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I've been sick the last three days and it's worse today. Aches and pains and an incredible lethargy. I've slept about 24 hours of the last 48 and I'm still tired.

I'm having weird dreams, too. In fact, I've dreamed a very nice long-term plot for IWaTACL, if I can draw some of the characters. :) The Alley Oop musical I dreamed is right out though. :)

Anyway, I've got the next A2Z written and pencilled but have not lettered or inked it yet and I'm not sure I'm going to have the oomph to do so today.

I've also got some work to do on the site that I haven't managed to do that I hope to get to today or tomorrow.

Hugs to all and please bear with me. This isn't cold, flu or bronchitis so I'm mystified since that's usually all that ever makes me ill.

- Joyce


Get Well!

That isn't a wish, it's a command; we need you much!!

I hope it happens very, very soon. (That is a wish)

Hugs and virtual chicken soup;

I have something similar happen to me ...

... every four to six weeks. My body decides to give me aches and pains and take all my energy. Doctors don't know what to make of it, so i've stopped going every time it happens. It goes on for a while because i never get to rest, so I definitely prescribe as much rest as you can stand. *hugs*

PLEASE get better soon!


Hope you're better soon ...

... and regain what must be your normal energy and enthusiasm. You provide a much needed home for all sorts of odd, but interesting people.

So just concentrate on recovery :)


Your Health Comes First

Something nasty has been going around this Spring in the Milwaukee area.

I've been lucky but it waloped several people I worked with and they weren't back to normal for some time. Take care of yourself, you provide a welcoming home to many writers and wannabees.

Best wishes; personally, soda crackers and white soda, then tomato soup and soft boiled eggs as I feel better, comfort me, but I'm strange. Tea with lemon and honey is nice.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Breanna Ramsey's picture

Please take care and get well. Words cannot express how much I appreciate this site, and I thank you for all you have done to make it work.

I have heard it said that you can choose your friends but your family you're stuck with. I prefer an alternate version: Your relatives are chosen for you but you choose your family. Thank you for a great place to find my family.



The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph

Feel Better, eh?

Hope it wasn't anything that I sent you! :) Feel better soon, we always miss ya!

Gwen Lavyril

Gwen Lavyril

Rest and Recover

I'm sorry to see that you are feeling a bit under the weather, please, PLEASE, take the time to get back to 100%! I'd send you some of my momma's chicken soup, but as it came out of a red and white can with Campbells printed on the label, perhaps it would be just as easy for you to pick it up! Take care of yourself!

Love & hugs!
Karen J.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin