My guitar

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I finally went out and bought a guitar.

Guitar center is having a huge sale, blowing out old stock, and I got this for about half what they usually sell it for (which is already half what it lists for). It's a beautiful thing and it sounds great.

Now I have to learn to play it. I know three chords, so already I can handle most pop songs, country, gospel, blues and early rock. :)




kristina l s's picture

here I was expecting an acoustic and was tossing whether you'd get a gut or steel string. Looks cool. Marshall stack in the bedroom is it? ... hah, Rock on chickie. Obligatory hand gesture middle fingers folded in, outside ones straight and arm held high.


Fender 15R, actually

erin's picture

The original plan was to get an Ibanez acoustic-electric but I really fell in love with the Laguna. Amazing sound in an under $200 guitar. I still want the Ibanez A-E but you don't run into sales like this one very often. I'll get another geetar in a year or two and it will likely be an a-e or a semi-hollow body like my brother's Reverend. If I can afford it. :)

There's an Epiphone a-e that looks sweet, too, but I don't like Gibson-style necks.

Laguna and Ibanez make the best cheap to middle grade Fender-clones, better than Fender's own Squier brand, IMHO. The Squiers sound good but the detail workmanship is not as good. This Laguna 322 sounds as good as a Fender Standard and looks like a $700 dollar guitar. The Ibanez RG was the same price and as well made but didn't sound quite as good and only came in black and white.

Ibanez, btw, is pronounced AI-baan-ehz, not ee-BAHN-yess -- it's not actually Spanish (which would be Ibáñez), it's fake Nippo-Hispanic with a twist of American irony. :) The real Ibáñez guitar company in Spain was destroyed in the Spanish Civil War back in the 30s and a Japanese company bought the rights to the name. They make a full line of guitars, acoustic, classical and electric.

Laguna is the surviving part of the old Brawley Guitar Company and is owned by Guitar Center where Keith Brawley now works.

Which is weird to me because I went to grade school in Brawley, CA, no relation at all to Keith since it is named after a man who spelled his name Brayley with a Y in the middle. There are several stories as to where the w came from. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

The new Johnny Cash

When Johnny Cash began his career he only knew three chords, so you have a chance of becoming a celebrity.
I used to play, but due to having all of my fingers broken (childhood accidents) it was hard for me to stretch and do some of the chords. I turned to Baccardi instead. I do miss playing but is been over thirty years since I last picked up a guitar.
I had an opportunity to go to Nashville and cut a record, the military wouldn't let me out of my contract. I think I would have ended up dead drunk with a short term career and a body that would not need embalming.
I still sing, I just do it at churches.
Enjoy yourself, Erin three twang. They called Johnny Cash "Johnny three twang"

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Hey Jill

kristina l s's picture

Pull out the guitar, tune it to an open chord, E,D or A... easy to do, slip a slide on one a them fingers and wail away.
It's all good.


ps... Erin... shame about the Marshall, that'd really fluff the doona.

pps... Yep Eye-ban-Ezz do some good gear. One of the first really nice guitars I had was an Ibanez 335 take off, not quite Larry Carlton's guitar maybe, but good none the less.

Woh Duuuuuude...

Baccardi Rocks Man!
Sorry, you're talking about my favorite anesthetic. Don't order Baccardi in a bar in Jamaica, ask me how I know.

Did I see a whammy bar?

Three cords?

Johnny Cash is a possibility or …

"Introducing the 2009 tour of the famed punk rock band The Sex Pistols, featuring Erin on lead guitar."

Hey they only knew three cords at first too. On the count of three, Erin, One Two Three

"God save the Queen, the fascist regime ..."

The Sex Pistols? We all have our dirty little secrets, that and my John Denver records.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Maybe Angel Marquez can help you learn to play.


If you ask maybe you can beamed into the Angel Marquez story, and get Angel and her grandfather and uncles to teach you how to play. Or, Angel while reading BCTS could read this post and offer to help. Mixing real life and fiction would be great.



And I only know three chords!

The lyrics to Cheech and Chong's song, "Earache My Eye" seem strangely apropos here.

My momma talkin' to me tryin' to tell me how to live
But I don't listen to her 'cause my head is like a sieve
My daddy, he disowned me 'cause I wear my sister's clothes
He caught me in the bathroom with a pair of pantyhose

My basketball coach, he done kicked me off the team
For wearin' high-heel sneakers and actin' like a queen

------ lead guitar ------

The world's comin' to an end, I don't even care
As long as I can have a limo and my orange hair
And it don't bother me if people think I'm "funny"
'Cause I'm a big rock star and I'm makin' lots of money
money, money, money, money, money, money
Ahhh! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

I'm so bloody rich! Ha ha ha ha
I own apartment buildings and shopping centers! Ha ha ha ha
And I only know three chords! Ha ha ha ha

Mr. Ram