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All I can say is that thankfully it wasn't some sort of meringue! It was, as tradition dictates, white, with a certain amount of lace. On the other hand it failed to reach my knees, was teamed with white hold-ups and sandals with a stupid 8cm heel!
"I can't wear this!"
"Why not?" Anna enquired from behind P.
"There aren't any wings."
Well I was feeling silly.
"Ta da!" Steff announced brandishing said angel essentials.
"I give up, so whose idea was this then?"
"Nen, you know her sense of humour." Brid advised.
Don't I!
Ten minutes later I arrived downstairs, possibly Ahrtal's first Goth Angel Gabrielle.
If it wasn't for the sun-drenched vineyards and tourists in shorts you could almost believe it was December on the car park. Snow, lights, the smell of wá¼rst, the sound of happy market go-ers, everything was in place.
"Here they come!" Mart, our lookout announced.
Show time, the members of our impromptu choir assembled ourselves, being the shy retiring type I stood behind the others. We waited for the Fischer's to round the corner then launched into a rendition of Jingle Bells that owed more to enthusiasm than word for word accuracy. This was only ever going to be a short set; the main singing thing is planned for later, in the Keller.
We ended our introduction to a smattering of applause. Next up was Hark The Herald Angels.
Friedenskunde uns zu bringen Freut euch, Vá¶lker dieser Erde, da០er in sein Herz uns nehm'! Há¶rt der Himmelsbotenlied, Heil dem neugebor'nen Herrn! selig jubelnd nah und fern. Betet, da០uns Rettung werde, Christ erstand in Bethlehem! endlich uns das hell erblá¼ht!
After the first chorus I suddenly found myself propelled forward so that I was now facing a surprisingly large audience. My mouth went dry and I fumbled a few words but by the end of the verse I was back on track.
Singt ihm frohe Jubelslieder, Christ der Herr in Ewigkeit. Ewig sei er benedeit! Freut euch, Vá¶lker dieser Erde, da០er in sein Herz uns nehm'! Há¶rt der Himmelsbotenlied, Heil dem neugebor'nen Herrn! selig jubelnd nah und fern. Betet, da០uns Rettung werde, Christ erstand in Bethlehem!
da០er rette er uns alle, da០die Menschen er entsá¼hn, gibt er selbst sein Leben hin.
da០er in sein Herz uns nehm'! Há¶rt der Himmelsbotenlied, Heil dem neugebor'nen Herrn! selig jubelnd nah und fern. Betet, da០uns Rettung werde, Christ erstand in Bethlehem!
We finished our performance with an unusual rendition of Slade's 'Merry Christmas' translated by yours truly.
“Nice outfit Gab.” Claudia offered once we'd done.
“Thanks I guess.”
“So is someone gonna tell me what's going on? Nena's been doing a lot of whispering all week, she won't tell me anything.”
“Sorry sis.” Nena hugged her sister.
“Well,” Anna started, “we, or should I say Gab, had an idea for a special party before you go back to the Schwarzwald.”
“This is for me ?”
“I er thought you'd like the Weihnachts theme.” I mentioned.
“Hey come on Claud, times a wastin'!” Pia suggested.
The potentially awkward and embarrassing moment over, our guest of honour keenly entered into the spirit of the event. I did at least manage to lose the wings and halo I'd been cajoled into wearing; the rest of the outfit isn't too bad in reality. Claudia was an enthusiastic fairground rider, gleefully ascending the helter skelter several times and the gallopers enjoyed a good number of visits too.
A continuous stream of coach parties meant that the atmosphere of a busy market barely waned as we slid, galloped and ate our way through the afternoon. But as with all good things there was an end to the event — well the outside event at any rate. The last bus of tourists departed and I was surprised to see that it was nearly seventeen.
“Thanks Gab.” Claud mentioned pulling me into a hug.
“Everyone helped.”
“Yeah but it was your idea, you really are an Angel.”
“‘S'not what the rents call me.” I told her as I started to blush.
“Anyway I really appreciate it.”
“Hey sis, it's not over yet!” Nena put in.
“It's not ? ”
We'd been studiously keeping Claud from getting inside all afternoon, so I'm sure she had no idea about our grotto in the Keller.
“Time for the party now.” Pia gleefully announced.
I ended up pushing Claudia inside.
“So Gab, how come you got the cute outfit?”
“I kinda got railroaded into it when I got here, I thought I was wearing an elf outfit.”
“Now that I'd pay to see.”
“Keep your money, it's not gonna happen!”
“Spoilsport.” She pretended to pout.
We turned into the darkened weinkellers, the others having hurried ahead to get in place. Herr Sebenschuh flicked the lights on.
“Frohes Weihnacht!” the assembled masses chorused.
Outside was the playground, inside was the cosy social gathering.
“Gaby, you, you bitch you! I hate you for this.” Claud whimpered.
“It's too much, sorry Claud, we can go.” I started to move her chair.
“Don't you dare Gabrielle Bond!”
I stopped, confused as she started to blub.
“You really are an Angel, I never thought, I was sure I'd never have another Christmas, unless there's a miracle I'll be dead long before December.”
“You don't know that.” I started to tear up myself.
“I do Gab, you guys know too don't you.”
“Pia told me last weekend.” I admitted.
“Thank you Gab,” Claudia wiped her face before addressing the gathered masses, “thank you everyone for doing this. Let's get down and party!”
