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World's Shortest TG story
(c) 2017 Haylee V
I went to bed, wishing I could be a real woman.
I woke up the next morning to a wish fulfilled.
Ah, yes.
Ah, yes.
a shorter one on 'the other place'...
Radio Cressar - not available on FM
Yes, but...
There is a 13 word story out there, yes, written by raven, I believe. But nowhere IN STORY does it deal with TG issues. The absolute shortest story I can think of is exactly 3 words:
Me? TG? Yes!
I doubt if anyone can go shorter than that.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
I can...
I Changed!
2 words :P
I bow to the master (Picks up her crinolines and curtsies quite low)
Haylee V
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
It's The Thought That Counts
Yes please....pretty please.
Me? She!!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)