by Melanie T
This text is (c) 2009 by Melanie. All rights reserved.
We woke up to the prospect of a busy day, but neither one of us was in a great hurry to get started. I had a stiff neck from sleeping without a pillow, but Stacy soon made me forget about that with a long wake up kiss.
Soon we were stroking each other's backs and sides, while laying tightly pressed together and locked in a kiss. I got tangled in my blanket and kicked it off the bed and Stacy pulled hers across to cover us both.
My hands roamed over Stacy's body as I was beginning to feel aroused myself. I felt for Stacy's nipples between our bodies, brushing against my own in the process, which sent a pleasant tingle through my body.
Stacy's hands also began to explore my body, playing with my nipple briefly and then moving on toward my nether regions. I tightened up apprehensively; no one had ever touched me down there in this way before. But I resolved that, if anyone would touch me there, Stacy was the one I wanted.
Stacy's hand arrived at my crotch and slipped down into my panties. I tensed when I felt her hand passing the waistband, then the first wave of pleasant sensations hit me. I let out a small gasp and involuntarily tightened my fingers on Stacy's nipples.
Stacy grimaced, but didn't say anything and I, realizing that I had hurt her, let go of the nipples immediately. Stacy gave me a push that made me roll onto my back, her right hand still somewhere in my sensible cotton panties.
Stacy propped herself up on her left elbow, resting her head on her hand, and continued playing with my nether lips.
My right hand, almost of its own volition, sought out Stacy's panties and easily slipped inside. Here I was on familiar territory; this was something I had done before. Stacy shuddered slightly as my fingers hit the spot.
Stacy used her fingers to part my soft folds and slipped a finger inside, picking up a bit of moisture and then questing for the sweet spot. She found it in short order and I let out a gasp, followed by a soft moan.
I lost concentration and stopped my ministrations as the new, unfamiliar sensations hit me. Stacy skillfully manipulated my new sex into swamping me in new sensations, wave after wave and one more pleasurable then the other.
A small, still rational part of me attempted to compare these sensations to what I used to have as a male, and had to admit that the feminine feelings were by far superior.
My hand lay next to Stacy, forgotten, as I savored the waves of pleasure that built up to an almost unbearable tension, before breaking and flowing over me, wave after wave, making me thrash and moan as Stacy skillfully played the instrument I had been given.
I must have screamed, because when I became rational again, my voice was hoarse and my throat felt dry. I got up to get some water, but found I had to sit back down because my world was still spinning.
Wow. Double wow. There and then I decided that that was definitely worth accepting a period for. I never imagined women had it so good.
I felt invigorated in a strange way I had never experienced before, as a man or a woman, and slight giddy with the surplus of energy I seemed to carry.
When I started to perceive my surroundings again, I realized that, despite the wards, I was feeling other people with powers as far as 3 miles away. Before, my detection range had been about 200 yards on a good day.
I was amazed and told Stacy, who surmised that my feminine magic was supercharged by having sex. A few small experiments showed me that I had almost twice the power I normally had.
It was then that I remembered that I had stopped pleasuring Stacy when I was overcome with my own sensations, and I decided to try something new.
I softly pushed Stacy to signal to her to lie back down on the bed, and began using my hands to pleasure her nipples.
Stacy was visibly enjoying my ministrations when I formed a probe from my magic and directed it at her waiting pussy. I directed it between her folds and to that most sensitive place, where I made it palpable and began using small motions to stimulate her.
Stacy looked down and saw my hands still on her nipples. Her eyes opened wide with surprise, and then she smiled as she realized what was happening. She let her head fall backwards and surrendered to the three fold stimulation I was administering.
A short while later, I switched the magic stimulator to her right nipple and moved my left hand between Stacy's legs, where I continued to stimulate her until her own orgasm took her.
She climaxed three times before looking at me with exhausted, but satisfied eyes and I switched from direct stimulation to soft stroking and caresses, moving up for another kiss.
We lay there, kissing deeply and wrapped up in each other, enjoying the afterglow, when the alarm in my cell phone started to beep softly.
Rather than letting it build to full volume, I broke the kiss and fumbled on the floor for the phone, pressing the “stop” button and turning back to Stacy for an extra dose of snuggles.
