(The BeC Clothing Line by Jamieboy is a great start for a story. He refers to a company called BELLE. In a comment he refers to an idea he read years ago. I'm pretty sure it was a story I published 1in 1999 on Fictionmania I called The Ladd's Exchange Mall.
Below is a list of gadgets that were invented by the staff at LEX Mall to aid in trnasforming boys. What follows is simply a complied listing of their efforts that was never before published.
If their is enough interest, I'll update the story and post it here. Let me know your desires.
Authors may feel free to order anything they may like for use in their stories.)
We offer two types of hormone blockers, available in an injectable form or daily oral dosage. Either can be used alone to good effect, but when used together are quite devastating. Both function similarly. Once in the patients body, it flows harmlessly through the recipient's blood stream until it reaches the brain. There it will seek out and bind to the nervous system's receptors that monitor the amount of hormones that the body will produce. After completely covering and shielding the receptors from the blood stream, the receptors then send false signals to the brain. The brain reads those signals as true and reacts accordingly.
When taken orally, the small daily dose will take about a week to fully block the receptors. Once blocked, the continued daily doses will insure that the effect on the receptors continues.
When injected, T-BLOCK is a viscous pale blue fluid that causes the receiver to feel a wash of coolness spread through their body. They may become chilled for a few moments. E-BLOCK is a viscous light pink fluid that causes the receiver to feel a flush of warmth spread through their body. They may become light-headed for a few moments. Both blockers will perform flawlessly for four to five weeks. After that they become brittle and less flexible, unable to resist the constant battering of the flowing blood. The blood begins to slowly erode the blocker coating off the receptors and the brain begins to accurately read the hormonal levels in the bloodstream. It will take about two weeks for the coating to be worn away enough for the brain to get accurate readings. Thus, a single treatment will mean the blocker does it's job for between six to seven weeks.
Booster treatments are recommended at least every five weeks to insure that the recipient continues to obtain the full benefits of the blocker. Booster treatments received after the blockers have worn away will have the desired effects quicker than an initial treatment if given within four weeks of the due date.
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Once the T-BLOCK reaches and binds to the appropriate receptors, it causes the receptor to signal the brain that an overabundance of testosterone is in the bloodstream. The brain then orders the organs that manufacture testosterone to cease production until the level in the bloodstream drops. This results in a steady flushing of the bloodstream of every bit of testosterone. This can take anywhere from three to six days depending upon the individual. Since the T-BLOCK is still on the receptors, the brain does not detect the absence of testosterone and therefore does not order the organs to resume production.
The lack of testosterone will cause a male to lose his aggressiveness and competitiveness as well as the need to show off and prove his manliness. The longer the absence of male hormones, the more sedate and submissive the male will become. The ability to achieve an erection will steadily fade once the testosterone has been flushed from the body. Complete loss of the ability to function will occur sometime during the second week depending upon the individual's previous capabilities.
As with anything that is not allowed to function in the manner it was created, the organs which produce the testosterone will begin to atrophy. No significant loss of the ability to function will be noticeable until after the first month. After that, not only will the organ's ability to resume production of testosterone degenerate, it will also begin to shrivel and shrink. By the end of two months, the organ will have lost about 20 percent of it's production capacity and size. At three months there should be a 40 percent loss in both production capacity and size. At four months there should be a 60 percent loss in both production capacity and size. The fifth month should reveal an 80 percent loss in capacity and size. By the sixth month, all ability to produce testosterone will most likely have been lost and the organ shrunk to the size of an infant's organ.
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Once the E-BLOCK reaches and binds to the appropriate receptors, it causes the receptor to signal the brain of an estrogen deficiency in the bloodstream. The brain then orders the organs that manufacture estrogens to increase production until their level in the bloodstream reaches the normal balance. This results in a steady accumulation in the bloodstream of estrogens. It can take anywhere from three to six days depending upon the individual for the estrogens to overwhelm any testosterone and infiltrate every portion of the body. Since the E-BLOCK is still on the receptors, the brain does not detect the growing levels of the estrogens and therefore does not order the organs to cease production.
The abundance of estrogens will cause a male to lose his aggressiveness and competitiveness, as well as the need to show off and prove manliness. The longer the estrogens are allowed to influence the body and mind, the more sedate and submissive the male will become. The desire and ability to achieve an erection will diminish. Complete loss of the ability to function may occur anytime after the end of the second week depending upon the individual's previous capabilities.
