The Diary of Alex De-Guire

The Diary of Alex De-Guire

Brian Sanderson is just an average guy in retirment, probably not that average as a former ranger and spec ops he decided to take is slow and follow his hobby and lifelong interest as an antics dealer and examiner. One destiny driven day he get's hold of a couple of diaries that makes him questioning everything he ever believed in.

First of all I want to thank my editors Nuaan and Shadowblades who have helped to turn our little group of writers into a regular talking group of authors editors and I’m happy to say so friends. I also want to call a shout out to all of you who are leaving constructive or encouraging feedback and reviews. As learning writer this is what we strive for to learn this art. Last but not least thank you for spending your time reading the story and have fun doing so.

Yours dearest Branek.

The Diaries of Alex De-Guire

Chapter 1

An unexpected visit

Brian Sanderson was sitting behind his desk in his office with his feet resting on his desk while he looked at the old photograph taken way back in korea when he was still at service. The Picture showed a group of three young soldier gathered around a jeep with him in the middle checking out the map that was spread over the jeep’s hood. Robert their Staff Sergeant stood right next to him was taking care of his gun without noticing the camera while Joe leaned at the car expecting one of his steel toed army boots that he held in his hand while his bare feet rested on the wheel case he stood next to.

“Knock Knock Knock” Brian heard the hammering on his door and looked up. Placing the picture back on his desk and getting his feet of the desk before opening a folder in front of him so he looked busy he called out “It’s open.”

Brian looked up as the door opened and a tall man wearing a black suit and shades entered his office. Everything about him screamed bodyguard and from the way he moved and looked around probably a good one. Brian looked at the guy waiting for him to do something growing slowly annoyed being ignored by the men. Several second later the man reached to his ear and said. “Alpha this is Bravo, I’m at the designated position. Looks like we hit the Jackpot, everything is clear up here.” Listening to the response the man relaxed and stepped next to the door.

Now Brian was really annoyed, but given the way the guard acted whoever wanted to visit him had either money or influence, probably both. Before he could ask the security grunt what was going on she moved around the corner and into his field of view. The young women dressed in an expensive dress that clearly showed her gorgeous body and accented her curves in a way only a designer dress could. He shoulder length blond hair perfectly framed her face that turned into a smile when she noticed him looking at her. The women entered through the door in his office and asked him something.

Brian noticed he had unconsciously stood up and stopped breathing. Quickly filling his burning lungs with the highly needed oxygen they were crying for. “Excuse me, what?” he gasped.

The young women looked at him with a knowing smile that showed that she was used to similar reactions. “I said, I have been looking for you Mr. Sanderson.” Her look now looked concerned, “Is everything alright Mr. Sanderson?”

“What, Oh. Yes of course. I just need a moment.” He was just about to sit down in his chair when he realized it would be rude not to offer her a chair first. “Why don’t you sit down so we can talk about your reason to look for me?”

She smiled and he was afraid his heart would stop for a second. “Thank you, I would like that very much Mr. Sanderson.” She said and sat down herself before she gave the guard a wink and whispered him something into his ear. The guard nodded and left the office closing the door behind him as he left.

“May I offer you a cup of coffee or water?” He asked confused by his untypical behaviour, normally he didn’t give a shit what his customers thought about him. But in front of this young and gorgeous women, he felt compelled to shine in his best light.

The young women took a deep breath and her eyes seem to look into the sky right through the roof of his office. “A cup of coffee, I think I would like that.” she said and her smile returned to her face.

Brian made sure not to seem too hasty as he hushed of into his kitchen and started to prepare the fresh coffee. A few minutes later he came back and took his time to fill their cups with the hot water slowly pouring it in circles over the freshly ground coffee beans. Handing her the coffee in his best piece of porcelain service he had inherited by his mother while he himself used his favourite mug. She smiled and took a breath taking in the aroma of the coffee before taking a sip of it.

With a pleased look on her face she placed the service on the table. “Mr. Sanderson I must say I’m not sure you picked the right job. If you would offer this coffee in a big city you would be a rich man in no time.”

“Thank you Miss? I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name I’m afraid.”


“Just Kelly?”

She smiled and he felt his heart jumping again. “Kelly from Monaco.”

