Curtain Fall - Chapter 10
Adam stood as the elevator opened on the floor housing director Feber’s entourage and looked out on the floor. He entered the hall and walked to the director’s room and knocked firmly on the door. After a pause the door opened and a man stepped forward and up to Adam.
“Please state your business sir.” The tall lean man asked with little expression.
Adam responded loudly enough to be heard by those within the room, “Good morning, my name is Adam Bosarge of the Albuquerque Journal and I’d like to discuss why deputy director Feber is here.”
The guard stepped forward with his hand firmly on Adam’s chest saying, “Director Feber is quite busy today, sir. You’ll need to contact his office to-“
“Would it happen to revolve around Lady Adrasteia?”, Adam said more loudly as he was pushed back.
“Karl!” Feber called, “Let him in. Then step outside the door and wait.”
Karl’s lips thinned to a narrow line but after ensuring Adam was unarmed, he stepped aside. Adam grinned and walked into the room and held his hand out to director Feber.
Looking intently at him, Feber shook his hand and closed the door after Adam passed into the living room. After they both were sitting David began the conversation. “From your use of her name, I’m assuming you’ve had contact with Lady Adrasteia. The fact that I haven’t already seen articles in the news surprises me. Why might that be and how may I help you?”
Adam, felt the scorching gaze but didn’t respond in discomfort. Instead he produced a paper. “Here is a copy of the first article that is in the press right now. As you read it you’ll see I softened it a bit, but I did so at request. Lady Adrasteia seems to think you are a good and honest man.” There is more, however, and I’d like to hear your thoughts to reduce potential panic.”
With a clenching stomach David read over the copy that would shortly be released. It revealed that the government had apparently attempted to take the heroine into custody after seeing her display of power. Adam had couched the decision as pushed by the elements with in the government concerned about Fallen following the lead of those in China. The article also contained photos showing the group tasked with meeting Lady Adrasteia and then photos of the soldiers. Finally there was a photo of the woman in her “Fairy Queen” costume.
Adam watched the director absorb what he’d read and Adam could Also see the mental calculations goin on. Then he continued more gravely, “That article, however wasn’t why I sought this interview. With that he pulled a phone and played an audio recording. On it David heard Adrasteia clearly speaking:
“I’m gathering that your fixation to get me revolves around the fact I look like these “Brazilian people. I take it they are powerful or hostile” and a clip of David responding, “Yes Adrasteia, those in Brazil are showing impressive technologies. The most amazing is that the have put up some sort of impenetrable barrier that encompasses all three of their cities. Add to this, they clearly show signs of militarism.”
David blanched and immediately demanded, “How did you get that!?!?”
Adam shrugged, “Lady Adrasteia provided it to me.”
By the strength of Feber’s reaction Adam knew he had to proceed carefully now.
“Obviously this information is potentially of critical national security import. Having an aggressive and technologically superior power in our hemisphere is a dangerous concern! Now you know this knowledge can’t be suppressed much longer. Were the public find out in an uncontrolled manner there could easily be panic. The only question is how it comes to public attention.” Adam, firming up his stance and continued, “Work with me and I can do it the right way.”
David sat back in his chair, rocked to his core. He was quite shaken by Adam’s revelation that he had met with the heroine. Of Lady Adrasteia, he was of two minds. He was upset by her sharing knowledge he’d given her about the beings in Brazil, but his respect for her only grew. Sharing this information with the public dramatically improved her likelihood of her remaining free as the public would now view any move against her as an act of frightened tyrants. “Resourceful indeed! It’s a shame we can’t entice her into the fold!”, he thought. That possibility was far more remote with her trust broken by the army’s actions at the previously planned meeting however.
“I will have to speak with my superiors before I can agree to anything Mr. Bosarge; I hope you understand.” He slapped his legs and stood. “Well I must say this has been a riveting conversation but I have appointments I must attend. I will be in touch!”
