Tarja 1-9

The story of a boy who discovers happiness as a girl...


by TG Sine

(Tarja is pronounced TAR-ee-ah. Chapter 1 to 9 reposted from Classic BC at author's request.)


Chapter 1

Thomas Mileham looked out of the car trying to avoid talking to his dad. At 7, he knew he didn't like baseball, but his dad, Mr. John Mileham, made him sign up. Being the youngest of his family, Tommy was 8 years younger than his youngest older siblings, his brother, Daniel. Thomas had three other siblings - 17 year old Melody and 20 year old Jason.

Thomas didn't want to hear what his dad said. Thomas struck out the two times he was at bat, and he let two balls by him in right field. 'I don't want to play baseball,' Thomas thought to himself. 'Jason can and Danny can, but I hate it. All you do is yell at me.'

Thomas has a secret. He likes girl's dresses. One day, he was up in the attic when he saw some of his sisters old clothes, so he tried on a dress. He loved the feeling and he wishes he could wear them all the time.

Thomas heard his dad saying something, but he didn't care to answer him. Thomas was just thinking about dressing up.

"I said," his dad said. "Don't you care if you are labled a SISSY? I want you to come out to the park with Danny and I. We will show you how to hit the ball."

'I hate baseball,' Thomas said to himself. 'I hope mom will let me do something around the house. I don't want to play baseball. Please mom, give me something to do.'

Thomas sighed when his dad said, "You will be a good baseball player. Dan and I will help you." Thomas' dad heard him sigh and said, "I don't want my son to be a sissy. You are going to play baseball and football."

'Sorry, sir' Thomas thought to himself, 'I don't want to and I'll find a project that mom wants me to do. Sports are dumb and I hate it.' Thomas can't wait until he is home, so he can go to his bedroom. 'I hope mom has something for me to do!'

When Thomas got to his house, a Cape Cod style home in a modest neighborhood, he opened the door and ran into the house. He ran up the stairs into his room. He sniffed a few times, but now he wanted to cry - if he cried in the car, his dad would call him a wuss. It was enough to be called by your dad a sissy, but a wuss - Thomas didn't want that.

* * *

His dad came into the house and shook his head at his wife. MaryEllen, Thomas' mom, said, "Why are you upsetting him, John? Can't you see that he hates it?"

"I want him to play baseball like Dennis and Jason are doing. He will play, and he'll love it. Boys play sports."

"Not all boys are into sports, dear! Remember, I think Thomas would rather be doing other things like cooking. Why didn't you encourage Melody more. She loves basketball. She wants to go to UCONN (editor's note - UCONN is the University of Connecticut. Their women's basketball team is GREAT.) to get on their basketball team, yet you are forcing Thomas to do something he hates."

"Girls do not play sports. I don't care if they win 100 games in a row, women's sports are for lesbians. My daughter is not a lesbian. She is a refined young lady. Cooking is for ladies or for queers fags. Thomas will never cook, you need to stop babying him."

"She's going to UCONN. I told her she can. You aren't going to bully Thomas. Thomas doesn't have to play any sports. Thomas will learn to cook, and you aren't going to bully me or Thomas."

* * *

Soon there was a fight, so the police was called after he hit MaryEllen. MaryEllen was a victim of John's anger, but tonight she decided to protect her kids - especially Thomas.

Thomas was still in his room when he heard the police take his dad away. 'I wish I was a girl, GOD. I hate sports,' he thought to himself. 'Why was I born, mom and dad fight about me.' Truthfully, his mom supports him and eventhough they don't sem like it - his brothers and sister stick up for him, too.

In a few minutes, MaryEllen came up and knocked on his door. "Tommy honey, may I talk to you? It is time for me to make you happy. I think you can drop baseball if you want to."

"I can?" Tommy asked. "Good I want to be happy as a girl. I know I can't be one, but I wish I was born a girl."

"Tommy, if you think you'll be happier as a girl, I'll let you become a girl. Would you like to be a girl?"

"Mom," Tommy said, "Can I be a girl? I don't care what dad will say."

"Your dad won't be back, I'm getting a divorce. You are special, Tommy, and yes, you can see how a girl will be and act." MaryEllen looked at Thomas and thought, 'Jeez, you look girlish already. You don't need much.' She then said, "Are you ready to be a girl?"

Tommy looked at her and smiled. MaryEllen smiled and said, "I guess you are ready. Your brothers and sister will love to see the new you."


Chapter 2

Thomas looked at his mom with a worried look. He then said, "How did you know? I thought nobody knew! I guess I'm a weirdo."

"Dan and I saw you in an old dress of Mel's a few weeks ago. I had a feeling someone was looking at it, and I thought it was you. I think you'll be happier as a girl."

Thomas looked horrified, and said, "Danny knows? Jeez, I guess he thinks I am strange." He looked at his mom, then said, "I guess I'm weird. I can't be a girl, mom."

"Yes you can, Thomas," his mom said. "I should have you talk to Aunt Marion. You don't know her, because your dad forbid me from having you meet her. I think you'll be a beautiful feminine girl."

"I wish I could be a girl, mom," Thomas said. "Why should I talk to Aunt Marion? Why did dad forbid you from having her meet us."

Before MaryEllen answered, they heard Danny yelled, "Mom, I'm home. Are you here?" They could hear concern in his voice. She looked at Thomas and kissed him. She walked out of Thomas' room and went to the living room.

Danny saw his mom coming down the stairs and said, "I heard about the police being called here. Did dad hit you?" Danny, who was sitting on the love seat, didn't see her face, but when he did, Danny said, "Mom, he hit you! I want to kill him."

"Don't worry, Daniel," she said, "I had him arrested. I am going to get a restraining order on your dad. Thomas was sad when he came home from baseball, like always. I told your dad that Thomas should not be forced to play baseball."

