Maybe my little corner of the Ozarks

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Edeyn ... really is as shining and wonderful amidst a sea of horribleness, like I used to believe. You see, I LOVE the area I grew up in. I knew all the towns around it were rather intolerant and backwards, and... for a long time, I told myself that my hometown was different. Then... well, I decided I needed to stop fooling myself. I had been more than severely abused by my family in that town. I had been everyone's favorite target for bullying -- to use Ms. Allread's term, I was the town "Plague" there... and had been convincing myself that it was a great place anyway.
Imagine my surprise to find out that I was RIGHT in the first place!

I came out in high school, and was pushed back in the closet so fast by my family and the school board, that apparently an even smaller fraction than I thought were aware of my... situation.

I had thought a quarter to a third of my high school had known. That maybe 10% - 20% of the town knew.

Well. Well. Well well well. I'm finding out over the past year or so that those numbers are much closer to maybe a dozen kids in the whole school knew (and most of those were those that were in on it from middle school on) and maybe 1 out of every 250 - 300 people in town knew.

What does all this have to do with anything?

I decided awhile back that I was going to be open about everything about me around there. I was threatened with death if I attended the 10th class reunion for my graduating class. I figured there'd be a horrible outcry if I went public, but who cares about those jerks, anyway? I know, right?

My classmates and folks from that town have been surprisingly supportive, and accepting. Even people I was sure detested me beyond any reason.

So... today I asked one of the people who recently discovered my posts and coming out letters from over the past few years a question:

"Why is everyone so suddenly accepting and open-minded? Not that I'm complaining, but... it doesn't seem to make sense!"

Her response?

"You just make more sense as a girl. You were really kinda scary as a boy, and nobody ever really knew if you were gonna explode someday. And it's obvious to everyone and anyone that you're way happier being who you are now."


This is a predominantly Southern Baptist / Catholic community. In the Ozarks -- the most backward area of the United States, sociologically speaking.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...


Like area

My daughter lives in Ozark, Missouri. I really like the area. I would love to move there but I do fear the bible belt mentality.


Yup, Ozarks is where my heart wants to be

I too share the sentiments about the Ozarks and am planning a move soon. I will get a travel trailer and stay here and there until I find where I would like to stay. I own a lot in NE Ark near a lake, but I am open to whereever the people are conjenial and loving. Cynthia