As with anything that is allowed to function in the manner it was created, the organs which produce the estrogens will begin to thrive. No significant gain of the ability to function is noticeable until after the first month. After that it steadily increases it's production rate until about the third month when it has reached it's maximum. At this point a male will be producing at least as much natural estrogen as a normal female.
What all this means is that masculinity is subverted and eliminated during the first month and will be entering the normal sequence of female puberty.
A soothing Aloe Vera based lotion for the genital region that contains three main ingredients:
1. Menthol to cool and tighten loose flesh.
2. Benzocaine (10%) to numb the treated area.
3. Transdermal Estradiol (2mg/application average absorption).
A single application will, for 16 -24 hours, cause temporary genital shrinkage and loss of erection capability. Repeated doses will lengthen the duration of the effects.
Daily use will cause the following after:
1st week: General nausea, slight reduction of testicular hormone and sperm production, and genital shrinkage of about 20%.
2nd week: Nausea clears, genitals shrink a further 15% (35 % total), testicles start to atrophy resulting in about a 10% reduction in testosterone and sperm production.
3rd week: Genitals shrink a further 10% (45% total), continued testicle atrophy with a further 25% (35% total) reduction in testosterone and sperm production, testicles will begin to recede into body, breast area will be tender, the aureole will increase in size, nipples will erect when touched, body/facial hair growth will begin to decline while head hair growth increases, voice will begin to "crack" into a higher register, and an increase in emotions and mood swings is noticeable.
4th week: Genitals shrink a further 10% (55% total), continued testicle atrophy with a further 25% (60% total) reduction in testosterone and sperm production, testicles will have receded completely into body, puffiness under and increased sensitivity in breasts is noticeable, body/facial hair growth continues to decline and color becomes lighter while head hair growth continues to increase, voice will slip into a higher register and stay there for short periods.
5th week: Genitals shrink a further 10% (65% total), continued testicle atrophy with a further 25% (85% total) reduction in testosterone and sperm production, body/facial hair growth virtually halted and now a light blonde color while head hair growth is abundant and luxurious, voice will slide steadily into a higher register and stay there, feminine breast development is evident.
6th week: Genital shrink a further 10% (75% total), testicles completely atrophied with no testosterone or sperm production, body/facial hair growth reduced to soft blonde "peach fuzz" while head hair is shimmery and bouncy, voice mellows into a soft feminine timbre, breasts development is quite evident (jiggling may cause soreness and a training bra is recommended) sexual arousal is centered in the breasts.
CAUTION: Daily use beyond the sixth week will cause the above described shrinkage, atrophy, and other changes to become permanent. If used after BELLE EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER the time required for the genital reduction will be cut in half.
A one use caustic solution and accompanying neutralizer that will emulsify all soft internal tissue except blood vessels and urethra. The recipient will void heavily for 24 to 36 hours as the emulsified remains are flushed from his body.
To use, apply a tourniquet about the recipient's genitals. Inject 5 cc's of EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER directly into each testicle, and into the center of the penis every half inch starting at the base. Wait 15 minutes, then squeeze treated areas firmly. All internal tissue will "pulp". Manipulate this pulp, breaking up any remaining tissue clumps, for 3 minutes to thoroughly blend the mixture. Wait another 15 minutes, then inject 5 cc's of the neutralizing agent at about the same locations as initial treatments. Manipulate the emulsified tissue for 2 minutes to thoroughly blend the neutralizer. Wait 5 minutes and remove the tourniquet. The recipient has been chemically castrated and his penis rendered a useless empty tube of flesh.
NOTE: Immediately after treatment the penis will be like a slightly filled water balloon, limp and squiggly. The ability of the individual to control urination is also greatly diminished as the muscles and tissues that had been used to control the flow no longer exist. Uncontrolled wetting most likely will occur until he learns to use other muscles in the same manner a female uses her muscles to control his flow. It may prove necessary to diaper the treated individual until bladder control is re-learned.
This specially formulated clear, tasteless, odorless, liquid compound is designed for use with those who oppose Petticoat Discipline. A teaspoon of this added to a drink will relax and open the person's mind. Pre-existing notions, ideas, and even prejudices can be attacked and destroyed by calm, logical, and heart-felt reasoning. It is important to have the quarry in a relaxing environment, free from outside distractions so an effective case for the use of Petticoat Discipline can be presented. If the benefits and wisdom of Petticoat Discipline are succinctly introduced, the listener will be convinced and accept what was presented. The mind opening effect will last about an hour after consumption. (CAUTION: This compound may be used for purposes other than aiding Petticoat Discipline.)
