Tomorrow morning, at 5 AM, I set off for Columbia S. Carolina to meet Grover and her wife, Paula. I'll stay with them through Sunday night. Monday, Grover and I will set off for Atlanta Georgia and the biggest TG conference/convention in the world, Southern Comfort! I'm really looking forward to this trip, and to meeting people I've only talked with on skype, or in chat rooms. Holly, Ariel, hopefully Gwen, Scotty Bishop, and who knows who else will be there.
This is my very first vacation in over 30 years, and the first time in 35 years I've been more than 200 miles from home. My RLT has gone okay, with some pitfalls and setbacks, but all in all, I'm pleased with my progress and the reactions of people I interact with on a daily basis. I feel very comfortable as my real self now.
We will be blogging from the conference, and hopefully posting pics and vids from there. All of us Top Shelf Girls will have matching shirts with our names, the Top Shelf shoe logo, and the web address on them. I hope we will all represent the wonderful people at Top Shelf, very well. We'll be having a room party/get to know one another and others party one of the nights. I'll also be having dinner with my nephew and his wife and, for the first time, they will be seeing me as Cathy. I don't anticipate any problems, since we have talked and they know about me.
I'll also be trying to build a relationship with a certain woman, with the hope of it leading to a domestic partnership/marriage sometime in the future. We have so much to learn about one another, but she already owns my heart.
This is a really big deal for me and I am so excited about the trip and the conference! What a wonderful thing to be able to do. I hope to see more of you there. We won't be hard to find! LOL.

Hugs 'n love,
Catherine Linda Michel
Your trip
Without revealing anything personal or confidential, is there any way you could take a picture of the shirt and post it here somewhere; a nice connection for those of us who cannot attend. I'm thrilled for you and I pray you have a blessed time!
Love, Andrea Lena
Have fun Cathy. You diserve it.
Jessica Marie
A rhetorical question
How fun is that?!! (Told you...)
Love the shirts, and I can't think of a better crew to represent BCTS at the conference.
~~tres bon voyage! Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I Cannot Wait!
Grover and I are sooooo excited to have you visit us this weekend! I hope your trip is a safe one, and I hope we can be entertaining enough for you.
Paula Y.
Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
Is she here yet?
Cathy is slowly working her way down here to the South. Kindly, she let me know when she cleared Pittsburgh (A wretched hive of scum and villainy!) and the latest that she is about 2 hours out. Never fear soon Cathy T will be here. Hmmm... I think I have my genres mixed up!
Cathy made it!
safe and sound if somewhat tired after a very long drive. Yay!