Adam nodded, knowing he’d been dismissed. He stood and thanked Director Feber for his time and made his way to the door out of the suite. As he entered the hall he paused and expressed how he looked forward to their next conversation!
Jill had returned home as the sun broke the horizon. She’d given up on sleep finally and gotten dressed. She made her way out of the hotel without incident and drove home. Entering the apartment she made her way to the bedroom where Carol lay sleeping and quiet4ly undressed.
Once ready in a nightgown, she stood a while just watching her lover. Carol lay lay sprawled on much of the bed, partially covered by the blankets. It looked as if Carol’s sleep had been unsettled as well. Now, however, what ever had disturbed her was gone and she lay quietly. Jill could feel the contentment arising from Carol’s dream and Jill realized it felt like a warm comforting breeze, almost flowing from Carol to Jill.
Wait. Jill became aware that it felt exactly like that! She concentrated and it felt like there was almost a circuit connecting Jill and Carol. She stepped back and focused on shutting herself off from everyone. The constant hum she normally felt around her quieted to imperceptibility. She felt no one. Except Carol. She still perceived her beloved. Not as clearly or as strongly, perhaps, but awareness was still there. She closed her eyes and turned and focused as strongly as she could, and as she did so it felt as if she could see a cord of clarity that connected Carol to her. Through this connection it felt as if Jill could feel the pulse of Carol’s heart, the flow of her emotions.
This awareness was so wonderful that Jill couldn’t help but feel her own emotions swell and she saw/felt that energy of love travel the “cord” back to Carol! Carol then made a small gasp and groaned softly in pleasure. As Carol moaned, Jill suddenly found herself remembering the first time they had made love to each other.
It had been two days after their first time, which had found them floating, and Carol was a bit nervous. She’d been quite startled and frightened (although she’d never admitted it, and Jill had been the one to take the lead and control. It was through caresses mixed with playful tickles that Jill had pulled her mind away from her worries and had been drawn her into the kisses, sensual touching and more. Jill had followed her feelings and had discovered what excited Carol and had oh so slowly brought her up to a level of sensitivity neither had before reached. Ultimately Jill had brought Carol to an almost cataclysmic climax which left Carol boneless and giggling. And after she had considerable time to recover, all the while cuddling with Jill, Carol had attempted to return the favor...
Jill smiled and slipped into the bed. As he did, Carol roused slightly and made more space for Jill, “Mmmm, you’re home! I was having such a lovely dream my heart; we were making love...”
This caused Jill to freeze. She’d just been thinking about that! Carol, sensed the stiffness and sleepily asked, “What? Are you OK? Was last night harder than you thought?”
Jill felt the blanket of affection and protective feelings from Carol and found it soothing. She murmured, “We’ll speak about it later in the morning.”, and she snuggled against Carol. Spooning, they fell asleep.
Around 9:30 they finally roused themselves and after a very fun shower where not a great deal of soap was used. They put on their robes and made for the kitchen. While Carol made pancakes and sausages, Jill focused on perceiving the “bond” she felt with Carol and worked to see if where there was one, might there be more? Then she felt/saw another. It was much weaker than the one to Carol but she could still see it. It stretched away from her and through the wall. She focused on it and it almost seemed as if she could hear the smashing of tambourines. Remembering how she could feed it energy and maybe get something back Jill tried remembering the love she’d felt earlier and fed the cord at least affection and good mood. Nothing immediately happened so she relaxed and focused back on Carol.
Shortly Jill’s lover brought a nice plate of links and pancakes to the table and then dashed back and returned with two nice cups of coffee. “All right, how did last night go? You know I’m still mad at you about it. You shouldn’t have left me!”
Jill almost snorted coffee through her nose at the thought of voluntarily placing Carol in harm’s way and proceeded to tell her about the meeting. She held nothing back; even the details revealing her physical similarity to the “aliens” in South America. Though she was worried about Carol’s reaction, Jill had long ago decided she cared for Carol too much to lie or hold things back. If Carol was a literally “open book” to her, she had to make certain that she was as open as she could be with the most important person in her life. She revealed also that she’d come to the opinion that there were factions within the government. One of the “fist” and one of the “glove”. David Feber apparently fell into the latter camp and they had been able to have promising first talks.
