I have been having the itch to write for a few months but nothing really gelled in my mind.
I have gone back to school and I have my GPA up to over a 3.7. I am trying very hard to get a *real* job instead of the dead-end mistake I have now.
So, since I am home recovering from a UTI I decided to start hashing something out.
Working Relations is just a springboard to get into a good story. The transgender aspects fall in later.
Also, as I was getting ready to post Working Relations, I noticed my inbox had a message requesting the status of a story I had started called Nothing Stranger. As soon as I finish Working Relations, I will see if I can revive Nothing Stranger.
Y'all have fun,
Up to you, sorta
Y'all have fun,
Keep writing and we will. ;-) No pressure here, eh?
They know they can survive
Nice to hear from you and look forward to your stories.

Hey, you have a job. It might be a dead-end mistake (and I've known a few of them myself), but in this difficult period it's still a job. Some of us here would feel much better if we were well enough to have any job, even a crap one.
Just grit your teeth and keep going. Nothing is so certain but that times must change, and you are doing all you can to better yourself. If you can find time to write stories for us, then that's icing on the cake.
So, are you post op?
I hope that I am not being too personal, but one of my first doses of reality when I started to get over my surgery, is that these friggen Vaginas are a lot of maintenance, and according to Genetic Women I know, they have the same damn problem but the Hygene, and dietary requirements become second nature very early on.
Best wishes and get well soon.
No, in a very stalled transistion.