An individually wrapped, multi-flavored and colored gummy candy with a sweet liquid center. The liquid center contains a 10 mg dosage of Estradiol.
Five pieces a day will steadily transform him into her. The first few days may result in morning nausea as his body adapts to it's new feminine hormonal balance. After two weeks, a tenderness and slight swelling will be noticeable in the nipples and surrounding areas. The third week will result in a lessening of the male sex drive and functions. Erections will take longer to achieve and they will not be as firm. Ejaculate will no longer be milky white but opaque, and the amount of discharge will greatly decrease. The fourth week will reveal a firm swelling beneath the nipple, the start of feminine breasts. Erections will most likely be impossible although continued stimulation may result in tiny amounts of ejaculate which will be clear and sterile. After the fourth week, development should proceed like that of a girl entering puberty.
Mood changes, fits of depression, tears, and uncertainty will be increasingly evident as his personality changes due to the hormonal influences.
Contains 100 percent of the recommended minimum daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. Also included is an oral dosage of the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS (BELLE T-BLOCK and BELLE F-BLOCK).
Daily use will have the same effects described in BELLE HORMONE BLOCKERS.
A specially blended fluoride toothpaste containing a unique combination of Estradiol and an astringent. This combination will tighten and stretch the vocal cords, resulting in the user's voice modulating into a higher, feminine range.
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A specially formulated antiseptic mouthwash that contains a unique combination of Estradiol and an astringent. This combination will tighten and stretch the vocal cords, resulting in the user's voice modulating into a higher, feminine range.
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When used in combination, the first week of use a slight but not unpleasant tingling will be felt in the throat. The second week the tingling stops and no other effects are noticeable. The third week the voice will start to "crack" into a higher, girlish range. By the fourth week the voice will steadily raise into the feminine range, occasionally "cracking" back into the former range. The fifth week will find the voice has slipped into the higher, softer, feminine range with no "cracking". With continued use, by the eighth week the voice will be permanently raised into the softer, higher feminine range. (If either is used alone, double the times.)
This powerful 24 hour unscented stick deodorant has several special additives which sets it apart from regular brands. Mixed with the deodorant are mild depilatories, estropipate, and astringents.
Daily use will gradually slow underarm hair growth and thin existing hair. Underarm hair will be completely gone in about two weeks. Continuous use for a month will permanently stop hair growth.
This unique cleansing bar contains retinol vitamin A and estropipate. It will rejuvenate tough skin while cleaning. It will leave the skin softened and lighten hair growth while promoting totally clear, fresh, "new-born skin. Daily use will luxuriously soften and tighten flesh. After a 10 to 14 days of use the flesh will appear fresher, cleaner, younger looking which will be smoother, softer, firmer, and more radiant and vibrant with a smooth as silk complexion.
A unique blend containing Aloe Vera, retinol vitamin A, and estropipate. It rejuvenates tough skin by promoting the appearance of a totally clear, fresh, "new-born skin".
Daily use will luxuriously soften and tighten his flesh. Use once a day for 10 to 14 days and he'll grow a fresher, cleaner, younger looking skin which will be smoother, softer, firmer, and more radiant and vibrant with a smooth as silk complexion.
This unique formula contains Estropipate and Panetol. The protein rich formula will moisturize hair from the within and expands hair size.
Regular use will result in a longer, thicker, and fuller appearance that flexes and stretches; yielding magnificent full flowing tresses that are thicker, fuller bodied, shinier, and more manageable with practically no split ends.
A unique blend of all-natural herbs, Estropipate, and two different depilatories. This lilac scented lotion removes hair below the skin, then fills the hair follicles with an amazing herbal-block that stops hair dead. It acts like a mini-wall preventing regrowth for weeks leaving skin soft and silky. When and if regrowth does occur, it is thinner and lighter, almost undetectable.
Regular daily use will eliminate unwanted hair for good. Simply rub it on and gently massage into the skin where it is quickly absorbed.
A unique blend of anti-astringent opens pores and cells so that these Estropipate and oil based penetrating dyes can seep below the surface. While the covering color can be removed, a tiny bit will remain permanently below the surface. With each use, the amount of permanent color that remains increases. Simply continue use until the desired permanent color is achieved. Specify color from our color chart.
