Part 1 "indoctrination"
Joseph looked down as they began to work his legs into the rubber suit that would encase his body for the next week.
"Could you explain again," he couldn't finish his sentence as one of the frat boys put a small toy into his mouth.
"Swallow," He did.
"Well her voice will be so high pitched she'll sound like Betty Boop." said Jeff. Jeff was Joseph's best friend and he would escort the "frat tramp" during her week of being a sexual toy for the upperclassmen.
Joseph hadn't expected it to last a week. He began to argue, but quickly shut his mouth as the overtly feminine voice squeaked out "Please no, Don't do this to me".
A drugged handkerchief covered his nose as he tried to kick. Darkness came quickly.
They quickly glued the body suit onto his slight frame. Each frat boy rubbed the vagina that was made for penetration, touched the overly receptive breasts that responded to male pheromone's by releasing a strong aphrodisiac into Joseph's body. His face mask was designed to make men cream and after fixing the lips over Joseph's they each kissed Joseph's "now Lisa's" full lips.
Lisa awoke with her butt pressed against Jeff's hard prick. She could remember the night before but didn't care. She rubbed her breast's through her thin nightie she wore to bed and wiggled into her man's crotch.
"You ready for round two," Jeff said.
"MMh I was born ready for cock," she rolled onto her back as Jeff pulled himself on top of his former buddy's feminized body. His dick fit smoothly into the hairy rubber cunt.
"Oh God Jeff, Fuck... Mnhh... God rock your hard manhood into me." She squealed, her heart beating as she began to cream.
Jeff loved it also. He could remember being Lisa last year, and the Lisa suit was heavy on giving multiple orgasms to whoever wore it. He began to nut into her as she squirmed in pleasure his hands roaming over her dd-cup faux boobs her hands grasping satin sheets as she came and came and came.
end part 1
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I'm not a prude
However, you do come across with a very risque name. You need to a disclaimer about age on this story.
I glanced through it and found that I will not be following up on any future posting of this story.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Gina Sux Cox
has inspired me. I'm thinking of changing my handle to LAIKA SWALLOWS. Cute huh?
I don't know what to say about this story, but it's sure a departure from our usual fare here.
Boy Howdy. Different strokes n' all that...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
About the Author's Name
BigCloset TopShelf
I have to agree with Jill
The author's name almost provides a disclaimer. I cannot, nor should I request any story be excluded from this site. However, I believe, especially after feeling empowered to include my voice, that this story is not what I would consider representative of what I believe this site stands for. There is room for all kinds of expression here, don't get me wrong. But this story would more likely fit the Horror contest than the "Back to School" category. Perhaps I'm "projecting" as my Psych background might caution me, but with my own personal history currently at the forefront, I find myself repulsed by its content. Perhaps for me, I will pay more attention to the content description the next time. And to paraphrase John Wayne, "Sorry, but I only gave you one girl's opinion." Thank you for allowing me to comment.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
??? (I'm speechless)
May Your Works Be of Much Shorter Length...
Lil' Kelly
Not to sure about this
Not to sure about this story. Perhaps if it had been much shorter? Don't think I will read more if such is posted, as it seems not to be the type of stories that I believe Top Shelf/Big Closet to be for. Just my opinion. Janice Lynn
I'm not normally given to posting comments, since by the time I've read a story someone out there has usually already expressed an opinion similar to my own. However, I agree with Andrea's opinion that this particular story might fair better in some other venue, given the first chapter.
-Crystal S.
I have 2 agree with the others on this story. It like a Short Dom / Sub. story in bad taste.
Sweet Dreams
Erm, where does it go from here?
Is there going to be actual, you know, plot, or is this just like a wanklette?
Honestly, I don't care about the name, but this really doesn't give much of a hook, although the initial concept if I understand it could be cool. So someone different each week does this? Is it understood by faculty? What about classes?
Vote Thumbs DOWN!
Here's an idea. Perhaps instead of just a "Vote" button, there should be two buttons: "Vote Thumbs UP" and Vote Thumbs DOWN".
I vote Thumbs DOWN! on this one.
Reality is a nice concept - but it doesn't hold up to close examination.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
thumbs down
I second the idea of a chance to vote no (instead of just not voting). I feel wrong when I don't vote, but there are some stories that need a thumbs down vote. I did not vote on this story, but would have voted thumbs down, given the chance.
