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i am looking for a storie where a brother dresses up has his sister to cover her job while his sister goes and sees a boyfreinds and gets married any idea what the title called as i forgot


Sounds like...

erin's picture

An Emma Smith story. Try looking under her name in the author list.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


no luck there


Sara; I can't think of the name but he dresses as her and does her job of a travel person/escort while his sister chaces some guy to Florida and ends up marrying him. He then change's to a girl and falls for some guy that chases her/him. It's a good story I also don't remember the title. Good luck Richard


yes thats the one

but why oh why cant i remember the stinking title to the story as is a good story and i remember most of what happens but cant remember the name

I believe ....

.... You are looking for "When Fortune Smiles" by Tanja Allen


I don't..........

think so. I can't find a When Fortune Smiles" by Tanja Allen and I looked. I remember the story but I can't remember the name either. Boy is partners with two others in a photo shop starting out when bad guys enter the scene.


Tanya, Many apologies for miss typing your name, I shall go and correct it now


Except I've now realised I can't :(