Heck, this morning was really bad!
Earlier this month, I decided that I would enter the Arizona State Time Trial Championship (bicycling) Race. I won in 1999, against one opponent who might have stopped going hard toward the end of the race. She was started just before me and it looked like she caught up to someone going slower (a friend having trouble?) and rode in with that person. The next year I was second by 7 seconds to a different womyn.
I had disassembled my time trial bike, in 2006, I think. I bought a new, all carbon aero-fork. To keep it from being damaged, etc., Kim put it "some place safe". We've looked for it for years and still can't find it. Our house, however, does look like a junk collectors dream (or nightmare).
I made the frame more aero by gluing on bass wood and sanding it smooth. I had so much trouble repainting it. I'd spray on primer, sand smooth and wood and aluminum would be showing, repeat about 10 times, spending maybe 3 hours per month. The same with the black automotive spray lacquer. I'd sand and have primer and sometimes wood or Al showing. Repeat some more. I thought applying a clear coat of lacquer would be the easiest step; I didn't have to mask decals. It was easiest, but the can of lacquer must have been defective. It never dried hard and reverts to a sticky film when handled. I've almost sanded all of it off.
During June and early July I reassembled the bike and remade (machined) a couple of pieces that I'd lost somehow. I got the bike on the road the 14th and have been adjusting it, replaced some stripped screws, minor mods, etc., since. The bike, a mid nineties GT Vengeance, is now very fast. At least applying my limited strength to pedaling it makes it go faster than any of my other bikes.
This spring and summer my training has gone well, unlike the last 3 years. I'd start getting in shape and I'd get some idiopathic fatigue or something and have to taper off. This year I keep getting slightly stronger. So, with my bike and body functioning, I thought I'd try racing time trials again.
Last week I bought a USA Cycling "racing" License. To be in a recognized amateur cycling race, one needs a license, sold by the year, or to buy a one day license. This is all for insurance purposes. Some charity can put on a "ride", but if they called it a race and offered prizes, if only recognition or a little medal, they could not afford to insure themselves from law suits if anyone were injured, since bicycle racing is know to be dangerous or something. USA Cycling provides all that, plus all kinds of rules, sponsors youth and Olympic development teams, etc.
Today was the first time trial I was prepared to enter. There are 2 more, plus the championship on Sept. 13, all at the same course. The location is 73 miles South, just off I10, about halfway between Phoenix and Tucson. I trained OK this week, didn't over-do-it. My bike was perfect, I rode it yesterday with the Saturday group; at first keeping up with the strong guys (mainly in their 50's and probably not trying all that hard) then cutting the route short so I wouldn't be tired for today.
I made a list of everything to bring and a few remaining things to do. I had to be at the course between 5:30 and 6:30 this morning so I got up at 3:20. I had food, drinks, clothes, helmets, shoes, tools and accessories packed in bags or set by the door; I didn't want to leave anything valuable in my car overnight. I got up, put on some of the biking clothes, meditated, had some milk and vitamins then started loading the car. I was all concerned about getting the refrigerated and non-refrigerated food and frozen plus cooled liquid drinks all arranged and into the car. I had the directions and my racing license. I put my bike, helmets, a floor pump and a turbo-trainer (to warm-up on) in the back of my car. At this point I must have blanked. I checked my list and thought I had everything, but I must have thought that getting my bag of tools and more importantly my bag of clothes, my bike shoes, money, credit card and drivers license into the kitchen, meant I "had" them and they were OK on my check list.
I proceeded to get on one freeway, then another and drive to the race course. I didn't realize I didn't have my 2 bags until I was in the parking lot by the registration table. At this point, it was 6 AM. The first rider goes off at 7. The drive took about 65-70 minutes. I went to registration and asked if riders would still be going off at 8:30. I only had $4 and needed 15, but they let me have the last race number in their stack and told me I could pay when (they probably thought 'if') I came back. The speed limit most of the way on I10 is 75 mph. I drove down at around 70 because I have an '81 Chevy Citation, (I know, pretty lame) and I didn't want to strain her too much. I started home going 77, but I had lost time getting my number and looking for a bathroom. I hadn't found one and knew I'd have to stop on the way home. I made some estimates and decided I probably couldn't make it back in time to race (and would have no warm-up) and might over-stress my car. At that point, I finally thought that I could have called Kim and have her drive my stuff down to me, but I don't have a cell phone and thought that it might be hard to get off the interstate and find some place to call, I might have to call a few times 'cuz Kim had probably gone back to sleep and it might make Kim mad at me to waste 2.5 hours and $20 of gas, plus unnecessary pollution, because of my mistake.
Anyway, I drove home at 65 and felt really defeated. I'll tell ya (and I think I said it before): Having shit for brains isn't quite as much fun as everyone says it is!
I am so sorry.
Yes, I know the platitude that "shit happens", but it just does not work here. I am so sorry that happened to you. Are there other events that you can enter? I am sorry if you have to wait till next year.
Best wishes
We can all make mistakes.
Don't be too hard on yourself, anyone out there who says they've never done anything similar is either lying, or isn't old enough to vote.
Good luck with the races, I have a licence but don't race - would be pushed to beat a one legged slug.
Do slugs have legs?
I have been trying desperately to get fit (ha ha). I have been out on my bike most days when it's not either pelting down with rain or blowing a bloody gale. Usually though it's one or the other.
I have a mountain bike and on the one hand I'm really pleased, because of the granny gears, but I really miss my old racer. The frame was bigger and at 6' 3" I need a big frame or it feels like I'm riding a kiddies bike.
Anyhow, it's been nigh on twenty years since I rode regularly and at 48, it's been one hell of a slog.
Believe me, slugs do have legs. I know because one overtook me the other day.
Talk about embarrassing.
Keep riding, it's good for you (he said feeling like he's been beaten with a baseball bat and then blowtorched for good measure). They tell me it'll get better...
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
Been there, done that...
...and shared the feeling [pissed, that is].
Several years ago, I walked half-marathons. I entered in an organised event (at some expense) at a place about 1.5 hours' drive south of where I live. Similar to the event you describe, there was an early start, and obviously a much, much earlier departure. Like you too, I (thought I had) organised everything the previous evening.
Well, I left both pairs of walking shoes at home, and had to compete in what I was wearing. They weren't that good.
Footsore and a lot slower (~30 minutes) than anticipated, I finished the race.
What is it they say about a misery shared being a misery halved? Don't beat yourself up any more...it doesn't achieve much other than to make you feel worse. You weren't the first, and I daresay you won't be the last.
Perambulating Slipper
Bike Resources
Dear People,
Thanks for the comments.
Gwen, there are three other time trials on that course; one in August and one in September. The final one, the state champ race is Sept. 13th. Next year, the way things go, I might not even be in good enough shape to participate.
PS, I know what you mean. I'm glad you shared.
One thing I didn't mention in the blog; I turn 60 this year so I compete in the 60 to 64 YO masters category. This should be to my advantage. Also, it's a 40 km race. I hope I can do it in under 70 minutes.
It's now about 8:30 PM. I think I got over feeling bad about this morning after I was done writing out the blog. It helped. Now I can go to bed and get up about 5 and do 40 or 50 miles of hard training tomorrow. 8)
Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,