It's just mud, right?
The Facial
by Sarah Miller
This was a typical argument, and it was probably my fault. Sometimes I can be a bit of an idiot. Wendy, my girlfriend, said she was going to get a facial instead of joining me in the pool this afternoon. I made a snide comment about women wasting so much money on things like caking their face with mud. I should have known better. These sorts of comments always set her off. But I really did consider treatments like that a waste.
"What makes you think it's a waste?" she asked. "You've never had it done to you."
"And never will. If it's so great, why don't you just go get some mud out of the yard and stick your face in it?" was my less than brilliant answer.
"A facial is very relaxing." She paused and looked thoughtful. "Yes, relaxing. I want you to go with me. See what it does for you."
After a few more minutes of argument, I capitulated. This wasn't worth ruining our relationship over. So with a triumphant grin, she went upstairs and called the salon to get me an appointment at the same time. We had just finished lunch in her kitchen. Her house overlooked the valley. Great views and a large pool. It really beat my cramped apartment, so I spent a lot of time there. The appointment was for 2 P.M. We sat on the porch sipping lemonade until it was time to go.
I had no idea where this place was, so we went in Wendy's car. I was very surprised to find that it was a rather seedy looking place, not in the tonier part of town. It wasn't Wendy's usual style. I was a bit nervous. Getting a facial wasn't exactly a thing for a man to do. We walked in.
"Wendy!" shouted a large man in a swishy voice. "How good to see you."
I winced. I wasn't big on stereotypes, but this guy filled the bill for all of them.
"And this must be Harold. Pleased to meet you. I'm Freddie. I own this place."
We shook hands, and he dispelled one stereotype. He had a bone crusher grip. It annoyed me. Almost as much as being called Harold. People call me Harry. I hate my name.
"Wendy says to give you the works," he continued. "She says you don't appreciate why a woman likes to pamper herself. I am to give you a treatment that will give you that appreciation."
I was beginning to suspect she'd said more than that, based on the almost invisible smirk. I felt a little uneasy, but chalked it up to this guy knowing too much about what I considered private matters. I sat in a chair and said "OK, lets get started. Pamper me."
Wendy gave me a dirty look. Freddie just handed me a robe and told me to strip and put that on. It was a pale pink terrycloth robe, I noted with some apprehension. Freddie was smiling, Wendy was just looking at me expectantly. I went to a changing room, and came back wearing nothing but the robe. I was surprised that it fit. I wondered why I had to strip to get a facial, but didn't want to make any more of a scene. I sat back in the chair, and Freddie lowered the back so I was almost lying down. Wendy was already relaxing in the next chair over, and an assistant was spreading some green goop over her face. I closed my eyes, as instructed, and tried to relax. I felt something soft and wet being spread on my face. I felt hands on my shoulders, kneading my tense muscles. I begin to feel a warm glow. This was great. I was already regretting my comments this morning. I relaxed even more and was soon asleep.
I feel dizzy, a bit disoriented. No, hell, a lot disoriented. What happened? Something doesn't feel right. I can't see. I drift back to sleep.
Back again. I still can't see. Something is definitely wrong. I still feel groggy, feverish. My arms are strapped down. So are my legs. I try to collect my thoughts. This is no way to run a beauty salon. Shortly I hear footsteps. There is greyness instead of black. A voice, Freddie's I think, tells me to relax. He wipes my face off with a washcloth. I can see now. I'm still dizzy. I feel the straps come off. I'm waking up enough now to suspect what didn't feel right. Freddie helps me up. I'm in a bed, not the chair. Why? As I sit up I feel weight on my chest. That's not right. I'm still covered in mud, but it is reddish brown, not green. Wait a minute. I came in for a facial, why am I covered head to toe in brown mud?
Wendy and Freddie lead me to a shower. The water comes on and the mud begins to flow off my body. I feel hair clinging to my back. My hair? I have short, thinning hair. It is my hair. Worse. I have breasts. I'm really jolted awake now. Farther down, I have no penis, no balls. I pass out again.
I wake up again, in the bed. I feel much better now, and take stock of myself. I actually seem to be a woman. My hair is light brown. It's hard to tell lying down, but I think my breasts are large, but not extremely so. My hand went to my crotch, where I felt the moist lips of a vagina. This was not good. What the hell was going on?
