Self-made Man, Umm Person Chapter Two
By BillieBob
What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!
Chapter Two
"Lions & tigers & doctors oh my!"
We arrived at the doctors in plenty of time for the appointment. It was still a half hour wait even though we were on time. Finally we were called and escorted to an exam room. We were told the doctor was running late. Typical. Overbooking perhaps. True to form, forty five minutes later a nurse came in to take vital stats. Height, weight, pulse, temperature, DNA swab, blood sample, and urine sample.
DNA swab?
Then Another thirty minute wait.
Then finally the polite knock on the door followed by a doctor. But wait. Who was this doctor?
“Umm, excuse me, where is our regular doctor? Doctor Washburn.”
“I’ve been called in to help with the patient load this month. I’m Doctor Smith.”
“Oh. I see,” I said. Doctor Smith? Wasn’t there a Doctor Smith on ‘Lost In Space’ in the 60s?
“Right, let’s get right to it. I understand you’ve been a little out of sorts, and generally feeling out of sorts?”
“That would be putting it mildly!” I said.
“Well, last night was like something out of a grade B science fiction movie. Things went from off a little to really weird and twisted.”
“Oh? Can you start at the beginning and proceed from there? I would like to understand what we are dealing with.”
“Doctor?” asked mom.
“Yes Mrs. Johnson?”
“Before we start you may want to connect Bart to EKG, and EEG to help with data gathering.”
“Excellent suggestion Mrs. Johnson. We need to have as much information as possible.”
With that they brought in the necessary equipment and hook me up.
“Doctor, do you want me to sit up or lay down?”
“Hmm, I think to begin with laying down for safety concerns.”
“Okay Doctor. What’s the line from that movie? ‘Hang on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride’.” I said.
With that I noticed Mom had pulled out a camcorder.
“Mom, what’s that for?”
“I have my reasons Dear. I also wanted to have some record or documentation. It may help us try to find the cause and a possible solution.”
With that I proceeded to tell the doctor about last night. And right on cue when I got to the scene at the sub shop the whole thing started all over again.
“I have never seen anything like this before,” said the doctor. “Interesting. The speed of the change alone is most astounding. Has this ever happened before?”
“No Doctor, nothing like this has ever happened.” I said. Does my voice ever sound girly!
“Have you ever felt… like you were in… say the wrong gender? The wrong body?”
“No Doctor, I never have felt that.”
“What have you felt?” Doctor Smith asked.
“Well, I already covered that with mom, but I can tell it again. I told mom about feeling like a fifth wheel. An afterthought. Also about the sibling rivalry with us kids. Them against me sort of thing. It’s been like that for as long as I can remember.”
“Well, from what I see and hear, what seems to be the trigger is stress and negative emotions combined. Also we haven’t seen the results of the other tests. So until the results come in I would suggest you stay away from all stress. In fact, stay home.” Doctor Smith said.
“But first I’ve scheduled more tests.”
“Oh no! Not more blood and stuff, please?”
“No, no, no, nothing like that. A CT scan, and an MRI full body scan. No fuss, no muss.
“Okay, I can handle that.”
With that we proceeded to the other tests. Actually they weren’t half bad. At least with the MRI one could lay down. Just a lot of noise and wind. I just had to try to relax while in that thing. If I keep telling myself that maybe I just can. Pffff. Yeah, right!
Next thing I know someone is gently shaking me.
“Huh, what?”
“Bart. Bart. Come on son. Wake up. The tests are done.”
“Okay Dad. Where’s Mom?”
“She’s waiting in the prep room with your clothes. Come on, how about we get you dressed so we can and go home. By the way, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing good Dad. I fell asleep.”
With a smile dad said, “Well I guess that wasn’t too stressful then.”
“No it sure wasn’t.” After getting dressed we left for home.
Chapter Three
“Home again home again”
Authors note: I don't know how soon chapter three will be ready. I saw the posting for
submitting a Halloween story and I got kidnapped by said story! It's already 3,800 words
and nowhere complete!
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Self-made Man, Umm Person Chapter Two
Will be fun to see where you go with this.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The story so far
You know the Bible does say that "faith, the size of a grain of mustard seed can move a mountain". Maybe due to his diminutive size, and feeling disconnected from his family he subconsciously felt that maybe if he was a petty girl he'd get more noticed, and be more appreciated? I dunno. All I do know is it has great promise.
I guess!
This is what you get when you piss off your girlfriend who happens to be a witch, or was it the burgers they ate?
BillieBob, are you able to attach pictures of before and after the change, that would be helpful as your description of the change needs ramping up?
Other than that this story could develop nicely?
Have you considered that it could be contagious and all who come in contact change as well, Mum & Dad, Doctors etc.? That would be fun!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
I have one idea that came
I have one idea that came about from the first attempt. I've played with the before and
after picture concept. It might be only rough sketches done free hand, then scanned on a flatbed scanner if they look halfway human. I remember doing that in number 2 pencil in grade school for a classmate for her assigned project. She liked it. As far as the witch
thing, I'm still thinking about that angle. The Halloween story that kidnapped me
yesterday is at this moment at 4,807 words, and won't let go of my tender bits. ha ha.
On a good personal note, I'm doing the 'Susie Homemaker' thing while the wife goes out in
that cruel world and earns the bread. My home made chicken soup turned out good today.
Thank you for the comments one and all. Now I know the positive effect of that. It prompts
one to strive to do more and improve.