"Don't call John my dad, mom," Dan said. "I hate that he bullies Thomas and he uses you as a punching bag. I don't ever want to see him. I think Thomas will be happier, too."

"I told him about seeing him in a dress, and I think he is confused about what you would say, Dan," MaryEllen said. "I think you should tell him. I need to go out for a while to get a restraining order on your dad."

"Don't call him that, mom," Danny said. "I hope Thomas will talk to me. He was cute in that dress of Mel's." Danny went upstairs to Thomas' room while MaryEllen went to her attorney.

Danny looked at Thomas and saw he was crying and sniffing, so Danny decided to go up to the attic and get him a nice nightie that Mel wore when she was 10. 'I should tell him that he is not the only one who's a TG,' Danny said to himself. 'I hope mom won't be mad if I showed Thomas Big Closet. Thomas might like it.'

Danny went to the attic and found the nightie of Mel. The nightie, a light purple silk material with a moon on it, looked nice. He found a pair of lilac panties with lace on it. 'He'll be happy as a girl,' Danny thought. He went to Thomas' room and knocked on the door. "Tommy? May I come in? I want to show you something."

Thomas sniffed and said, "I guess you think I'm a weirdo, Danny. I guess you think that Dad is right that I'm a sissy." He sniffed.

Danny said, "Nope, you aren't like me, Tommy. You hate sports and you like being clean. That means you are special, Tommy. I guess you think you are the only one who is like this. You have company, Tommy."

Tommy looked wide eyed at Danny and asked, "You?"

Danny laughed and said, "Not me, Tommy. My school has a Gay Straight Alliance club, and 5 of the boys like being girls. Maybe you can visit the meeting someday. Anyway, I hope you will wear this and I will show you another reason why you aren't alone." Danny showed Tommy the nightie and panties and said, "Mom and I will support you, Tommy."

Tommy looked at the nightie and smiled. "You want me to wear this?" Tommy said. "Will mom mind?"

"Mom won't mind, Tommy," Danny said. "You'll look cute. Come to the computer room after you're in your nightie." Danny left Tommy's room. Danny then gave Tommy a kiss and left his room. Danny went to the computer room.

Their mom went to her attorney to get a restraining order against John. She told her attorney that she only want the house and child support. After getting the order, she left the office, then called Marion on her cell phone.

MaryEllen said when Marion answered, "Hi sis. I decided to divorce John. I hope we can have dinner this week. I need your help?"

Marion said, "You decided to take my advice, sis. You should have done it 8 years ago, but I'm glad you decided to now. What do you need, sis?"

MaryEllen said, "I want you to meet Tommy. I think he needs to meet you. He wants to be a girl, and he thinks he is the only one. I just hope you can help him becoming a girl? I don't want to be closed minded like dad was to you."

Marion said, "Think Tommy is a TG? I just wish dad would have helped me at 7. I want Tommy to be a feminine girl. What is his girl name?"

"Truthfully, I don't know. I decided to talk to him about it after he was upset. He hated baseball, but John pushed him into it. John was yelling at him, so I decided to tell John to leave Tommy alone. Tommy was crying in his bedroom, so I told him that I think he would look beautiful as a girl and I did tell him I saw him in the attic tonight. He thinks he is the only boy who is like that."

"I'll see you tomorrow, MaryEllen. I might introduce you to my boyfriend. He is a single dad to three boys. Think I could bring them over?" Marion was thinking about having Tommy meet Averil, because he is a TG, too. "I think Tommy would like to meet Averil. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I need to call Don."

"I'll wait for your call, sis," MaryEllen said. Shutting off her cell phone, she was wondering about why she wants Tommy to meet Averil. Shaking it off, MaryEllen decided to buy Tommy a present - a nice peach colored silk dressy dress that she saw and panties. 'I think Tommy might love this,' she thought as she bought the dress and another, a lilac colored silk dress.

While their mom was buying some dresses for Tommy, Tommy, dressed in the nightie came to the computer room and said, "Danny, I'm here."

Danny said, "You are a cute girl, Tommy. I want to show you that you aren't the only one." Danny looked at Tommy and thought, 'Yes, she is a girl. I think I'll protect my little sister from boys.' Danny hit a button and said, "I want to show you this site, this site is called 'BigCloset.' It is a great site." Tommy sat in a chair next to Danny and looked at the screen. "Does mom know about this? I hope she won't get upset. Dad would." Tommy looked at himself, then said, "Dad would freak out if he saw me like this."

"Don't worry, Tommy," Danny said. "Dad is unwelcomed in the house! He been bullying you and I hate him for hitting mom. Mom is at the lawyers getting a restraining order."

Tommy looked at a story and said, "What is that?"

"This is a story from LittleKatie. I like the story," Danny said.

"I meant a restraining order, Danny," Tommy said.

"Oh, sorry, Tommy. A restraining order is a court order to prevent someone to visit. In our case it will be that moron. Tommy, you aren't the only boy who wants to a girl. 5 boys in my school wants to be." Danny and Tommy decided to surf the net, and didn't hear their mom come in.

MaryEllen looked at Danny and Tommy and saw Tommy in his light purple colored nightie and she smiled. "What you two doing?" she asked.

Tommy was scared, but Danny said, "We were looking at TG sites, mom. How do you like Tommy's nightie."

"She looks very cute, Danny. I hope she likes the presents I got her. I think she needs to go to bed. I hope my daughter will go shopping with me tomorrow."

Tommy said, "You aren't mad, mom?"

"Nope, Tommy." MaryEllen smiled.


Chapter 3

Tommy looked at his mom and said, "You aren't mad? Danny wanted me to wear this while he was showing me things. I can't believe that people are like me."

Danny said, "You aren't alone, Tommy. Most boys are known they are TG at an early age. According to a 'BigCloset' poll, 12% know that they are TG by the time they are 4. More by the time they are 13. The 5 boys in the club are glad that they have a club. 2 girls are in the club who wants to be boys."

Tommy said, "Why would anyone want to be a boy? I think girl's clothes are so soft." Tommy looked at his nightie, then said, "This is so nice."

"I'm glad you are happy, Tommy. I won't let anyone force you to play sports, unless you want to. I'll show you how to cook. Matter of fact, tomorrow you can help me with dinner. Aunt Marion will be here with her boyfriend and his kids."

"I can? I would love to be a girl all day tomorrow until dinner."

"Yes, you may. It is time for a happy girl to go to bed. I hope you'll like your presents."

While MaryEllen were talking about Aunt Marion being over for dinner, Marion was on the phone talking to her boyfriend. "My sister invited me over for dinner tomorrow. She invited you and your boys over, too. I'm going to help her with a special project. Averil will meet someone."

"I would like to meet your family, Marion. I think you are special, and I'm glad you're helping Averil with it. Should she wear a dress?"

"Let me borrow her, so I can take her out for a special day, just us girls. You boys can go fishing and us girls can shop."

"Ok, when do you want her? Or do you want to come over a visit me tonight," Don said in his Mae West voice. "How did you know I was thinking of going fishing?"

"Because your sons told me yesterday, dear. I'll be over in a few minutes."

* * *

At the Mileham's house, MaryEllen and Danny got kissed by Tommy, then went to his bedroom. 'This is the best,' Tommy thought to himself. 'I need a girl name. Tommy is my old name. Mom don't mind me as a girl, but I can't be a girl all the time.' He was on his bed, when he decided to look at a baby name book. He saw the name 'Tarja', so he loved the name. 'Yes, I will be Tarja Tanya Mileham. I hope mom likes it.'

In the computer room, Danny and MaryEllen were discussing about TGs. "Mom," Danny said, "I think Tommy will be happier as a girl. I will protect her. Aunt Marion will be coming over, is it because she could help Tommy?"

"Yes, my smart youngest son," she said. "You know your dad didn't want you to see her, but i did a few times. Tommy met her twice, but your dad when he saw Tommy was like me, he told me not to let him meet her. Your dad knows he was my brother Marc, and he -."

Danny said, "That guy is a jerk, mom. I don't want him labled 'my dad'. He bullied you and Tommy, and I want you to know that I'd do anything to support Tommy. Aunt Marion has a boyfriend? Cool! She needs one."

She smiled at Danny and said, "That man didn't want Marion around Tommy, so I could take him to meet Marion. I think we should move, to a house in the country. I saw a nice house, 13 miles from here. It is a 5 bedroom house on 10 acres with an indoor pool. I can sell this house, and we can move to it. I guess you'd miss your friends."

"I don't mind moving. I want to start anew because if we stay here, THAT GUY might cause us problems. He could attack Tommy if he found out he was dressed as a girl. I don't want to see him ever. Tommy is scared of him and I'm going to protect my little sister."

"I should ask Melody if she wants to move. She has one more year, and I'll let her decide if she wants to leave. I would like to move out of here."

"Ask me what, mom?" Melody said. Melody, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt was snapping her gum.

"I am divorcing your dad. I would like to know if you would like to move or finish up here. Tommy and Danny would like to move. If you want you could finish up here. I'll see if someone would let you stay here. I thought you were staying at Stephanie?"

"I came home, to get a science book, mom. I can stay here and finish up? I hope you won't mind if I stay here. You finally did it, mom! Good. Does that mean I can play basketball next year? Stephanie just announced she's going to UConn. I hope they'll let me play for them." Mel is an honor roll student, and along with the basketball team, she is a cheerleader, student government member and member of the softball team. "I think Stephanie's folks would let me stay at their house."

MaryEllen smiled and said, "Don't be so happy, Mel. You can stay, and let me see if you can stay with the Leadleys. Will you be here tomorrow? Aunt Marion will be here with her boyfriend and his kids."

"I have to babysit for the Iversons tomorrow, mom. Tell Aunt Marion hello for me. Jason has a baseball game at 10, and Stephanie and I might go to the mall. I am trying to help Steph with a problem and I got to get my book and notebook. I love you, mom." Melody ran up the stairs and went to her bedroom to get her notebook and science book.

Danny said, "I think we should move, mom. We'll be happier." He shut off the computer and said, "Good night, mom."

"Good Night, dear." MaryEllen hugged him and then went into the kitchen after watching her son go up the stairs. After making herself a cup of tea, she went to bed.


Chapter 4

MaryEllen drank her tea before bed; in the kitchen it was quiet. Soon, Danny came in and hugged his mom. "Mom, do you think grandpa would have ever gotten over Marion becoming a girl? Gram doesn't say much about her either. Do you think Gram will hate Tommy?"

"Remember," MaryEllen said, "Your gramps was in the Vietnam War. He thought that men were men, it was a shock to him when Marc came home as Marion. I think your gram wants to patch things up with Marion. You do miss your gramps, don't you?"

"Yes, I do miss Gramps. I just wish I told him that I love him more. Mom, when is dinner tomorrow? George, Craig and Kyle will be going skateboarding at the park with me."

"I want you home at 4:30. I want you to make a good impression with Marion's boyfriend," MaryEllen said. "Good night, dear."

Danny said, "Night mom." He opened the refrigerator and took out the carton of orange-pineapple juice and poured himself a glass. He smiled at his mom and went to his bedroom. He put the glass on his nightstand and stripped to his briefs.

MaryEllen finished her tea, then went to her bedroom. She went to the closet and saw a lilac colored nightie so she wore that. 'Tommy,' she thought, 'We'll be twins tonight.'