Finally Wendy came into the room. They'd been keeping watch, waiting for me to wake up. She began to explain.
"I was really getting tired of some of your attitudes, Harry. You treat me nice, but you sometimes act like I'm a child or something. And you have no understanding whatsoever of women. That's about to change. Friday was the last straw. Yes, Friday. You've been under for two days.
"You've gone through an experimental treatment using a retrovirus to carry new DNA to every cell in your body. The virus also reshapes the body to match. But don't panic yet. It can be reversed. We took some cell samples from you before we started. And don't worry about work. I called your boss and extended your vacation another two weeks. I know that uses it up, but I think you'll find the experience worth it. Two weeks from now we'll crank up another viral batch and get you back to normal. You'll spend two weeks as a woman. I hope you'll enjoy it. Rest now. I'll be back in a while and we'll go out."
After she left, I did rest. My watch was gone, so I had no idea how much longer I slept, but I awoke feeling somewhat better. Then I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. Looking back was a very pretty young woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She had nice firm breasts, probably a C cup, firm waist, and a nice butt. I was attracted to her, which was confusing, because I was her. I fondled my new breasts. A wave of electric excitement shot through my stomach. Maybe this wasn't so bad. A finger found my vagina, and went in. More waves, then an explosion. When my vision cleared, I saw Wendy in the mirror, standing behind me with a smirk on her face. I whirled to face her, momentarily forgetting in a flash of anger my pleasure.
"What the fuck did you do to me? Why am I like this? I'm not some macho stud you needed to take revenge on."
"No, you're certainly not a stud. Not now," she snickered. "But seriously, I wanted you to experience this. You do have a problem understanding me. It is not revenge. I'm going to spend the next two weeks with you. We'll have a lot of fun. Get over the I'm still a man' attitude. You are not a man anymore, but if you behave you'll be back to normal soon enough."
I glared at her, then realized I was standing there completely naked. I let out a small gasp and jumped back in the bed, pulling the sheet over me.
Wendy just smiled and said, "Oh good. You're already where I want you. I told you, don't be angry, or try to be macho. Enjoy it. I'm even going to give you a lesbian experience as your first. I know it would be too much of a shock otherwise."
At first I wasn't sure what she meant. But then she began stripping. I stared, fascinated. I should have had a raging hard-on, but all I felt was a bit of moistening between my legs. She crawled into bed and began sucking on my breasts. I felt waves of pleasure through my whole body. She was soon using her tongue on my clit. I was writhing in pleasure, and had orgasm after orgasm. This was incredible. I got into the spirit, and gave her a few of her own.
After a while, she got up. I was disappointed, but she told me, "Relax, I'll be back in a sec." She disappeared into the bathroom. It was very dark, and I'd drifted back toward sleep, when I felt her get back in the bed. She crawled between my legs again, and began kissing my thighs and belly. I felt her move up my stomached, and she began playing with my breasts again. I was enjoying this so much that I almost didn't notice when she lifted herself up somewhat. I was astonished when I felt something poking around my crotch, and then it slid inside me. She had a dildo strapped on.
"Enjoy, love. I want you to be fucked, but I was pretty sure you wouldn't stand for a real man to do it." She then began a rhythmic pumping. Something in me noted that she was really good at this. I would have to ask her how she got the practice. But all I could do now was meet her every thrust. My hips bucked until I finally came. She left the dildo inside me and lay down. It was a bizarre feeling.
We drifted off to sleep. I must have really been tired, as it seemed only seconds later Wendy was gently shaking me awake. It was 6 P.M., and she was dressed in a light blue sun dress. She got me out of bed, and I showered. My skin felt so smooth, even my legs. The water pounding on my breasts was erotic, but I snapped out of it before too long. I dried off, and Wendy had some clothes laid out on the bed.
The panties went on first. They felt nice, silky wisps of fabric sliding up my legs. The bra was comical. I had a hard time getting it fastened. Then I sat in my new underwear while Wendy applied nail polish and makeup. When my nails were dry, I put on a pair of hose, a half slip, then a light blue silk shirt and dark blue skirt. My shoes were a pair of blue pumps. Wendy was making sure that I was feminine looking for my first time outside. I am still amazed at how little resistance I put up.
