The Consultant and the Mask Ch 5 of 7

With the Mask stolen, her mother kidnapped, and Sir Galohond’s warning that the St. Louis Guild might be compromised Morgana realizes that it’s up to her to rescue her mother. Feeling like she’s in a race against time to find the rogue Elves Morgana will use every resource at her disposal, but will she be in time?

The Consultant and the Mask

Author note: Magic has always existed is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% have the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. However, it takes hard work and training to develop that raw talent. There are currently in the United States about 1 million licensed practitioners. Of that about 100,000 are rated 2nd Class, with about 10,000 1st Class Magic-Users, and about 300 Masters in the entire country.

There are also ancient private schools of magic whose traditions extend hundreds of years into the past. These schools are not registered with the Guild and specialize in unique types of magic that are considered illegal. The Guild of Magic-Users actively hunts these schools yet they persist.

The multiverse is layered with world stacked upon world the only thing separating each realm of existence is the veil. The veil separates what is, from what might have been, and from what may yet come to be. It’s as thin as silk and yet unless one has the power and skill it is impenetrable. For those with the ability it can be parted and thus, Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Ogres, Orcs, and Trolls and all manner of legendary creatures now walk the earth.

The power of magic is rising how humanity reacts will chart the course of civilization of the next thousand years. An Age has come to an end and a new Age has arrived and as yet no one has noticed.

Chapter 5
“The Hunt is On”

The commander of the QRF strode into the entry-hall looking around as though he expected an attack to appear from any corner. He was flanked on either side by Magic-Users who looked like they knew what they were doing. I moved forward leaving Galohond where he was at the far end of the hall, Edgar squawked and flapped his wings once to maintain his balance at my movement. I’m sure I must have been a sight in my tight blue dress with a large crow perched on my shoulder. I could feel the QRF commander holding magical power obviously ready to lash out, so I made sure to hold my hands out palms up indicating my peaceful intentions.

“Ma’am please identify yourself.” It was more of a demand than question.

“I’m Morgana Livingstone, Evaline Donegal is my Godmother (I decided to stick to the story I’d told Galohond) when the wards on this estate were breeched I came to assist.”

“My team took fire from an organized group, apparently Elvin terrorists, as we approached the estate. We are now securing the property and rounding up prisoners. I must ask you and your friend to remain here.”

When I nodded he spoke into a mic attached to his shoulder of his tactical battle harness. “Main entrance secure. I’m leaving Stevenson with two possible suspects in the main hall.”

With that he and one of the two QRF members moved off leaving a tall special agent with us. I knew it would be a few minutes before they had secured the grounds and thought it best to let them do their work without interference. I kicked off my heels and walked over to a wall where I sank to the floor and leaned back closing my eyes. God I was tired. I’ve been working this body hard for the last three months but I didn’t think I’d ever used this much power in a twenty four hour period. Including the night I’d been captured by Ambrose. I heard Galohond walk over and take a seat next to me.

“What you did tonight was very impressive.” He remarked softly.

“I failed. My Godmother was captured, Susan is dead, and the mask is gone.” I had only discovered Susan’s body a few minutes before the QRF had shown up and I was still in shock.

“You took out several Elven warriors by yourself. I don’t know any other human who could have performed a similar feat.”

“How many Master Class human Magic-Users do you know? And of those how many have you ever seen really cut loose?” I responded listlessly my eyes still closed.

“Only a few and no I’ve never seen any of them really go full out.”

“So where did they go? I assume Summer, can we follow them and can you track them?” I asked. Now I opened my eyes and looked at Galohond making sure I could see his face when he responded.

“I can part the veil to Summer, but I don’t know where they landed in the realm. It’s not like I can open a way here and arrive in the same spot on the other side. I have to have a place in Summer in mind and that’s where my way will open.”

“So why didn’t we just open a way to Summer from the restaurant and then open another way to here?” I asked feeling frustrated.

“Two reasons” Galohond replied, “the first is that I’d never been here. I can only open a way to a place in the human realm where I’ve been. The second is that time doesn’t flow evenly between the realms. The difference is not huge but it’s enough and it’s erratic.”

“What do you mean ‘erratic’” I asked having never learned the art of parting the veil.

“We could have parted the veil and arrived in Summer and then instantly parted it again returning here. To us the event might have taken five minutes subjectively. Yet we could have arrived here only to find an hour had passed. Or two or three hours it’s hard to know. Conversely we could spend several hours in Summer and return here to find only five minutes have passed. The time stream is not so different that days will go by in one realm while hours pass in the other, and they seem to oscillate and correct. For example when one realm might get ten to fifteen hours ahead of the other, suddenly it slows down and the other catches up. We have wizards who spend most of their lives studying this and can sort of predict the oscillations. I’m not that good and didn’t think it worth the risk.”

I decided to accept this but also became determined that I would start studying this branch of magic. I had never had the power to part the veil and in the last three months had not had a reason to learn. Now I had a reason there were some Elven terrorists that I planned to hunt down.

“Why did their leader look like you?”

When Galohond didn’t respond immediately, instead he stood up and looked up at the ceiling his face becoming a mask of sorrow.

“You must have seen my brother, Arangalad Larothta. Was he leading the raid or was there a female with long blonde hair?”

“There was a woman, she was the one who retrieved the Mask, but it didn’t look like she was in charge. In fact there was something odd about her.”

“If he was leading this raid then he’s truly lost. I doubt I will be able to bring him back to my Queen.”

By this time the QRF commander returned to the entry hall and walked toward us. I stood up and faced him.

“Morgana, correct?”


“There's a Guild Inspector on his way. The St. Louis Guild Hall Grand Master has been informed and he directed me to ask you to come to the Guild Hall to make a statement.”

“Of course, however before I leave I’ll need to bring the wards back up. I have no intention of leaving my Godmother’s estate wide open while I’m gone.”

“I’m sure the Inspector will be willing to leave a couple of Special Agents here to watch the place.”

“I appreciate that” I said.

The commander turned to Galohond, “I’m told that you have diplomatic immunity and I can’t direct you to come to the Guild Hall to make a statement. However your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.”

“Commander, I’m happy to assist.” Galohond said.


The sun was coming up as the Guild Hall cruiser pulled into the driveway to my mother’s estate. It had been a very long night. After building a set of temporary wards I’d gone to the Guild Hall. For the next several hours I’d told my story over and over. I’d answered questions until I was ready to blast those interrogating me through the wall. I was proud of the fact that I’d not lost my temper.

The St. Louis Guild Hall Grand Master finally showed up. He knew my full story yet he seemed willing to allow me to be interrogated for hours before directing his folks to drive me home. He had to know that I would have nothing to do with an assault on my own family’s estate. His lack of support left me feeling confused and suspicious. Now approaching the estate I could see the signs of the battle that had raged here last night.

Trees had been knocked down, furrows dug into the turf. The concrete road was tore up where the QRF had been ambushed and it was easy to see where the Elves had retreated by the path of destruction. We drove up the long winding driveway to the estate and when the house came into view I saw more evidence of destruction. The lawn was ripped up where my lightning bolts had torn into Elven rear element. The house was scorched where the Elves had breached the wards and several windows had been shattered. The doors at the top of the steps leading from the circle drive to the main entrance had been blown in and signs of Susan’s death curse were still lingering in the air. I felt tears leak down my face as the car stopped and didn’t care.

I told the driver I’d be fine and spoke the key that allowed me to slip through the simple ward and enter the house. I glanced at my watch and saw that I had about an hour before the spell that kept Mark asleep expired. I was glad the QRF had only secured the property and not actually tried to search it. For one thing the house was huge with several levels and guest rooms it would have taken them a great deal of time to fully search the house. For another the vault under the house had another set of wards, ones that hadn’t been breached and I had no interest in taking those wards down or allowing a bunch of Guild Special Agents into the family vault.

I returned to my room and stripped off my dress and climbed into the shower. The hot water sluicing down my soft body rejuvenated me. I hadn’t let my mind think through my next steps but now through the fatigue I considered the problem. The Elven separatists had the Mask, my mother, and other resources that Galohond had alluded to but not described. These were very bad people. And they had my mother! Who knows what they’re doing to him I thought. I felt my anger burning but refused to let it cloud my thinking. If they remained in Summer the Elven Queen and her forces would hunt them, find them, and eliminate them. Elves as a race didn’t think much of Human Magic-Users, they usually underestimated us which would hopefully be an advantage and made me think it likely that they would return to the Human Realm. They seemed to think that the human realm offered them a sanctuary. That was about to change I vowed softly to myself. If they returned to this realm I had the key to finding them right here in this house.

Mark was attuned to the Mask. If the separatists brought it back here I knew that I could use her connection to find it. From there it would be a matter of planning and rescuing my mother. Assuming all of this was true there were things I didn’t know and there was only one person who could give me the answers I’d need. Galohond.

I finished up in the bathroom and returned to my bedroom pulling out a matching black bra and panty set. Then I dug out a set of comfy sweat pants with the letters PINK on the butt and a black t-shirt that showed off my flat stomach and headed to the kitchen. It was too early for Chelsea to arrive but I needed coffee. Once I got the pot going I figured I might as well eat something and popped a couple of slices of bread into the toaster. Once the machine was done, I poured a cup of coffee for myself and Mark, put four slices of toast on a plate and headed up to Mark’s room. When I entered Mark’s room I noticed that sunlight was streaming through the window and that the ward was down. Mark stirred when she heard the door close.

“Good morning, how are you feeling?”

“Great actually” Mark said sitting up and stretching.

Her sleep tousled blonde hair fell across her face as she sat up. Reaching up with an unconscious grace Mark brushed it out of her eyes. I sat one of the two cups of coffee down on the night stand next to the bed along with the plate. I then moved over to the chair in her room and sat down and took a sip of my coffee. Mark pushed herself back until her back was against the headboard and pulled her legs up to sit cross legged in the bed and then picked up the coffee. After taking a sip Mark reached up and touched her face with one hand.

“I still can’t believe it’s gone.” She said. “I need to look at myself in the mirror.”