Carol was about to explore that when there was a knock on the door. Carol went to the door and opened it to see Samantha in a nice dress, apparently just about on her way out. “HEY SWEETIES!”, Sam barked in her typical lovable but loud way, “I was just about to head out to church and I thought, why not ask you two along! So, what do ya say? Coming!!”
Carol chuckled and looked down at her bathrobe, “I don’t think we have time to get ready, do you?”
Sam chuckled and was about to respond that God has already seen them buck naked, when she saw Jill come into view with a look of wonder on her face. She and then Carol watched as Jill almost floated forward until she swept Sam up in a tight hug. Sam stood frozen but quickly thawed into the hug. Then Jill pulled slowly away. She, still lightly grasping Sam she said in a voice filled with wonder and affection softly, “Thank you Sam. You are one of our truest friends!”
Blushing furiously, Sam wasn’t certain she was able to truly handle such an over the top response and grumbled in a rush, “Well, uh, Luv ya too! Well if you can’t come, we’ll try it next time! Gotta go!”, at which Sam made a hasty exit.
Watching Sam so nonplussed, Carol couldn’t restrain a giggle and she turned to Jill, “What the heck was that about?!?”
Watching Sam disappear into the elevator she responded in a voice, still filled with wonder, “I think I called her to us Carol.”
“You called her??”
“Yes. We need to sit and talk.”
The couple went back to the kitchen and sat. Jill then started relating her observations from last night and this morning. She explained that her empathy had, apparently, continued to grow and mature. Last night, she’d discovered that she could constantly feel those closest to her emotionally. She couldn’t turn it off It was like she had a cord of connection, a “bond” that allowed her to always feel their feelings and occasionally even thought. More importantly, she could send them feelings and inspire thoughts occasionally! Last night, she’d thought back to a night of love making they’d had and Carol had dreamed of it!
Jill paused in her explaination. Thinking it through she could only conclude as she’d noticed another bond and fed it affection, it had been to Sam. Because of what she’d done, Samantha had decided to take them both to church out of the blue! “I called her to us Carol!”
“You really think that?”, Carol asked with slowly rising concern, “You called her?”
Jill looked at her with fear and a bit of guilt in her eyes. “These permanent links I’ve begun to see. She is on one the end of one. During breakfast I noticed hers. I didn’t initially know it connected to her, but as I touched it and fed it, it clarified and sort of felt like her! Then she came to our door and I could see who was on the other end of the connection.” Jill looked as if panic was thinking of taking hold, “What if I’m turning into some sort of psychic puppet master? I can’t live with this if I’m turning you into some sort of mindless mind controlled slave! You or anyone else.”
Carol saw guilt of what could be beginning to grip Jill and she could see it pointing her in dangerous and self-destructive directions. She thought very hard about what she’d been just told. Carol then took grabbed Jill’s shoulders firmly and looked their in the eyes.
“Now just hold on a minute Jill. You feel Sam, I, and perhaps a few more are connected, ‘bound’ to you right?” At Jill’s panicked nod she continued, “What do you feel from me, from Sam? And what are you feeling about us?”
“From you and Sam I’m getting a constant feeling of connection and love. I feel like you are closer than family and would support me through anything.”, she paused and seeming to look inward slowly continued, “When I think of Sam, she’s become as important to me as a fun but noisy older sister. One I’d walk through fire to protect. You? You’ve become a part of me; more essential than my own life!” Tears began to run down Jill’s cheeks, “That’s why I can’t bear the thought of turning you into a helpless slave!”