"By the way, we need a new name for you. How about Helen?"
It started with an H, same as Harry, why not? I nodded.
We walked to her car. The neighborhood was still seedy, and we walked quickly. At least she wasn't making me wear some spike heeled shoes suitable only for decoration. The heels were under two inches, and I quickly adapted to them. It was getting dark, and we took off in a hurry.
Wendy drove us to a well known restaurant downtown. I got some looks from men, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I guess women had to get used to it. The food was superb, and we were slightly tipsy as we left. We probably should not have driven, but we made it safely back to Wendy's house. She told me I'd be staying in the guest bedroom, and she had some clothes put up for me in the closet and dresser. I got out of the nice clothes I had on. Although the feeling of wearing hose was thrilling at first, now I found it was hot and restrictive. And it was a royal pain when I had made my first venture into the forbidden realm of the ladies room at the restaurant. My toes felt a little pinched as well. It felt good to get the shoes off. I found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in the dresser, and put them on.
I found Wendy making a pot of coffee in the kitchen. We spent the evening just talking. She was very anxious for me to enjoy my experience. Two weeks was not enough time to really find out what it was like to be a woman, but she was determined to give me as many snippets of experience as she could fit in. It got pretty late before we knew it, and we went to bed, separately.
I slept like a log. I am still feeling the effects of having a virus running rampant through my body. I woke up confused for a second about where I was, and why I felt so strange. It came back in a flood. But I did feel refreshed. I put on a robe and went to get breakfast. Wendy was already up, and I joined her on the patio. It was a crisp cool morning, and the view was spectacular. That and the sensations from my new body made breakfast very pleasant. Today's destination was the mall. I was going to experience shopping for clothes as a woman.
I was wearing slacks, another silk blouse, knee-highs and some low heel sandals. We went from store to store, trying things on, rejecting most. We had lunch in a place across the street - neither of us felt like the greasy excuse for food that was all you could find in the food court. We left the mall and went to a number of places downtown and around. Wendy certainly knew how to shop. But since the plan was for me to return to my previous maleness in about 10 days, we didn't actually buy much. I did get my ears pierced (she said the holes would disappear when I returned to normal), and sported a pair of aquamarine studs. I brought home only a couple of dresses, a pair of shorts, a pair of slacks, and several tops. I was also the reluctant owner of a green and yellow bikini. Wendy had a heated pool, glassed in against the cool weather. She made me put the bikini on when we got home, and we went for a dip. We sat by the pool sipping margaritas and watching the sun descend under the mountains far to the west. As darkness encroached, we got a bit chilly even inside the glass enclosure, so we went in and changed. We fixed some pasta and smoked trout for dinner, then relaxed until bedtime. My first full day as a woman (at least one that I could remember) came to a pleasant close. This wasn't so bad. I was becoming accustomed to the weight of my breasts and the lack of a penis. I missed standing up to pee, but the light, limber body I now had made up for it. I put on a short gown and went to sleep.
The agenda for today was similar. After breakfast on the patio, we did some shopping, and watched a movie. To me it seemed like the object was for me to be seen by as many people as possible. I got more than a few glances from men. My male self was revolted, but at the same time I enjoyed it. We dressed for dinner, and ate at a popular Italian place. We walked around the historic district, enjoying the evening. Two girlfriends enjoying each other's company. No sexual overtones. This was a lot of fun, and I felt we were growing closer as a result. I guess that was the whole point of her doing this to me.
Friday was different. We spent part of the day out and about, as we had done all week. But Wendy drove us home early. Then she dropped the bombshell. We had dates. I protested, to no avail, that we were engaged, how could she go out with another man? Her unassailable logic was that I wasn't a man any more, and besides, I was dating too. I was extremely nervous about this. I have never had a gay thought in my mind. Now I was supposed to go out with a guy. But as the afternoon wore on, I found myself dressed and made up.