A 1/4 inch felt tip applicator applies this powder.
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A 1/4 inch felt tip applicator applies this powder.
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A wax-type pencil applies this crayon like paste.
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A fine camel hair brush applies this liquid.
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A thin felt tip applicator applies this liquid.
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A coarse bristle applicator brush applies this liquid mascara. Daily use will alter the skimpiest lashes into long, luxurious lashes.
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A fine camel hair brush applies this collagen enriched liquid nail polish that strengthens the cell structure of the nails. The result is sturdy yet smooth long nails that readily accept and hold polish. Specify color from our color chart.
(specify model M or F)
The BELLE VANQUISHER/M is manufactured of a flexible space age man-made material to look and feel like ordinary cotton and is designed to look like an ordinary pair of jockey shorts.
The BELLE VANQUISHER/F is manufactured of a flexible space age man-made material to look and feel like satiny nylon and is designed to look like a pair of lace trimmed full cut panties.
Both versions of function identically. The unique fabric of the garments will comfortably mold itself to the wearer's body and modifies itself to conform to any and all physical changes he experiences. The wearer will be blissfully unaware that anything is out of the ordinary and wear the device without objection. Hidden inside the waist band is a miniature pre-programmed microprocessor that controls three separate functions. Embedded in the seams is a flexible rechargeable battery (18"L x 1/8"W x 1/32"H) that provides enough power for 16 hours of uninterrupted operation. The programs are activated by a body heat/humidity sensor switch.
The first function activates a fine wire mesh antennae woven into the fabric surrounding the wearer's penis and testicles. Unnoticeable vigorous microwaves of specially selected frequencies and intensities are projected into the area and effect only the nerves. Initially this produces a faint warm, pleasant, tingling sensation for about the first hour. Continued stimulation causes a disruption in the normal flow of impulses along the nerves which after three to four hours results in an unnoticeable, general numbness which not only leaves the wearer impotent, but eliminates physical sexual desires until the nerves recover. This causes the wearer to be less competitive. It also virtually eliminates the normal boyish need to show off while lulling him into activities of a more passive nature.
The longer the device is worn, the longer it takes for the nerves to rejuvenate. Based on wearing the device for 12 hours every day, recovery takes about 2 hours the first day. Each day the recovery time increases so that by the end of the week it will take about 6 hours. By the end of the second week the wearer will be totally impotent and have virtually no physical sexual desires.
Also at about two weeks of daily use, the production of male hormones by the testicles ceases and the male organs begin to atrophy due to irreversible nerve damage. By the end of the third week, the organs will begin to irreversibly shrink at the rate of about 20 percent a week. By the time the wearer notices the loss, the combined effect of the nerve damage and loss of male hormone production should have lulled him into a passive state of anxiety and fear which will leave him unable to voice his concerns. By the end of the twelfth week the steady rate of loss means that even the largest organs will have been reduced to less than an inch in length and the testicles, if found, are worthless. In effect, the male has been reduced to a eunuch.
The second function of this unique device offers a different specialty. Embedded in the fabric surrounding the wearer's hips and buttocks is a second fine wire mesh antennae that sends a different set of vigorous microwaves of specially set frequencies into the muscles and fatty tissue beneath the flesh. These microwaves stimulate and firm the muscles while inducing fatty deposits to accumulate in the area. This produces a soft yet firm, well rounded feminine derriere by the end of twelve weeks.
The third function is handled by a third fine wire mesh antennae woven into the fabric of almost the entire garment that emits yet another different set of vigorous microwaves of specially set frequencies into the epidermis. The only region where this antennae does not operate is an area of the groin. These select microwaves effect only the roots of body hair, causing them to die. Once dead, the remnants will fall out during bathing. The finer the hair, the quicker the death of the root. Even the coarsest body hair should be eliminated within 6 weeks. The region not treated will reduce the normal male pubic hair array to the neat inverted triangle common on females.
NOTE: This device must be hand washed. A battery recharger is included.
(specify model M or F)
The BELLE ENHANCER/M is manufactured of a flexible space age man-made material to look and feel like ordinary cotton and is designed to look like an ordinary cotton V-neck undershirt.
The BELLE ENHANCER/F is manufactured of a flexible space age man-made material to look and feel like satiny nylon and is designed to look like a lace trimmed stretch camisole.