I nodded and when Mark stood up the large t-shirt, we’d put her in the yesterday, came down almost to her knees. I could easily see her nipples poking out from the thin material. Mark knew the way so I followed her to the bathroom. I watched as she stood in front of the mirror touching her face. I opened my third eye and examined Mark. There was no sign of the green energy that had twined its way around her body in fact there was no sign of the Mask at all. The changes that the Mask had made in Mark were impossible to spot. She looked like a normal woman, a normal half-human woman if such a thing could be considered normal. When I looked more closely I was also sure she was now a Magic-User or at least could become one with training. It’s very difficult to simply look at another Magic-User and gage that person’s strength. I would need Mark to draw in power in order to tell how strong she was. But there was no doubt in my mind that she was now a Magic-User of at least 3rd class strength.

Mark touched her face turning it to the right and the left as though she couldn’t believe that the Mask was missing. I could tell she was using the third eye to look for the Mask. Suddenly she turned around and threw her arms around me in a warm hug.

“Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome, but Mark I’ve got to tell you. Saving you has come at a price.” Let’s go back to your bedroom so we can talk.” Once we were settled back into her room I launched into an explanation of what happened while she’d been unconscious. As I talked I could see the shock on her face.

“Why would some group of Elves want that Mask?”

“Because it’s powerful and it allows them to draw on their magical power while here in the human realm.”

Mark shook her head. “What can I do to help?”

I smiled at that since it was exactly the reaction I’d been hoping for. “I think that you have a connection to the Mask. There are a couple of different types of spells I could cast using your connection to figure out where their hiding. But for now why don’t you get cleaned up and meet me in the kitchen in about an hour and a half? I need to see how badly the estate was damaged and talked to the staff.”

When Mark nodded I left her to herself and went in search of Chelsea.


The great thing about mother’s staff is that they have been with the family for a long time. It had been years since there had been any kind of magical assault on the estate, and this was the first time that any of them could remember where the intruders actually broke through the wards. Steven the butler and Chelsea the cook are the only two full time members of her staff. Mother had set up a service to take care of the grounds and another company that came in and cleaned the house a couple of times a week. Once Steven and Chelsea arrived I explained what had happened and then the three of us spent the next hour surveying the damage.

It was better and worse than I had thought. The physical structure of the building had not been damaged to badly. Several windows were shattered, and three doors had been forced. Not to mention the damage to my mother’s sanctum. It had sustained damage from our spell casting and from the Elves when they had forced their way in. Apparently it hadn’t taken all that much for them to overpower my mother. Most of the items she kept in the sanctum remained untouched. Obviously after they’d gained entry they’d subdued her and knew right where to find the Mask. The most extensive damage was in the entry-hall where Susan had made her last stand. Even though the damage to the house would be fixed within a day or two Susan’s death hit me like a dagger through my gut. I felt for a moment physically ill and once again tears slid down my face. Chelsea found me in the entry and hurried over to wrap her arms around me.

“Don’t worry, honey, the Guild will find your mother.” She said trying to comfort me. I pushed away and wiped the tears off.

“If you think I’m going to wait for the Guild to handle this then, . . . .well, . . . you’re wrong.”

I then explained to Chelsea about Mark and asked her to be on the lookout for him. “See if she needs anything to eat and then send her to mother’s study. I need to make some phone calls. But I’d like to talk to Mark as soon as she’s ready.”

With that I headed to the study. Fortunately mother’s study had been undisturbed. I went to the desk and found her address book. There was a page in the book labeled ICE (In Case of Emergency) my mother had explained to both Anthony and me what to do if something happened to her. I checked the time; it was now 8 am in St. Louis, which meant that it was 2 pm in London. I called my brother Anthony.

The conversation was awkward. Mother hadn’t told Anthony that I was in Morgana’s body. This meant I had to keep up the charade. The conversation ended with Anthony saying that he would return to St. Louis as soon as he could get a plane ticket. My older brother and I had never really been close. My magical handicap was part of it but the other part was the age difference he was ten years older than me. I decided to think about Anthony later.

Next I used the phone number in mother’s address book to contact the Guild Council Elders. I knew that the St. Louis Guild Hall would have already notified the National Council of Elders but I wanted to make sure that mother’s closest friends and colleagues knew what had happened. What surprised me the most as I made these calls was that apparently no information about the attack had been passed from the Guild to the Elders. Something was very wrong.

After making the necessary calls I sat thinking. Several things just didn’t add up. First how had the terrorists known to raid our house? My family had no association with the Mask. Second once they assaulted our house they knew exactly where we’d hidden the Mask. It should have taken them time to search the estate, including the vaults. Because of the protections on the vaults they should have still been searching when I arrived. For that matter why had Siofra tossed the Mask? Mark’s story about finding it made me think there had been some kind of argument or falling out among the terrorists. The rift had evidently been patched because Siofra was here during the raid, but she had clearly not been in charge. There was also Galohond’s statement about the Guild being ‘compromised’.

Suddenly things started to make more sense. What if someone highly placed in the St. Louis Guild Hall was in league with the separatists? This person could have gotten the message when my mother called and passed on that we had Mark and the Mask. If the information had been passed on to the Elves then they would have had almost a full day to prepare for the raid. I didn’t have any proof but this felt right. Once Siofra was close to the Mask she would have been able to feel it if she’d used it before and had presumably established a connection. That would explain the reason why they hadn’t had to search the property. I still didn’t understand why Siofra would have ditched the Mask in the first place, but at the moment that wasn’t as important as finding her. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Galohond’s number.