At 6:30, the doorbell rang. I was a nervous wreck, but Wendy just smiled as she opened the door. Her date was a guy named Bob. He seemed polite enough. My date was Dennis, who was one of Wendy's coworkers. She wouldn't date someone she worked with, but thought it was OK for me to do so. Dennis was fairly good looking, at least from my new perspective, but was painfully shy. They both had brought flowers. We put them in water, then left for dinner. The evening got off to a very slow start. I couldn't say too much about myself, since my real life was as a man. Dennis didn't say much at all. I had to really work at getting him to talk, until we hit on the subject of archeology (don't ask). This was one of his hobbies, almost a passion. I had a passing interest in it, so we finally got something resembling a conversation going. Once he started, though, he opened up about other things. We really hit it off. We probably could even have been friends with me in my male body, but that is something we'll never know. I found myself fascinated with him from a woman's perspective. I had too much to drink, and didn't even realize how I'd been behaving until the next day. Both of these guys were perfect gentlemen. When they dropped us off they got kisses, and didn't insist on more. I found out later that Dennis was coerced into this by Wendy, and Bob was a friend of his. I think Dennis was a bit afraid of Wendy. Perhaps that explained it, or maybe he was just a nice person.
It was when I woke up Saturday morning, and relived the date, that I spooked myself. I had actually enjoyed the kiss. How could I explain this?
Wendy found me in the kitchen cooking breakfast. As I was whistling and smiling, obviously in a good mood, there was no need to ask if I regreted the date. We talked about it. I had to come to terms with enjoying a date with a man. My masculine self was still strong, or so I thought, so I was surprised at having enjoyed myself. But Dennis was a nice person, I enjoyed his company, and probably would have even as a man. But he seemed to be very shy around women. Maybe that was it. He hadn't been intent on getting into my pants, so I didn't feel threatened. The shocking thing that I then realized, was that I wouldn't have minded. Less than a week, and I was already beginning to react and behave as a female.
We spent the rest of the day swimming, hiking, and thoroughly enjoying ourselves. I was already getting used to this body, no longer constantly thinking about my breasts and pussy. But once in a while, I did feel a thrill as my hair brushed my arm or my breasts bounced as I ran or jumped.
Sunday was much the same, except that Dennis called shortly after lunch. He asked me out for dinner tonight. An odd night for a date, but I accepted.
I put a great deal of effort into getting ready, and got help with my makeup form Wendy. I was just putting on the finishing touches when the doorbell rang. I was gaining a new respect for what women did to go anywhere. I didn't want him to think me rude, so I quickly finished and grabbed my purse.
The dinner was wonderful. The food was good too. When I found out that he lived alone, a plan began to form. With some gentle nudging, he suggested going back to his place, and I didn't put up too much of a fight. I couldn't believe I was doing this. We sat on his sofa and talked, gradually moving together, until he finally put his lips to mine. The rest was history, as they say. We eventually moved to the bed, leaving clothes strewn about. I let him climb on top, and got lost in the waves of pleasure as he entered me. Several hours and a a lot of orgasms later, we drifted off to sleep.
I was startled by the alarm. I was supposed to be on vacation. Then I realized it wasn't mine, and where I was. "Wow!" I thought. I really did it. And I really, really enjoyed it. I had to think about this. I could learn to enjoy this lifestyle. Dennis got up and spent some time in the bathroom. When he was done, I took a quick shower, put on my slightly wrinkled clothes, and joined him for breakfast. We didn't say much, but it was obvious he was wondering if I was feeling any regret, and whether he could call me again. Having been there, I knew what he felt. So I made sure he knew I'd enjoyed myself, and hoped to see him again. He drove me back to Wendy's before going to work.
Wendy wasn't up yet, but I guess my entrance woke her. She appeared just as I was about to head to my room for a change of clothes. She followed me in, and watched as I changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She had a quirky little smile. Her plan had worked. There could only be one reason I was walking in at 8 in the morning. This is what she had wanted all along.
Nothing about it was said that day or the next. Wednesday evening I went out with Dennis again, with the same basic results. I enjoyed his company, enjoyed the sex, and was beginning to feel a romantic attraction. It was unfortunate that I had an appointment with Freddie tomorrow. The change back would take the weekend, and I'd still end up with a weight loss. Not that I couldn't use it, I was quite a bit overweight. But what a way to diet. How would I explain it?
