I've had the most brilliant experiences

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I've had the most brilliant experiences yesterday and the day before. I'm still on an emotional high from them.

I told my sister that I'm finally starting to transition and we had a good cry together. She says she is proud of me. I'm stunned, absolutely flummoxed. Then she offered to do a makeover on me and I pretty much completely broke down bawling. She only asked me 2 questions. "What does C(Hubby) think?" and "Why have you waited so long?". She was the first person(other than hubby) I ever told about myself, so long ago(20 years). She has only been good to me and supportive and just a rock, generally. I probably wouldn't be here and alive if it weren't for her.

Then yesterday our wild child came over and brought much beer. I should explain a little about him. We met him 13 years ago when he was 15 and his friend's mother was trying to bed him at a backyard party. We kinda wound up becoming his parents of the heart. I can't claim we did all that good a job of it, as he's on his fourth child by the fourth mother.

Over the years, he has grown to be much more than just a child to us. Anyway, when he left to go home, I walked out to his truck with him and told him. I was absolutely amazed at his reaction. The first thing he did was give me fierce hug, and then it was the same question. "What the hell took you so long? You're more girl than the women that had my babies!"

Here I thought I had covered myself up pretty well and it seems like the people who knew me best were sitting there wondering why I was resisting what apparently was blindingly obvious.

Did I say I was stunned?

Anyway, despite the hangover, I've got this happy glowy thing going on. Its like somebody pressure washed the world and it suddenly became all pretty and sparkly. I'm actually happy, for the first time in a very long time. My friends here have helped tremendously, so I just want to say thank you. It shocks me that I even have friends, as I never have had any before.

I can't properly describe my emotional space right now, but I know that I feel loads better than I have in well, my entire life.



Way to go! I'm glad you've had such a good experience.



What's Next?

Angharad's picture

on the roller coaster ride? Good luck, may it all work out for you.




I have only one thing to say,


All the best of luck from,
Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

I'm So Glad For You!

jengrl's picture

I'm so glad for you! It is amazing when you find out that people knew all along. Hubby is just going to have to get over himself. It is your turn to be happy. You have waited long enough!





That's really, really great! I hope everything works out with hubby. He shouldn't be so hetphobic. ;-) I sorta think most people could be bi if they tried hard enough.

I also agree with Jengrl, word for word.

Big Hugs, Good Luck and Bright Blessings,

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Same here

Apparently close friends and family can read through our best disguises, if they care about us.

I'm glad you're happier now. Coming out is the scariest thing to do, but afterwards we're floating on a cloud...assuming it went well of course.

Take care :-)


"Fun-loving geek-chick looking for someone who doesn't give a damn about her past"


"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"

simply awesome!

laika's picture

Wonderful how things went with your sister and your friend, Theide, I'm tickled pink for you.
I could understand if you didn't want to cannibalize something so special for story material,
But it sounds like, someday if you felt like it, it'd make a great one. Some exceptional people here!
~~~hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)