“Morgana, how are you?” His masculine voice sent a thrill through me.

“Tired, I haven’t had a chance to sleep yet.” I replied. “Can you come over to the Donegal estate? I need to talk to you.”

“Yes, but I’ll need a couple of hours. How does noon sound?”

“Fine, we can have lunch here while we talk.”

After I disconnected the phone I realized I needed to think this through a bit. I was confident I could use Mark’s connection with the Mask to locate it if it was in the human realm. Once I knew where it was, I would need to take a look. If there were a couple dozen Elves there I wouldn’t be able to take them down by myself. I may be very powerful but part of my success yesterday was surprise. That and I’d had lots of advantages here on my home turf. The moon, ley-lines that I knew intimately, and my rage had all helped. To hit this group in their place of power, especially if they’d prepared, meant that I’d need allies and every advantage I could find.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the study door. Chelsea poked her head in, “Morgana, I’ve got Mark here. You said you wanted to see her.”

“Thank you, Chelsea, yes I do want to talk to Mark.”

As I said this I stood up and came around the desk to greet Mark. Chelsea had found some clothes for Mark who was now wearing a pair of jean shorts, and a light blue t-shirt with a bra underneath. The clothes appeared to be a bit loose but they looked much better than what I’d been putting Mark in since she arrived.

“Mark you said that you’d be willing to help me rescue my Godmother.” I said after we’d sat down.

“I don’t know what I can do, but yes I’d like to help. I spent four years in the Army so I’m pretty good with small arms. I used my magical sensitivity while on active duty so I’ve some training there as well.”

“I didn’t know you were in the Army. You might be able to help more than I thought at first. For now though I’d like to see if you can draw in some magic.”

“Morgana, the Army tested me very extensively I’ve got no ability to draw in power.” Mark said looking embarrassed.
I leaned forward making sure to make eye contact with her.

“Mark, I think the Mask changed more than just your physical body. I think you have the ability to use magic. So please try. Start by opening your third eye and just try to feel the magic around us. Once you feel the magic focus on it and then pull it in. The sensation should be almost like taking a deep breath. It should feel normal and natural.”

I watched with my third eye as Mark focused on the magic around us, then suddenly I felt her pull on it drawing power into her center. As I watched Mark abruptly realized what she was doing and let go of the power.

“Holy shit!” She jumped to her feet shock evident on her face. “I can feel the power inside me.” Mark held her hands over her stomach like she could touch the power with them.

“I told you that you were registering as a Magic-User to me. If you feel up to it, I’d like you to pull in as much power as you can and fill your center. I’m trying to see how strong you are.”

Mark nodded and closed her eyes focusing on her sensitivity to the magic. When she started drawing the power in this time it felt more natural.

“Are you holding as much as you can?”

“Yes, does it always feel so good? It’s like I’m holding liquid life inside of me.”

The wonder in Mark’s voice brought back some of my childhood memories as my mother instructed me in the use of magic.

“It does, but over time the wonder goes away. I suppose as we get more used to working with it we lose the sense of awe your feeling right now.” I said pausing to evaluate her as best I could. “ I’m no expert at this but as best I can tell you look like a middle-to-strong Magic-User 2nd Class. You might with training and time reach 1st class status, it’s hard for me to know for certain.”

Smiling widely Mark released the power. “So how do we find your Godmother?”

“I would like to use your connection to the Mask to find it. I think the terrorists will keep the Mask in the same location as my Godmother. I’ll handle the spell casting for that. For now I’d like to teach you the spell for a body shield. It’s fairly easy and if you’re going to come with me on this rescue I’d like you to be able to protect yourself as much as possible.”

For the next hour I worked with Mark on the shield. She was a quick study and cast the spell correctly on her second attempt. After that it was a matter of teaching her how to continue to feed it energy to keep it up. This required some concentration. With practice holding a spell active while doing other things would become second nature to her. Once I was satisfied that she could cast it and hold it I sent her to one of the training rooms to practice. There was a pitching machine down there and I had some fond childhood memories of learning to deflect baseballs with a body shield.

I returned to mother’s study and pulled several grimoires from her shelves and began studying. There are dozens types of tracking spells. There are also ways to block them. So I needed to be prepared to deal with interference.


Before I knew it Steven knocked on the door to let me know that Galohond was here. I asked him to have Chelsea send up lunch for two to the study. Galohond walked into the study wearing traditional Elven garb. Long robes with a belt and sword at the waist, I was still attracted to him but pushed those feelings aside since we had business to discuss. I soon discovered that Galohond is an attentive listener, I explained my plan and showed him the spell that I’d devised to locate the Mask.

“I agree with you Morgana. We cannot trust the St. Louis Guild right now. I’m not sure your spell will work but I think it’s worth trying. If we do locate them then I’ve got a suggestion. I have my own personal retainers on the other side of the veil. Your Godmother’s caught up in this, but with that lone exception, this is Elven business. Let’s combine forces and see if we can’t rescue Evaline, take the Mask, and neutralize this threat.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” I said looking into his grey eyes.