Then Wendy told me I didn't have to change back. I wondered if this was some elaborate plot of hers to dump me. But no, we'd enjoyed each other's friendship over the past week or so, once I'd gotten past my initial anger. She just wanted me to experience this, and if I wanted to stay a woman, we'd be best friends. We discussed it, and I was about ready to stay, but then I wondered what I'd do for a living. I had no female identity, and no job.
Surprise! Wendy pulled a large envelope out of a drawer, and dumped it on the kitchen table. Driver's license, birth certificate, a couple of credit cards, and a degree that looked suspiciously like mine, but for a Helen Simons. That accomplished, she told me I had an interview with the engineering department at her company on Monday. Getting the job was not a given, but I was a good programmer, and had the references (also in the envelope) to prove it. I was astounded. She must have been setting this up for months. And she knew I'd go for it.
It has now been six months. I've never regretted my decision. My life as a man hadn't been horrible, but this was incredibly fun. There are some drawbacks. My salary is lower than it had been, and I don't seem to get taken quite as seriously. This job is not bad, but I really did like my old one. I don't think I could go back there like this, though. It would just be too weird.
Things are progressing nicely with Dennis. I've had to go on the pill. Periods are no fun. But I like my new life, and still thank Freddie every time I see him.
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wow !
a ssssuperb story.. enjoyed it a lot... thanks... :-)
My Problem With The Story
My problem with the story was the fact that it was supposed to be just about a facial. It sank into deception on the part of the woman that claimed to love Harry. She had the guy inject him with the virus without his knowledge or consent. If she had a problem with his attitude then she should have kicked him to the curb or told him that she would no longer tolerate that behavior. I would be very upset if someone who claimed to love me was that deceptive. I believe that if two people care about one another that honesty is and should be of the utmost importance. Deception destroys trust in any relationship whether it is real or imagined. I could not live with someone who did something that dirty without my having a say in what was going on.
Wendy was a monster and deserved to be brained with a lead pipe
Yes i know my commitment is much later than the others and probably won't be read but I found this story after reading some of sara goodwomens stories and as with others it annoyed me, so once again a previously fully hetrosexual male suddenly becomes fully feminised and has nothing but the briefest problem with it, i know its the fantasy on this site for the guiltless transformation but i can accept only if it is really wanted, one of the worst things i can imagine is to be born in a body that does not match your gender, the only worse thing is to be born in the body you are happy with and then be forced into another unwanted gender by someone who justifies it by saying it is for your own good and to teach you a lesson, and just accept it and learn to love it, i know this is a story but in real life if you were to tell a tg person to accept their physical gender and just get on with it you would likely be pilloried so why do so many accept it in fiction
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
I'm glad Harry adapted so well and enjoys her new life, but I found his reaction to Wendy's actions to be more than a bit questionable when I tried suspending my disbelief. If someone I thought loved me tricked me, drugged me, and rewrote my genetic code on a whim, I would want to get as far away from him or her as possible -- whether I wanted to stay that way or not. That level of deceit and callous disregard for my welfare is not something I'd like to experience first-hand from someone I was planning to spend the rest of my life with.
My G-d, what if she saw me get impatient with a cocker spaniel and decided I needed to see life from THAT perspective? I mean, i can be a bitch sometimes, but please ... *grin*
Wendy stole his life to meet her own agenda. Her "friendship" aside, she held his manhood hostage from the minute he was unwillingly transformed. I doubt Wendy would have been so understanding if she had been drugged and had her life taken away in the same way.
Anyway, a nice read, but somebody needs to teach Wendy and Freddie that other people have rights, and that casual genetic manipulation via retroviral infection is NOT a toy. *smile*
a rude awakening
I know tis "only" a story. I was a bit shocked that he/r mind got passed the forced "experimental" change and the other events so soon after. I suppose more than he/r body was changed.
Yes, again, I know tis a story... and in fact a dream for many. He didn't seem to need such a radical change but who knows maybe a paragraph about him enjoying a halloween in days past was edited out.
I have to agree ...