* * *

Marion, in her Ford Taurus, was on her way to her boyfriend's house. When she got there, a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom 2 story Tudor, she saw the garage door opening and her boyfriend standing there with a tray containing a wine bottle and two wine glasses. She drove into the garage, rolled down her window and said, "Are you trying to get me drunk, love?"

Her boyfriend, Craig Overington, said, "Nope, I just want to tell you that I love you so much." He put the tray down on a table and took a small box and got on his knee. "Marion, will you make me happy and marry me?" Craig opened the small box.

Marion saw it was a 5 caret diamond and opal ring. "Yes, and I know who I want as my maids of honor, love," Marion said. "I would love to be your wife. I saw a beautiful flower girl dress and I think Averill will love wearing it." She kiss Craig. "You are so lovable, my dear."

"Yes, and I hope I can show you how lovable I am, dear," Craig said. He uncorked the wine bottle and poured the wine into the glasses. Craig gave Marion a glass, then said, "To us. To a happy future. A future filled with love and happiness."

They clanked the glasses together then went inside. Craig and Marion went into the master bedroom suite which is on the first floor and cuddled up.

* * *

In the morning, Craig woke up and kissed Marion. "Don't get up, dear. Have fun with Averill today." Craig got out of bed, and pulled on son jeans and a flannel shirt. He then went upstairs to wake up 12 year old Ben and 6 year old Neal.

Ben looked at his dad and smiled. "I hope I'll get that big bass today. Is Marion coming over to watch Averill?"

"Yes, she is here. I got to wake up Neal, then we can get going to BurgerKing for breakfast. Be quiet, don't wake up Averill." Craig went out of Ben's room.

He went across the hall to Neal and woke him up. Neal said, "Hi daddy!" and got out of bed. He put on his jeans and a flannel shirt and gave Craig a hug.


At the Mileham's, MaryEllen woke up and went downstairs to start breakfast. She was cooking bacon, so soon Danny woke up and smiled. He walked into the kitchen, so MaryEllen said, "Dear, would you make the toast. I'm going to wake up your sister."

Danny said, "Yes, mom." He went to the freezer and got the whole wheat bread out and also the raisin bread.

* * *

MaryEllen went into Tommy's room. She looked around and she saw that Tommy was unlike Danny's room. Danny had posters of rock stars and sport stars, while Tommy doesn't have any posters. Tommy's was clean while Danny was messy. She went to Tommy and said, "Wake up, dear. Time to eat."

Tommy looked at his mom and smiled. "Hi mom! I dreamt I was a girl."

"You are a girl, Tommy. You will be a girl from now on. Breakfast, then I want to get you ready for the day. I got a new dress for you. We are going to shop for you."

Tommy smiled and kissed his mom. They went downstairs and had breakfast. Danny looked at Tommy and his mom, then said, "You two are twins. Purple nightie. Here's breakfast!!" Danny gave them 2 eggs on toast, then sat down with 4 eggs on toasts.

After breakfast, MaryEllen andTommy cleaned up, then they went to MaryEllen's bedroom. When they got there, MaryEllen started a bath for Tommy, then said, "Tommy, today will be the first day as a girl! Hop into the tub and I will get you ready."

Tommy took off the nightie and the panties then went into the tub. The bath water smelled wonderful - like lilacs.


Chapter 5

While Tommy was in the bathtub, his mom put out his new lilac colored silk dress, with purple silk panties, white stockings, white slip and a white training bra on her bed. She then went into the bathtub and said, "Having a good time, honey?"

Tommy said, "This is nice. I'm glad you aren't mad that I wish I was a girl. Dad said that I'm a sissy. Are you sure he won't ever be back?"

"Honey, I'm going to protect you. We got to get you dressed, so we can buy some dresses and clothes for my new daughter. I'll show you how to dress like a girl. Get out now, honey." MaryEllen unfolded a towel and she started to dry Tommy. MaryEllen looked at her son closely and thought, 'I wonder if Tommy is a girl. I know Danny and Jason's penis were much bigger at 8, then Tommy's is.' MaryEllen read about a girl who when she was born was thought to be a boy, but when she hit 11 and started puberty, breasts formed. 'I wonder if they goofed up at the hospital.'

* * *

At the Overington's, Marion was asleep in Craig's bed, when she felt someone climbing into the bed with her. Marion turned over and saw Averil, in his pink barbie nightgown, so Marion said, "Morning, honey. Ready for shopping. We have a busy day, today."

"Where are we going to do today, Marion? I saw a swimsuit at Feline's, so I hope I could get it. It is a pink bikini."

"I saw a nice dress that I hope you'll love, Averil. It is a flower girl's dress and I hope you'll wear it for a special event soon." She showed the ring to Averil.

"You'll be my mom?" Averil asked. "This is neat, I hope I can be a flower girl for you."

"You are one of two I hope to have. We are going shopping, go to the hair salon and then we can bake a pie later. We are going to my sister's house. We have been invited to dinner tonight. I hope you'll wear that beautiful light blue silk dress we made a month ago."

"I hope my brothers will clean up. Two flower girls? I hope she'll like me."

"I think he'll like you, Averil. I wish we could cuddle up, but lets get ready." Marion kissed Averil and said, "Lets have cereal, I'll treat you to lunch." Marion climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchen, with Averil following.

They got out the Special K and the skim milk and had a bowl.

* * *

At Loux Park's skateboarding area, Danny was the first one there. Soon Kyle, his buddy from the school's GSA club, walked over. Danny saw that he was unhappy, so Danny said, "Did you tell your mom? She was upset?"

"No," Kyle said, "Kole saw it, so he told dad. Dad wants to send me to a shrink. I wish they would layoff me. I'm glad you are open minded, Danny. If you hated me, I'd kill myself. I can't wait until I'm out of the dumb town."

"Kyle, I'm moving soon. My mom is divorcing my dad and mom told us about a nice house she was looking at. It has an indoor pool."

Kyle looked at Danny and said, "I should kill myself. You are my best friend, Danny. I wish I could go with you, but your mom would think I'm a weirdo."

"Mom, would accept you. Remember I told the club about my brother trying on Mel's dress? Today, Tommy will be a girl. Tommy, told mom that he wished he was a girl." Danny saw George and Craig, two of their classmates and riends of Danny, walking towards them. "After skateboarding let me treat you to an ice cream cone, so we can chat."

* * *

Tommy looked at his new clothing and hairstyle, then said, "I look like a girl, Mom! I love it." He looked at the two pigtails that were tied with a lilac colored ribbon and bowed.

MaryEllen said, "I'm glad to have a new daughter. We need to get you new clothes and we need to get the ingredients for dinner tonight. I will show you how to cook dinner. What is your new girl's name? I can't call you Tommy."

"I'm Tarja, mom. I saw it in a baby name book. I'm Tarja Ashleigh Mileham."

"It is a lovely name for a lovely daughter. I think the name is as special as you are. We are having Fruit Glazed Pork Roast, potatoes, wax beans and maybe a blueberry pie. I will show my daughter how to cook. Ready to go shopping, Tarja?"

Tarja shook her head and they went shopping, the first place they stopped was Burlington Coat Factory.

* * *

At the Overington's, Averil was dressed in a pale yellow sundress with Marion in a white blouse and green skirt. They were ready to go shopping with them going to 'GoodWater Square Mall', a 6 department store (Feline's, JC Penny, Lord & Taylor, Feline Home, Macy's and Read's) anchored mall.

Marion and Averil walked to Marion's Taurus, with Averil playing with her doll. Averil sat in the back and buckled in then started to bottle feed his doll.

When they got to the mall, Averil showed Marion the bikini he saw at Feline's. Marion bought that along with a one piece, plus a three piece swimsuit - top bottom and shorts. Marion saw a summery dress for Averil so she bought it, then they walked to the mall area and started towards Nordstrom.

* * *

After shopping at 'Burlington Coat Factory', MaryEllen went to 'Bob's Furniture', to buy a new bedroom set for Tarja. They looked around, and Tarja saw the perfect girl's bedroom - a white and pink painted canopy bed with white and pink painted furniture. MaryEllen bought the set and set it aside for the new house.

After 'Bob's' they hit 'T.J. Maxx' and 'Bob's Stores', both for dresses and other girl's wear. Soon, they stopped into 'Barnes & Noble', so Tarja looked at Discovery Girl, J-14 and American Girl. Tarja picked them from the shelf, walked to the cafe and started to read them while MaryEllen was in line.

* * *

On Nepash Lake, Craig, Ben and Neal were out fishing in their 19 foot Ranger Bass Boat with a Suzuki 150 Bass outboard on it. Neal cast a line into the lake, then said, "Dad, what is Averil and Marion doing today?"

"They are going shopping, Neal," Craig said, as he cast his line into the bed of weeds. "Girls love to shop."

"Why do they?" Neal asked.

Craig looked at his two boys, who are wearing dirty jean shorts and a T-shirt. He smiled and said, "They love to be in fashion. Girls hate to be out of fashion. Us boys are comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, but they like to dress up."

Neal said, "If boys hate shopping, why does Ben like to go to the Mall?"

Ben said, "Boys go to the mall to eat, play video games and GIRLWATCH, Neal. You'll go to the mall to girlwatch, too."

Neal said, "Girls yuck! I hate girls."

Ben and Craig laughed and Ben said, "Don't you like Marion?" Ben does have a girl playmate - Caroline.

Ben said, "Don't you like Caroline, Neal?"

Neal said, "Marion is nice she loves to cook and sew patches on my jeans. Caroline loves to climb trees and play with my trucks." Neal had a crush on Caroline, who was 8.

* * *

At Loux Park, Danny had enough skateboarding so he decided to say, "See you around you guys. I'm going to get an ice cream." He smiled at Kyle.

Danny started towards downtown towards 'Golden Cow Ice Cream', soon Kyle ran up to him and said, "They are staying here. I need to talk to you, Danny."

"Lets get an ice cream cone, and lets walk around Riverside Park. We can talk in the cave, noone will bother us. I know you are depressed, Karla." Danny used Kyle's feminine name.

"Why don't my mom and dad let me be myself. I wish I could ask your mom to take me with you. I'll miss you."

"I'm not sure when we are leaving, Karla. What flavor do you want?"


Chapter 6

At the 'Golden Cow', Danny bought Kyle an ice cream cone then started down Columbus Drive to Riverside Park. They were going to 'The Cave' to discuss Karla. Walking down Columbus Drive, Kyle and Danny were talking about the club. They were talking about sports, the ice cream cone they were eating, and summertime, which would be soon be here.

At Loux Park, George and Craig were skateboarding, when George stopped. He sat at the bench and asked the others, "Do you think Kellen was telling the truth? I mean, the best basketball player at the school wants to be a girl?"

Craig said, "That's why the club is there. Remember, we can't judge. I still can't believe my cousin is undergoing SRS. I wonder if a TG can play women's sports in college?"

"I'm not sure," George said. "See Kellen play for the WNBA."

"Write a story about a WNBA TG player for 'THE BIG CLOSET'," Craig said. "George, does your nephew still want to be a girl? I still think that boys should NOT be called sissies."

"Yes, Marlin does," George said. "My sister thinks he's better as a little girl. I mean he's still small for 12, so the doctor said he's mostly a girl."


