The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 3

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Cover art by Erin Halfelven

©2025 SammyC

Chapter Three

I reached for the dagger I had secreted in the folds of my riding outfit as I rushed toward Amos, knocked down to the ground and surrounded by half a dozen angry, club-wielding men. Merlyn tried to restrain me but I broke free. I was perhaps 20 meters away when a whirring sound sliced through the dawn air. It was a spear, propelled in a perfect spiral. It struck the man whose club was poised above Amos’ head for the killing blow and pierced him through the middle of his back. He fell like timber to the ground just centimeters from Amos’ prone body. The other men turned around to hear a savage high-pitched war cry coming from a tall, leather-clad woman. A crossbow was aimed squarely at them.

“Leave now or I’ll send you all to your makers! Now, I said!”

Dropping their clubs, they ran off into the distance, never looking back even once. The woman, now joined by a dozen or so others, similarly clad in leather and carrying spears and crossbows, came toward me. Some of her companions checked on Amos, trying to revive him, as he moaned in obvious pain.

“Your bodyguard seems okay, although bloodied and bowed, my Lady. The other is beyond help. Sorry.”

“Thank you for coming to our rescue. I am…Princess Rani of the Eastern Kingdom.”

“I have heard tell of you, though I’ve never been to your kingdom. Our people and yours are not on very good terms. I am Senshi, chieftain of The Two Moons tribe.”

I passed her and ran to Amos, cradling him in my arms. The others moved a discreet distance away as I murmured incoherencies to Amos. I was so scared that he was in worse shape than he seemed. For his part, all Amos could do to reply was moan.

“My brother Malcolm tells me it looks like your guard has two broken arms.” Malcolm stood next to his sister some meters away, his eyes trained on me rather than Amos. He was around my age and seemed half as imposing as Senshi, whose gruff façade perfectly matched her station as chieftain of her tribe. “We can make splints for his arms from some small tree limbs. You’re two days ride from home. It’ll hold him until you get him some proper medical attention.”

“We’re not heading home. We’re on our way to the Western Kingdom. I’m afraid that’s at least another four days ride from here…”

“Western Kingdom? Why? Royal personages usually don’t accompany trading parties. There’s hundreds of clicks of wild and dangerous territory between coasts.”

Merlyn piped up, still breathing heavily after catching up with us, still carrying all my bathing paraphernalia.

“Princess Rani is on a mission to save this planet from destruction by The Dagger of Heaven!”

“And, what, madam, is The Dagger of Heaven?”

“It is a planet-killing object sent by The Gods to exterminate all human society. It is only mere weeks away from striking us. Look up in the sky! It’s coming!”

“Malcolm, have you heard of this Dagger of Heaven? Have you seen it through your telescope?”

“No, Senshi. But the kingdoms have more powerful scopes than I have. Perhaps she is telling the truth.”

“Rubbish. There are no Gods. And if there were, why in the world would they care to exterminate all of humanity? No, this smells of some sort of political subterfuge being played out between kingdoms. Perhaps we will yet witness a third world war. It’s been several generations since the last one.”

“Believe what you will but Princess Rani is traveling to the Western Kingdom to marry Prince Kelvin. Their wedding will appease The Gods and divert the Dagger from its deadly destination. However, without our Rumperdons, our mission is doomed. We can hardly walk our way across the continent…”

“We are on our way back home ourselves. And we are headed due west. Perhaps we can provide you an escort through these hinterlands. It’s a gauntlet of predatory animals and marauding bandits. You’ll want protection. My expeditionary party and I can provide that. Now, as for your Rumperdons, my men can round them up easily. I saw a pair of them straggling back here as we rode by.”

With a nod of her head, Senshi signaled to a pair of her retinue. They quickly leaped onto their Hobnobs, horse-sized giant lizards native to the center of the continent, and with a pull on their bridles, accompanied by low but compliant growls, rode away to herd the Rumperdons back to the cave.

“Meanwhile, we have some food we can share with you if you’re hungry. It’s just some dried meat and beer…”

Merlyn helped me bring Amos back into the cave where the rest of our party was shaking in their boots, so to speak. Senshi’s men busied themselves with several tasks. The pair that rounded up our Rumperdons returned within the half-hour. They seemed no worse for wear and settled down to quietly graze on the rough grass near the cave. Another pair from Senshi’s crew dug a grave and buried poor Vance. Merlyn chanted the appropriate funerary oaths and, with splints wrapped around both arms, Amos bowed his head in honor of his fallen comrade. I cried.