In all honesty, very few stories deserve that, but I agree with Kris
Sorry, but the idea of a button to be used to DISCOURAGE authors is anathema to the purpose that BC was created for. Encourage all you want but just voting thumbs down ain't gonna happen here.
I'm rather appalled that people troubled to comment on a story they don't like without saying anything about what was wrong. Was it poorly written? Poorly plotted? Did it have formatting or proofing problems?
No? Apparently some people just didn't like the story. It's okay not to like a story, there's plenty of stuff to read here that may appeal to any taste. And that's the idea.
Rest assured that if there were a thumbs down button that LOTS of your favorite authors might collect enough thumbs down that they would just stop writing or stop posting.
Just to be honest, I didn't particularly care for this story either, but it is an decently well-written attempt to portray a rather disturbing fantasy and it does not deserve a thumbs down just for offending someone. That ain't what the voting button or BigCloset itself is about.
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm All Thunbs -- Which Is a Handicap for a Knickers Twister
What would be the point of writing if you didn't offend someone?
When a reader says a story isn't their cup of tea, they owe the author an explanation. That's simply good manners. A person reading a comment shouldn't have to guess what it is about the story that a person doesn't like.
I would prefer that BC not become a home for a lot of stories like this one, (short on characterization, plot, and setting -- and long on sexual fantasy) but I understand the "all-comers" attitude of management.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
what if I wanna vote SIDEWAYS?
I mean really, up or down is such a limited range of options...
No, seriously I think the voting against stories is a bad idea. It lets people be hurtful in anonymity, almost encourages it. The internet's too full of this kind of juvenile cowardly punk-ass crap as it is. It's like those comedians who take one of a restaurant's little RATE OUR SERVICE card and check everything as terrible, scribble some obscenity where it says COMMENTS, and laugh.
Thumbs down on Thumbs down!
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
We don't need a "Thumbs Down Vote"
BigCloset TopShelf
Curious isn't it
Almost 1800 hits on a story universally (seemingly) disliked. I saw the Authors name when it posted and rolled my eyes, I mean I don't really care what you do in your spare time but I don't want it waggled in my face thanks all the same.
The story? Hadn't read it, wasn't going to, but I just did. Basic idea seems okay if a little juvenile boys love sex and girls are sluts. It seems to be heading for a charming round of oooh Get's a bit tedious, who cares how many orgasms said suit gives to the ever so lucky inhabitant. I mean, really dear, it's all so early FM. Mindless bonking, all very well if that's all you seek, but I don't really fancy it thanks.
A thumbs down button? Hmm, I suppose I'd get that now and then too and even the most loved and favoured probably would at times, not a good idea.
All TG story sites are not the same, there is a different feel and general flavour, thank God. Perhaps some browsing to check the feel and see what might or might not fit. Nothing wrong with trying ones hand, all the good, but not everywhere will work for everything and that's the way we like it, mostly. 1800 hits huh... gee I'm jealous. Just goes ta show.
Haha, wouldn't it be a hoot
Haha, wouldn't it be a hoot if that was the plan from the beginning? I just thought of that when you mentioned the hit count.
Negative voting
Something like that was tried several years ago, a one to five scale that would average the votes and give a "rating". It didn't last long as some people tried to game the system to run a story's score up or down based on who they liked or disliked.
I've gotten chewed out a time or two for expressing my opinion, sometimes deservedly. But I am surprised at how this author has been treated by commenters. There are certainly several clues as to the direction of the story, starting with the pen name used by the author. So there is really no good reason for such a rash of negative comments. If you looked first you had to know what you were getting into before starting.
I could offer up an observation made to me a short while back that I should have expected the treatment I received from another commenter as I'd sorta asked for it (in regards to my screen name). I replied that I didn't expect that from people on BC, I expect a bit classier crowd here. I still do.
This is not my cup a'joe, so I can't offer much in the realm of constructive comments except that it was really too short, IMHO. There really isn't enough here to entice anybody to look for more of it. You have to build an interest in your readers to get them to want to come back, or you are wasting your time writing and posting. Well, maybe not the writing part, but there isn't much reason to post except to share your work with others.
I hope you find an audience for your fantasy somewhere, Gina.
They know they can survive