I'm not exactly sure what I said because the blog entry was depublished and I did not save it on my own machine.
In any case, apparently I have offended people and I apologize for this.
Specifically, I apologize to Kristina and Angharad.
I am sorry, I did not mean to be offensive.
I would be more specific, but I'm not sure exactly how I offended.
I will no longer darken your doors.
I abase myself, beg your forgiveness, every other way I can think of to say that I am truly sorry and I hope you can overlook my intolerable rudeness.
Oh no, don't go!
Maybe sleep on such a decision. I don't think Kristina or Angharad are the type to hold grudges,
and I for one feel your presence really brightens the place, doorway included.
~~~love, Laika
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
You made a mistake, owned up to and asked forgiveness. No reason to quit posting and coming here. There isn't a limit on mistakes....if you were attacking members that would be different. Don't beat yourself up over it, we all make mistakes now and again.
Errr... what?
Am I supposed to be offended about something? If so I have no idea what. Theide posted a blog earlier and I with a couple of others posted comments. As far as I'm aware there was no upset anywhere. Perhaps something in the last few hours happened that I didn't see, shrug. Unless... it was inferring I'm a Brit, a grevious insult but hardly a hanging offense, hey I like quite a few pommies ( Aussie slang for Brits)and have even been accused of sounding like one now and then.
Seriously I'm good so no apology my way needed.
Pommies? Brits? Insults?
Dang I missed ANOTHER drag-out knock-down battle royal flame war. I never have any fun.
I've made my share of oopses here, minor mostly but eletronic communication is guaranteed to cause problems. I and others here have mentioned this before but it bears repeating. On-line people can't see your body language, facial expresions, inflection, tone and loads of other little non-speach things that can be as much as eighty percent of a conversation or so the reseachers tell us. IM's and the like encorage fast responces and without that vital non-verbal info it is easy to misunderstand and to be misunderstood.
Rule of thumb, WAIT, think it over, read what you are about to send. A few minutes reflection will save hours of upset. Don't censor yourself but do be polite and cosiderate of your audiance. Once you sent it off to the web it takes on a life of it's own.
Kristina, I thought a pommie was a .... never mind. Too much Monty Python. As to Brits, I say Ms Spears is still one hot babe, buzz cut, long hair or whatever. A bit of a loon, okay, a total wacko if the tabloids are to be trusted, but her wild escapades give hope to this middleaged guy. Hey Britney, want a fling with a *mature* guy? I've had all my shots!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Thiede, stay. Anyone leavng dimishes us.
John in Wauwatosa
Offended who?
Wasn't me. Last I recall was me saying guns were noisy dangerous things, but not as dangerous as an enraged Welshwoman. One of those under full sail is a force to be reckoned with.
Sorry, forgive what exactly?
Offended who?
Well, things just get unpublished and it is not always your fault. Remember, the admin folk have their challenges just like we do, and we all get a bit like we are on at times. And, I have had my share of "Unpubing", OH ouch! I mean really, I mean unpublishing, not the other!
And after such incidents, I have been extremely repentant. Geeze we all get a bit off at times, cor.
Many Blessings
Khadija Gwen
I am a teenager
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
with more than six decades behind me . As such , i am sure to offend , at least by accident . Here tere is forgivness and love . Given freely to all those who will accept it . We all step on our own tit sooner or later . Get up applogise and move on .
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
If You Are Referring to Your "Stange Days" Blog
If you are referring to your Strange Days blog, it actually wasn't unpublished. You can find it on your author story page (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/theide) with a note from Sephrena indicating that she disabled commenting on it.
Just one small question for you...
I followed the link and read your blog and the resultant comments. Personally, I don't see any problem, but I'm not a moderator here and it's not my place to second guess anyone who is. If she saw a potential problem and acted to nip it in the bud, so be it.
But if the comments were still being accepted, I would have asked just one question.
"Are you allowed to slip a couple of lead weights into the fingers of the glove before you slap the cad?" *GRIN*
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue