This time with twins. Takes all sorts I suppose, I try not to be judgemental, but I do wonder about the motives for these stories.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
This time with twins. Takes all sorts I suppose, I try not to be judgemental, but I do wonder about the motives for these stories.
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I see people objecting but I see nothing but offense, no explanation for the offense. People are saying, "this should not be allowed" but offering no reasons except emotion. Transsexuals offend people, this is news?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Male giving birth
OK, it's a technical possibility with a genetic xy male to female transgendered person to carry to term and while not able due to pelvic issues to give birth other than a "C"-section. HOWEVER! this very technical ability is FORBIDEN! VERBOTEN! NO WE WILL NOT! it is as far as I can see, the same responce that that news artical generates in some people. Not rational, but grabs you in the gut yeh or nay! Procreation!
IT"S not rational! I see no reason NOT TO DO IT! The ethics of the religious majority still rules and is calling the shots. We of all people should have a more UMM... liberated view? Be honest.... if offered such a transplanted ability, being born MALE OR FEMALE that CAN'T! would you say NO!?
Just my two cents.
The article states, implicitly, that this is an FtM Transexual
The person involved is making a 'last hurrah' use of 'original equipment' plumbing. If an MtF transexual donated sperm before SRS there would be no story. GET A LIFE damned reporters. Not EVERYTHING is news.
Thanks for posting this Anghie, but your time for posting another "Insane" story is running out. I wasn't bluffing hon. (Mind you I'll probably need Erin's help to post my threatened images.)
Just my thoughts.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Punctuation Punctiliousness
I must object to your subject line! Although I am well aware that you haven't a mean or disrespectful hair on your head, I should just like to have a nitpick with your placement of a quotation mark, which I am quite certain was quite benign in intent.
I find it offensive to put "man" in quotes when speaking of an FTM transsexual. People should be entitled to their identities without other people putting quotemarks around them. Putting quotemarks there appears to be a sign of disbelief, rejection, and/or negation of the person's right to self-definition.
On the other hand, in the context of this "news story," I would have no problem whatsoever with the quotation marks placed around the phrase "pregnant man," which I see as a healthy sign of contempt for the "newspaper" and its choice of "newsworthy" material, from which they are busy making their too-often tawdry living.
Pregnant Man = $$$$$$$$$$$$
This person, no matter how they identify themselves now, was born in a female body with a vagina, a womb, ovaries and all the other components G-d gave females to have a baby and continue human kind. As long as this person (I am trying to avoid pronouns) retains these components in a functional fashion, that person is not a generic male, which is a person who has a penis and makes sperm.
Self identity is fine. Many of the readers on this site were born in a body that they do not or did not mentally identify with. Some progress from that state of being towards, the body that matches their mind. Some just only dress, some modify their body partially, and some have complete SRS. All of that is great. The people doing so are heroic. More power to those who could accomplish it. They should call themselves and be addressed by their new gender.
While those who undergo a MtF change, may wish to have a baby naturally, they know that, that is impossible. Some of those folks make sure that they preserve sperm so that the children they may have, with a born-female partner will be genetically theirs. A person undergoing a FtM change who does not remove those components that made them able to get pregnant and give birth are hedging their bets. (I am not finding fault or condeming those who do that, if they are honest with themselves and others).
While, the person in the story, and her American counterpart, may truly identify as a male, and have a deep seated need for a child, to say that they are a male giving birth to a baby is a lie and fraudulent. They seek out the publicity for either self aggrandizement or for monetary gain. By seeking such publicity they also bring scorn to and demean others in the community of transgendered people.
Until, a born male who retains his male anatomy gives birth, these stories should not be carried in respected media, but should be relegated to the likes of the Globe or the National Inquirer.
I don't know enough about this and news articles are so shallow it's hyperbole to call them superficial. Someone else's life is their business, including if they choose to sell their lifestory. And there is enough behavior that is ridiculed and demeaned in the TG community by outsiders that I don't think it advances anyone's cause to segment the community and say that one part or another is damaging to the whole. It's not the behavior that brings scorn or demeans, it's the reactions of outsiders -- many of whom are going to react that way anyway.
Having a child has to be one of the most personal decisions imaginable. I try to respect the personal decisions of others because I expect the same for my own.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
not amused
Ok honey, Nice post.... not.
THats quite rude, and biggoted... And from someone posting on here, and frequenting here, narrowminded and uneducated. Yes, both MEN had kids... is the deep seated need to have a child male or female? How many m2fs store sperm for use later with thier female partner? isnt that 'intrinsically male and wrong'? so why is that same need invalidating this guy? the media drama i agree is silly.. posturing and money grabbing, but I can't belive your atitude... People like YOU bring 'scorn on and demean' transgender people... by being exactly what you claim to be wrong. Why should they accept trans people if we dont?
I'm a 21yo preop m2f.... Id ask you to tell me to my face (ironic being online) that i am a male... because you wouldnt... some people CANT get rid of things just yet, the man lives full time as a guy, he apears male, has no breasts, facial hair... passes as male... If a biological male was able to have a uterus implant, and give birth, we wouldnt call him a woman now would we?
the title said it all, pregnant man, interesting, but thats about it, next....