At Barnes and Noble, MaryEllen and Tarja were at a table having a drink. Tarja was looking at American Girl magazine, and saw a lovely dress. "Mom," she said, "Look at this dress. I wish I had a place to wear it."

"It is lovely, dear," MaryEllen said. "Did you have a good time? We need to go to Bed Bath & Beyond to get you sheets for your new bed. We need to get home and start dinner."

Tarja had a cookbook and said, "Mom would you buy this for me? I want to help you cook."

"You are the best daughter ever, Tarja," MaryEllen said.

"Thanks, mommy," Tarja said.

They finished their snack, then went to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy some sheets for Tarja's new bed. They bought silk sheets in lilac and pink, cotton sheets in flower patterns and pink, pale yellow, pale green and lilac. After Bed Bath & Beyond, they went home to start dinner.


At Nepash Lake, Craig, Ben and Neal were fishing. Craig asked, "Want to cruise around before we head home? Marion was invited to dinner and we're going. We need to get cleaned up. We need to head back in an hour and a half. Where do you guys want to go?"

Nepash Lake is a flood control dam, and the lake has many inlets. One of the best known is a beach called Cliff Point, a site of an old quarry; another is Bridge Cove where the old railroad bridge is under water. The boys wanted to cruise around there, so they did for an hour.


At Nordstrom's, Marion and Averill looked at the dress Marion wanted the flower girls to wear. Averill asked, "The dress is so pretty. Do you think she'll like it, too?"

Marion said, "I hope he'll like it. I hope you'll help him."

"He?" Averill asked. "What do you mean?"

"Yes, he is my nephew," Marion said. "I hope you'll help out. Let's look at swimsuits. I want to get a pair for both of you. We've got to go home and make the pie."


When Tarja and MaryEllen got home, Tarja put her clothing in her room. Soon, they started dinner with Tarja making a dessert from her cookbook. MaryEllen helped Tarja and soon the meal was cooking.

"Now," MaryEllen said, after cleaning up the kitchen. "We need to get ready for the party. Let's take a bath."


Chapter 7

Marion and Averill were looking at swimsuits in Nordstrom's when 8 year-old Averill, looking at a little girl's bikini, asked, "Mom, I know I'm not alone wanting to be a girl, you and dad are supporting me, but you are saying that my cousin is? Why haven't I met her?"

Marion asked, "Remember I said you aren't alone? I knew Tommy was alone when his dad forbade me to see my sister. I knew he - Tommy's dad - would have a problem supporting Tommy when he called me a weirdo. Just like at your old school, when people picked on you."

Marion, is a psychiatrist, specializing in teen TG and infantilism issues. That is how Craig and Marion met, when Craig, a lawyer, had a mother for a client who wanted to help her teen son have SRS. Craig used Marion professionally for a few years. When Averill started wearing girl's clothes, Craig took Averill to see Marion. Soon Craig and Marion fell in love.

Averill said, "Tommy's dad must be HATEFUL! I hope I'll never see him. I'm glad dad supports me and I hope I can help Tommy. What is his girl name?" Averill saw a cute bikini, and showed it to Marion. "This is a cute bikini!"

Marion laughed and said, "I think your dad would think you are growing up too fast. In July, for your ninth birthday, I'll get it for you. See if you can find another just like it."


MaryEllen took Tarja to the master bath and they both undressed. MaryEllen filled the tub and put some bath beads in it. MaryEllen and Tarja then got into the tub and soaked.

Tarja said, "Mom, I'm happy that I'm a girl today. I don't want the weekend to end. I wish I could be a girl at school, but the kids would really laugh at me." She thought about what would happen if she were a girl at school. 'I would really get called names. I just can't wait until summer vacation and I hope I'll stay a girl this summer.'

"Tarja, I'll see if I can get you registered as a girl at your new school. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I believe you are a girl." MaryEllen started to wash her.


In a house 7 miles from the Mileham's, an 11 year old boy, typed 'transgender' in his search engine. The boy, Darby Yarnell, thought to himself, 'I guess I'm the only sissy who thinks like this.'

Darby Yarnell, an orange red-haired, green-eyed boy who was short, was a sad little boy. He lived with his mom, two older brothers (Mike 17 and Robert 14), an older sister (Denise 15), a younger brother (Logan 9) and two younger sisters (Autumn 8 and Kaylee 5). Darby recently wanted to dress as a girl, but he thought he was a nut. He heard about transgenderism, so he decided to see if he could get info.

Soon, Yahoo listed a few sites, and Darby saw a page saying 'TG issues for preteens and teens', so Darby clicked on the page; it was Marion's website.


After they paid for their clothing at Nordstrom's, Marion and Avrill went home. Marion showed Avrill how to bake an apple pie and they also made cheesecake squares.

While the pie and cookies were baking, Marion said, "Lets clean up and then lets get ready for the party. Avrill, I hope you'll like Tommy. This is her first weekend of being a girl."

Averill said, "I hope I can help her become a girl. I hope I can be a psychiatrist and help TG teens when I grow up. I hope someday I can get pregnant with my own kids."

Marion said, "They are working on it, dear. Who knows? You might be a birth-mom."


At Riverside Park, Danny and Kyle climbed to get to 'The Cave', a small cave where revolutionaries used to hide the French during the war of independence in the 1700s; used by slaves in the early 1800s as a way station on the underground railroad; and by bootleggers to hide alcohol in the 1930s. The cave was now hidden by trees and was a steep climb, but Danny and Kyle were looking for privacy.

When they got to the cave, Danny said, "Kyle, you know that you are my best friend. DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. I'll think of something, just because you are in the wrong body doesn't mean anything to me; you are still special."

"I know! I wish my mom would open her mind. I hope she'll at least take me to a shrink."

"What you want shrunk?" Danny asked.

Kyle laughed and said, "I hate those spam about getting a bigger penis. Even at my Yahoo! Account, I get those stupid spam messages."

