A Slave is Born Chapters 3,4 & 5

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A Slave is Born
CHAPTERS 3,4 & 5
by Sailjeffa
Dave's submission continues and agress to give complete control to Mistress. Mistress begins his medication and continues her little pet's training.

Chapter 3 — Life in a cage.
In one day Dave's life had changed beyond his comprehension, he had fallen in love with the most beautiful women he could dream of and what's more she had returned his affections. His ass was a little sore from the strap on she had used, he was sure it was still inside. The most significant adjustment was the cb2000, he had found it uncomfortable at night, especially when dreaming about Mistress, it hurt so much he'd used a bag of frozen peas to make the attempted erection fade. Wearing the cb was a constant reminder of Mistress.

Chapter 4 — The office
After what felt like an eternity, the weekend had passed , he had learnt it was more comfortable to sleep in tight underpants and was starting to learn to control the nightly erections and remembering to sit when urinating was another reminder of Mistress. It was true Mistress was part of every minute of everyday, this was a wonderful addition to his life and his love and devotion to Mistress was constantly growing. But when would he see her again ?
Finally Monday arrived, Dave woke early and almost ran to the office. The day started as a normal work day and the time arrived to deliver the post to everyone, with excitement growing, this was the chance to see Mistress. He knocked on her office door and waited. Silence. After a few moments he knocked again. Silence. He opened the door to find an empty office, his heart sank and it was the saddest time of his life. Then he remembered, Mistress had said she had a few days holiday. But how many is a few ? When will he see her perfection and beauty again ?
The days passed slowly without any remarkable events until Wednesday, he was delivering the post as normal, he knocked on Mistress's office door and to his delight he heard “Come In”. His heart missed a beat with excitement and joy. He opened the door to be met by the most beautiful sight, it was Mistress. She was dressed immaculately, a white blouse with low collar and short shelves, her skirt was black knee length with a straight cut and a small side slit, her legs were wrapped in black stockings which had a pretty bow design on the heel. Her shoes had heels like skyscrapers, black patent, in a pointed toe court shoe design. She looked like a true goddess.

Dave was dumb stuck, his mouth feel open it was all he could do was stand.
“Well ?“ Julie spoke.
His mind finally started to work a little.
“Sorry. Good morning Miss.......”, he stopped remembering her rules, “Julie. How are you this morning ?”
Julie smiled to herself. He had learnt to think of her as Mistress and had remembered the rules. Good. Then she decided she liked the little mistake he had made.
“I am good thank you. You made a small mistake on this occasion you will not need to be punished and I actually like the idea of you calling me Miss Julie at work. From now on, you will refer to me as Miss Julie at work.”
“I am sorry for the mistake, Miss Julie, thank you for not punishing it. How was your holiday Miss Julie ?”, Dave was speaking softly and had started to blush from the shame of making a mistake.
“My holiday was very relaxing thank you for asking. Are there any problems with the present I gave you ?”. She said whilst looking at his groin.
“Thank you for your kindness in asking, Miss Julie. It was a little uncomfortable at first, now my body is starting to adjust to wearing it. Sorry, I did not answer your question. No there are no problems Miss Julie.” , to his shock, his member was starting to swell just at the sight of Mistress.
“Now give me the mail and go about your work, I am busy and have a lot of catching up to do”. She spoke with her stern serious tone of voice.
Dave put the mail on her desk and left her office. As he walked away he was desperate to ask when he could see her again but he knew it would be a mistake. It was best to let Mistress start that discussion. Hours passed, slowly which turned into days passing slowly, when will she let him visit again, also he felt extremely horny and wanted to be released from his cb. He felt ashamed and embarrassed for thinking this way, it was selfish and self centred, he must learn not to think this way .