... with Randalynn. Being forced into womanhood and having my return to manhood held hostage for girlish behavior by a woman I thought loved me would make me royally pissed off, and any show of cooperation or enjoyment on my part would be an act. At the end of the two weeks I would have left her whether she changed me back or not. Wendy apparamtly didn't love him anyway judging by her rather casual acceptance of "her" as a girlfriend.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
the last time
He must really have loved her to tolerate her killing him as she did. And, what are his relatives doing? and his job?
Nobody lives in a vacuum. There are dozens of people a week who look to take advantage of our abilities. There would have to be such a hue and cry by folks who discovered his absence. But then, he abandoned her in favor of Dennis, so, maybe he did get away from her, even if he were no longer intact. Hate/love two sides of the same mystery.
But hey, It was enjoyable to read. It was a fun trip while it lasted. I thought you did good. Thank you for sharing it with us.
To see this story as being about "killing" someone or as some other hateful act is to totally miss the author's point. This was a fantasy about how an ordinary man might come to experience being a woman and love it. The details of Wendy's plot are not what the story is about.
It's a well-written and enjoyable story and needs no re-setting in some tale of vengeance or betrayal.
Reading fiction is supposed to help one get outside oneself but it's hard to avoid bringing one's own baggage along. If one has a horror of innocently and involuntarily being cruelly transformed, whatever the ultimate outcome, then one might see this story as three of the four reviewers above seemed to. Only Suna seems to have grasped that this is a fantasy in the sense of the author's wish expressed as a story.
It's a good story. As a criticism on the story and not a comment on my own internal attitudes toward transgenderism, I might say that motivation could have done with more development. But the story works as is and is a good read.
---- "Q"
My point, "Q" ...
... is that both Wendy's motivation and Harry's reaction "could have done with more development." My comment had nothing to do with my "internal attitudes towards transgenderism." It had to do with why people do what they do.
As I said, it was a nice read. But as "a criticism on the story," Wendy's over-reaction and essentially unprovoked physical "makeover" of the man she was supposed to marry, combined with her total disregard for Harry's rights as an individual, undercut the story's contention that she was doing this out of love. And Harry's easy acceptance of what was to all intents and purposes a gross violation of his personal rights and freedoms made him less believable as a character. In my opinion.
As a fantasy story, the reactions of the people involved are all you have to maintain believability. If the characters are true to themselves and to what people see as human behavior, the readers will feel it, and suspend their disbelief. If they aren't, the reader won't, and the story will suffer because of it.
Past history
Your own past comments on stories, as well as Jezzi's, led me to make the comment I did. You seem to make a habit of ignoring the fantasy, the reason the story was written, and concentrate on projecting evil intentions on some of the characters.
A story like this one where the motivations are less well-developed, in part because motivations weren't what the story was "about" give you room to make the assignments of intent that I perceive you making.
My point was thst you weren't reviewing the story the author wrote, or at least not at all the same one I got from the reading, but you were instead, again, reading into this rather transparent fantasy of guiltless transformation a story in which you could project guilt on someone else. Jezzi frequently seems to be doing the same thing.
So, reading one of your comments on a story like this one, which is again about the transformation of an innocent, one knows with a near certainty that you will see it as a story of victimization instead of a story in which the author invites readers to enjoy a tale in which their own hoped for transformatiin doesn't involve them doing anything shameful themselves. This is practically a whole sub-genre of TG fiction that you apparently don't get at all.
Jezzi on the other hand she writes such stories but only when she can balance the guilt and shame with some degree of obvious culpability by the transformee or retribution by the transformed.
Stories in which neither of these are balanced seem to fly under your and Jezzi's radar as to just why they might have been written while they actually can be quite satisfying to others.
It wasn't the simple lack of clear development of motivation that seemed to provoke your response but rather that that gap left you room to project your own apparent need for someone to blame.
This is meta-criticism, the analysis of criticism itself, and is just as fraught with misinterpretation on the part of the analyst as original criticism; I may very well be misreading your intent and motivation.
But again, my point is that your analysis of the story seems to be ignoring the story value as a fantasy for those who enjoy a transformation tale in which the transformed is guiltless but comes to enjoy things after all. Not every story has to have a villain.
Let's all enjoy stories and talk about why we did and encourage authors to write more and better stories. I think that is your intent as well as mine. I just don't think this story would have been improved by the development of a true villainous motive for Wendy. It isn't necessary.
