Transcendent — 4:
~Trouble in the Winds~
Jaiden groaned and clenched his teeth as he woke, his entire body ached with a dull pain. He peered around the room with blurry vision and recognized that he was in his own bed in the farmhouse. The sheets of the bed were soaked with sweat, and his stomach was a rolling and seething knot. He felt a cold damp cloth being placed on his forehead as someone wiped the sweat from his brow.
“Good, you're finally awake. Drink this Hun.”
Jaiden sniffed the cup Aunt Tess held in front of him. His stomach heaved at the vile smell. Taking a deep breath he tried to steel himself before drinking it all. His eyes began to water and he gagged at the taste. It was the worst thing he had ever tasted. It felt like slime sliding down his throat.
“That's horrid! I think I'm going to be ill!”
“Are you Love?” Aunt Tess asked looking a bit amused. “As opposed to how you feel now?”
“Alright. Well then, if anything I'm going to be even more sick.”
“Of course! How could something so vile tasting be good for me? I've been having a hard enough time keeping things down. That's just going to make things worse.”
“Is it?”
“Yes! How many times do I have to tell you! I feel... well... actually... I feel better.” Jaiden said somewhat sheepishly. His stomach had slowed in it's churning, and the ache in his muscles seemed to have lessened as well. “In fact I can even see clearly again.”
Aunt Tess laughed loudly. “Of course you feel better. I do know what I am doing. You should be up and on your feet again in a couple of days.”
Jaiden smiled. He really was feeling a lot better, and he assumed it would only get better from here on in. A few days in bed resting would be a very nice break from his daily routine.
“So what's wrong with me?”
“It seems you have severe food poisoning Hun,” Aunt Tess said sympathetically.
Jaiden heard a sharp gasp from off to his right and looked over to see Rachel standing in the corner looking down at the floor. Her back was to him, and he couldn't see her face, but he knew that she must be very upset.
“Rach, look at me.”
She shook her head continuing to stare at the floor, unwilling to face him.
“Come on, come over here. I'm not angry, I don't hate you, and I don't blame you for this.”
She turned suddenly looking right at him. “You don't blame me?!? This is all my fault! I almost killed you! If you had died... I... I... I don't know what I would have done!” She burst into tears.
“Rach, look I'm going to be fine. Aunt Tess said I'll be back on my feet in a couple of days. I'm already feeling much better. I'm going to be OK. Everything is alright.”
Jaiden stared to feel really torn. He knew that Rachel needed to hear this, he wanted to tell her that everything was going to be OK and alright. Yet, he knew that everything was not going to be alright. Sooner or later he was going to have to leave. Things were never going to be alright as long as he stayed here on the farm. She was always going to want something that he couldn't give.
Rachel sniffed and dried her face. “I'm so sorry Jai. It really is all my fault. I'm going to take care of you. I won't leave your side until you are better. You'll see.”
Jaiden could see the guilt in her eyes. He knew that she really wanted to do this, that she really needed to do this in order to get over her guilt. But how could he agree to it? If he agreed, he knew that it was likely that she would read something into it. She would think that he was coming around to her way of thinking, that they were meant to be together. They still hadn't sorted out all the issues between them. He didn't want to lead her into thinking things were going that way when they weren't. He should tell her the truth about his feelings, that they haven't changed. She was so fragile right now, a wrong word would set her off again. He knew he really needed to be careful about what he said.
“Rach, I'm OK... you really don't need to do that.” Well... one attempt at the cowards way out couldn't hurt.
No such luck, Rachel shock her head again. “No I do. I really do. I insist on it. It's my fault so I am going to be the one that takes care of you.”
Jaiden nodded. “OK Rach, you can take care of me. Um... Rach... this isn't going to change the things we talked about before... I still feel the same way as I did before...”
Rachel smiled. “Don't worry about it Jai. I know that. I'm just going to help the best that I can. What are sisters for.” She turned away from him again, busying herself by grabbing a fresh cloth and dipping it in a bucket of water.
Jaiden didn't buy her cheery facade. He knew her well enough to know that his words had hurt her. He could hear a tightness in her voice at the last bit. Still it was a sign that she was starting to come around, or at least trying to wasn't it? Or maybe she still had some plan that she thought would bring him around.
“It looks like the drink I gave you is working better than I expected. You seem to be feeling a lot better Love.”