The next thing we knew was Alyssa knocking on the bedroom door. Damn, we had both fallen asleep again. Looking at my watch, it was 9:30am, not overly late, but later then we had planned.
I got out of bed, not even now willing to concede the race for the bathroom to Stacy. I quickly finished up, brushed my hair, applied eyeliner and lipstick and returned to the bedroom to face the new day.
I did realize that I had adopted yet a new feminine thing, wearing eyeliner as a matter of course. But, thinking back to this morning, being a woman didn't seem all that scary anymore. If it was all like this, it wouldn't be bad at all.
Stacy got into the bathroom while I helped Alyssa to get dressed in yesterday's worn clothing. I wasn't looking forward to getting the place moved in, but I knew I had little choice there. We went out for breakfast, since there wasn't anything to eat in the apartment, and then we got into the truck, where a very excited Alyssa got to sit in the center seat, held by the adult sized seat belt.
We both knew that wasn't allowed, but the alternative would have been to make a couple of extra trips, which didn't fit in well with the time we used up this morning.
We arrived at the motel and quickly stuffed everything into the bags it had come out of. Some boxes from the truck were filled with the foodstuff from the table. Everything just fit into my car, using the trunk and one rear seat. The other was taken up by Alyssa's child seat and Stacy would have to sit in front after we dropped off the truck.
We headed out of LA, back to where it all started. Later that day we returned the truck and I found that we had to pay a substantial bill for the length of time we had used it. They were even going to levy a fine for not calling in to extend the rental, but I was able to convince the clerk that it was a series of unfortunate events that led to us needing the truck for so long. She relented and we got off by paying the fees in cash right there.
Stacy got into my car and I headed back to LA. It was getting late and I didn't fancy arriving in the middle of the night, so I cast a spell that would keep the car and us from being noticed, and floored it. We sped through the night and I didn't know whether it was because of the spell or dumb luck that we didn't get a speeding ticket. We arrived around 10pm, just in time to put Alyssa into bed again.
She fell asleep almost immediately and I stood in the door, looking at her sleeping like a little angel. Then I joined Stacy in the bedroom, where she had started unpacking some essentials and placing them in the closet.
We went through the bags from the motel quickly, putting the wrinkled, smelly clothing into a big pile. We each made sure to have one outfit left to wear in the morning, but it was clear that at least one of us would be spending the morning at the Laundromat.
We went to bed around an hour later and tried for a repeat of the glorious lovemaking we had enjoyed in the morning. We were tired and it didn't reach quite that level, but I was vibrating with energy and tired at the same time when we were done.
I found out that being at peak magic levels didn't keep me awake because I fell asleep while still kissing Stacy.
Morning found us spooned into each other in the clean sheets Stacy had put on the bed the evening before. It felt really good and I luxuriated in the feeling of clean linen on my smooth skin.
Stacy awoke from my movements and we shared a long, deep kiss before getting up. For some reason, I didn't feel like a repeat of the morning before at all. My wires were humming with magical energy and I was feeling more alive than I had felt in a long time, but I seemed to have lost any interest in sex.
Stacy seemed to pick up on the mood and didn't even try to engage me in anything sexual, so we just went through the usual morning routine, sharing a caress or a kiss here and there. It was early, around 7:30am and Alyssa was still fast asleep.
Stacy popped out to the store to buy a couple of things for breakfast and soon the smell of bacon and eggs cooking filled the apartment. I woke Alyssa and helped her to get dressed and we joined Stacy in the kitchen for breakfast. I had piled a couple of pillows on the third chair, but we would have to get a high chair soon.
Breakfast done, we grabbed the bags of laundry and got in the car to drive the short distance to the nearest Laundromat. We were the only people there and just loaded up 6 washers with all our wrinkled, worn clothing. A small fortune in quarters was obtained and fed into the machines' slots and we settled down to watch the news on the TV hanging in the corner of the shop.
The news touched on a few items from world politics, then went on to mention that there was still no trace of the congressman who had gone missing a few days ago. A brief mention was made of a suspect being in custody who was accused of being connected to the congressman's disappearance, which was believed to be a kidnapping by the police.