Eyes gleaming with conviction, Carol chuckled warmly, “Don’t you see Jill? This bond you feel isn’t some supervillians’ power and you don’t need to turn us into puppets! It’s a bridge of the feelings we share! Why did Sam come and invite us? Because the burst of affection simply brought us to mind and she acted out of reciprocal affection.”
Carol drew Jill into her arms in a hug. “I am not your puppet! I see you for your strengths and weaknesses. You know I’m only a rug muncher right?”, Jill found herself snorting with humor and weakly nodded.
“You started life as a man. As one you were brilliant and honest, but you were hampered. You were afflicted with doubts about your worth. Because of your timid nature and lack of confidence I often found you really annoying. That is why I was always picking on you! I knew you could be better and stronger, but you were afraid of letting go; of sharing.
When the Curtain fell and you were changed, you were pushed as far outside your box of isolation as anyone could possibly be. Everything was changed and you realized that you were completely ignorant as to how to cope. Then you started doing something, the only thing you could that could give you a chance at survival: You reached out for help! You reached out by showing your true self! Your strengths AND weaknesses. You no longer hid. It was that inner strength surrounded by vulnerability that you showed. And it caused me to start falling for you!”, She chuckled darkly and added, “That and the fact you are more beautiful than anyone I’ve ever met and more tasty than chocolate!”
Jill sniggered hearing that and stared raptly as Carol thought more. “Did my love for you rise and develop faster than I expected; faster than ‘normal’? Perhaps, but how does one fight a tide? I know you can feel my emotions and those of others hon, but we can see and feel things from you too! You know you seem incapable of doing anything but wearing your heart on you sleeve now. We feel the warmth and love from you almost as much as you feel ours. It’s kind of irresistible!”
Jill broke out laughing and soggily snuggled into Carol’s shoulder. “I love you so much!”
Carol chuckled as well. “Yeah, I know. How were you ever a guy luv?”
This assessment by Carol only confirmed things she had considering deep in her heart. “I never understood how incomplete I was until I was changed. I know it was a shock and it was hard, but being as I am now... I feel truly like myself for the first time!” Jill pulled back and looked deeply into Carol’s eyes, “Thank you love. Thank you for your comfort, and your strength when I’m weak. Thanks for everything!”
Hearing this brought tears to Carol’s eyes as well and in a choked voice replied, “Damn you bitch, now you have me crying too!” Both broke out with choked laughter and then tenderly kissed...
Later Carol, Jill, Gary and Maggie arranged to share a lunch that afternoon at Jill’s request and gathered at a local bistro that they all liked. As they settled, Maggie pulled out a newspaper and placed it in front of Jill. On page one was an article that featured Lady Adrasteia! It was Adam Bosarge‘s first article and as Jill read she found it was more balanced that she’d initially expected based on Adam’s initial outrage. She handed it to Carol to pass around and looked up at the group, “What do you all think? Do you think this makes it harder for the MIB’s to try to get me?”
“You were expecting this!?!?”, barked Gary.
“Well yeah I enlisted him.”, Jill responded to the surprised looks around her. “I thought he’d eat up the over the top behavior of the the government. He could give them a black eye.” She paused and then quietly continued, “I wasn’t expecting what I learned last night, however.
She proceeded to inform her friends about what she learned from Feber.
“Wow.”, Gary commented rather shocked, “So you look like them?”
“They look enough like me that we could be the same species at least.”, she looked thoughtful and she mused, We know that parts of bodies have been changed or added, why not a whole body exchange?”
Gary paled and said, “Good god! If they have your power as well and they decide to pick a fight, they could take all of South America and probably more!”
“I don’t think so,” Jill responded, “One of the reasons some in the government were so freaked was because I showed powers. He never mentioned that so while they might have impressive technology, I don’t think they have powers as potent as mine. He never suggested they were seen flying, for instance.”
“Well let’s hope not!”, Maggie avowed.