So we did. The choir performed our mini concert, which was actually good fun once we got over a degree of ‘shyness' that we'd escaped earlier. The selection of food and drink inside was greater, I'm sure everyone found something to suit. The light was just going when it was time to leave.
“It's snowing!” someone shouted down the corridor.
Everyone hurried outside, the snow maker must have been running at full pelt, everything in the car park was covered in white, the strings of lights and rides glittering through the still falling white stuff.
“Last go on the horses?” someone suggested.
And so that's how the day ended, happy faces riding a merry go round with snow falling all around, the sadness of the event for now hidden.
“If it's not our very own angel gracing us with her presence.” Jules opined when I eventually stumbled into the kitchen Sunday morning.
“Whatever, any tea in the pot?”
“It's been sat a while.”
“If it's wet and warm.” I grabbed a mug and poured a cup of the over mashed tea. “Urgh!”
“I did say.” My sister pointed out from where she was peeling potatoes at the sink.
“Where's Dad?”
“Downstairs, he was mumbling about taking a drive after dinner.”
“Guess we're eating in.” I observed.
“A proper roast, Boris is coming down.”
“The one with a squint?”
“He does not have a squint!”
I grinned back at her.
“You could invite your boyfriend?”
“Max is not my boyfriend!”
“Whatever you say sis, you could still ask him though.”
“For why?”
She rolled her eyes, “ As a thank you for yesterday? I know he worked hard on the project, building and painting stuff.”
“He's a boy, it's what they do.” I shrugged.
She gave me a look.
“Okay, I'll ring, he won't want to come, he'll be eating with his family.”
“You can give me a hand when you've done.”
“Yes Mum.”
“Why you little…” she started to chase me around the kitchen.
We screeched to a halt.
“And put that knife down Jules, you could hurt someone.”
“Er sorry Dad, Gabs was just gonna ring Max, weren't you?” she directed the last to me.
“Well scoot then,” Dad suggested, “and put some clothes on, there's a bit too much Gaby on display.”
I am dressed, I checked to see what he meant in the hall mirror. Eeek! My boobies are peeking out of my pyjama top; I must have given Dad a right eyeful!
“So um, I was wondering, would you like to come down for dinner later?”
“It's nothing special, just like a Sunday roast, Jules' BF is coming.”
“I said yes Gab, you don't need to sell it.” Max managed to get in between the lines of my monologue.
“Er oh right, you're not eating with your family?”
“I just got a better offer, what time do you want me?”
“Erm, I'll just check, hang on.” I held the mouthpiece to my chest and shouted through to the kitchen, “what time's dinner?”
“Yess! Twelve thirty.” Jules called back.
“You still there?” I asked.
“Just listening to your heart beat.” Max told me.
“Whatever, foods on the table at twelve thirty.”
“I'll be there.”
“Well I need to peel some sprouts or something, see you later.”
“Later Gabs.” Max pumped the air with a whispered ‘yes!'
“Who was that Max?” Grandma enquired.
“Gaby, Gabriella Gran, I've been invited to lunch.”
“Well you'd best get ready then,” she suggested with a smile, “oh and you can invite her to Analise' s nuptials.”
“It's not until November!”
“Plenty of time for her to prepare; unlike last time, eh?”
“Yes, Gran.” He sighed.
to be continued....
© Maddy Bell 27.11.2011
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Claud will
always remember this day with a smile, as well as her family and the businesses and patrons who enjoyed this bit of early Christmas. Truly highlights the selfless nature of the British/German Wunderkind.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Another treat!!
Gabby wouldn't admit it but she has a great heart!! So is she
coming around to the idea of dating boys? It is about time for
her to start thinking as a female!! It has only taken 9 books
to get here!! Don't worry I enjoyed every chapter!! I have
so enjoyed reading about Gabby all this time!! Thanks Maddy!!!
"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel
is Gabby?
Grrr - there's only one B - its Gaby!
Apologies for the rant
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Heart warming ...
Gaby has done it again. She's a delight. She thinks of others and tries to do her best ... even when that involves dressing up as the angel she is.
And, what's this with Max? Keep your fingers crossed. So far, he's a keeper, and he seems smitten by her.
Red MacDonald
Fun... Such a nice party... I can understand Claud's willingness to have a good time. Being told you have a disease that there's no cure for can focus a person. (Speaking from personal experience, though luckily my issues are in remission.)
Seems everyone but Gaby (and perhaps Max) think Max is Gaby's boyfriend... And - this latest invite to Gaby... Wonder how important this next bit will be (considering how important the last one was - and who she rubbed elbows (or something) with).
Thank you,
Another wedding?
One pebble started rolling down the hill, then another and another, until their surprise for Claudia was bigger then they planned. And Claudia was overjoyed. But not as overjoyed as she was at her private party.
Gaby has proven, once again, just how thoughtful she happens to be. She hates getting conned or tricked into something by the girls, but agrees anyway so as not to upset anyone.
Then she gets upset finding out the sister of a friend doesn't have much longer to live and voices an idea to bring Christmas earily. No one had to agree with the idea, but they did. No one had to do more than what the Lion's did, but they did. They gave Claudia a Christmas she may not have again. They gave of themselves to bring a little happiness to a dying person.
What is gran up to? Telling Max to invite Gaby to another wedding? Is gran trying to get Gaby and Max hitched, by hinting with those weddings? Max may like the idea of Gaby becoming his girlfriend, but Gaby has another opinion. If Gaby should marry Max, her racing days might be over because gran would not approve. And as has been seen, what gran says gets done. No questions asked.
Others have feelings too.