Really, really bad poetry for my really, really bad day
Lot's wife became salt
For looking back
I'm ashes, just in my own shape
Nowhere but where I am
Stuck, and
The wind is pulling me
I tear in half into
Two pieces, not equal, but
I don't know which
Is what or not, and I
Know it's important, though
I watch indifferently as
Half of me crumbles and
Blows away like
Burned paper, not
One half or the
Other, no, that would
Be too easy, instead
Half, not equal, of
Each is wiped away; I
Don't know what's left
I've been having a really, really bad day today, and I realized that I could put some of my (really, really bad) attempts to cope up here. If people don't like this, I can sit behind my screen and agree or laugh, and it can't hurt me. If they like it, well, then maybe it's not as bad.
Yob yozha, that sounds so Emo. I'm still going to post it, try a little of whatever the hell this is, anyway.
I know it's going to be a bad day...
When I put my bra on back to front and it fits better!
>.< Ooh!
>.< Ooh!
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
I wish for you a better day...
Hi Momonoimoto,
May each day from now, be just a little better than the day before.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
PIP - Powerfully Intense Poem
What is left... ???
Perhaps, what ever can be re-formed?
All may have been vanquished from the former self & then... I believe I may have seen a glimpse of such a wondrous transformation. Still. Happy to be by your side to witness many more... moments.
<3 Lisa *kiss* & *hug*
I believe in my childhood dreams...
<3 Thank you! ^___^
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"