Just a post to let everyone know I finally found a job. Over the next two weeks I am my family will be settling into a new apartment. I ended up having to go out to the Midland-Odessa area to find a job, but it will do nicely I think.
With the issue of job hunting finally off the table, I am able to devote time and mind to writing again. I am hoping to have chapter 20 of A Little Fox Tale completed by the end of next week.
Hugs, Kaho |
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Grats Kaho ^^
You deserved a great break finally^^ Looking forward to more of Little Fox!
PS. I'm glad you left Virginia too! That state tried to kill me and I had nothing but awful experiences there in the Hospitals and the Social Security and State Welfare offices. There is a systematic thing in those places in Virginia that does discriminate and give headaches and grief to those who are IS or trans.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
I'm sooo glad to hear this you simply won't believe! And I am certain I am not the only one*!
*Insert appropriate quote from Mark, 5:9
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Not the Basin!
Condolences, Kaho.
Well you can always drive about 300 miles to Abilene for some fun (a 2 hour drive with a radar detector); Monahans is an interesting geological event (and that's the time scale you'll be living by). Big Bend is - what? Only 200 miles away?
Just kidding (I did some time - not much, and I wasn't locked up, just stuck - out there in my shuffling days). Glad things are looking up, all the best.
What a coincidence, I was
What a coincidence, I was just wondering how things were going for you! I'm glad to hear things are looking up, and that there'll be more of A Little Fox Tale soon! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
I hope you like it hot
The one time I was in Odessa it was 104F or was it 105F, but it was late June or early July.
At least your oil and gas should be pleantiful and cheep. You are in the West Texas oilfields now.
Great news on the job and look forward to more of your stories.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Finding a job in this economy is no mean feat. I know, it took me nine months. So congratulations! I bet you must be feeling pretty relieved. I hope you wind up loving your new home and your new job, but the main thing at this point is that you have one (of each). So, yay you!
Erin M. (justme)
Grats on job...
and glad to hear from you.