While other news followed, I said to Stacy, “I don't think we have much time left. She's already just an anonymous suspect and the transformation story is old news. I think if we don't move quickly, they might just spirit her away and sweep this entire thing under the rug.”
Stacy nodded and said, “We need a plan.”
Between my finely honed levitation skills, the wards that made me feel safe in using magic and my full charge of energy, unpacking the books turned out to be a snap. We had picked up some bookshelves at a second hand store and set them up in the living room and now I was standing in the middle of the room, making little gestures with my hands and watching book after book float out of the box and into its shelf. Each time a shelf was filled, I stepped up to it and read the titles of the books, touching the ones I thought I could not yet make use of, which floated away into an empty box. Then I pushed the remaining books together to close the gaps and set about filling the remaining space. At the end of three hours, about a third of the books were sorted into the living room shelves, with the rest in boxes stacked up against the bedroom wall.
Stacy was busy unpacking things from her old apartment and our place began to take on a lived-in look.
Clothing was put away into closets and drawers, toys were stowed in Alyssa's room and the empty boxes were collapsed and stacked up in a corner of the room. The apartment was beginning to look like a home. I felt really good; I hadn't had a home in a long time.
I retreated to the sofa and the three books I had extracted from the shelves during unpacking. The books were spell books I would need to pull off the jailbreak we were planning.
Stacy came over at one point, having finished her unpacking, and watched me read. Then she looked at the book and back at me, asking, “How can you read that? Those squiggles are moving and trying to hide from me when I look at them!”
I explained, “They're magical runes and if you don't have the magic to understand them, you can never learn it. They can't be studied by the non-magical.
Stacy shook her head and went to sort out the kitchen utensils and I heard her rattle pots and pans and wash the cutlery while I continued to study the spells I would use.
One of the spells was a small, old one that opened locked doors magically. With my skills at levitation and telekinesis, I could of course pick any lock, but that was a technical and possibly time consuming process. I needed to know how the lock worked and move its parts using my magic. An unknown type of lock would have stopped me dead.
This spell made things a lot easier. From portcullis to treasure chest, handcuff to padlock, this spell caused anything locked it was cast upon to become unlocked, anything closed to become open. This was really classical magic, requiring no knowledge but the spell itself to work.
It was one of the spells I had committed to memory at Alyssa's house, but I later found that I had not memorized it correctly, so I was never able to cast it from memory. I studied the spell, then turned to the padlock on the table and cast the spell on it. The hasp clicked open right away and I smiled, satisfied. I clicked it shut again to retry, but, to my surprise, found I had forgotten the spell.
After trying a couple more times, it was clear that I would not be able to cast this spell from memory more than once. When cast, the spell seemed to remove itself from my memory, leaving me with the memory of casting it, but no access to the spell.
I tried to copy the spell to a piece of paper to carry with me, but I was not able to use that method either. Looking at the piece of paper, I was able to piece together the word, but it had no effect at all. The spell only seemed to work when read directly from the book.
This was not the case for all spells, but a few of the older ones I came across in that book were like it. I paged through the book, which was more like an unorganized recipe collection than a school book, and finally came upon some notes that were written on a piece of paper stuck between the pages.
It described the effect I was seeing, saying that part of the magic if the spell was in the pages of the book and its ink. It mentioned a spell that allowed copying the spells from the book to scrolls, but gave no details. It went on to say that one mind could hold a number of spells from the book, including their magic, but each, after it was cast, would be gone. It explained a technique that could, over the course of many years of training, enable the retention of a few spells, so they could be cast more than once, but it appeared that being able to permanently remember more than 2 or 3 spells from this book was unheard of.
I sighed, because that book sure contained some useful things. However, the note was right; I found that I would forget earlier spells when trying to cram more into my mind. I finally settled on a spell that would allow me to move very fast for a short period of time and the lock opening spell. I followed the advice from the note, learning the more important spell last, because the last learned spell had a greater chance to be remembered.
The next book yielded a stun spell. This spell would render a person unconscious for a brief period of time. From notes on the page, it explained that mentally strong people, it called them strong souls, may not be knocked unconscious, but might only experience some brief disorientation. A note in the margin said that the spell was a drain on the caster and one should not attempt it when tired or exhausted, because it had been known to backfire.