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“I’m sorry, Rani. We did a bad job of protecting you. And now Vance is dead…”

I was hand-feeding Amos the dried meat that Senshi had given us. I poured some beer into an earthenware mug and raised it to his lips.

“It’s not your fault, Amos. Drink. It’s beer. You know, it’s the first time I’ve ever tasted beer. And it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I like wine much better. Thank The Gods Senshi and her troop came by in the nick of time. We’ll be able to reach the Western Kingdom just a day or two later than we planned. You and I will save the planet, Amos!”

“Ugghh, this is bitter. How can they drink this stuff? Do you trust this…this Senshi woman? I know she saved my life but I’m wary of her seemingly kind intentions.”

“She is rather brusque in her manner but she is, after all, a chieftain. They say my father, the King, can often be short and gruff with others. He’s just acting the way a monarch is supposed to. With his family, he’s sweet and kind. Always has been…”

“We have no choice but to allow these heathens to escort us,” Merlyn interjected as she grimaced after quaffing more beer. “This is awful but I am parched. I’ll keep my eye on this woman. As Rani knows, I can read people very well. One wrong word or gesture and I’ll know the jig is up—”

“What’s a jig, Merlyn?”

“An old colloquialism, my dear. Don’t bother your pretty head about it. Suffice it to say, she’s not going to pull the wool over my eyes—”


“She won’t fool me so easily, Rani.”

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We formed a caravan across the wilderness. My party rode on our Rumperdons. There was room enough on my Rumperdon to carry myself, Merlyn, and Amos, who was helpless without the use of both arms. For the most part, Amos rested, even slept, as it diminished the pain he felt. We gave him more of the bitter-tasting beer to sedate him. Senshi’s crew rode on Hobnobs. Unlike our Rumperdons that purred as they trod through the forest clearing, the Hobnobs made an incessant clamor with their growling and low grumbling.

During that first day, we passed through groves and forests with green hills in the distance. Thankfully, we were in the midst of the planet’s Autumnal season. My riding outfit was not too heavy and not too thin. Just right for the temperatures we encountered in this week of hard travel. After breaking for a mid-day meal (dried meat and beer, what else?), Senshi sidled up to our Rumperdon and matched strides with her Hobnob.

“Is everything alright, Princess Rani?”

“Yes, fine, thank you again for escorting us. You didn’t have to do this—”

“It’s in our direction home anyway. But you are certainly the most unusual and special person we’ve crossed paths with on our travels. It would certainly be impolite if not downright disrespectful for us to abandon you in the middle of nowhere. As a royal personage yourself, you know we are held to a higher standard of behavior.”

“You seem so young to be chieftain of your tribe, Senshi. May I ask how old you are?”

“Old enough to use this crossbow and spear with unerring accuracy. I will not be bested by any man or woman. I was trained by my parents to be the protector of my people from birth as their first-born heir. But to answer your question, I am 19 years old in the measure of our home world. My father died in battle two years ago. I avenged him by conquering the tribe that was responsible. They are now part of The Two Moons tribe.”

“As slaves?”

“No, they live a better life under our auspices than before. I’m certain they would all tell you so.”

“Do you go around expanding your empire by dint of crossbow and spear?”

“Princess, you are both young and naïve. This is the world in which we live. Those of us banished to live in the hinterlands by your ancestors, both in the Western and Eastern Kingdoms. Your Merlyn hasn’t taught you the history of humanity on this world?”

“I won’t debate you on the history of the planet. I am not a scholar. Nor I’m sure, are you. Whatever. So, tell me, are you wedded or betrothed? At 19, you are of age.”

“No. I am…unattached. And if I were to plight my troth, it would not be to a man. It would be to someone like you, my Lady. Someone of high social standing and wondrous beauty.”

“Oh…I see. And isn’t there someone like that in your tribe? Someone of standing and possessed of transcendent beauty?”

“Not anyone like you.” She pulled on her Hobnob’s bridle strap and galloped away on her steed, smiling when she turned back to nod at me.

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Later in the day, Malcolm spent an hour or so just riding his Hobnob beside us. He stared at me for minutes at a time, not saying a word, just nodding his head now and again, a smile plastered on his face. Finally, I was moved to address him.

“Do you have something to ask or say, Malcolm?”

“Oh no, my Lady. Am I disturbing you?”

“No, but it’s disconcerting you just riding along, silently smiling while staring at me.”

“Sorry. I’m just stunned by your beauty. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen—”

“It’s the clothes. These colorful outfits can be very flattering. I’m sure there are girls your age that are prettier than I am at home.”

