I release control to all the stories that I have posted for other authors back to them!
I quit you win I'm not coming back I will not miss this place even though I been here for the last 4 and a half years!
I don't like the controls put on me when I post so Laters all!
this is the first I've heard of this...why did you go directly from okay to exploding...???
Shouldn't you have posted your concerns long before they became the straw that broke the camel's back?
Waiting for Erin to Resolve this Issue
BigCloset TopShelf
Sad and frustrated....
Doesn't look like a win to me
I had a choice. Remove a post that was in violation of policy here and risk this, or leave the post up and risk a wider flamewar that might have had more people leave in anger. People who had not violated posting rules that have been in place for a long, long time.
So, nobody wins.
Comment if you like, someone can try to talk Chris out of this if they like. I hope the site will be here.
But this site is for stories. It isn't for essays posted as fiction that are not fiction. It isn't for blogs. It isn't for discussing religion, or politics, or even the plight of the transgendered in the world. It makes a nice place to discuss that last one but it makes a terrible place to discuss the first two.
I have to have rules to protect the stories. That's all the posting rules are about. The stories. It's all that this site is about. The stories.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Ah. I had wondered what
Ah. I had wondered what happened to first the story then the blog. Gotcha.
Hate that this stuff happens.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Why not move the post?
Looking at the navigation bar at the top, I see the items "Blogs" and "Forums". In the latter, there is "Out of the Closet", designated for off topic and controversial discussions.
By all means, kick a misplaced post there. Unless it is too insulting even for that forum. If the author cannot take that, good riddance. But was it really necessary to remove it completely?
The topic was too inflammatory & insensitive
BigCloset TopShelf
So please, be considerate of your fellow family members here. Thank You.
Well I disagree with that!
I disagree with that policy and rules are meant to be broken!
Temporarily blocked
Not for this comment but for another. Cool off, Chris. I'll turn your access back on in a day or three.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Chris, may I say that in the
Chris, may I say that in the case of a code of conduct, no rules are not meant to be broken. That shows respect and it shows courtesy.
This is going to be a long post and one you probably will only skim, but let me try to make my point succinctly.
Rules are there to make everyone play fair. It levels the playing field for everybody regardless of who they are. Just because you don't like a particular rule does not mean that you can break it. Anarchy results.
I don't particularly like the municipal rule that I can't take a chair of mine and sit on the sidewalk. But because that rule exists, I obey it. If I didn't and I was allowed to get away with ignoring it, then other rules, such as the sanctity of property and the sanctity of life (theft and murder) would not be enforced either. Break one and you effectively break them all.
Now you may not care as long as someone else gets stolen from or killed, but I get you would care a LOT when it would be you under the gun. You can't chose which rules you will and will not obey because it leads directly to others breaking the most stringent of laws.
Anarchy is the rule of the bully in the schoolyard. It is not fun nor is it good. Want transgender issues to be enforced? Then you have to obey the rules saying that you can't litter.
Rules keep a community living in peace and harmony with each other. If everyone would be allowed to do what they want, then no one would be safe.
Here the rules are Erin's. She has determined that two topics are off topic enough and inflammatory enough that they are not allowed to be discussed. That's cool. Her website, her server, her time and effort, her rules. Want to be here, obey them. It is the least you can do to pay her back. It would be like going into someone's home and telling them their children suck and then spitting on the floor and wasting their water. You are a guest and there are certain courtesies you have to obey as a guest. One of those is that the host's rules are what you obey. Of course, the host is under obligation to you too, and so far I have not seen Erin violating those precedents.
If you don't want to obey Erin's rules, that's cool. You don't have to be here. But if you are going to be here, then please obey them. They aren't hard to obey really. Talk about anything but religion and politics. Easy enough.
< bows to Erin > If I stirred the pot and made it worse, I abjectly apologize to you and all. It was not my intention.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Nobody wins when this happens, but...
in the years that I've been administering a chat board I've seen this happen many times. And although the first dozen times or so I felt really bad and wondered what I'd done and could I have done something different, I've come to the realization that "the rules have to be followed or the board dies!".
Over the years my board "rules" have been distilled so that basically, all I request is that people play nicely and don't get upset with people who think differently. However, some people I've met in cyberspace can't even manage that.
My idea of perfect justice would be where the person who storms off in a huff actually has to set up their own site. And then has it peopled with others who think exactly like (s)he does. I know, I'm nasty sometimes, but just the thought of certain people I've had on my board having to deal with somebody exactly like themselves is so ... satisfying!
Anyhow, Erin et al, I like your site just the way it is. My thanks for your hard work.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
Winning is a Curious Thing
When your goal is to be martyred for a cause, isn't achieving that martyrdom a win? And though seeking internet martyrdom is substantially different than the real thing, this was my perception of what was happening last night while watching each thing that happened (then successfully predicting the next step) last night.
I don't know what's going on, but...
...but I echo Brute's thoughts. I really appreciate the hard work that Erin and the other admins put into this site so that it can remain educational, entertaining, and free of flame wars. Politics and religion are a very volatile issue, and we don't need ticking time bombs in this place.
"Fun-loving geek-chick looking for someone who doesn't give a damn about her past"
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
Sometimes we have to show some restraint.
A couple of my hot buttons have been pressed in the past week or so. That left me with three choices. I could heatedly tell everyone what I think (a rarity for me.) I could calmly and succinctly tell everyone what I think (more common.) Or, I could just let it slide.
I went with option number three. I read the comments and noted that the points that I wanted to make have already been made. Repeating them would have served no purpose.
I am all for calm adult discussions about even the hottest issues, but that is difficult when there are children in the room. I really don't like listening to people wail because their favorite opinions aren't being received with proper reverence.
So, nuke the baby polyesters. ;-)
Ray Drouillard
Ray has it right
Sometimes when your buttons get pushed it's best to take a time-out and not comment reflexively. Off-the-cuff, emotionally charged responses are too often ill considered and likely to inflame rather than persuade.
Admittedly, and fortunately most of the time I am not one, many of us here have *thin skins*, quite understandable with the abuse/suffering you have endured. I am fortunate to count many people here as close email acquaintances, perhaps even friends, some quite close friends, I hope.
I have said this before but it bears repeating, with the limitations of email, the lack of inflection, body language, facial clues and the like, communication is at best flawed, sometimes dangerously so.
As much as I support free speech, this is not a public park, this is Erin’s place and she has rules. They are not perfect but they are intended to keep the peace, protect her and the site from legal problems and make her and her volunteer’s lives tolerable.
I will admit, as inflammatory as many may have perceived the piece Chris posted for Angel, she made some valid points. The problem was in how they were made and the nature of this site. If it had been more directly connected to TG issues and how religion impacts them, then I would have problems with it being taken down. As it was, it was probably too political, too over–the-top, too inflammatory for BC even with it's satire lable IMHO. Perhaps a site on politics or politics and it’s relationship to/with religion would have been a better place for it.
It is unfortunate but sometimes feelings must be hurt for the better good of all. I hope Chris calms down and comes back someday as I also wish Angel to continue to post here and throw in the occasional bombshell, suitably wrapped for BC, to stir things up from time to time. But screaming and ranting at individuals here is plain out wrong and we all know better than that, shame on us when we forget.
And I am not perfect, please give me a dope-slap when required.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Well, I thought it was somewhat droll, and...
...certainly heartfelt, but her mastery of the subject matter might be improved through a bit of extra work and perhaps some advice, some of which I've already offered privately, mindful of the owner's aversion to such topics, but which I'm quite willing to expand upon if desired.
Satire that flails widely from its mark fails in its edge, where a well-timed thrust might sink home. This is probably not the right venue, but there are many which might adore it, given a little pruning and polishing.
When I do good, I feel good;
when I do bad, I feel bad.
That's my religion.
--- Abraham Lincoln
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
TGLibrary.com ...
... Goes live tomorrow. Actually it's up and running now and has been for three weeks. And anyone can get a page there that they will be pretty much in complete control of. I'm not going to allow commercialization of pages and pages of ads unrelated to TG interests but religious and political discussions will be open. It should also go without saying that I won't allow anything that would get me in trouble for hosting it, like real porno, warez or plotting to overthrow a government.
So, it really isn't an issue of I don't allow this kind of thing at all. It's just it wasn't appropriate here where the focus is the stories.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm impressed, John!
I have read this post of yours through three times now, and I can't find a single typo or misspelled word! *snicker* You also make your point quite succinctly, which is not at all surprising.
I cried for me.
I cried for a world that wouldn’t let her be.
-- from Luna by Julie Anne Peters
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy
http://genomorph.tglibrary.com/ (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
I see one!
"lable" Should be "label".