“Well, Miss Kelly from Monaco, I’m flattered by the praise, but I’m not working for the reasons of money or wealth. I decided to work in my field of interest for the joy of uncovering the truth and history and the ever expanding knowledge it brings.”

Kelly smiled again hearing him say that. “That seems to be the reason that brings us together today. I recently acquired a couple of books, memoires to be exact. I inherited them together with one of my grandma’s old houses in the vicinity when she died a couple of years ago. Together with the books I found a note that said certain things about you and your father, and that if I were to look for answers my best bet would be to find you and ask for your help. I probably don’t have to mention that I was hesitant at first, but your recent activities seems to prove you are indeed the right person to look for.”

Brian raised his eyebrows while he moved into a position that would allow him quick access to his desks drawers. “My recent actions? I haven’t done anything special in years.” He said.

The young women smiled and picked up the coffee taking another sip. “I’m talking about the way you made this perfect coffee, and your flawless mannerism. You see, my grandmother wrote in a very respectful and adoring way about your father and till now you seem to be meeting every quota she told me to expect of either of you. But before I will hand over the books to you, there is one last thing my grandmother said about your family that I would like to check in person.”

“One last thing?”

“Yes, just one.” Kelly said and stood up.

Brian eyes widened as her hands started to reach out to the shoulder strings that were holding her dress in place. “We shouldn’t do this.” he muttered while his heart started beating faster and faster.

“You’re sure?” Kelly slowly let the dress glide down from her shoulders, “You don’t like me?” She questioned with a sultry sway in her voice.

Brian nearly bit in his tongue when his body reacted faster than his mind. “No it’s just. I’m an old man, and you’re young delicate…”

“Ohh, you are flattering me.” She said and dropped the dress on the floor revealing her gorgeous body.

Brian gulped as she walked towards him and grabbed his hand. Placing his hand on her chest she asked. “Can you feel my heart beating in excitement?”

Brian’s mind nearly melted feeling her perfectly shaped breast in his hand. Her nipples started to raise and she continued. “It is getting cold in here,” looking at her raising nipples. “Why don’t you show me where your bedroom is. I’m sure if we cuddle against each other under the bedcover it will get warm in no time.”

Brian couldn’t think clearly anymore, he was dreaming wasn’t he? Sure he must be dreaming, there was no way a young wealthy women. A women that looked like she could get everymen on this planet with nothing more than a smile, could be interested in an retired soldier and antiques dealer in his mid fifties.

A few hours later.

Brian looked at the young and beautiful blond angel that was resting in his arms tightly cuddled to his chest. He felt like he was in heaven and it took him all his willpower to carefully slip out of her grasp and head into the kitchen. He quietly took his bathrobe with him as he left his bedroom and started to prepare two cups of coffee. When he came back into his bedroom and placed the cup on the nightstand right next to his bed the blond angel slowly woke up when the flavour of the fresh coffee reached her nose. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes she looked at him, then at the cup of coffee resting on the nightstand. “I think I could get used to that.” She said with a smile.

The smile and her words made Brian’s heart jumping in his chest for a second. “The bath is free for you, I’ll be in my office if you need anything.” He offered her. And his heart jumped again when she smiled nodding at him with a thankful look in her eyes.

Arriving in his office Brian made his way past the desk and to his chair where he dropped himself into it. Leaning back staring at the roof he was fighting with conflicting emotions and moral standards he had. Who was he to judge an adult women that was into older men? Sure she had seduced him, not that a women her age and the way she looked had to do much to do that. But why did he feel so guilty, as if he had taken advantage of her. It wasn’t like he had forced himself on her, she had been looking for him hadn’t she? He was still fighting with himself when she entered the office fully clothed and looking like nothing ever happened. “Brian?” she asked in a way to familiar way.

“Hmm? Yeah Kelly?” he asked enjoying the feeling as her name left his tongue and lips.

“I’ll make sure you’ll get hold of the books today, I hope to hear from you about your progress soon!” she added after hesitating a moment with a lingering tone that made clear that she had already decided about it. Walking over to him she handed him a card. “If anything comes up notify me okay?” She asked.

Looking into her brown deer like eyes he couldn’t say anything else then a breathless “Sure, will do.” Watching her leaving the office and the closing door he was lost in time for a while.

Chapter 2

The first look inside.