Locating the Mask had proved harder than I’d thought it would be. The first spell we’d tried had failed which wasn’t all that surprising. The Elves were blocking tracking spells so I went with a different approach. Using a few drops of Mark’s blood I cast a spell designed to allow her to draw power over a distance from an artifact she had a connection too. This was a spell that most Magic-Users are taught at the college level and was very useful for augmenting power if you didn’t want to carry objects around with you. It was something I’d learned at the academy but had never really been able to exploit.

Susan had noticed Mark wasn’t just an ordinary human she was half-Elven. The spell I used allowed Mark’s Elven side to draw Elven magic through the Mask like any female Elf attuned to it. By itself this spell did nothing to help us track down the location of the Mask. As Mark drew in the power I sent a questing down along the magical bond. This spell wasn’t designed as a tracking spell either. Instead it was used to map out magical linkages and bonds. I used it almost daily as I developed wards for a building or location. Once I had the linkage between Mark and the Mask mapped in my mind I focused on the large map of St. Louis and its surrounding area that I’d placed on the table. I pulled a small bag of silver powder and tossed the dust into the air speaking a simple cantrap I’d designed that would visually display a linkage I’d quested. Once the dust settled it showed Mark’s location on the map with a small circle and drew a strait silver line to the location of the Mask which it marked with a second circle of silver on the map.

The elves were hiding in the Hazlet State Park on the Carlyle Reservoir in Illinois looking at the map I guessed it was a little over an hour by car from the estate.

“Morgana that was amazing! You used three different spells to create a new affect, I don’t think I could have got through their blocking spells and I certainly couldn’t have done it without alerting them.” As Galohond said this he swept me into a hug. I flushed with embarrassment and smiled up at him. Suddenly Galohond pressed his lips down on mine. For a second I stiffened then before I knew it my body was responding melting up against his strong frame. I felt my nipples harden and there was an ach in my groin that made me want squirm and rub my legs together.

“Do you two want me to leave?” Mark asked with a smirk.

I pushed away from Galohond feeling my face turn a bright red. “No, uh, that’s okay.” I looked up at Galohond, “What was that for?” I asked.

“I’d like to say it was because you’re beautiful, brilliant, and the most powerful human mage I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t be lying. But the real reason is that I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met in the Guild Hall.”

Looking at Galohond as he made this speech did nothing to help me get control over my raging girl hormones so I turned away from him and walked to the other side of the room.

“We know where the Mask is, but we don’t know if Mor is there. We also know nothing about their defenses. I’d normally go to the Guild Hall for this but if the St. Louis Guild Hall Grand Master is working with the separatists then we’d be tipping our hand.”

“Morgana” Galohond said stopping my pacing, “I am running low on magical strength. So I must return to Summer, while I’m there I’ll summon my personal retainers. We will meet you here.”

With this he pointed to a spot along the north side of the reservoir. It appeared to be a bit swampy with lots of trees which would make a good rally point before we moved south to the location where these Elves were basing their operations.

“That sounds good, when will you be there?” I asked.

“I’ll leave now but as I said before time runs differently between the realms. You can plan on my war-band and I arriving no later than sunset.”

I looked at my watch it was now 2 pm. It would take me about an hour to an hour and a half so I could easily make it there. In fact if I were smart I might even be able to do a quick reconnaissance.

“Alright sunset but if you’re not there by then I’m going to do this without you.”

The idea of what these criminals might be doing to my mother was driving me crazy. Galohond seized my shoulders with both hand and then with his right hand he tipped my chin up so that I had to look into his eyes.

“Morgana, we will rescue your Godmother, do not try this by yourself. These people are dangerous. You are powerful but not powerful enough to take them all on alone.”

Galohond looked worried and concerned as he stared into my face.

“I’ll wait for you unless something happens, if I think he’s in danger I’ll do whatever I have too.” I said this feeling very determined.


Evaline came to slowly his head throbbed like someone had been beating on it with a hammer. When he opened his eyes he realized that there was some light streaming into the darkness under a door off to his left. He figured based on the fact that he was lying on something soft and above the floor that it must be a bed. When he tried to move Evaline discovered that his arms and feet were chained to the bed posts. With the slightest effort of will he attempted to draw in some magical power and felt the collar around his neck block the attempt and send pain shooting into his mind. Evaline instantly released the magic. ‘Well that’s to be expected’ he thought.

Evaline didn’t know how long he lay in the darkness before he heard footsteps approaching the door. It opened and the lights came on causing Evaline to blink trying to adjust his eyes to the light. There were two Elves facing him, a tall blonde Elf with broad shoulders and grey eyes. The second Elf was a female with long blonde hair and bright green eyes. Evaline was sure this must be Siofra based on the limited information he’d received.

“I’m glad to see your awake” the male Elf said. “Let me make the introductions, I’m Sir Arangalad Larothta, and this is my cousin Lady Duchess Siofra Aldalithe. I understand you are the former Master Magic-User Evaline Mor Donegal. You’re going to have to tell me about the spell that put you in that body.”

“I’m not telling you anything cur. If you run now you might be able to escape! In fact if you release me now I might put in a kind word for you when the Guild strike team arrives.”