Both versions of function identically. The unique fabric of the garments will comfortably mold itself to the wearer's body, and modifies itself to conform to any and all physical changes he experiences. The wearer will be blissfully unaware that anything is out of the ordinary and should wear the device without objection. Inside the neck trim is a miniature pre-programmed microprocessor that controls three functions. Inside the bottom hem is a flexible rechargeable battery (18"L x 1/8"W x 1/32"H). The programs are activated by a body heat/humidity sensor switch.
The first function is handled by a fine wire mesh antennae woven into the fabric surrounding the wearer's breasts that sends vigorous microwaves of specially selected frequencies and intensities into the muscles and fatty tissues beneath his flesh. These microwaves stimulate and firm the muscles while inducing fatty deposits to accumulate in the effected area. At the same time they create a warm, comfortable, fuzzy feeling of contentment. Wearing this garment for 12 hours a day will produce the desired results. The first two weeks will produce no noticeable changes. During the third and fourth weeks a gradual enlargement of the areolae and nipples will occur along with some increasing sensitivity. A steadily growing puffiness beneath the nipples will occur during the fifth and sixth weeks. The sensitivity of his budding breasts will cause him to unconsciously fondle his new treasures. The seventh and eighth weeks will reveal a gentle swelling of the entire breast area. It will most likely be the time the wearer notices the continual swelling. The titillating, pleasurable influence of the stimulation will most likely cause him to be so embarrassed, shy, and confused about his developing assets that he will be afraid to voice his concerns. By the tenth week he will probably sport perky AA cup breasts. By the twelfth week he should have blossomed soft yet firm, sensitive, well rounded, bouncy A cup breasts. During this period of development, the fabric will stretch with and support his burgeoning breasts with complete comfort.
The second function is regulated by a second fine wire mesh antennae woven into the fabric surrounding the wearer's waist, back, and abdomen that sends a different set of vigorous microwaves of specially set frequencies into the muscles and fatty tissues beneath the flesh of those areas. These microwaves stimulate and firm the muscles while inducing the fatty deposits in the areas to dissolve. The microprocessor compares the dimensions of the wearer's chest, breasts, and waist at each activation. A pre-programmed chart determines the optimum ratios for the wearer's age and will stop the second function when that ratio has been achieved. The first two weeks will yield no visible changes. After that, a loss of about half an inch a week will occur in the wearer's waist dimensions until he reaches the desired size. The end result will be a smooth yet firm, flat, narrow feminine waist.
The third function is handled by a third fine wire mesh antennae woven into the fabric of the entire garment that emits yet another different set of vigorous microwaves of specially set frequencies into the epidermis. These select microwaves effect only the roots of body hair, causing them to die. Once dead, the remnants will fall out during bathing. The finer the hair, the quicker the death of the root. Even the coarsest body hair should be eliminated within 6 weeks.
NOTE: This device must be hand washed. A battery recharger is included.
This unique unit functions as a normal radio/digital alarm clock with a special difference. Hidden underneath behind the compartment of the battery back-up power supply is a mini-cassette player. This unit is activated by a group of sensors invisibly located behind the face plate of the digital display. These sensors should be targeted towards the head of the sleeping boy by aiming the face plate. Special microprocessors will monitor the movements and respiration of the boy. It will be able to determine when he's falling asleep. At that point a soft "white noise" feature activates to quickly lull him into a deep sleep. Once the sensors determine that he is in a state of deep sleep, the subliminal hypnotic mini cassette tape will be activated. Almost immediately he'll lapse into a receptive trance as the message you selected is repeated until he awakens. This will result in the firm implantation of the desired post-hypnotic suggestions. The changes in his behavior, thoughts, and feelings will be evident almost immediately. The subliminal tape player has a Stage Selector Switch with four settings that correspond to the four stages of the tapes.
NOTE: A series of subliminal hypnotic programs are available on a wide range of topics and desired changes.
NOTE: A modified version, BELLE MONITORING RADIO/DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK is made for use in monitoring delinquents. A special non-removable ankle bracelet is placed on the boy that responds to a signal sent out by the built-in monitoring device. The device is hooked to a phone line. If the boy is more than 150 feet from the device, a built-in beeper activates to warn him he is passing the limit. At 175 feet, the device automatically calls the police to notify them the boy is violating his detention. In this manner, the subject is forced to sleep in his room so the secret subliminal message can do it's job.