Brian opened the briefcase that was lying on his desk. The guard he had met the day before had brought over a few hours after Kelly had left his place. Looking inside the Briefcase he found a couple of books ranging from rather old one to some more modern looking. All of them had one thing in common, they were bound in leather without any imprint or title on the front cover. Brian put on his pair of latex gloves that would made sure the oils of his skin wouldn’t damage the books.

Slowly he picked the book on the top left, that seemed to be the oldest one, out of its foam covered spot and turned it around. The leather was rather brittle and the complete cover showed no signs of imprints or production marks. The way the cover was made he would assume it had been made in the later 17th century, or forged to look like it. He placed the book under his electrical lenses as he would start with it before he turned his attention back to the briefcase. Book after book he slowly pulled the out and inspected them from the outside for any kind of marks, before putting them back in their foam cover.

Eight books, yet only on the latest two he found something. Interesting enough both covers seemed to be made by the same manufacturer but years apart as even the symbol had slightly changed. It read “Pausch Buchbinder” telling him they had been made somewhere in the german speaking parts of europe. Brian leaned back for a second and removed the latex gloves before throwing them in the trash bin next to his desk. He opened his drawers and pulled out a face mask that he placed over his mouth and nose and tightly strapped them with a rubber band behind his head, as well as some goggles that would prevent the dust from the pages to harm his eyes. He pulled out a new pair of rubber gloves and put them on before he closed the drawer with his leg.

Bending over to the lens he hit the lightswitch and picked up his pen with his right placing his arm on the sheet of paper he had ready for his translation as he opened the old book slowly with his left. The pergament of the book had started to get yellow around the edges and the ink was already bleaching. The font of the old latin written book was a splendid old and cursive handwriting that must have taken the author years to perfect. Brian bended himself closer over the lenses and started the translation process.

The Diary of Alex De-Guire
Memories of fire and stone

Today is the 23rd May 1631, while I sit down and write down these memories of my past. I’m sitting in my small chamber in the St. George’s Abbey in Isny. I have a clear look out of my single window at the snow clad city, covered by its protecting walls and the ongoing life myself and the others inhabitants of the abbey haven’t much contact with. I have been living here for the last eight years and soon I will have to move on before the people start to grow wary of me. Maybe the last couple of years I spend away from the life of the regular society, the time I spend on my own in silence thinking only to myself are the reason I finally decided to write down my memories. Anyway my story begins way in the past, a time people today have no idea about. A time where we were only a few and and each day was a struggle to survive.

I was walking through the woods, in the shadows of the giant trees making sure to be as loud as possible. The birds in the trees above us, the group of women and young children like me where helping with the noise that would hopefully keep most predators far away from us. We walked through the woods and collected mushrooms berries and fruits we knew or had learned were edible. Today was a big day for me, and I was eager to return to the rest of our tribe. I had finally reached the age of manhood and would be allowed to go hunting with the others. I already had completed my spear a wooden stick with a sharp stone at the end that I had fastened with the tendon of one of the animals the adults had hunted down. But for now I was still expected to follow the lead of the oldest woman of our tribe. Not like she was really old, just older than the rest. Among the women of the tribe there were only two ways to be ranked the way the man treated them, or their age. Among the man the only thing that helped you to stand your ground was your strength, and the number of hunts you lived through.

I was a little bit ahead of the group and looking for another plant to harvest when I suddenly noticed a strange thing. A small white colored thing hovered through the air as if it was dancing. I was enticed by its dance and stopped looking for fruits and berries as my eyes followed this strange white dancing thing that was soon followed by more of it’s kind. One of the dancing thing came into my reach and as I grabbed out for it, I noticed it was cold. I looked at it while the beautiful cold white thing on my skin quickly turned into water. As much as I wanted to learn more about that, the barking of our oldest made me look at her and she gestured wildly back towards our cave. Other than me she seemed scared of the white things that now started to fall in a denser manner out of the sky. Had she seen something strange like this before? I quickly turned around and followed her lead while gesturing and barking back so her message was spread through all of the group and we wouldn’t lose someone.