Ignoring her outburst Arangalad continued “Your power may be reduced but from what your colleague’s in the Guild have told me you are very smart with a deep understanding of magic, or at least human magic. In fact they speak highly of you, you will make an excellent addition to our cause. Particularly since I plan to use the area as my base of operations, you will soon use all of your power and influence to make sure that I’m undisturbed.”

“There is no way I’m going to help you! How is it you’re on friendly terms with the Guild? You’re an outlaw here as well as in Summer.” Evaline responded.

“Ah, that is an excellent question. In fact I think the answer to that question would be better served as a demonstration. Cousin if you would be so kind?”

With that Arangalad gestured toward Evaline. Siofra stepped forward and made a gesture and the chains holding Evaline fell away. Before he could move bands of telekinetic energy wrapped around Evaline lifting him off the bed. Arangalad turned and opened the door leading them out into a hallway.

Evaline was prevented from getting a good look at the building because his head was restrained as he floated along on his back between the two Elves staring at the ceiling. Soon Arangalad opened a door and they entered another room. This one had a pair of windows that were heavily curtained so Evaline still had no idea what time of day it might be. Now he was rotated upright and then he spotted a large ornate wooden chair sitting in the middle of the room. Using telekinesis he was deposited in the chair. A set of leather restraints floated over buckling his arms to the arm rests while two more sets secured his feet to the front legs of the chair.

Arangalad picked up a smaller chair and sat it in front of Evaline smiling evilly.

“I’m sure you don’t know anything about the chair you’re sitting in. I don’t know when it was created or who crafted it, but whoever made it was a genius at mind magic. My cousin is also gifted in psionic magic found it in Summer. Its magic only works here in the human realm which made unlocking its secrets very challenging. Siofra is quite good and she somehow managed to unlock the chair’s secrets and then shared them with me.”

At this Arangalad glanced evilly at Siofra, “I recently had the chance to return the favor didn’t I Siofra?”

At this the blonde female said; “Yes Arangalad.”

Evaline looked at the female Elf with a growing apprehension. For a second a look of hatred crossed Siofra’s face before the look of neutrality returned.

“You see when my cousin used the chair on me she made it so that I couldn’t act against her wishes or her best interest. Once Max killed Siofra and took her body the conditioning was broken, now Max, who wears my cousin’s lush little body, is my slave. Isn’t that true Little Slave?”

“Yes, Master.”

Arangalad leered evilly at Evaline.

“It is the most powerful artifact of compulsion that I’ve ever heard about. One of its strengths is its subtlety unless you know what you’re looking for it’s impossible to tell that someone is under its influence. Several members of the St. Louis Guild have enjoyed treatments from that chair, including your Grand Master.”

At the look of shock on Evaline’s face Arangalad let out a laugh. “Oh this is going to be so much fun.”


I found a truck stop near the Reservoir off of old US-50. I topped off the gas tank and then parked the car behind the station. I used a spell of un-notice and sent Edgar into the sky.

“Mark, this is as close as you can come for now. Once we are in place I’ll text you,” I said holding out a cell phone. Mark who had driven up with me walked around from the passenger’s side to the driver’s side and took the phone and keys from me.

“Drive to the park it shouldn’t take you more than ten minutes. We will have taken the rebels by surprise. I might need you to help us locate the Mask.”

“Why can’t I come with you now?”

“Because you can’t caste this spell.”

With that I transformed into the crow shape that Edgar seemed to like and took to the air. As I flew toward the reservoir I started looking for the state park. Almost at once I felt the subtle wards. A section of the park well away from the main office was laced with wards. They were mostly the type which sent an alarm if tripped. But woven into them were wards to cause people to lose interest and go around. There was also a layer which caused the illusion of an empty section of woods. I was not close enough to pierce the illusion and the way it was set up I’d probably trip one of the outer wards. Whatever was under that illusion I wouldn’t be able to see it unless I tried to sneak in. As tempting as that was I turned north heading to the rally point.

Once I landed I looked at my watch. I’d taken my time leaving the estate since I’d wanted to be as prepared as possible. I’d started with a careful choice of clothes. Black jeans, and work boots were followed by a tight black t-shirt. I tucked the t-shirt into the jeans and threaded a wide black leather belt with several silver metal disks worked into it through the loops of my jeans. Over the T-shirt I selected a black leather jacket. It was too hot for this outfit but that’s where the jacket’s special properties came into play. The jacket was one I’d worked on after switching into Morgana’s body. The leather held several defensive spells and would keep me warm or cool or dry depending on the temperature and weather conditions. I tied my hair back and looked in the mirror. The gorgeous brunette in black leather stared back like she was fresh off some Hollywood set.

Next was a trip to the vault. Once there I’d helped myself to several items that had been in my family for generations. The first was a staff. It was six feet of black oak. Gliph’s and wards decorated its length making the staff more of a tool than a weapon. It had been in the Donegal family for generations. Then I found a powerful ring that my mother had once let me experiment with. It generated body shields of far greater power than I’d be able to do on my own. The last item I’d taken from the vault was a tiara which would gift me with very potent realistic illusions and some skills in psionic magic.

Edgar landed on my shoulder and I found a tree to sit next to since it could be several hours before Galohond arrived. Because I had nothing else to do and I was feeling paranoid I made use of the tiara and caused the illusion that I was a bush growing next to the tree. I could feel Edgar’s confusion as the magic took hold. He wasn’t happy with me and flew irritably into the tree where he found a place to wait.