There are four stages for each program, each stage includes all previous stages. Be sure to set the Stage Selector Switch on the player for the stage you want play. The post-hypnotic suggestions should be firmly implanted by following the recommended schedule. Changes should be noted after the first night.
Stage I should be played on nights 1 to 3. Will result in a decent boy.
Stage II should be played on nights 4 & 5. Will result in a good boy.
Stage III should be played on nights 6 & 7. Will result in a sissy boy.
Stage IV should be played on nights 8 to 10. Will result in a girlish boy.
NOTE: The programs can be combined into any combination or all selections for faster implementation.
This tape will make the listener detest violence. It will take him from a tough bully to a totally submissive individual.
Stage I: He'll find himself unable to participate in or encourage violence.
Stage II: He'll find himself feeling uneasy when violence occurs and will stop watching violence.
Stage III: When exposed to violence he'll become distressed and cry.
Stage IV: When exposed to violence he'll become nauseated and hysterical.
This tape will make the listener abhor disorder and dirt. This will alter the worst slob into a fastidious individual.
Stage I: He'll develop an urge to clean up and put things away.
Stage II: Exposure to clutter or a mess will cause unease and a need to clean.
Stage III: Exposure to clutter or a mess will cause distress, anger, scolding of the mess maker, and hurried cleaning.
Stage IV: Exposure to clutter or a mess will cause nausea, frenzied cleaning, and fussiness.
This tape will make the listener detest rudeness and inconsiderate behavior. This will change even the crudest boy into a polite individual.
Stage I: He'll feel guilty for boorish behavior, and learn basics manners {such as please, thank you, bless you, and excuse me}.
Stage II: Exposure to boorishness will create unease, he'll start being considerate, blush at a faux pas, and learn to show respect to his elders and women {by opening doors, holding chairs, and rising when someone enters a room}.
Stage III: Exposure to boorishness will create distress, he'll be polite, considerate, look down on those who are boorish and avoid them, and start learning detailed manners {such as proper table manners, proper place settings, and proper utensil use}.
Stage IV: Exposure to boorishness will create nausea and disgust, he'll flee those who are boorish, be naturally well mannered, be quite prissy, and politely but mildly rebuke and instruct others in proper manners if appropriate.
This tape will refine his taste, fashion sense, and style of dress. The grungiest slob will change into a neatly dressed individual.
Stage I: He'll feel guilty for wearing sloppy or grungy clothes, learn color and pattern coordination, desire to be dressed in coordinated clothes, grow interested in and be attracted to soft, silky girlish clothes and styles.
Stage II: He'll feel uneasy and uncomfortable wearing grungy clothes, observe others, judge outfits, develop an interest in fashions, be repulsed by overtly masculine styles and harsh fabrics, find himself yearning for soft silky clothes, and ruffles and frills will be attractive and enticing.
Stage III: He'll be distressed if he wears grungy clothes, will be uncomfortable when around others who are grungily dressed, learn to select clothes for their durability and style, enjoy shopping for clothes, detest wearing normal male styles, and want to dress in sissy fashions with ruffles and frills.
Stage IV: He'll be nauseated wearing grungy clothes, any male fashions, or even girlish pants, will be distressed when around others who are grungily dressed, and want and need to dress in soft silken ruffled and frilled dresses, skirts, and blouses.
This tape will make the listener become concerned that his personal appearance is pleasing and acceptable to others. The most slovenly boy will turn into an elegant lad.
Stage I: He'll feel the need to be physically neat, clean, and well groomed.
Stage II: He'll feel distressed when not physically neat, clean, and well groomed.
Stage III: He'll feel the need to grow long neat hair and nails, pierce his ears, and wear cologne.
Stage IV: He'll feel the need to wear lipstick, blusher, eye liner and shadow, nail polish, perfume, hair clips, hair bows, hair ribbons, necklaces, bracelets, and dangling earrings.
This tape will make the listener alter his movements. The way he sits, stands, walks, speaks, and uses his hands; virtually all of his personal habits will change.
Stage I: He'll slow down, won't run indoors or slam doors, will not flop into or tilt chairs, and will stop yelling, shouting, and cursing.
Stage II: He'll take shorter steps when walking, tug and smooth his pants when sitting, sit properly with no slouching or sprawling, and his speech will be softer.