Chapter 5 — Friday
On Friday morning , he was delivering the mail as usual, whilst delivering Julies mail, he turned to leave her office when said, “Wait a minute.”
He stopped and said “Yes Miss Julie ?”
“You will visit me after work this evening, you will arrive at 6 O'clock, I did not need to explain more do I ?” she said in a warm and kind tone.
“Thank you Miss Julie, Thank you Miss Julie. No you do not need to explain more. I will arrive at exactly 6. You are so kind, Thank you.” , Dave's heart jumped with joy.
As 6 approached Dave was ready and waiting, the second hand on his watch arrived at 12 and he rang the bell. His excitement was beyond description as the door opened and he entered the hallway.
“You know what to do !”
“Yes Mistress, thank you.” he replied head bowed looking at the floor, he was desperate to see her but knew better to wait. He removed his cloths and folded in a neat pile on the floor he stood with head bowed and hands behind his back and waited for Mistress's next instruction.
“On the table are some items, you are to put them on, come to my throne, attach yourself to it as before and wait”.
Her voice was wonderful, when she spoke they felt like words from heaven.
Dave went to the table and fastened the collar around his neck, the leather cuffs to each ankle and wrist. There were 2 short chains clips at each end. He was confused and guessed they should be used between the cuffs. God he hoped he had guessed correctly, he did not want to make a mistake and upset Mistress, with all his heart he wanted to please Mistress. Walking to the throne room was slow and difficult with the chain keeping his steps small. He arrived, knelt and used the clipped his collar to the platform.
Soon Mistress arrived, sat on her throne and placed her beautiful feet on the platform. The clip kept Dave's face about 2 inches above the platform, all he could see was the toe part of her shoe. It was a red strap sandal with a criss cross patten of thin strap, obviously a very high heel as her foot rose above his field of view. He was admiring her beautiful toes and longed to kiss them. His thoughts were giving him away, his cock was straining with all its mite against its cage. It hurt like hell but all he wanted was to worship Mistress.
“Begin” Julie spoke softly.
“Thank you Mistress” he spoke as his dream came true. He moved the short distance he could to her foot and began making love to it with his lips.
“We are going to have a little chat. Or to be more accurate, I am going to have a chat. You may stop your worship to answer my questions and then resume”. Julie was feeling powerful, she know what she was going to say, she also had some maternal feelings, if everything went to plan, she would need to care for her pet. After all she is an emotionally well balanced, kind, loving, intelligent woman, she just happens to be dominant in nature.
She continued “No doubt this week has been very difficult for you. I can see you have made genuine effort to learn the rules and to accept our relationship mentally. This pleases me greatly. But we still have a long way to go and you still have a lot to learn if you are to serve me in the way I wish.” Dave was hanging on her every word. Deep joy, Mistress was pleased, his entire existence felt worthwhile.
Julie continued “I will now give you a choice, think carefully before you answer, I will not ask again and your answer will have consequences for the rest of your life. You can decide to stop serving me and leave now. If you decide to continue, your entire life will change and you will be bound to me for as long as I decide, you will do everything I decide, You will have no control, no decision making and the only rites you will have will be those I grant you, which of course will change as I dictate. Now the time has come for you to think. When I return, you will resume your worship of my foot and tell me your decision. Do you understand ?”
“Yes Mistress, Thank you Mistress”.
With that, she rose and blindfolded her pet, “This will help you think more clearly” She whispered close to his ear and left the room. At least that's what Dave thought. She had actually walked across the room and sat on different chair. She wanted to watch her pet contemplate his future. She was excited and a little anxious, it would such a shame if he decided to leave. He had progressed so much in such a short space of time. She could see, he was trying his best for her and had some real potential. She would really enjoy pushing him into complete submission and she had a special plan for pet's future. I hope he stays she thought to herself.
She rose and took her place on her throne. “Begin” she said, “Have you made your decision ?”
“Yes Mistress. Please may I have your permission to continue to serve you for as long as you wish ?”.

Wow, she could not believe her ears, even the way he answered was perfect. She was full of happiness and could not suppress a huge smile on her face. It was lucky pet was blindfolded and clipped to the platform. Remembering her position, she waited a few moments to make pet feel, she was considering her answer.
Eventually, she spoke in a soft tone, “Yes you may continue” with that pet kissed her foot with more love than she thought was possible. She continued, “Your cb is making life very difficult for you isn't it ?” , he replied “Yes Mistress”, she continued without waiting for a response “I am going to help you with that problem. I will give you some tablets, you are to take them twice a day. In a few months, those erection problems will stop, in time, you will not even need to wear a cb. That will be nice for you wont it ? “
Dave had no clue about Mistress's plan for him, he quickly replied “Thank you Mistress, yes it would be very nice not to wear the cb, thank you for your help and kindness Mistress”.
“Your welcome. Now its my turn to have some fun.” she said as she stood and walked to her toy cupboard. Mmmm what shall I play with tonight ? So many toys , so many ways to torment pet and so little time. She thought to herself. She made her selection and removed the toys.
Returning to pet, she applied some lube to its ass and eased the butt plug in. She pushed it in a small way and stopped. She wanted him to have the time to feel his ass being stretched. She felt the pressure from his rectum ease a little and she pushed the plug in further until at the last moment, the plug was sucked from her hand and was held firmly by his muscles. She watched as it moved in and out a little, as his muscles were adjusting to their new size. She adores these events, it both amuses her and gives her feeling of great power and strength. The smile was still on her face from the earlier conversation and she felt on top of the world. She was having so much fun tonight, she spoke, “What I am about to do is a reward not a punishment. You must learn to understand the difference. “
With that she starting gently using her crop on his buttocks. She wanted to warm them gently before apply more. Expertly, she moved the strikes around the entire area, watching carefully, apply just enough to one spot then as it is about to become too much, she moved to another spot. Quickly the whole of his buttocks were glowing red. She stopped and walked to pets head. He had been grunting with the blows but not too loudly. For his next present she would need to keep him quiet. “Open your mouth as wide as you can” she said in a calming tone. As he obeyed, she pushed a ball gag between his jaws and fastened it behind his head. “You will thank me for this” she said again in a calming tone.”
There was some mumbling which she assumed was Thank you Mistress.
Return to her position behind pet, she resumed her fun with the crop. This time the stokes were a mixture of soft and hard with an occasion pause for her to lovingly stoke his buttocks with her hand, she built the level with perfection. When she felt, pet had taken all he could, she stopped. Dave had been screaming into his gag and he had some tears. She checked, there was nothing too bad. She was pleased with her work.
She removed the gag and blindfold. Gently wiping the tears away with a tissue, she spoke “You have done well my pet, I am very proud of you. Tonight has been a treat for you, it was not a punishment, over time, you will learn to enjoy these sessions as much as I do, there will come a time, you even beg me to give them to you”.
“Thank you Mistress, I will try my best for you”, Dave managed to say.

