TG Movies at the BC Amazon Store

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TransGender Movies at the BigCloset Amazon BookStore

Hilfe!It's a Boy/Girl ThingTransAmericaZerophilia

Sales of movies or anything else at Amazon after reaching their site from a link here earn BC about 6%.

I've seen or own the movies above, except for Hilfe! and they're pretty good.

There's also an English-dubbed version of Hilfe! called Help! I'm a Boy! in the BookStore. The language in the dubbed version is not only translated but also slightly sanitized, according to the comments. :) The German version has English subtitles with more accurate and somewhat more risque vocabulary. I'm almost curious enough to order both of them. :)

It's a Boy/Girl Thing is a teen comedy with body swapping and is very well done. The acting is especially good and the dialog has some snap to it. the plot, well, the plot is straight out of lots of BC-type stories, innit?

TransAmerica is a fine movie and even got an Oscar nomination. Felicity Huffman is convincing as a post-op transsexual and maybe she should have won, how many women would even tackle such a role? Honest, this is a 4 or 5 star movie.

Zerophilia I own but haven't got to see yet. The trailers look good and I've heard good things about the movie. The plot is more manga than BC but that's a good thing since it isn't quite the same-old, same-old.

If you buy one of these or something else at Amazon, try to come back here or the item's bookstore page and leave a comment to tell everyone how much you liked it. Thanks.

Link here for: TransGender Movies at the BigCloset Amazon BookStore.