“Not likely, my Lady. I’m very envious of Prince Kelvin. He’s 9 years old, right? I doubt he can appreciate how lucky he is to have a bride as lovely as you…”

“I don’t know how lucky he’ll feel when he knows the truth about—”

“There’s a river ahead!” Amos had woken from his sleep and was pointing in the near distance. “We can’t cross that. Not with our Rumperdons. I doubt their Hobnobs can cross either.”

“We’re not crossing the river—” Malcolm stated.

Looking around, Amos became agitated. “What’s going on? This is not the usual route we take to the coast. I don’t remember a river of this size. A stream, a brook, yes but not an actual river…”

Senshi rode her Hobnob over to us and tried to calm Amos down. “There’s no reason for alarm, Amos. This is a route that’s quicker than your trade route. We know these lands better than you folks in the coastal kingdoms. And we’re going upriver to a spot where we can cross without touching water. We’re two hours ride away.”

Amos and I looked at Merlyn to get her reaction.

“Well, she does know these lands better. Any route that’ll get us to the Western Kingdom faster is fine with me.”

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Two hours later, we came to the most beautiful natural scene I had ever known. At the head of the river, a thunderous but crystal-clear waterfall spanned the width of the river. This was a region of cliffs and rock outcroppings the height and size of the castles in our kingdom. Near the surface of the river, a spray of foaming water moved languorously downstream. I wanted to jump into the river and frolic in it. But I had never learned to swim so held back in awe at the majesty of the setting before my eyes.

“There’s a narrow but manageable path behind the waterfall. We’ll have to proceed in single file. And make sure the animals aren’t spooked. No need to move too quickly. Everyone dismount and stay behind one another,” prompted Senshi as she led her Hobnob toward the roaring waterfall.

She cautiously entered the passageway and beckoned us to follow. Malcolm and his Hobnob maneuvered themselves in front of Merlyn, Amos, and me as we led our Rumperdon along the narrow path. Our docile Rumperdons calmly moved as we lightly pulled on their reins. The Hobnobs were decidedly more disturbed by the noise and proximity of the waterfall. There was nearly an accident or two. But, in the end, we emerged on the other side of the river, all members of the caravan safe and sound.

Once again seated atop our Rumperdon, I glanced back at the waterfall and wondered if I would ever have the opportunity to see that magical sight again.

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That night we made camp in a clearing in the woods. Senshi’s troop had erected lean-tos set on wooden posts and covered by stitched-together animal skins. There were two lean-tos for Senshi and her men. One lean-to for my party. Blankets made from some coarse fabric were laid on the ground. We used our own blankets to keep warm in the open air during the cooling night.

I was still wide wake while everyone else was sound asleep, thinking about what had already transpired on this journey to the west and what dangers lay ahead of us.

“My Lady, are you awake?”

“Malcolm? Is there something wrong?”

“No, but I had to speak to you about something. Something very important.”

“If it’s more compliments about my beauty, that can wait until tomorrow—”

“Listen. We’re not headed to the Western Kingdom—”

“But your sister said she knew a faster route—”

“My sister is a monster!” Malcolm covered his mouth and shook his head. “I can’t shout like that. It’ll wake up everyone.”

“Not likely. They all looked dead to the world after all the beer they drank.”

“Yes, I know. I planned it that way. I gave them almost half of our remaining supply of beer just so they’d be dead asleep.”

“Why and what about you? Didn’t they see you not drinking?”

“I pretended to drink. Spilled most of it behind me, out of sight. I wanted them asleep so we could leave without them taking notice.”

“Leave? What are you talking about?”

“My sister is not taking you to the Western Kingdom. She…she wants to barter you and your companions for goods from these people who live underground a day’s ride from here—”

“Barter? You’re scaring me, Malcolm!”

“We’ve done this before. That’s why we were on the road when we came across your party. These people who live underground want people that we abduct and they give us seeds, metal implements, and other goods in return.”

“What…what do these underground people do with your…victims?”

“I’m not sure. My sister knows, I think. She learned from our father. We’ve traded with these people for decades at least.” He lowered his voice and avoided my eyes. “They say they’re cannibals.”

I was in mid-shriek when Malcolm covered my mouth with his hand.

“Shhh! You’ll wake them up. Listen, we can gather up your Rumperdons and ride out of here before they’ll find out we’re gone. The stupid guy who was supposed to guard the animals drank more beer than anyone. Including my sister. She’s snoring up a storm right now. Come on. Roust everyone up and let’s go!”

The End of Chapter Three

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