Jill then started looking a bit guilty then and broached another topic. That of her seeming to form permanent bonds with those she cared about. People like them. Jill, now alert to the bonds, could see them if she tried. She could see bonds to Gary and Maggie in addition to Carol and Samantha. She and Carol attempted to explain what it was but finally Jill simply decided to show them. She concentrated and pushed energy out to them and the both flushed and gasped. They then reported that they felt warmth and caring, as if they’d just gotten a desperately needed hug. They also felt more energetic! All in all the consensus was that if this was a “villainous power ready for abuse” then sign them up! Jill giggled in great relief.
Four days after his meeting with Adrasteia and his subsequent communications with Barsage, from whom he’d been given videos of Adastreia’s meeting with him, he’d had the chance to have psychologists and behavioralists review her. They were of unanimous opinion that she was while not a pacifist, she was one who’d avoid violence if possible. That combined with her extraordinary efforts to avoid violence confirmed his opinion that she was a powerful person that would be unlikely to abuse her gifts. He could recommend that efforts to capture her be stopped. He would be able to firmly confirm that even if successful, it would only turn her into an implacable enemy. His respect for her was enough that he shuddered at what she might do if made an enemy of.
He informed his superiors of these findings and in-spite of some individuals expressing anger at Adrasteia getting past security, others expressed being impressed in her ingenuity at managing a meeting with the least chance of violence. David reminded them that they still had ways to contact her at need and that he suspected that she might be willing to limitedly work with them to smooth problems that had initially risen after the news article went public. They eagerly agreed and told him to start working on it.
He also informed them that Barsage had become aware of the possible Brazilian threat. He was going to go public. As the dismay and outrage began to rise he raised his voice, “HE IS WILLING TO WORK WITH US, HOWEVER!” As the voices began quieting he continued, “He understands that going public carelessly will likely result in panic. He wants this no more that we do.” He noticed some faces adopting secretive looks. Frowning he continued, “Assuming we aren’t planning on scrapping the constitution, we can’t stop him. But perhaps with his cooperation we can use him.”
The Vice President then redirected the meeting, “Aside from avoiding a potential media disaster, what is happening down at the dome?”
A high ranking subordinate of the SecDef, a General Joshua Casey spoke up then, “Good morning gentlemen. My name is George Casey and I represent Secretary Spears. He was unavoidably detained. He, however, asked me to inform you that the missing are no longer limited to South American troops. A team of U.S. advisors has now gone missing from two separate locations. Logic leads us to suspect that they may have been captured by the Brazilians as well. Other than the one surfacing of men captured earlier we’ve seen no others. The fact that the severity of the incidents has increased, however, leads us to suspect they are beginning to take an interest in the world outside their barrier. I think it wise also to assume that they are likely hostile.”
“What was the composition of the team?”, another cabinet member asked. How were they armed? Were there casualties?”
“No casualties were recovered. As to the composition: The team was comprised of a xenobiologist, an anthropologist, and 3 soldiers. The only evidence of the event we have is one communication from the team leader. The team leader, an Octavia Cooper who is a Dr. of linguistics and anthropology, reported that they’d seen one of the women coming into view on the other side and that they were approaching to attempt to establish contact. No more reports were forthcoming.”
Octavia walked down one of the corridors of the building she been led to by two strange alien soldiers that had surprised and captured her team. How had they captured them so easily?
They had seen just the lone woman initially. Octavia, was not alone in finding the woman stunningly beautiful and utterly captivating and they had somehow ignored any concerns for their safety, in spite of reports suggesting that the aliens had taken captives. They had approached and the woman had beckoned them to come further. With little thought they had and had past the area that should have been the barrier. Seeing them come she’d smiled brilliantly and had turned and walked further into the jungle and out of sight.
Eagerly, they had rushed to follow. When completely out of sight from the outside, however, 20 alien soldiers emerged from hiding and surrounded them.