Sarah Miller was a prolific author back in the early days of FM and most of her stories are like this one in one way or another because this was the thrust of her imagination -- transformation without guilt.
---- "Q"
Just the opposite.
<< My point was thst you weren't reviewing the story the author wrote, or at least not at all the same one I got from the reading, but you were instead, again, reading into this rather transparent fantasy of guiltless transformation a story in which you could project guilt on someone else. Jezzi frequently seems to be doing the same thing. >>
Actually I review what the author actually wrote. I've found many times that what an author actually writes does not convey the message he or she says he or she intends. Wendy DOES change him without his knowledge or consent. She DOES by the author's own words hold his manhood hostage depending on his behavior:
<< Get over the I'm still a man' attitude. You are not a man anymore, but IF YOU BEHAVE you'll be back to normal soon enough." >>
I don't write 'em. I just read what the author actually wrote.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
with you. Too many on here ignore the fantasy and go for real world scenarios.
I didn't want a villianous motive ...
... I just wanted more believable motives and reactions than what Sarah provided. I recognize it's a fantasy, "Q" -- and I know you think Wendy's motives and even her methods are secondary to the transformation and Harry's acceptance of it. Believe it or not, I "get" that. I KNOW the purpose of the story was to give Harry a "guiltless" way to become a woman and enjoy it.
But as a reader (and an author), I just want what characters do to make sense. When someone does something this radical to someone she supposdly loves, it deserves a better reason than "you treat me like a child sometimes." And when someone has his life turned upside down by someone who supposedly loves him, I want his reaction to be more believable. As a reader, I wanted Wendy to have to do more to re-earn Harry's trust after betraying him the way she did. And I wanted Harry to push back a litle harder, because what Wendy did to him without his knowledge or consent should hurt more, and it doesn't seem to.
You think I have an agenda beyond wanting this to be a better story. I don't -- not this time, anyway. *grins* We'll have to agree to disagree.
P.S. - I would have taken this offline into a private message, but I had no way to reach you except here.
I find it hard ...
... to get to and enjoy the fantasy when there has to be a massive overreaction to a relatively minor offense, a breaking of one's word and a betrayal of trust, and a violation of basic rights before it can occur. Perhaps my membership in the ACLU explains that to a certain degree. I find it much easier to enjoy a "I can enjoy it and not feel guilty because I have no choice" fantasy if the choice is taken away by an accident or if the victim really deserves or needs what is done to him.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
That's what She said...
No problem with liking what one likes, there's no accounting for taste after all. :) Or is that what HE said? :)
Personally, I don't expect to enjoy everyone else's fantasies on the same terms as they do. And I do enjoy your writing, Jezzi.
I feel odd talking about Sarah Miller's stuff as if she weren't here when in fact, I've no idea if she is or isn't. But she hasn't posted stories anywhere I can find them since 1999. Are you listening, Sarah? :)
Oh, and I got an account since SOME people seemed to object to me not having one and making comments anyway. Just kidding. :)
R U Q? S, I M. :)
- Q -
No one is doing a thing ...
... to interfere with you embracing your fantasy, Q. Enjoy it for what it means to you. Revel in it, if you wish. If what is done to these males to force them on their way truly doesn't bother you, or actually excites you, than the comments of others will mean nothing to you.
But those others still have the right to make comments, and to say how they feel about a story and its execution.
There are many ways in TG stories for boys to wind up as girls, or men as women. For some readers, injustice and betrayal along the way matter a great deal. For others ... not so much. Both opinions have equal validity to those who hold them, and an equal right to be heard in these public forums.
I still believe my critique of the story's structure remains valid -- a deeper motivation for Wendy and a richer response from Hank would have made the story richer. But again, that's just my opinion. So pay it no mind, and enjoy your fantasy -- because no one is saying you can't.
Not my fantasies
I've never said this story was to my taste, frankly it isn't. Not many stories are, I'm finicky. This story has some admirable qualities but it isn't really up my alley.
And I've never said anyone doesn't have the right to make comments, you'd best take that up with Erin who erased all of our comments on another story.