On the way back I had plenty of opportunity to research the strange white stuff that was falling from the sky. It seemed to turn into water when it touched something, and the warmer the thing it touched the faster it changed. While it nearly immediately melted on my skin, it tended to stay in it’s white form quite a while on my fur clothes. I also noticed something strange happened when I breathed, as I suddenly could see something leaving me and the other when we did. Now I understood why our eldest seemed so afraid. Was it the white things magic? Was it sucking something out of us? I moved quicker to catch up with the group. My spine chilled from the strange experience. When we reached the cave I could barely felt my toes and the white stuff was nearly reaching my ankles as we finally got into cover. The adult man were already back in the cave and collected all together at the part of the cave that was furthest away from the entry we stayed together warming each others with our bodies as the temperatures fell and fell.

I might use this short pause while as you might have guessed we were asleep to answer some of the question that might have come up during the earlier parts of my diary. Yes I know what the white thing is, I had plenty of time to learn about it trust me. If you wonder why there isn’t any speech in my memories the answer is simple and disturbing at the same time. We didn’t use to speak back then. You might say that language itself was still developing. The first signs were already there, we were able to read and interpret the gestures and body language of each other at least among the same tribe. And there were the barks and grunts we did that differed in length and sound. We had just started to differentiate the length and noise of our barks and grunts creating the first syllables to change the meaning of them. For the easier understanding of the following parts of the story I will write it down as if it had been said in the full knowledge that back then it was just how I interpreted it and not telling what actually was told.

When I woke up in the tight grasp of my tribe I heard the sobbing and suit calls. I managed to make my way out of the sleeping bodies and noticed Agha at least that was how you would speak out her name nowadays sitting next to our eldest her mother. Her eyes were leaking water and I noticed that her mother didn’t breath any longer. Inside the cave it was cold, and I could see my breath in the air. Even though the sight shaked back my fear from the day before I moved closer to Agha and held her in my arms which she eagerly accepted and I felt her hot tears running down my neck. I tried my best to comfort her, but as you might guess I wasn’t the best with words back then. I held Agha in my arms till the morning rose and thus making my claim on her.

When the big eye lighted the sky again and we, meaning me and the other adults men left the cave we were greeted by totally changed vicinity. The snow had took control of the area and everything was covered in it. After a few minutes walking around we headed back inside our cave freezing and rubbing our toes and legs that looked red up to the knees where the snow had reached our bare skin. The loss of our three tribe members might have turned out to be our luck as we used their clothes to make our footwear. We used what we had left of our supplies of animal tendon to seal them tight before we headed back out. With our feet and legs covered in the warm fur it was a lot easier to walk through the snow and we headed out into the direction the hunters had scouted out the day before. I was aware of the jealousy looks I got by some of the younger hunter, but with my claim of Agha our chieftain's daughter I had unexpectedly risen in rank and was under his protection. He told me to stay close to him and learn from him, and I wouldn’t dare to turn down this offer.

We stopped later when the big eyes in the sky started to fall down behind the mountains in a snow clear area where black stuff was spilling out of the ground forming pools of black mud on the ground. The area around these pools was clad in a somewhat yellow color and it smelled really bad, but at least it was somewhat warm.

Our Chieftain took his time but once everyone had sat down to rest he moved over to me. “Ahl-eks” he called for my attention as he sat next to me. “Show me your spear.” he ordered in barks and gesturing at his own than at mine. I handed him my self made spear and he took his time checking him until he reached it back with an approving look on his face. He pointed his thumb at me than at his heart. “You are the son I alway looked for.” Making a gesture over the area then at my head. “You always was smart,” a gesture that pulled things together and then a brief look at somewhere, “You always picked things up fast, and was eager to learn more.” He pulled me in a hug. “Strong you are, I know you will protect my daughter. We are family now.” He hit me on the shoulder. “Make me proud son.” with his little speech to me, he left me on my own and taking care of the other man of the tribe. As I rested my eyes watched him as he took care of each man's individual needs.

We walked a another day till we reached the hunting grounds the man had made out earlier. Agha’s father took me aside while the others started to dig out a huge hole in the ground and we slowly walked up to the edge of the woods. There I saw them for the first time, giant brown furred beasts with giant snouts that reached the ground and curved teeth longer than a man that protruded out of their skull. The animals moved in a herd lead by a giant grey colored bull that from time to time raised his snout and trumpeted in the air. The herd replied and followed him but one of the giant creatures seemed to have trouble keeping up with the group. The Chieftain pointed at it, “This one is weakened, and will be our pray.” He made a shielding gesture. “Be careful, even a weakened one is more than capable of killing you.” He gestured at the animal as if he tried to grab it and then along the path that lead to the area where the other man were digging the hole. “We will surround it and make it move in that direction, where it will fall into the trap.” I nodded at his explanation and he smiled at me before his hand hit my back. With his hand on my back he pushed me towards the other man and grunted again. “Now go help the others.”

