Where does on e draw the line between depression and just not caring about keeping up one relationships with family? Today I'll have to think of how I didn't spend the holiday, too seem that I have a life, but I really just don't .. oh well happy happy god's another false front to the people at work. And having to put a front to mom that hurts the most but she'd never understand really....
I kinda get the idea
I kinda get the idea that more of us get it than you might think. For our people holidays often suck. If it helps any, look up the true origin of Labor Day. It is a day of mourning and resolution just as much as July 4th. Perhaps the appropriate reaction is to mourn the dead and rejoice at what they won for us, as small as that might be.
Little things you might take for granted, such as the 5 day work week and the minimum wage. Small victories, but meaningful.
As a person who has had depression since age three I can tell you my immediate family depresses me the most. There are days that I call a pajama day when I get up don't feel like having any contact with the universe.
I take prozac and klonopin to level me out as I also have panic and anxiety disorder. I mentor a Peer to Peer class twice a year. We go over the different mental illnesses and do a relapse prevention chart with our class.
We let them find their hot spots and triggers.
I tell the people in my support roup that I facilitate that " I as in Illness and We as in Wellness"
When we get depressed we want to isolate, its a common factor. The idea is to stay in contact with people who are close to you.
Sometimes we are not close to our families and have friends who are very close.
As we mature we find people as friends who would make an ideal family, we do this subconsciencely.
If you are on medications and you can take an extra pill (see your doctor) do so when you visit family or make your family visits further apart. I live in Delaware and all of my relatives and siblings live west of the Mississippi River. To me it is the ideal situation, I don't go west and I pray they won't come east.
Find a support group Look up NAMI on the web and find a NAMI Connection Support and Recovery group. they do not do therapy and are just like you. They will welcome you with open arms. it helps to talk about what bothers you and makes you depressed.
Hope this gives you some insight.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Don't you need to prioritise?
You need to decide what it is that will make you happier, then work out how you can work towards it. Whilst family can be an awful pull, if they aren't going to support what you need to do, then you need to make new friends and move on. Good families are the most wonderful thing under the sun--unfortunately, they're as common as hen's teeth.
If my mother could cope with having a daughter, so should other mums. If they can't, then unless there is very good reason to the contrary, should you spare them the angst? Their pain is from their own hang ups not yours. They should deal with it, if they can't, move on.
I have a saying: Blood is thicker than water; shit is thicker than both - families are full of it.
Some families are full of bloody shit. >.< It just isn't healthy.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"