Strange Days

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Admin Note: Sephrena I have disabled commenting because this thread is spiralling towards argument. It's best to leave this be and agree that some cannot agree on this issue.
Sometimes, I kinda doubt my femininity. I mean, I grew up with images of women who were just as strong as the men they loved, but to be honest, I think I’d have to call myself a Warrior woman if I’m any sort of woman at all. Think Red Sonja, except more militantly feminist.

I suppose today at the dollar store would be a perfect example of what I mean.
I went to get hubby his meds(one heart med at the pharmacy and a dollar bottle of aspirin). Anyway, the whole thing was going ok until I stood in line (a very long line) at the dollar store for the aspirin. A guy jumped the line in front of me and about 2/3 of the line. I called him on it.

The guy he jumped in behind decide to cause an issue. My reaction was to argue the point, and to insist that the line jumper should go to the back of the line like everyone else. I would have just let the thing go except for the next line from him “Well what do you expect when you look like that?”

I was confused for a moment. Here I was, face and body freshly depilated, hair in a neat braid reaching about to mid back(My eyebrows could have used some neatening). I wasn’t exactly sure just how he was insulting me!

I mean, it could have been racial(I was the only white person in the line and this is a predominantly black neighborhood), It could have been him insulting me for being a hippie(That’s the image I try to project.) or he could have been insulting me as a TG person.

At that point, it didn’t exactly matter to me. My response was very simple and very direct (I’m not exactly a subtle person). I asked him if he wanted to throw down (As in do battle, hand to hand)right there in the aisle. The part of my own reactions that confuses me is that I was somewhat disappointed when he didn’t take me up on it. I was so horribly insulted that I truly wanted to kick his ass right there in the store, with like 20 people in the line all taking his part and the part of the guy who had barged in line.

I should mention that if I offer to fight someone, I'm not just whistling dixie. Daddy was a SEAL and taught me hand to hand(As well as fighting with pretty much any sort of weapon). I've sparred with guys who hold multiple black belts in various arts and I find them not to be a challenge. In point of fact, I have not yet met my equal in hand to hand combat. That doesn't mean I seek it, but being who I am where I am, it is sometimes not an option to run away(And BTW, running away and avoiding a fight is always the first and best option).

I’m wondering if the hormones are messing with my mind. Previously, I would have just stood in line and let the guy barge in front of me, basically unwilling to say anything. This time I not only spoke up but was willing to back my speech with force when confronted. That is so totally not like me.

Anyway, I wound up just leaving the store without what I came to get. I never did find out just what the guy meant with his comment. The only thing I know is that I’m still really angry about the whole incident.

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