By the time I finished the second book, my head was reeling. The book was a treatise on magical fighting, especially fighting mortals with magic. The stun spell was the only one I would want to use, because all the others were deadly, and some of them were extremely cruel. The sorceress who had compiled that book must really have had it in for humans!
The third book was on conjuration and travel spells. I learned that long distance travel by magic was possible, but not easy. Traversing the magical plane required lots of study, and was dangerous even then. Many had gotten lost using the travel spells, which is why they finally fell into disuse. A note on one page outlined the decision of the elders to remove the spells from the curriculum taught to new sorceresses.
I thought that to be a bit high-handed, it didn't really make these elders very likable, to control learning like that. I was brought up to believe that learning should be available for everyone willing to try. However, I understood that I would not have the time to become proficient in these spells, and would probably run too great a risk in experimenting without a tutor anyway.
I skipped the spell, finding notes about suppression of spells all over the book. Some spells were suppressed simply because they were deemed dangerous to society. This meant the magical society; I found out after a bit more of reading. It seems the elders suppressed any spell that would be useful to take away their power. I realized that the notes were colored by personal opinion, but even if only the facts from them were true, they didn't paint a pretty picture.
Finally, I found some spells that were not forbidden or dangerous. They required considerable preparation and some materials. I picked one that I found most suitable. It was a spell to return to a marker that was previously set. It took practically no energy or concentration to invoke, because it could be compared to a wound spring, which was simply released. All the energy was put into it at the time of creating the object.
To make this spell work, I had to choose an object. I picked up a vase from a shelf and set it on the table in front of me. This was going to be my anchor object. Using a piece of chalk, I copied the runes from the book to the table top, surrounding the vase with concentric circles of runes.
I also had to mark some runes on the vase itself, which was quite difficult with chalk, but I managed to make the chalk leave a thin, barely visible mark on the glass. It was enough, because all the runes flared up with a greenish glow and turned invisible.
I cast a magic detection spell and the vase showed to be magical, so it appeared to be a success.
I started in on the spell, which was to be cast on myself and the vase. I could literally feel the energy going into it get wound up like a spring, coiled and quivering with pent up power. I finished the incantation and the spell was locked in, ready to use.
I really wanted to test it, but it was at that moment that Stacy announced lunch to be ready and we congregated at the kitchen table. I lifted Alyssa, who squealed happily, onto her stack of pillows and we set about consuming Stacy's offerings.
End of part fifteen
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Another Venus story that I like :)
An excellent story as always. Thanks for the time and effort you put into this. ::hugs::
Nice to see that
Ronnie is not satisfied with just a few magic tricks...Something tells me she might need bigger and better spells over the next few chapters.....Hope you have a good memory Ronnie... You'll need it!!
Progressing nicely.
The plan is coming together. I'm glad your taking some time to let Ronnie explore her femininity. After all all work and no play will make Ronnie a dull girl if not frustrated. Part of Ronnie's magic is Tantric based. Sex is definitely a fun way to build magic force. Adding sex to the magic mix will definitely help Ronnie both deal with the Council and rescue the ex-congress person.
Eager for your next installment.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Once again; the blend of the seemingly mundane with the
...sublime; laundry, sex, baby-sitting, incantations and spells, political intrigue and arcane references to threats yet unseen...I like that Ronni is changing slowly, allowed the disappointment and regrets over the loss of her former life, but able to learn to appreciate slowly the new feelings and understanding about her new "self." Always well crafted and laid out like watching a painter work the canvas for a portrait that reveals new things that weren't there moments ago. Excellent story telling! Thank you.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Real Magic
I like your system of magic. It feels natural and almost real. What's really magic though, is how some glyphs on the computer screen can paint a whole other world in our minds. You have cast a spell that has enchanted me.
- Terry
P.S. I read this chapter several nights ago so I'm moving right along to leave comments for the last two chapters. I've read them all and now I want more, please.
The Venus Touch 15
I wonder if Alyssa can start learning soon?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
supercharged by sex
a lot of belief systems equal sex and magic ...