Abruptly the tiara sent a tingle through me warning me that someone was near and they were using an illusion. The tiara sensed this and with no effort I was able to pierce the spell. Two male Elves had entered the clearing and were looking around. The tiara gave me a strange double vision. I saw a pair of squirrels images superimposed on a pair of Elven warriors. Elves as a race are very gifted with illusions and these two were no slouches. If not for the tiara I’d never have realized they were here. One of the squirrels chittered to the other.

“The trace ends here.” The bigger of the two Elves said.

“Tasathdien are you sure someone was snooping around the wards?” Said the smaller of the two.

“No, I’m not sure, but I felt a presence. When I tried to back track it I felt the presence move up here. Now I don’t feel anything.”

“I don’t feel anything however you’re almost never wrong. Let’s set a trap and see what we catch.”

With that the two started casting. I’m not all that familiar with Elven magic but I could see right away they were building a ward and laying it over the clearing. I assumed that its purpose would be to alert them to anyone entering the clearing. With this ward in place Galohond would be compromised from the moment he and his team arrived. I was pretty sure I could take these two out but would that alert the main group? Perhaps I could disrupt the ward once they were done.
The casting took about twenty minutes and I was impressed with the spell. To my dismay the two elves didn’t leave instead they settled down by a tree across from me. I realized this was going to be very tricky. They would notice if I changed the spell since they were right here. However if I left it up the chance that Galohond would arrive and tip off the terrorists was one I couldn’t risk.

This was going to have to be a subtle working. I sent Edgar into the air feeling confident that he wouldn’t be detected. Or rather the Elves would see him and think he was just a bird not knowing he was my familiar. Edgar after flying around for several minutes landed in the tree above the Elves hiding under their squirrel illusion. Now I strengthen the bond between Edgar and me so that I could observe the Elves through Edgar’s eyes. Once this was done I slipped a sleep spell through Edgar and ever so gently allowed it to drift down on my squirrel/Elves. The spell took almost ten minutes to work and only when I was able to see through Edgar’s eyes that they were both sleeping I let out a sigh of relief. Next I started to modify the Ward. About a minute into my working there was a tearing sensation as a hole was ripped in the fabric of reality.


The time for subtle was over I snapped the ward breaking it and the surged to my feet strengthen the spell on the two Elves. Both stirred as the ward went down and I could only hope that no alarm had been sent back to the rebel camp.

Galohond rode through the hole on a large black stallion, he were deep blue armor and had a huge sword strapped to his back. Once he was in the clearing he made room for his followers. By the time the rift closed there must have been a hundred Elven warrior mages in the clearing. Each one fresh from Summer and bursting with power.

“Galohond, your timing was almost disastrous!” I snapped walking forward.

Galohond looked at me through the open visor of his helmet and grinned. “Now this is something you don’t see every day. A talking bush and a pair of sleeping Elven guards.”

I felt annoyed and dropped the illusion and summoned Edgar to me. “Better?”

“Aye Lady Livingstone, much better” Galohond said. He then turned to one of his men “Randgos bind those two rebels.” Then he jumped down from his saddle and tossed the reigns to another Elf.

“Where is Mark? I thought she’d be with you.”

“About ten minutes up the main road from here. I’ll call her once we’ve got the rebels defeated. She doesn’t know enough magic to defend herself.”

I quickly cast a spell causing an illusionary three dimensional map of the park to materialize. Having flown over it I was able to display this view with a good amount of detail. I marked our position and then the location of the rebel camp. Then I caused the wards I’d observed to appear so that the Elves would have an idea what they were riding into.

“I suggest we surround the site and then attack from all sides at once. I don’t know how many Elves are here but they were hurt when they assaulted my Godmother’s estate.” I then caused an image of Evaline to appear.

“This is what he looks like.”

I took a deep breath getting ready to explain why my ‘Godmother’ wore the body of a young man but Galohond must have figured out what I planned to say.

“I’ve already explained what happened to Evaline Donegal.” He whispered and then continued in a louder voice; “We will split into five squads for the assault.”

“Randgos, take the 1st squad around to the south signal via speaking stone when you’re in position.”

“Aye, Sir” Randgos replied with a salute. He then leapt into his saddle and road off followed by twenty warriors.

“Castien, take the 2nd squad around to the east. Be careful the terrain is not favorable and I don’t want you to make contact early.” Galohond directed.

An Elf in green and black armor with a scar running from his nose horizontally across his cheek saluted from the saddle. “Aye sir.”

Orthandon, take the 3rd squad around to the west.”

“Aye, Sir” The Elf in silver and green armor replied with a crisp salute.

Morgothor, you have command of the 4th squad. I will accompany you with the command squad we will assault the main entrance to the camp together from the north.”

“As my lord commands” a tall pale Elf with black hair replied.

Galohond turned to me. “My lady may I offer you a ride?”

I nodded my agreement feeling my heart speed up with the idea of battle to come. Galohond jumped back into the saddle and then extended an arm. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into the saddle behind him. Together we rode for the ward followed by forty Elves.