"Me too, my mom said that women aren't interested in size, mom said that it is how you act towards a lady that is number one."


At Nepash Lake, Craig, Ben and Neal were relaxing at Bridge Cove. They were swimming from their boat. Craig, looking at the time, said, "WE have to get home now. Marion wants you guys to dress up."

Ben said, "What does mom want us to wear? Do we have to wear ties?"

Craig, starting up the boat, said, "Nope, just school pants and a clean shirt. Neal, take a bath when you get home!"

Neal said, "I don't need one, I was swimming. Why do I need a bath?"

Craig smiled to himself and thought, 'Neal is not a girl. He is 100% pure boy.'


Darby looked at the webpage and thought, 'I guess I'm not the only one who wants to be a girl. I wish I could talk to mom about it.' Darby read the statement that Marion put on her webpage. 'I can't believe it, she was a boy?' Darby asked himself.


Chapter 8

At Nepash Lake, Craig, Ben and Neal were relaxing in Bridge Cove - diving off the boat. Craig dove into the water and came up. He said, "Time to go home. Neal, swimming is not the same as washing." Craig climbed into the boat and started the engine. As he was cruising toward the launch area, he saw a family with boat trouble. The dad, was looking at an old Johnson, so Craig decided to see if he needed a tow.

The dad said, "Sure, I think I blew my cylinder. We just moved here, and I don't know a good dealer."

Craig told him about the boat dealer down the road,and said, "If you want, I'll take you there. Good people. They are closing for the day, so I'll call them to see if they can wait."

The dad said, "Thanks. We moved here about a week ago. We been working on our house, so today, we decided to go boating. I'm Donald Kells, this is my fiancee Ann Texidor and our bo- kids. That is Alexi, Ian and Pol Kells, and Chris, Ryan and Austin Texidor."

Ben heard Mr. Kells say boys, but he looked at two of the girls. The girls, dressed in t-shirts over blue 2-piece swimsuits, were as cute as their mom, who wore the same thing. Ben smiled at them. 'Now,' Ben thought to himself, 'I guess Mr. Kells mad a mistake.'

Craig towed the boat to the boat launch. At the dock, Craig took Neal to the truck, while Don, carrying Austin, went to get his truck. Craig and Don talked about their family and boating.


Tarja and MaryEllen were relaxing in the tub. Tarja thought about Monday and going back to school as Tommy. There, as Tommy, he was picked on - called sissy, get tripped, get his books knocked to the floor and worse things. Tarja sighed and said, "I love being a girl, mom!"

"I know you do," MaryEllen said. "I guess we need to get up and get dressed. I want you to wear your new purple silk dress? I want Marion to say how BEAUTIFUL you are." MaryEllen started to get out of the tub, helped Tarja out of the tub. MaryEllen showed Tarja how to dry off, then they wrapped the towels around them and MaryEllen started on Tarja's hair. MaryEllen did her nails in a light purple color and then MaryEllen got Tarja dressed. MaryEllen showed Tarja everything about getting dressed.

Tarja said, "It is different then boys, mommy." Tarja had her lilac panties on first, a training bra in lilac, a chemise, white stockings and now MaryEllen was going to put Tarja's new purple silk dress on.


Darby looked at the page. He thought to himself, 'It won't hurt to e mail her. I wonder if she had the same problems.' Darby clicked on the 'contact Marion' button, so Darby wrote:

I just discovered your webpage. I need help and I hope you can help me. I am small for my age (11) and I hope you can help me.

Darby wrote about his feelings and he wanted to get information. He sent the e mail to Marion, then he saw a chat area. 'I doubt anyone my age would be here. I would seriously doubt they'll let anyone my age here.' He clicked the chat button and soon Darby was in a chatroom with three other chaters - Carla16, Girl12 and Brooke15.

Brooke15 typed: 'Hi Darby. U nu? Carla16, r u goin to the party? mom just got a new swimsuit.'

girl12 typed: 'i won't miss it. my mom is happy that im feeling better.'

Darby typed: 'I'm new online.' Darby was shy so he decided to leave the chat. Darby - in 10 minutes - decided to visit again.


Dan and Kyle were talking at the Cave when, Dan said, "Whatever happens, Karla, don't kill yourself. I might ask my aunt to see what I can to help you. I got to get home, my aunt is coming over for dinner. I hope my aunt can talk to us at school. Karla, don't do anything foolish."

Kyle said, "Thanks, Dan. I won't because you are special. Going to call me tonight?"

Dan said, "Yes. Lets get home. I might have some good news, later." Dan and Kyle got out of the cave and walked to their homes.


Marion and Averill - after their bath - did their hair, nails and make up, then put on their outfits. Both wore light blue sundress. Averill went to her room to play with her dolls and she was taking 3 of them to dinner, but then Averill said, "Mom, may I go online? I want to tell Brooke, Carla, Briana, Terry and Taylor that you'll be my mom."

Marion said, "Yes, you may. If you want to, see if Brooke can go to the party. I should check my e mail. I haven't looked at it since yesterday. I hope we can have 25 kids at the party."

Averill went to Marion's chat room and saw 5 of the people she knew. Averill typed: 'Hi all! Darby and Quinn, r u new here?'

Darby typed: 'Yes. I am new. I hope I can be here.'

Girl12 typed: 'You can. I'm 12. Avy is 8.'

Quinn typed: 'New here. My dad is mad at me. I hate being a boy.'

Averill typed: 'Quinn, I hated being a boy, too! Quinn, did you tell anyone?'

Quinn typed: 'Who should we tell? My dad would tell me to stop being a sissy. My mom would blame it on my dad.'

Girl12 typed: 'Averill, both of them need Dr.Marion to help them.'

Averill typed: 'Briana, Dr. Marion will be my mom! I'm going to help out my stepcousin tonight.' Averill told them about Tommy.

Girl12 typed: 'Avy, tell Dr. Marion congratulations. You going to be the flower girl?'

Averill typed: 'Yes, me and Tommy. Anyone seen Brooke today?'

Carla typed: 'Just missed her. She e mailed your mom about the party. She just bought a new swimsuit. Mom and dad are talking about it. Dad and Zack might go to the races, so we might be at the party.'

Darby typed: 'What is this party?'

Averill told Darby about the party, and Averill answered a few questions. Averill shut off the computer, when her dad came in.


Dan got home and MaryEllen told him to take a shower. MaryEllen told him to wear dress pants and a polo shirt. Dan went to his room ad took a shower.

10 minutes later, Dan was downstairs, helping MaryEllen set the table. Dan looked at Tommy and said, "Tommy, you are a beautiful girl."

"I won't be Tommy except at school. I'm Tarja," Tarja said as she helped MaryEllen with dinner.

"Nice name, Tarja," Dan said.


Craig looked at Averill and said, "Hi princess! Did you have a fun day? You look cute enough to cuddle."

Averill said, "Thanks, daddy. I love you!"

Craig said, "I think you want me to take a shower! Girls!"

Averill looked at her dad and giggled.


Chapter 9

Craig looked at Averill and said, "I know you don't want a sweaty guy kissing you. You're so beautiful, I need to take a shower."

Craig walked into the kitchen where Marion was sitting. Craig said, "My girls are so beautiful! I guess I should get cleaned up, so I can kiss you both."

Marion said, "I just told our sons to take a shower, so should I tell you?" She looked at Craig and smiled.

Craig said, "Yes, mommy! I'm going to take my bath now!"

Marion laughed and said, "NOW GO!". She watched Craig leave the kitchen. Marion thought, 'I'm lucky to have Craig, Ben, Neal, and especially Averill. I'm glad to have my sister back in my life. Thank you, God!'

In the family bathroom, Ben and Neal both were in the shower. Ben was washing both himself and Neal.

Neal asked, "Why couldn't I get dressed in my dress clothes?"

Ben, cleaning Neal's penis, said, "Turn around, I need to clean your butt. Ben, the lake water isn't clean." Ben told him about the water in lakes while he cleaned Neal's butt. They both rinsed off, and Ben said, "Now you're clean. Want me to dress you?"


When Averill got off the computer, Darby and Quin were chatting with Girl12, Brooke15 and Carla16. Darby typed, 'Were you all really boys? What did your dads say?'

Carla typed, 'I have a better relationship now then I did as a boy. My dad sees me as the girl I've always been. My brother thinks it's cool to have a big sister.'

Quin typed, 'You guys are lucky! My dad would take me to a shrink. That's AFTER he took me to a boxing match.'

Girl12 typed, 'Quin, your dad sounds like a MACHO MORON. A boxing match is two morons trying to beat each other to a pulp. That's not a sport for either men or women.'

Brooke15 said, 'My dad hasn't seen me or my brothers in 8 years. I don't care.'

Darby typed, 'Are you guys the youngest? I wonder what my brothers would say if I told my mom.'

Girl12 typed, 'Darby, I have an 11 year old and a 7 year-old brother and a 6 year-old sister. My 11 year-old brother is 180 degrees apart from me. He loves fixing things and getting dirty. My 7 year old brother is another me. Mom is letting him explore being a girl.'

Darby typed, 'How?'

Girl12 typed, 'He wears my sister's clothes at times. Mom didn't buy him any dresses yet, but he has some panties.'

Quin typed, 'You guys sound as if you are from a loving family. I hope Dr. Marion will be able to help me.'

Brooke15 typed, 'She will! Hello, Haley! Are you going to the party?'

Haley typed, 'YES! What you chatting about today?'

Carla16 typed, 'Shopping! :)' Then she typed, 'Talking about how our families reacted to us being girls instead of boys.'

Haley typed, 'It is great.'


Dan helped Tarja set the table. He was wondering if he should talk to Marion about Kyle and if she could visit the school's club to talk to the kids there. Dan said, "Do you think Aunt Marion would accept an invitation to talk to my school? I need to help Kyle."

"I think she would accept," Tarja replied. "Is Kyle's dad giving him a hard time? I'm glad you have an open mind, love."

"Kyle is getting more and more depressed. I told him about us moving and he wished he could move with us. I hope Aunt Marion will help him. I told him that he's a great person."

Tarja said, "I love you, Danny. You are the best big brother!"


Don, Ann and the kids left the marina in their Suburban. Alexi asked, "Dad, did you think they noticed that we're boys? Ben was looking at us funny."

Ann said, "I think he was looking at 2 beautiful lovely girls. You said that when we moved you'd be happy. Dr. Marion is near here, so that is why we moved, to help you both to be girls."

Chris said, "Mom, I'm glad you and Don didn't get upset. Don, thanks for being understanding. Mom, you never did answer us about going to that party. Averill said that it will be a pool party."


Craig took a shower, shaved, and dressed in a business suit. He went downstairs and kissed his favorite girls and said, "Are we ready? Ben and Neal, time to go!"

Marion said, "Yes, we're ready. Could you take these bags to the car?" She gave Craig some bags, then watched as Ben and Neal came down the stairs. She hugged Ben and then said, "Neal, you are so cute dressed up!" She kissed Neal. "Ben, could you take these CAREFULLY to the car?"

Marion looked at Averill and asked, "Do you have your purse? Ready to meet your cousin?" Averill nodded, so Marion called out, "Love, do you have the house key?"

Craig said, "Yes, dear." Marion took Neal's hand and they, Neal, Averill, and Marion, walked to the car. Soon they were on the way.

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