When I reached the others and started helping digging out the ground, I noticed the ground seemed to get easier to dug the deeper we burrowed. I wondered if it had to do with the snow that was lying at the top of the ground. We digged day and night till the hole was deep enough and the Chieftain made us stop. Some of the adults had collected some heavy sturdy looking branches from the trees and began carving them so they had sharp ends at both sides. We sticked the branches deep into the ground of the hole we had made until it was full of them. I went over to the chieftain wondering how we would make the animal fall into the obvious hole. When I reached him pointing at my eyes then at the hole before repeating the grabbing gesture he had made at the animal before I raised my arms questioning. “How is this going to work? The animal will never run into the hole if it sees it.”

The chieftain laughed, then he grabbed a long branch of a tree and carried it over to the hole. He placed it over the the hole, and the other man started to do the same. Soon the hole was covered with a lot of the branches and we started placing dirt and moss over it till it looked similar to the surrounding ground. Knowing where the hole was made it obvious to me, but I wouldn't have seen it if I didn’t knew about it. The Chieftain carefully tested the stability of the branches and nodded with an approving smile.The Branches were stable enough for a man to walk over it, but the giant animal was far heavier than a man causing it to break through them should it walk over it. With the trap set up and the light of the day falling down behind the landscape, the temperatures again started to drop. Our Chieftain lead us to a big tree where we gathered and rested body on body to keep ourselves warm during the night.

Waking up the next morning cuddled right in between the other man I noticed that the world had changed again. Everything had a slight white look even the trees that used to be green and raised their branches into the sky were clad in snow. I peeled myself out of the group of men and looked at the trap that was completely concealed now. Our Chieftain my soon to be father was already up and expecting it and when he noticed me he smiled. A few barks from his later the rest of the group was starting to get up as well and we started to head towards the edge of the woods where the group of fur covered animals was gathered. The cold and snow didn’t seem to bother the giant creatures at all. We slowly started to walk over the grass covered plain the animals were grazing through using the hip high growing grass that protruded through the snow, to take as much cover as possible concealing our approach. When we approached the lone animal that was walking behind the herd and started to surround it, I felt a knot building up in my stomach. An uneasiness that didn’t want to go away as I remembered what the chieftain had told me.

When we were in position everything happened so fast, we stood up revealing our presence to the lone surrounded animal and screamed barked and made a lot of noise to make it flee into the direction we wanted it too. The Giant animal just backed up a bit and his front legs raised into the sky as it started to trumpet out a deafening loud sound from its raised snout. I hold my ears from the pain and when the front feet landed on the ground I could feel the earth between my feet shaking. I nearly fell from the sudden shaking and was wishing I could just throw my spear away and run home. But I couldn’t do that, not with all the others man around me. Someone threw his spear and hit the giant animal in the flank finally causing it to move. To my dismay it started to move right towards me. As the animal came closed I noticed how big it really was. I needed to run but my feet felt like they had been frozen on the ground. As the animal towered over me I lifted my spear in a last defying gesture before it stomped me into the ground.

I know you might be confused now, but believe me it was nothing compared to how felt. I still even after all this years shudder in fear when I remember those creatures and even though I haven’t seen anything like them for quite a while with the exception of the smaller grey hairless ones the people now call elephants. Just the thought of them causing me to get goosebumps and wish to hide somewhere safe. Anyway there is no way to describe the short pain I felt before I lost my conscious.

Even though thinking back there were times where I was looking for a way out this endless cycle I’m caught in. This first time where I died has left a scar in my memories. Maybe you are able to understand now why after all these years I’m still afraid of dying.

“Ring… Ring… Ring…” Brian looked at his phone annoyed by the sudden disturbance that caused him to lose his concentration. He switched out the light of the lens and pulled of the latex gloves before he stood up and reached out for the phone. “What?” He shouted louder then had wanted into the speaker.

~~ to be continued~~

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