Jaiden looked back at Aunt Tess, he had forgotten that she was even still in the room. “I am feeling quite a bit better. Thank you Aunt Tess. What was that drink you gave me?”
“Oh just an old family tonic that's been passed down in my family for years.”
“It's pretty powerful stuff. I can't believe how much better I feel already.”
“I'm glad you like it.” Aunt Tess grinned. “Maybe I'll make it your new daily breakfast.”
“Ah... no... I don't think I'd like that.” Jaiden grimaced remembering the vile taste.
Aunt Tess laughed. “Alright, I've got a lot to do today. I am happy you are feeling better, and I am sure Rachel will take great care of you.”
Jaiden breathed a sigh of relief as she left taking the rest of the foul tonic with her. He was afraid that she was going to leave it here with instructions for Rachel to give him more.
“She's right you know. That tonic really helped. You do look a lot better.” Rachel said.
Jaiden agreed. “I know. I almost asked her what was in it, but somehow I think I am better off not knowing. I am glad it worked, but honestly, I'd be happy if I never tasted that stuff again.”
Rachel wrinkled her nose. “It did smell pretty bad didn't it?”
“Oh it was the worst thing I ever smelt. I didn't thing anything could be worse than your cooking but...” Jaiden's face turned bright red. “I mean...”
Rachel's eyes took on a dangerous glint. Jaiden looked at her fearfully cowering a little in the bed. Suddenly Rachel burst out laughing. “I suppose it's true. My cooking really is that bad isn't it?”
Jaiden smiled. “Rach your cooking could make a god sick.”
Rachel feigned an indignant look and smacked him playfully on the arm. It felt just like old times again.
Tess stood outside the door of the room listening as the two continued talking. There was something very strange going on here. She knew that Jaiden had to be important somehow as she had been sent there to watch him. There was definitely something unusual about him. He had started to recover much faster than even she expected. Her cure was powerful stuff, but it had never worked quite that fast before. He was much too alert and a lot less sleepy than he should be. He should have felt a bit better and then fallen quickly asleep.
Not for the first time, Tess began to wish that she had been given more information about him when she was first assigned the task of watching him. She had been on the farm almost as long as he has been there and still had yet to discover anything truly significant about him. Sure there were mysteries about him that she had discovered, but it was all questions with no answers. What could possibly make him so important?
The biggest question to Tess was how had the boy managed to resist her gift? At first she thought she had gone too long without the ritual, but her gift seemed to still work on everyone else she tested it on. For some strange reason, he alone was immune to it's effects.
Tess wished that his mother was still alive. Perhaps she would have had the answers Tess needed. Unfortunately, the woman had died in an accident on the farm shortly after Tess first arrived herself. Valin had been no help in that area either. He only knew that the two had arrived seeking shelter not long after the bandits had been chased out of the area. In fact, they were the first to arrive after Jedd and the beginning of Valin's agreement to let people stay if they were willing to do their share of the work. They had come seeking safety from dangerous places in the world, and in a tragic twist of fate, Jaiden's mother died shortly after arriving when a bull broke free of it's pen and charged her where she sat milking. Tess couldn't help but wonder if she would have shown the same immunity to her gift as the boy, or if she would have provided something useful.
She sighed and walked away from the room. That is all in the past and there is no point in dwelling on things that can't be changed now. From the sounds of things, Rachel was about to get Jaiden to sleep, and it wouldn't do to be caught standing outside the door. As she headed back down towards the kitchens, her thoughts turned to Rachel.
She was the other one that Tess had pledged to watch, and the fact that the two were so close made it only that much easier to watch them both. Rachel's past was well known to Tess, although not well known to the girl herself. Tess did not have many questions about her, but she did wonder what the connection was between her and Jaiden. What a peasant's son had to do with Rachel was a mystery. That the two were connected was very clear to her, the only question was why. She hoped that one way or another she would have her answers soon.
There were still four more days before the full moon. She would complete the ritual to strengthen her power and try talking to Jaiden then. She doubted that he would be able to resist her gift in those conditions.
Yes in only a few more days she would know everything. Her instincts were telling her that time was off the essence. If she didn't find out what was going on soon, it would be too late. Tess knew that this was more important than it appeared. She had been told by the one who sent her that what she did on this farm may be the most important thing she has ever done. It was something to think about as she continued about her day.
Rachel quietly closed the door to Jaiden's room and listened carefully to his steady even breathing. He had already drifted off to sleep again. She wasn't surprised, Aunt Tess had warned her that the drink would likely knock him out almost immediately after drinking it.
What exactly had just happened in there? Somehow she and Jaiden had fallen back into their old habits. They talked in the same way that they always did. He had told her again that he did not want to be her lover. It had hurt but somehow she had been drawn out of the hurt and into their old patterns. It was very strange. Even now she still felt OK with everything. It was as if something was affecting her mind. Like something was making her feel that everything was going to be alright no matter how bad things looked now.
Perhaps it had something to do with the rest of her plan. She was pretty sure that had to be it. She was feeling confident that once Jaiden saw what she had planned everything would come together like it is supposed to. They would be together and live a long and happy life.
She was relieved when she heard that Jaiden would only be in bed for three more days. It would have ruined her plans otherwise. In four days they would be celebrating the summer solstice. It was always celebrated with a traditional feast and a dance that went late into the night. They would stop all work on the farm and celebrate for four days. It was one of the most significant events of the year and this year Rachel had it all planned out. By the end of the celebration, Jaiden would be hers forever.
When she had heard that he had collapsed, she had been so worried. She had felt certain that her cooking must have been the cause. If only her stupid pride hadn't gotten in the way. She would have admitted that she can't cook and thrown out the food with no harm done. Of course hearing Aunt Tess confirm it wasn't something she really wanted to hear. She was worried that Jaiden would hate her because of it, but he forgave her. If that wasn't a sign that he really loved her, then she didn't know what was. Yes, Jaiden truly loved her, and they really were meant to be together. He just didn't realize it yet. But that was going to change, she was going to see to it. Rachel smiled to herself and returned to her room. Things were going to work out just perfectly.
Jedd stood in the practice ring watching as Lyal and Matt circled each other looking for openings to strike. He always felt pride in what he had accomplished with these boys and how well they were coming along in their training. Today however, he just couldn't concentrate on watching the boys. He was too concerned with Jaiden.
When the boy had collapsed in front of him Jedd was taken completely by surprise. He could not remember ever seeing the boy get sick before. He was by far the healthiest and strongest person on the farm. Jedd had even started to think that it wasn't even possible for the boy to get sick. Rachel's cooking was pretty powerful stuff indeed. Jedd briefly wondered if there was some way to use that to their advantage in the case of an attack... No of course not. What was he going to do? Toss a muffin in the enemies mouth while they were fighting? It was a shame though. Jedd never liked to pass up any advantage no matter how small or unusual it might be.
It was a silly idea anyways. He had much more important things to worry about. He needed Jaiden to get well soon so that he could continue his training. There was still a lot that he had to teach the boy before he was ready. Jaiden was the most apt pupil he had ever taught, the only other person at the farm that even came close was Rachel. Now there was a girl with talent. Jedd had been watching over her for many years now and taught her everything that he could. She was certainly more than she seemed to everyone around her. Jedd knew that when it came right down to it, the girl could easily take care of her opponent in most fights. With the advantage of being a female, her opponents would be even more likely to underestimate her. He knew that because of that, she could probably beat just about anyone.
Jaiden was a fool for letting her go. Worst of all by doing so, he interrupted her training! Jedd was going to have to find someway to get her back out in the ring. He had a feeling that she was going to need the skills he was teaching her someday. It had been a long time since he was a young man, but he did remember how love could affect someone. It might not be easy to get her back out here. Yes, Jaiden was a fool for letting her go, or perhaps he is wise. Could it be that he sense something he is not supposed to know?
Jedd was so occupied with his thoughts and the issue of Rachel and Jaiden that he had not been paying as close attention to his charges as normal. Nor was he keeping as close a watch as he normally would on the surrounding area. He didn't notice that they boys in charge of watching the fields were paying more attention to the ring than the skies. No one saw the raven that circled the farm several times before heading straight east in a direct line towards Shiram. Trouble was riding on the winds and change was coming.
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So far so good. I like how
So far so good. I like how the tension is building slowly and how the story is moving. I could wish it would move faster, but overall, well done on this chapter.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Moving Faster
I can promise that the next chapter is going to be a big one. This part of the story is going to wrap up and the next part will begin.
"Trouble was riding on the winds and change was coming" And i for one can't wait to find out what it is!
Looking forward to your next posting...Hope it's soon.
This is a very good story so
This is a very good story so far. The chapters are a bit short but I think I prefer that to waiting longer for a chapter. All my bookshelves are filled with fantasy books and so far I must say this story is as good or better as most fantasy books.
Bite Size Pieces
I like the short parts and slow, steady pace of this story. It fits my busy schedule nicely. :)
I'm looking forward to seeing the "true" relationship between Rachel and Jaiden, and I hope to see some progress into Jaiden's true self.
Thanks and please keep up the good work.
- Terry
Aunt Tess -Who is she really?
So Aunt Tess was sent by someone to watch over Jaiden and also Rachel? Who sent her? What powers does she have? She is aware of who Rachel really is and her background. Who is she?
The interesting part, is that she questions why a peasant like Jaiden would be connected with Rachel. Either I am inferring, or it is implied, that Rachel is something different and is not a common peasant. However, to everyone else on the farm, she is just another one of the girls who live and serve the Master and Mistress of the house. She may be treated a little differently, then the other girls, but that does not seem to be because of her standing in society, but as a result of her unique personality., and perhaps Aunt Tess and Jedd’s special interest in her.
Dark clouds are settling over the community. It also seems that the dark forces are targeting this farm. The raven's owner must be aware of the uniqueness of either Jaiden or Rachel. Which one is the target of the coming attack? Or is it both?
Perhaps I am wrong, but I will still end by saying:
Hail Rachel - King and true and loyal ruler of the Northern Kingdom.
Hail Jaiden - Queen and true consort to Rachel King of the Northern Kingdom
Hail Jedd - True Knight and protector of the Northern Kingdom
Hail the Family Vailen - Protectors of the true King
Perhaps it should be _ Hail Jaiden - True Magician to the King.
Another great chapter
I won't mention who's stuff this reminds me of. In a lot of ways your writings here is much better. As always the adults are keeping secrets and the youngsters are ignorant that their own secrets could impact anyone else. Jaiden is a wonderful character. He is doesn't want to hurt anyone else, but at the same time he has that selfishness some of us has. The problem inside has GOT to be dealt with. Tess is a real firebrand. She knows what she wants and by Gawd she is going to get it. Somehow I think that they will both get what they want, but absolutely not in the manner either one were expecting!
This story like others posted here in BigCloset again highlights the wonderful talented writers we have here. I feel so conflicted sometimes! There are just so many good and great stories, I have a hard time tying to comment!
I'm liking it!
Great story, Talespinner! I like the build up, and I think I see where it is going. However, I will hold my tongue, and wait and see.
I quite like the drawing. Who is the artist? Will you be showing any more of their work?
Art Work
This is actually a picture that I acquired a long time ago for another project I was working on. It was done by one of my classmates. It's unfortunately the only picture that I have.
This story is interesting.
This story is interesting. It's like reading a Mercedes Lackey tale. I'm eagerly awaiting the next instalments...
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
Change is coming.
In both the story, the pace, I think, and in Rachel and Jaiden's lives. Each one has a secret, though only Jaiden is aware of his, if only vaguely. Learning what those are will be both entertaining and illuminating.
Tess is now shown to be more than she appears, and didn't arrive at the farm by chance. I hope learning that won't cause Valin much, if any pain. Jedd is also aware that the two young people are special for some reason. And upset is in the air for the status quo, obviously. It's never good when a raven spies on someone or somewhere, is it?
If the farm is threatened with attack they could have Rachel cook a banquet for the aggressors and leave the food on the outskirts, then hope for the best... Ahh, never mind, that's a trick I'd pull in one of my stories and wouldn't fit in this one. But I'll keep that idea at the back of my mind for possible use later. *grin* Food Poisoning! That was great. I thought that Jaiden was starting to undergo some kind of physical change there. Nice bit of misdirection.
The short chapters have worked so far as you set up what is to come in the story. Each one has revealed something important to the story but no more than that. Hints, possible really interesting things in the offing, and lots of questions.
And you promised a nice, long chapter next time! Yahoooo!
What If?
Jaiden is the Heir to the throne?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Food Fight!
Damn! In a few hours we'll be under siege.
Lyal, Matt, I want you on the ramparts. Make certain the arrow and water barrels are full. Jaiden, I want you to watch over the main gate. Everyone keep an eye out in case they try to sneak up the walls and take us out before the main attack.
Rachel? When the attack comes I want you to guard the gate with Jaiden but until then we need you in the kitchen.
Make muffins! Lots and lots of muffins!