” The Goddess demanded, knowing any more discussion was useless.

“I need a favor, or you can remain there for eternity. I will refuse to teach anyone this power, or restore you.”

“What?” Demanded Prognita.

“I want you to bestow this power on boys so I can equally teach boys as
well as girls. I don't want, and I won't accept only girls having this power.” Serinina demanded.

The Goddess laughed. “Boys do have this power. It is just something that many don't know. And it was hidden, but it is really there. Serinina, There were many powerful male wizards and sorcerors at the beginning of my reign. Men held much power as well as women. It was harmony. But a few power-hungry women wanted to turn it all into a matriarchy and oppress the men. They found secrets to remove the men, without my consent or knowledge and began brutally oppressing the men. They spread the idea that men were all babies that needed to be controlled. As a result, I greatly weakened them and saw what was to come. When the men revolted and began the great war. They were brutal against the hekatin, but they had a right to be very angry, and I saw that they were. I let what happen, happen. But I knew a time would come when I would restore my position, and I had plans to ensure the women never got abusive again.”

Serinina snorted rudely, “No, you didn't, they were just as abusive.”

The Goddess had the high ground this time. “No, they were actually treating men and women very equally under Patinea. Did you not see how many male administrators and the men in the army and such, male commanders and lords. Did you miss all of that Serinina, I know you were being oppressed, but the people were happy. You turned your back on them all and watched them get enslaved. Your sister was actually a great ruler. Had you two worked together, you could have succeeded, but you refused to work with her, and she refused to allow you to work with her.”

“Turning me into a girl was your mistake. I could have worked with you as a man. But, Since you say boys also have this power, show me how to unlock it in boys and teach them. I need this knowledge.”

Prognita called Adam up. The small dark-haired boy walked up to Serinina and the Goddess and looked up at them.

“Adam, I am going to fix you.”

Then the Goddess turned to Serinina and almost laughed, “That was a good try, but Adam does not need the feminine light in his head. You had the power all along, but Serinina does not have the knowledge to teach boys. Of course, none of that was in the Hekatins knowledge at all. It was not something they were interested in.”

The Goddess gently removed the spark that Serinina mistakenly bestowed on him. Then she proceeded to give Serinina the knowledge of how to work with boys to develop their masculine power. Serinina was amazed and angered that none of this was ever taught to her.

Then the Goddess looked at Serinina and said, “You are now the leader of these people Serinina. And you would be wise to know you are held to the same standard. The leader is held responsible for the conduct of the people under her. Just as I was, and as you hold me accountable. You remember that.

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