The Butterfly Effect | Part 3 - Emotions

"Hi Babe" oozed a familiar voice

"Hi Jonny", I responded without enthusiasm.

"I'm just leaving, be there in about ten, can't wait to see you in your new sexy number," before he disconnected the call.

I stood there, holding the phone for a few seconds, feeling even more dumb founded.

The Butterfly Effect
Part 3 - Emotions
By Alys


Part 3
I sat back in my fading brown leather armchair and re-read the postcard for what must have been the tenth time without making any more sense of it.

The only thing that made any sense was the deliberate amendment of my name, recognising the gender change and the reference to 'Dirk Gently', a favourite fictional character of mine. The person who had sent the card obviously knew quite a bit about me.

I tried to make some sense of everything. I thought back to when the change had taken place. One second I had been Alexander, about to answer a question in the Chemistry lesson, the next second I was Alexandra. How was such a thing possible?

At least the postcard had confirmed the basis in reality of my gender change and proved it wasn't the result of some bout of personal insanity.

My phone beeped the arrival of a text message.

I flicked it open and read it.

'Hi babe, u hve a gd day?' xx Jon'

I quickly typed 'fine thanx', pressed 'send' and then switched it off and threw it on my bed. I felt the nausea returning, the same feeling I had had when Jonny had embraced and kissed me in the school canteen.

I didn't know how my transformation had been possible but, however it had been accomplished, it had been done in such a sick and twisted way as to leave me in a serious relationship with the boy who had been my best friend before this morning.

In addition to me apparently being his 'girlfriend' there had been a strong undercurrent earlier that we had had sex for the first time last night. I tried to imagine what sort of experience that could have been.

From somewhere an image appeared in my mind. A face that was sweating profusely while at the same time projecting an urgent unmet need. It was Jonny!

The queasiness became overpowering and I jumped out of the armchair and rushed into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, after losing the contents of my stomach for the second time in a day, I was washing my face and feeling relieved that I hadn't yet changed out of my dirty sports kit.

I quickly stripped out of my messy clothes, put the shower on and stepped into the cubicle.

"Ouch," I exclaimed as the hot jets hit my boobs and quickly turned my back towards the powerful pulses of water. I raised my hands and briefly massaged most of the pain away before pouring shower gel all over my upper torso.

As I lathered myself with the perfumed suds I marvelled at how sensitive my new body seemed, at least in comparison to what I remembered from showering my previous male self in the morning.

It was the first time since my transformation that I had had a real opportunity to examine my new shape. Although I was used to the feel and movement of my new body after spending the last six hours in it, this was the first time I had been able to take all my clothes off in privacy.

I took my time to use my hands to explore myself. I started with my face, marvelling at the new roundness, then slowly let my fingers slide over my slippery back. I continued my self exploration over my more rounded bum, down the back of my legs and then back up the front to my vulva. I lingered there a little while pleasuring myself with some gentle rubbing before passing my hands slowly over my firm and slightly rounded tummy before finally caressing my bosom.

The feeling was more tactile than erotic, which was a little disappointing, until my fingers began to trace the shape of my areolae. I felt my nipples becoming erect and began to run my fingers over them. This action heightened my feelings of arousal and without a thought I slid my right hand down to the space between my legs which I felt an increasing need to touch.

As I brought myself to a climax an image formed in my head. To my shock it was the face and perfect body of Courtney Williams, my nemesis from the sports lesson.

The waves of pleasure, when they came, were so overwhelming that I almost lost my footing on the shower mat. It was only by grasping the shower pole that I managed to stop myself falling while gasping with the intensity of the experience.

"Wow," I said to myself," there is at least one benefit of being a girl."

Within a few minutes I felt almost back to 'normal', apart from a very pleasant warm feeling still suffusing my body.

I was soon engrossed with the technical challenges of washing my thick, shoulder length hair.

Eventually I finished the shower, feeling grateful that our water supply had not been metered yet, otherwise my parents would be about to make a major deduction from my monthly allowance to pay the bill.

I dried myself and in doing so reminded myself of one of the problems associated with long hair as my quick rub with the towel failed to halt the continuous dripping down my back. I tried to remember how my sister and mother coped with their long hair phases and quickly fashioned a loose turban around my wet follicles.

I picked up my dirty clothes with one hand while the other held my impromptu headgear and walked out of the bathroom.

Suddenly there was a yell, "Alex! You can't wander around naked, your Dad'll be home any minute!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned round to see my Mum walking up the stairs from the lounge.