Max moved quietly through the building. In the time she’d spent here she learned that this compound had been brought into the human realm from Summer directly. She didn’t know the spells involved but the building was impressive. It amounted to a small citadel with 50 foot walls, a great hall, several towers, and a barracks.

The day had been a tough one. The assault from last night had cost the rebellion to many warriors. They had escaped into Summer and all the Elves had pulled in as much magic as possible before returning to this sanctuary. Most were now sleeping off the fatigue from the night before. Max had been used to draw power from the Mask and then send it to Arangalad via a link. Proving Arangalad’s theory, the Mask could provide power to all of the rebels while in the human realm. Next Max had been forced to assist in the compelling of Evaline. Max shuddered as she remembered it. Then Arangalad had sent Evaline to his room and taken Max back with him to his bedroom. Arangalad had been rough as he took Max from behind. Even so Max had come, unable to escape the compulsion to climax with Arangalad. Now however Arangalad was sleeping.

Arangalad had made a mistake. Today for the first time he’d not order Max to stay in the room. Without that order Max was free to move around within the citadel although she was forbidden from trying to escape or harm herself. Within those constraints Max quite a bit of freedom and her first opportunity.

Max entered Evaline’s room. He was curled up on his side in the fetal position. Max put a gentle hand on his shoulder and noticed that Evaline was sucking his thumb.

“Wake up little one.”

Evaline blinked, “momma?”

“Yes, dear, I need you to come with me.” Max said trying to be as sweet as she could while at the same time feeling disgusted at what Arangalad had done to Evaline. This was his way of humiliating and embarrassing Evaline. Max knew that there were several layers to this compulsion and on a command from Arangalad, the compulsion to be a 5 year old boy, would be lifted. But the memory of it would stay with Evaline and he would know that Arangalad could do it any time. Unfortunately only Arangalad could lift the spell.

“Up” Evaline said holding up his arms.

“Baby’s too big for Momma to carry. I’ll hold your hand.” Max replied wishing that she could cast spells a levitation spell but she was forbidden from casting any spells without direct permission. Evaline’s large callused hand enveloped Max’s tiny soft hand and they headed out the door. There were no internal patrols, at the moment, which was good since there was almost no chance for them to avoid anyone. When the room with the chair came into view Max breathed a sigh of relief. She scanned the door with her third eye and saw the wards. She reached into the bodice of her dress and pulled out a small potion. When she’d opened the safe with the Mask in it she had seen several other items. Max was a skilled thief it had taken almost no effort for her to palm a couple of the potions.

Once she’d had the opportunity to examine them she had been thrilled. The first two were combat potions. They made the person drinking them stronger and faster and boosted the user’s body shield. The third and last potion was designed to neutralize magic. It could be used in a variety of ways but Max thought this the most effective for the current plan. She opened the vial and scattered the contents over the wards. They went down at once. Max knew that the wards would only remain down for a couple of minutes.

“Momma I got ta go potty” Evaline said.

Max glanced over at him and saw he was standing with his legs crossed holding his privates. “In a minute sweet heart, Momma needs to open this door.”

Working as quickly as she could Max pulled the set of lock picks Arangalad had given her before the mission to recover the Mask. The lock on the door was simple for a thief of Max’s skill. Once open she dragged Evaline inside and shut the door. Almost as soon as the door was shut she felt the wards outside the room come back to life.

“That was close.”

“I really have to go pee-pee.”

“I know sweetie. I promise I’ll take you to the potty but first we need to play a little game.”

“I like games.”

“It’s called repeat after me. Now I’ll sit in that fancy chair over there and you have to say whatever I say. Okay? Then it will be your turn to sit in the chair.”

“That sounds like a boring game!”

“Well honey if you want to go potty you have to play the game.”

Feeling excited and nervous Max sat in the chair. “Okay honey now you need to say these words nice and clear for Momma.”
With that Max said the words of activation that he’d heard Arangalad use earlier that day. When Evaline spoke them Max felt the chair’s magic grip her mind.

“Now say I release you from all prior commands imposed by this chair and Arangalad.”

“I re, . . .re. . . lea. .se . . .you from all commands.” Evaline stammered.

Max felt chains she was no longer consciously aware of drop away. Even though Evaline hadn’t pronounced the words exactly right it had been good enough.

“Okay baby, now say stand up.”

Max knew from Evaline’s session that once the magic started the only way out of the chair was if you were released. Suddenly there was the sound of a horn blasting out an alarm. The outer wards had been tripped. The castle was under attack.

“Momma I’m scared.” Evaline said.

“Baby, momma needs you to say stand up.” Max said feeling desperate.

“Stand up!”

Evaline shouted stamping his foot and Max practically leapt out of the chair. She hurried over to Evaline and hugged her.

“Evaline, I think some people have come to rescue you.”

With a deep breath Max reached into the source of power inside of her and cast a simple sleep spell on Evaline. Max was thrilled when Evaline sank to the floor. She’d been able to use magic without Arangalad’s permission! She was no longer under the compulsions imposed by the chair. Using telekinesis Max moved Evaline to one side in the room and dropped a simple illusion over him to hide him.

“Time to get the hell out of here.” Max mumbled to herself feeling a little guilty about abandoning Evaline.

The End
Chapter 5
“The Hunt is On”

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