Her soldiers, true to their training, quickly brought their weapons up and started shooting. The firing had no effect! Each time a shell would hit the vicinity of a soldier a mostly transparent bubble would flair around the soldier and stop the bullet. The soldier would then step into range and strike back with a pole arm that would give off a loud crack as if it were discharging electricity. The blow would render her people helpless with out fail. In seconds her team was helpless and as she had not been actually struck, only immobilized by threat, the lead alien gestured her to follow. She’d been forced to leave her team behind.
Now she was brought before an amazing door. It appeared semi transparent with a shimmering cascade of colors that almost appeared as if made of pearl! Just before they reached it the door swung silently open to reveal an opulent room where an alien woman of devastating loveliness reclined on some sort of bed like structure. Elsewhere about the chamber several men moved about doing various tasks. Octavia noted them in passing, but found it impossible to keep herself from staring at the woman.
Octavia wrenched herself from her captivation as much as she could and tried to speak with as much dignity and force as she could as the woman smiled and getting, up approached her. “Why have you attacked and detained us?!? We’ve done nothing t- to you! What do y- you w-ant with m-“
Octavia’s voice sputtered to a stop as the watched the alien beauty looked at her appraisingly. Then this being smiled a secret smile. She reached and caressed Octavia’s cheeks with both soft hands and spoke in a lilting tongue, “Cin Lois ech- kim a lovelui esto! Thír at nin, vedui- a tul- na owonir cín sennui thel-!”
Octavia stared helplessly as the words were not in any language she heard before, but before she could respond she felt her brain filled with agony! It was as if a spike were being driven into her head and mind. The pain and pressure only seemed to grow. Her body went rigid from the pain. She could only squeeze her eyes shut and manage to whimper.
Then after what seemed like an eternity the pain began to change. Slowly the pain began to shift to warmth. Then heat rose in her, collecting deep inside her most private centers. Need began to rise. Hunger so fierce that she felt she’d loose her mind. Unable to stop herself her hands rose to grasp and feverishly caressed her breasts, her nipples feeling like bullets under her hands; her velvet folds releasing a torrent
Then she opened her eyes as the woman pulled her head back to her. No not woman! She looked upon the face of Aphrodite, and Octavia’s body mind and soul felt like they were pulled into the limitless perfection of her eyes. All that mattered; all that could ever matter would be found in her goddess’ pleasure.
Octavia slowly slid to her knees and as she stared up as if into the sun itself. She could only muster one word, “Goddess!”, and her world lit up as she viewed a smile grow on the face of divinity...
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It seems as though......
The “Brazilians” have discovered a different method of establishing an emotional bond - a forced bond which is obviously tied into the pleasure centers of the brain.
This is obviously going to come to a head somehow; the question is how and when? Hopefully Jill can find some way of breaking the forced bonds and combating the Brazilians. I would think that if she can break the bonds, that those forced into them would show great anger at being emotionally enslaved like that.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
The US government is paranoid about the Brazilians. Unfortunately, sometimes paranoids are right, and this time it looks like they are.
The odds look like they favor the Brazilians. I'm sure that something will counterbalance that, otherwise this would not be a good story, and am wondering what that will be.
I suspect they’d have called it simply cautious! As for the danger and power of the domed people, Keep in mind that very little has yet been revealed. Now that I have a linguist/anthropologist in their possession, all sorts of things might start coming to light! ;-)
Bonding and bonding
Jill has the ability to bond with love that enhances relationships. Those in Brazil bond for a completely different reason, control.
The real question asks if those in Brazil have Jill's ability or are Jill's powers much greater? So far those Brazil have only shown one ability, which may be like one of Jill's ability. As yet levitation hasn't been shown to be part of the powers those in Brazil have, but they haven't seemed to need it, yet.
Those in the Government who want to use force need to rethink their attitudes based on the bubbles themselves. And unknown to them, the bubbles surrounding the soliders of the Brizal bubbles.
There is possibly only one way to learn more and discover the truth, and that's to get Jill to help of her own volition.
Others have feelings too.
this group is gonna be trouble
brainwashing bad ...
Far too simple a description...