I'm so angry right now. I just had a confrontation with the folks who run the convenience store down the street.I've provided them with computer and network support for the past 3 years and have never charged them a dime. In return, I've been allowed to run an account with them which I pay off monthly.
Today I went down and did a piece of work for them and was refused the couple of beers I was asking for as payment for almost 2 hours worth of work(Work which I normally charge 75 dollars per hour for). I was so angry I called a cop and had him watch while I tore out the entire surveillance system I had installed for them and had never been payed for. The only problem with that is that I lose the ability to charge ciggies and beer.
I wish I hadn't gotten so angry, but I really got tired of being ripped off for my work. The only thing I have ever asked them for was a couple of beers and maybe a loaf of bread. I am a network engineer, dammit! I won't stand for being ripped off like that!
Theide, Anger & Haste
are a bad combination. Did you consider perhaps he had to account for Alcohol differently? I know in Virginia its a controlled substance with a special set of laws and the owner may not be able to give it away. Video surveillance. State ABC Board code or something.
All I am saying is did you check the facts out as to why he could not give you the beer before letting loose?
And did you ask if he could substitute something else?
I know Bridges are burned now. But I was wondering if you had thought of that.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
handled other ways
Ways store owner could have handled it better:
1)Give Theide the money for the beer.
2)Buy the beer and then give it to Theide. If the owner could not buy the beer then have a friend or relative do it.
3)Paid Theide at least mininum wage then Sell the beer to Theide.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
I probly screwed myself
I just got so tired of being screwed over, and the deal I had made with the people before I did the work was for 3 beers each for me and Mary(Hubby doesn't drink, diabetes.) I was refused them after doing the work and that pretty much set me off. I've done over 5 thousand dollars worth of work for them over the past years. to not even be alowed to charge a couple of beers when they owe me a truly massive amount of money was just the last straw! They owe me at least 1 thousand dollars for materials!
To be such assholes is just way beyond the pale!
Hi Theide, for what it's worth!
Your guest reader was on track, but I don't know what your country's laws are in this area, basically keep good records, have some authorised agreement, and track whats happening: maybe the WFC wouldn't have happened if we all stuck to the basics'instead of complicating it so no one can understand it?????
This is my 51st year in IT and I have learnt some things in my time!
If I may pass something on, there are no free meals in business someone always pays.
Your unofficial agreement was I guess a contra deal whereby you did some work for them and they agreed to provide you with an account and some beers etc? right!
Obviously you both were'nt paying Tax?
My advice is:
1. have a written Doc signed by them that the above is what was agreed on! (keep it simple)
2. keep a log book and each time you complete some work have it signed off that it was completed satisfactorily, this is
extremely important as they can't come back later and say you never did it properly!
3. If they are friendly as they must have been, do a small reconciliation about once per week, and balance the books. i.e
what you think your work and parts cost, and what they paid in kind, TLC (tender loving care), beer, etc.
4. and the last but most important - never sell anything to relatives or friends if you want to keep them!!!
LoL and good luck.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Re: Getting ripped off
I'm sorry you got burned.
Your experience is all too common. You have an informal agreement with someone that is based on trust and then somehow the rules change. While the horse is long out of the barn on this one, I suggest that next time you make such a deal that you memorialize it in writing. It doesn't have to be a formal contract, just something that you both sign that sets forth the parameters of the work and the payment. If the other party balks, just downplay it and say that you are doing this to protect them as well as yourself in case something happens to either one of you, no one else can come in and misinterpret the deal.
If you are uncomfortable with the idea of memorializing the agreement in a signed document then establish an e-mail trail from the start. After you come to terms, send the other party an e-mail (with a delivery notification to establish that they opened it) restating the terms as you understand them and mention how much you look forward to doing the work, etc. When you actually do any work under the agreement, send them an e-mail outlining what you did, thank them for the payment/ bartered goods or services (if you have received them) or make reference to their promise to pay. Even if you have a signed agreement, it is a good idea to use e-mail to document what you have done for them.
If the other party keeps his/ her word, the you have nothing to worry about and you have a file folder of e-mails. If you get burned (and a lot of times the police won't help you or allow you to retrieve installed hardware because it is a civil dispute) you can go to court (small claims should handle your damages) and you can use the e-mails as evidence of the agreement and the work you did. Because at the end of the day, if they don't have communication to you that disputes your evidence, no judge will believe that there wasn't an agreement or that you didn't do the work for which you haven't been paid.
The nice thing is that even if it is a barter, you are entitled to the value of what s/he promised you (not the market rate) so if you haul someone's sorry ass into court for the value of a couple of beers, you will get the money. Plus your filing fee and the cost of serving the jerk. Yes, you will have to take time to appear and it isn't compensable, but so will the jerk. And chances are the record of the lawsuit and judgment will get picked up by the data miners and it will affect his credit even if hee pays the debt.
Good luck in the future.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and I don't play one on television, in the movies or on the internet. My suggestions are not intended as legal advice and should only be used as the basis of a discussion with competent counsel to determine the appropriate methods you should use to protect your interests.
Ripped off
Good for you. You're always better off knowing where you stand with others, and they've learned a valuable lesson.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
well, it wasn't the optimum solution...
I did have the cop on hand while I ripped their entire surveillance system out. He told me I was entirely with in my rights, as per the contract.
I expect a favorable resolution, as the family does not want to have a store with no safeguards in place, it just might take a bit!
On the plus side, I learned a couple of Punjabi cusswords.
Why on earth would you do that much work for that little beer?
:) I would have charged him at least a case and a carton if I was going to bother. A girl has to have high standards in barter.
Actaully, that used to be my fee
Seriously, anytime I did any work for them, my fee was a carton of cigs and a box of beer(12 24 oz Schlitz). They balked at that and I lowered my fee, but not anymore!
You did right! WTF did they
You did right! WTF did they think you were, a slave? Maybe now they'll see exactly how much you were worth and how badly they have screwed up.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
Self Help
Sometimes the only solution to a problem is good old fashion "Self Help". There may have been other solutions, but they broke their agreement with you, so you did the right thing. If there was so new law/ordinance about giving th beer away, they could have paid you the cost of the beer and you pay them for it. Convenience stores that sell beer and tobaco products deal in lots of cash, so there would be no problem with them working things out without the need for lots of paper work.
Was there a contract on paper?
Remember the old saying "A verbal contract ain't worth the paper it's written on"!