I don't know if this is the right formun(?). I don't blog, I don't understand it. I have been reading this site for about +1 years. About the time when Fictionmania and Shaphire(?) went into a black hole. Thank GOD for Big Closet!!!
I really like this site. In most cases, people are very supportive of each other.
I VOTE for stories or authors I like. I can't comment, as it take me to places I don't want to go.
It's okay
It's okay that you don't comment. I don't comment all that much myself. When it comes to stories that I see all the time like Easy as falling off a bike, I don't comment on it unless it's a really good chapter. Other stories I only comment if the story is really good or if it really touches me. I don't comment on poems, cause I don't really read them. I write them cause that's all I can write but I don't read them.
Jessica Marie
P.S. If you don't want to leave a comment for everyone to see, how about a personal message to the author? It's a good way to give feed back.
It's good that you vote then.
No matter what, the truth is that if you compare the number of readers to the number
of comments that are actually made; then, if you subtract those few who are so generous
with their time in making most of the comments; You arrive at the inescapable conclusion
that the overwhelming majority of readers don't feel comfortable commenting.
Thankfully, they are under no compulsion to do anything other than, we hope, enjoy
the stories we've posted. I mean, I like comments and votes at least as well as anyone
out there, but as nice as it is, it's just not worth making someone uncomfortable for.
Even worse, would be somehow putting someone at risk, although I've never been able to
figure out how commenting is a greater exposure for the cautious readers, than is reading.
I like to look at this as making the comments that we do get even more precious.
It also reminds me to comment and vote on any story that I think merits any kind of
recognition, which includes almost any author and story I read. (They are very few
these days anyway.)
So, I'd just say that it's good that you vote. I'd also still thank the folks who do
comment too. Both are welcome in and of themselves.
As for that last, I do hope this blog took you someplace you did want to go. Hope your
feet do the same.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
or PMs are the only payback an author gets. While I don't expect everyone to enjoy or necessarily read my postings, it's nice when they say they have, or if they haven't - why not? It can take ten times as long to write a story as it does for you to read it - I have thousands of hours invested in my postings here and I write faster than most.
I accept that some visitors have anxieties about visiting here, although it is a secure site and generally speaking the content of the site is quite wholesome compared to many; it is however an adult site and visiting here does give an indication of some link with transgenderism - which might be embarrassing to some. The content of stories may also push buttons for some readers, and commenting could prove difficult. But you can still vote, at least you're interacting with the author.
Voting, like commenting is easy and you don't even need to be registered as a member to vote.
Donating: it's a free to use site but it does cost Erin to maintain - I'm feeling self-righteous because I've just renewed my subscription - I have a vested interest, it holds over 800 of my postings and well over a million words plus the odd piccie. Have you thought of donating - it's easy to do and helps ensure the site will be here next month. Remember, Erin and her staff spend hundreds of hours keeping things going and they all do it as volunteers.
[Edited by Erin]