She thought for a moment and decided to apply some cooling cream to his buttocks, after which she took her place on her throne, she presented her foot and pet resumed his worship.
“It is getting late now, you will sleep in the bed in the corner this evening. At 7 O'clock tomorrow you will bring me breakfast. I want a glass of grapefruit juice, a slice of toast with a little butter and a thin layer of bovril, the taste is very strong so be sure not to use too much bovril. You will also make a pot of tea, I like Assam at a medium strength. Whilst I am eating, you can run my bath, I like a steaming hot bath with the foam which you will find next to the taps. You will return to my room to collect the breakfast tray when I have finished. You will return to the kitchen and wash the breakfast things. At this time you may also eat your own breakfast. I will call you when I want you to bring a warm towel. In case you are wondering the they are kept in the airing cupboard. Do you understand ?”
“Yes thank you Mistress.” Dave said in a respectful tone.
“Good, now its bedtime, you will sleep collared and cuffed exactly as you are now. Tonight, you will keep the butt plug in again I will help you. There is a securing belt next to your bed. When I say, you will put this on and lock the padlock. When I have left the room you will prepare yourself for bed. Oh and do not forget the blindfold.”
She stood and left the room, as she was leaving, she said, “You may begin “ and closed the door.

Dave unclipped himself from the platform and followed Mistress's instructions. He stood head bowed at the side of the bed, waiting for Mistress's permission to sleep.
After a while, she returned and checked his preparations. Good she thought to herself.
“If you do not do as I have instructed you all night I will know... Do you understand ?”
“Sorry Mistress I do not know what you mean “ Dave said in a very nervous tone.
Julie continued “I mean, if you remove your chains or blindfold or change anything, whilst sleeping I will know. There is a potty pan in the corner if you need the toilet. You can empty it in the morning. I have set an alarm clock to wake you at 6:30. Only at this time can you remove the blindfold. You are probably wondering how to find the potty if you are blindfolded” , she smiled and continued “there is a rope between the bed and the potty, you can use this to guide you to and from it. Now take the tablets I am about to give you and go to sleep”.
Dave swallowed the tablets and climbed into bed. It felt hard and small.

To Julies surprise Dave started to speak, she was in complete shock.
“Please may I have permission to speak Mistress ?” Dave said, worrying a little if this was wise.
“Continue “ Julie replied.
“Mistress, I wanted to thank you for all you are doing for me and to wish you good night” Dave still nervous and hoped what he said was ok.

Julie replied, “You are welcome, you should understand, being a Mistress has great responsibilities. By accepting your submission I in return must take care of you and see you do not come to harm. Now go to sleep”. She left the room.

As Dave was drifting into sleep, he realised, he had only seen Mistress's beautiful toes and started wondering how she had been dressed, he was sure, she had looked stunning and very sexy. As he did, the pain in his groin kept his imagination in check.

If you like this story and want it to be continued please contact me.
Thanks for reading.
NOTE: This is a work of fiction which i believe is my original idea.

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continue the story, please

Please continue this story, i'm really liking how you approach the Dom/sub relation here

A Slave Is Born

Different from usual but starting out well. Please continue. I hope there is no senseless cruelty.

It is actually a love story

It is actually a love story with a lot of unexpected twists, which I will not say now, so as not to ruin the plot.
There will be no cruelty. Mistress will for a while remain as Mistress. If you know about a TV show called Black Adder, I will quote the plot of this story "twists and turns like a twisty turny thing". :) Thanks for the feedback.