You appear to be arguing with someone who is not me. Perhaps it is the other Q. :)
- "Q" -
Apologies ...
... for assuming this story was to your taste (and for assuming you don't believe others have a right to comment). Since you seem quite adamant about "defending" it and others like it from the comments of others, I thought you might have some sort of emotional stake in it.
My error. *grins*
R U Sure?
R U Q? No! I M Q!
If one judges a story by the response and by the emotional reaction then I would say this one is a success. It was a fun read, but the issues of trust and motivations really opened up the idea: was this all Wendy had in mind? It was almost if she was looking for some way to break-up with him and not have any guilt herself. "I didn't end it, he did." I wonder about this SPA that has such an amoral owner with access to such tech, to use it on this guy just on Wendy's say so?
I liked this story, but am wondering if there wasn't more to this!
A New Life
by "Q"
Rob Tallant had no idea his life would end in such a pointless and trivial tragedy when he went down to the convenience store to buy beer for a bowl party.
Six hours later he lay on a gurney in a hospital emergency room, his heart had stopped twice and been restarted both times but the bullet from the bandit had shattered his skull and ended the life he had known as surely as if he were ready for the mortician's last tender skills.
After seven years in a coma, Rob woke up to find that his parents had died, his kids had grown up and his wife was in love with someone else. His friends had all moved away and the industry in which he had made his living had vanished in a technological revolution.
Depressed, he resisted the necessary physical rehabilitation until he discovered that his new slender body, physical weakness and dependence on others had fostered in him a desire to live as a woman; something he had never conceived of before the shooting.
With the help of new friends, Bobbi found a new life and new happiness and fell in love with her physical therapist. She never gave a thought to why she had been shot, or who had shot her or what had happened to the shooter. That just wasn't part of her story.
The End.
Nice to see...
...this story still has some life and interest. It was originally posted to Fictionmania back in 1998 and reposted to Classic BC in 2002. I suspect we'll be seeing it again in another four years. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Randalynn has a point
No, not that one! Reading fiction requires what is commonly referred to as "suspension of disbelief", and I have a hard time suspending my disbelief with this story. Neither character acts in a believable manner, and that has a negative effect on the enjoyment of the story. Yes, I favor feel-good stories, and in spite of Harold's ultimate acceptance of his change, there is nothing "feel-good" about this. This is a tale of manipulation for no good reason; and while a lot of people like that sort of thing, there are others who don't.
Q, if you are going to comment at length on stories, how about registering so we can all get to know you better? As anybody can log in as a guest reader, it's hard to know if the same person is "Q" in all the various messages signed that way.
Happy New Year!
Karen J.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
A New Life... but different
"Q" your relation of one tale to another is missing the link.
Wendy was there all the time, it was not a facless bullet that struck Harold. Helen would see Wendy every day and for the most part every moment. It was not an act of fate that the transformation was done, it was a purposeful act of humiliation that just happened to turn out in the victim's change of outlook. I wouldn't say it was even in the victim's best interest because we really dont know that either. In fact the first scene after the change was nearly a complete rape scene. I say nearly because s/he didn't have time to consider what was happening and the dialog/thoughts were only of pleasure, so we have no basis for a judgement. The given fact that Wendy had previously created a history for Helen only fans the fire that there was more behind the forced change.
I'll add to this discussion by saying that we all read alot of on-line stories, most have some elements of CD/TG in them. There can be fine lines between viewing a story as sweet/sentimental and femdom/uncaring-bitch, the more stories you read the thicker the lines become. Each person does come with expectations in deciding where the line falls.
The story leaves alot of room for thought about why Wendy did it, and why Helen accepted so easily. That dosen't make it a bad story, just open for discussion.
I enjoyed reading this story and considering the why's.
I left the part about seeing the "shooter" again out on purpose because that was the point I was making. The fantasy I tried to illustrate was the blameless victim transformation -- fate is the hand that writes one's destiny, the agent is just the pencil. Concentrating on the pencil -- seeing the agent instead of the victim -- is ignoring the thrust of the fantasy which is the blameless transformation. To insist that the blame go somewhere else is to obscure the victim -- the whole point of the story. I put the shooter offstage to illustrate this more clearly.
I've enjoyed this discussion.
- "Q" -