Stage III: He'll take mincing steps, keep his knees together when sitting, cross his legs at the ankle only, speak softly and shyly, toy with his hair, cover his mouth to giggle rather than laugh, and stand with hands demurely folded with one leg slightly bent.
Stage IV: He'll have a wiggle in his walk, sit and rise daintily keeping his legs modestly together, may sit with one leg tucked girlishly beneath him, flutter his hands when speaking, blush at anything risque, and his voice will have girlish inflections.
The listener will alter the way he feels and reacts. His moods and feelings will change. The most belligerent boy will become a simpering sissy.
Stage I: Feelings of anger and hatred will diminish and be of shorter, milder duration, he'll be easily chagrined, and be more relaxed.
Stage II: Feelings of anger and hatred will make him feel uncomfortable, he'll avoid confrontations, be easily embarrassed, more empathetic, and will laugh or cry easier.
Stage III: Feelings of anger and hatred will make him feel nauseated, he'll be self-effacing and meek, will cry at sad stories, be empathetic, and be uncomfortable around those who are crude and harsh.
Stage IV: He'll be timid, cooperative, helpful, giggle when scared, need to feel accepted and loved, and be totally empathetic.
When the tapes are combined, the effects will be as follows:
Stage I: The recipient will find himself unable to participate in or encourage violence. A strong urge to clean up and put things away will be present. He'll feel guilty for boorish behavior, and want to learn basics manners {such as please, thank you, bless you, and excuse me}. He'll feel guilty when wearing sloppy or grungy clothes, will want to learn color and pattern coordinationand desire to wear coordinated clothes. At the same time he'll grow interested in and be attracted to soft, silky girlish clothes and styles. He'll feel an overwhelming need to be physically neat, clean, and well groomed. He'll slow down, won't run indoors or slam doors, will not flop into or tilt chairs, and will stop yelling, shouting, and cursing. Feelings of anger and hatred will diminish and be of shorter, milder duration, he'll be easily chagrined, and be more relaxed.
Stage II: The recipient will find himself feeling uneasy when violence occurs and will stop watching violence. Exposure to clutter or a mess will cause unease and a need to clean. Exposure to boorishness will create unease, he'll start being considerate, blush at a faux pas, and learn to show respect to his elders and women {by opening doors, holding chairs, and rising when someone enters a room}. He'll feel uneasy and uncomfortable wearing grungy clothes. He'll observe others, judge their outfits, develop an interest in fashions, and be repulsed by overtly masculine styles and harsh fabrics. He'll find himself yearning for soft silky clothes, ruffles and frills will be attractive and enticing. He'll feel distressed when not physically neat, clean, and well groomed. He'll take shorter steps when walking, tug and smooth his pants when sitting, sit properly with no slouching or sprawling, and his speech will be softer. Feelings of anger and hatred will make him feel uncomfortable, he'll avoid confrontations, be easily embarrassed, more empathetic, and will laugh or cry easier.
Stage III: The recipient when exposed to violence will become distressed and cry. Exposure to clutter or a mess will cause distress, anger, scolding of the mess maker, and hurried cleaning. Exposure to boorishness will create distress, he'll be polite, considerate, look down on those who are boorish and avoid them. He'll start learning detailed manners {such as proper table manners, proper place settings, and proper utensil use}. He'll be distressed if he has to wear grungy clothes and will be uncomfortable when around others who are grungily dressed. He'll learn to select clothes for their durability and style, enjoy shopping for clothes, detest wearing normal male styles, and want to dress in sissy fashions with ruffles and frills. He'll feel the need to grow long neat hair and nails, pierce his ears, and wear cologne. He'll take mincing steps, keep his knees together when sitting, cross his legs at the ankle only, speak softly and shyly, toy with his hair, cover his mouth to giggle rather than laugh, and stand with hands demurely folded with one leg slightly bent. Feelings of anger and hatred will make him feel nauseated, he'll be self-effacing and meek, will cry at sad stories, be empathetic, and be uncomfortable around those who are crude and harsh.