"Sorry Mum," I responded before fleeing into the safety of my bedroom.


"Dinner's ready!" shouted my mother from the bottom of the stairs about half an hour later.

I logged off my computer, having spent an interesting twenty minutes or so acquainting myself with the bookmarks the female me had saved. There wasn't a huge difference in general, the new me obviously had similar musical tastes and awareness of the environment and current affairs. The main variation was a lot less sport and more clothes and fashion websites.

"Why are you doing dressed like that?" asked my father, in obvious surprise, as I sat down at the table for our meal.

"What's wrong with these clothes?" I responded as I looked down on my loose sweatshirt and jogging bottoms.

"Surely you haven't forgotten dear?" asked Mum.

"Forgotten what?" I asked as I took my first mouthful of cottage pie.

My parents exchanged glances.

"What have I forgotten?" I asked as innocently as possible trying not to make my complete ignorance about whatever they were talking about too obvious.

"You've been talking about it almost non-stop for the last few weeks

Before either could answer the house phone rang. I quickly jumped up and picked up the receiver.


"Hi Babe" oozed a familiar voice

"Hi Jonny", I responded without enthusiasm.

"I'm just leaving, be there in about ten, can't wait to see you in your new sexy number," before he disconnected the call.

I stood there, holding the phone for a few seconds, feeling even more dumb founded.

"Who was it Alex?" called my Dad from the sitting room.

I put the receiver back and walked back to the table before replying, "It was Jonny."

"What did he want?" asked Mum.

I took another mouthful of my meal before replying, whatever the mystery was I didn't see any point missing my food.

"He said something about picking me up in a few minutes and me wearing some 'sexy number'," I answered.

"Oh, that's great," responded Mum enthusiastically," I've been looking forward to see you in your new dress, you were so excited when you bought it."

I shrugged my shoulder and carried on eating, deciding not to interrupt Mum in full flow

My father, seeing an opportunity to catch up on his newspaper while the conversation turned to female things, had surreptitiously moved his copy of the Guardian next to his plate.

"I remember now, you said something like, 'wait till that.....', rather a rude word to use too Alex, 'wait till that....Courtney sees me in this she'll be ...' then you used another rude word Alex dear, but I understood your meaning," she effused.

"Cool, Mum," I responded, hoping she would tell me more about whatever event I was supposed to be attending.

"I really don't understand your attitude, Alex," she continued, "surely you wouldn't want to upstage someone at their birthday party?"

"Just a bit of fun, no big deal," I replied, glad at last to have the mystery solved while at the same time dreading the prospect of having to spend the evening with Jonny, playing the role of his 'girl', in the house of the school arch bitch.

"So how was school today, Alex?" asked Dad, obviously having finished reading the contents of the page of his newspaper next to his plate and deciding not to risk my Mother's wrath by openly turning it over.

"Good," I responded, "I got in the rugby team too."

Both my parents stopped eating and stared at me as if I had suddenly grown red satanic horns on my head.

"The what?" asked Mum.

"Did you say the rugby team?" asked Dad.

"Yep, can't wait for the match next week," I commented while finishing my portion of cottage pie.

"Did you bang your head on something this morning?" asked Dad.

"But Alex, you hate sports." responded Mum.

"Maybe I changed my mind," I said, which under the circumstances I considered to be the a very truthful reply.

Further discussion was halted by an urgent knock on the door.

"Oh dear that'll be Jonny, what'll he say when he sees you're not ready?" asked Mum, sounding a little flustered.

"'Hello, how are you all?', I hope." I replied before I tucked into my fruit salad dessert.

Mum got up to answer the door. She called down the corridor, "If you hurry up and finish your sweet I'll help you get ready Alex."

Well I can't see any bumps, anyway," said Dad, with a little smile on his face before he took advantage of Mum's brief absence to turn the page of his paper.

"Anything interesting Dad," I asked.

"Well, yes there is Alex, it's a bit worrying there's an article about this cluster of vCJD deaths in Cardiff in the last month. It's quite alarming really, listen to this prediction," he replied.

I nodded my head in response and listened intently as he gave me a brief synopsis of the article. I noticed Jonny come in while my Dad was talking so to avoid an immediate interruption I put my finger to my lips while indicating for him to sit down at the table.

Jonny looked a little surprised by my gesture, but followed my instruction, while frowning at me.

"I hope you're wrong about that, Dad," I commented as he finished before turning to look at my 'boyfriend', "hi Jonny."

"Hi babe, how come you're not ready yet?" he asked a little peevishly.

"Just going to change now, why don't you wait here and talk to my Dad about dangerous incurable epidemics," I replied before standing up and making my way towards the stairs.

"But I said we'd pick up the others in fifteen minutes," Jonny whined.

"Then just send them a text, genius, and tell them we'll be late," I said with a strong hint of sarcasm, before closing the kitchen door behind me.

"Don't worry Jonny, I think she banged her head today she doesn't seem herself at all," I heard my Dad say, "now let me tell you about this vCJD......."

I chuckled to myself as I made my way up the stairs. Science and Technology were not something Jonny had a lot of time for normally, I could almost sense his eyes glazing over already.


"Hey Jonny! Don't YOU look fit tonight," yelled Courtney, suggestively, across the room, as we walked into her house just over an hour later.

Jonny's head seemed to almost visibly swell with the compliment, "Thanks Courtney, you don't look too bad yourself. Wait here Alex I'll get us some drinks."

I looked around the large front room of the six bedroom detached house. There were quite a few members of the sixth form present at what was expected to be one of the parties of the year.

Earlier I had managed to get my Mum to do my makeup after I'd put on the few pieces of fabric that represented my 'sexy number'. I felt very exposed but it had had the desired effect and Jonny, and later on his friends, had found it very difficult to keep their eyes off me.

"Hi Courtney, happy birthday, nice dress," I said as pleasantly as possible, hoping she would have forgotten about our disagreements of the afternoon as she basked in the attention from all the party guests.

"Thank you Alex, yours is almost as nice," she said as she sidled past me on her way to greet some other arrivals, "don't forget lez, no ogling or else."

I gulped and turned away from the unpleasantness.

"Hey Alex, you're looking hot," said a quiet voice to my left.

I turned and found myself in an embrace with Sophie. Before I knew it her lips had found mine and she was giving my a full lip lock.

I returned the favour briefly and then my self awareness returned and I pushed her away.

"Sophie, not here," I whispered, "I'm with Jonny."

"What do you mean?" asked Sophie, looking angry, "you were into it this afternoon and you said how much you were sick of him."

"Please Sophie, I can't explain now, it's very complicated," I replied touching her shoulder tenderly, "I really do like you."

"Yes, yes, that's what they all say, 'sorry Sophie I only like you as a friend'," Sophie replied sounding very bitter as tears began to fill her eyes, "next time you want to try your lesbian fantasies out, try it with someone who's not been in love with you for ever."

With that last hissed comment she turned and strode away out into the garden.

I sat down, feeling very deflated. I really wanted to go home and forget about this day, the worst in my life, when almost everything possible, and things that should not have been possible, had gone wrong.

"There you go Babe, try this it's the party cocktail," said Jonny a few minutes later as he returned carrying two glasses.

"Thanks," I said, taking the proffered drink and sipping the sweet but strange tasting concoction.

"That is nice, very refreshing," I said, "thanks Jonny, I feel much more relaxed now."

"No problem, Babe, and after you've finished that maybe we can find somewhere to be alone together," he responded.

"Um, Jonny I was hoping we wouldn't have to stay too long, been a difficult day," I said.

"No problem, Babe, just finish your drink and I'll get it all sorted," he said reassuringly, "look why don't you have mine too and I'll go and get myself another."

"Thanks Jonny, you are so sweeeet," I replied, beginning to feel a little tipsy, "this is strong stuff, good job you're driving."

He walked off in the direction of the drinks table. I saw him in earnest conversation with Courtney and her boyfriend. They were all smiling and making frequent glances in my direction.

Jonny saw me staring and smiled at me, I waved my hand back at him.

A few minutes later he came back, sat next to me and put his arm around me.

I was beginning to feel a little drowsy and was glad of a shoulder to rest my head on.

"You remember what you promised yesterday about tonight," asked Jonny as he gently caressed my shoulder.

I smiled back, feeling a little befuddled and completely unsure about whatever Jonny was talking about.

"You said you might need some help to help you lose your inhibitions," he said, "Courtney was insistent on helping too, she is a really good friend to you, she really cares."

I smiled again, "Thanks Jonny can I go home now?"

"Come on babe, I think you need to lie down and let me take it from there," came the voice of Jonny through my muddled consciousness as he led me slowly up the stairs.

To Be Continued...

End of Part 3

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