How do you post a story with a bit of formatting?

I've just spent two hours trying to post a long story with just a modest amount of formatting (Bold, Title & Chapter Head centering, etc.) And all I've ended up with is this error message:

"Terminated request because of suspicious input data."


There are a batch of problems with the Create Content section here. The first is that when presented with the list of content types, if you choose "Fiction" you get an "access denied" message.

After reading Erin's post on Crystal's CyberBoard, which says this system will accept .rtf and .doc files (BTW, I can find *nothing* on this site that says such postings are possible.), I first tried posting an .rtf file using the Thunderbird 1.0 browser. I was pleased to see the WYSIWYG text editing toolbars at the top of the text entry box. However, pasting an .rtf formatted document into that window resulted in better than 10 minutes of blank "hang time", with no data being sent or received as far as I could tell.

So, I aborted that attempt and tried using Safari. In Safari, the WYSIWYG text editing tool bars are not visible at all. Anyway, I went ahead and pasted in the .rtf formatted story. I quickly discovered that it loses *all* formatting when you do so, so why not just say it will be converted to .txt ? I didn't even want to try using a Word .doc, since the file sizes are so large.

So, I took the whole story and put it through an .rtf to HTML conversion program (I am not crazy enough to try using Microsoft Word's HTML conversion tool, which produces highly bloated code.), and tried entering that using Safari. After hitting "Preview" there was a substantial wait, followed by:

"Terminated request because of suspicious input data."

So, how does one enter a story with a bit of formatting? If you think I'm going to redo everything that's already been done whille online using those WYSIWYG tools, forget it! I see no sense at all in duplicating hours of effort.

A very frustrated Amelia