Stage IV: The recipient when exposed to violence will become nauseated and hysterical. Exposure to clutter or a mess will cause nausea, frenzied cleaning, and fussiness. Exposure to boorishness will create nausea and disgust, he'll flee those who are boorish, be naturally well mannered, be quite prissy, and politely but mildly rebuke and instruct others in proper manners if appropriate. He'll be nauseated by the mere idea of wearing grungy clothes, any male fashions, or even girlish pants. He'll be distressed when around others who are grungily dressed, and want and need to dress in soft silken ruffled and frilled dresses, skirts, and blouses. He'll feel the need to wear lipstick, blusher, eye liner and shadow, nail polish, perfume, hair clips, hair bows, hair ribbons, necklaces, bracelets, and dangling earrings. He'll have a wiggle in his walk, sit and rise daintily keeping his legs modestly together, may sit with one leg tucked girlishly beneath him, flutter his hands when speaking, blush at anything risque, and his voice will have girlish inflections. He'll be timid, cooperative, helpful, giggle when scared, need to feel accepted and loved, and be totally empathetic.
Available in highly crafted silver or 14K gold, this jewelry is quite impressive and unique, in more ways than one! While fashionable and attractive, they also hold a dose of topically applied BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER. Each piece of jewelry comes with six easily replaceable components which if replaced monthly will make the BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER effects permanent. The components are identical so the wearer will not be aware that they have been switched. When the components sense body heat and perspiration, a hidden compartment begins to release BELLE HORMONE BLOCKER. (Be sure to specify if you want T-BLOCK, E-BLOCK, or both.) The dose (Which lasts for a month.) is absorbed through the wearer's skin over a three hour period.
WRIST WATCHES, NECKLACES, EARRINGS, BRACELETS, and RINGS are available in Model M (male styled) or model F (femininely styled).
This adjustable flexible stainless steel cord reinforced nylon mesh electronic collar comes in various colors. It is about one inch wide and one eighth inch thick.
The electronics components include a transponder to reveal the wearers location and a receiver that can be set to various frequencies. Transmitters set to the collars frequency can be placed to create an invisible fence. Hand held transmitters can also be used. These can be utilized to control individuals, small groups, or large groups.
Control is assured by a five stage system.
Stage One: no effect
Stage Two: light tingling under collar
Stage Three: mild pulsing shock
Stage Four: strong pulsing shock
Stage Five: incapacitating continuous shock
Once snapped in place about the neck, it cannot be removed without a special deativating tool. Any attempt to cut the collar will send the wearer into cardiac arrest. The self contained battery pack will last about five to six weeks and is easily replaced. (It is recommended that it be replaced every four weeks.) If the battery gets low, it will "BEEP" the wearer every five minutes to let him know it is time to replace the battery. (The first eight hours the wearer will receive a Stage Three shock every five minutes. The next four hours he'll receive Stage Four shocks. After that he'll be incapacitated by a Stage Five shock.)
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LADD's Exchange Mall
Please transfer it here and update it. It is a great story.
Those who do not like forced fem stories, including forced fem on children, may not like it. But within that genre it is done in an interesting way.
Don't forget
The testicle earrings, sexual abuse, surgery, and more. It's a great story but those women need to burn in hell. Or worse. I think I gave an accurate description of what needs to be done to them mew ^^ They need to be tied down, force fed AND injected male hormones, have full mastectomies, vasectomies, have their skin flayed off with a rusty blade, burned with a flame thrower and dumped in a vat of acid mew ^^ And that's just the beginning of what they need ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Too kind
Your being too kind to the ladies (I'm being too nice using that term) of LADD exchange Mall and its various annexes, schhols, labratories, etc. They deserve worse.
I just said it was a goodwell written tale.
Same with me mew
Great story, demonic women mew.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
testicle earrings?
Damn! Somebody beat me to it! I was gonna put that in my story:
The Ultimate One Handed Forced Femme
Sissy Cuckold Humiliation Torture
and Mutilation Funtime Story
(It's a parody, dont'cha know?)
~~~hugs, Laika
I don't think there's any "wrong" kind of story for BCTS,
but I'm much more drawn to happy, sappy transition stories...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Whee... thats the one
Absolutely, by all means, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes, bob's your uncle and Holy Hossenfeffer, update that story (any kind of addition would be fun) !!
This is indeed the first story I ever read on this genre... it was a great holiday week, I'm told, but I was holed up in the cabin, reading the 5 chapters I downloaded just before we left; couldn't put it down
Continue, add, update, and post, and I'll... I'll.... I'll make us all sugar-cookies and tea!
There Was A Story About A Woman
Who femenizwd her son, and started doing the same for other women, even turning the das. Such an abuse is a crime.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine