And now for something completely different

That's the last part of "A Winter's Tale" loaded.

I have been asked elsewhere, "what happens next?". I think there are some people who are never satisfied. They lived happily ever after, of course! I would like to take the characters forward in a sequel, but I haven't quite figured out what might happen next so far. Maybe sometime in the future.

And no, please don't try and offer me suggestions. It can cause all sorts of legal/copyright problems if you do. Unfortunately. I have enough problems as it is without fighting off lawyers and crazed would-be co-authors, thank you.

I deliberately decided to try and vary the type of story that I write, just to see if I could. Yes, I know, for some of us it's difficult just pulling the plot out of thin air as it is, but I managed somehow for the next few. So don't expect any of my next few postings to be like those you've seen previously.

I'm still wrestling with the eeevil computer, but at least it seems to allow me to post OK - even if I have to try 5 or 6 times to get the posting form down in the first place.

In other news, I have been having hot flushes the last few days and this, coupled with the resultant sleep problems may mean more gaps before posting. I'll have to see how I feel. And no, it's not Mexican/swine/avian/cat or any other kind of flu...

Thanks for reading,


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