Many of the long time readers will know of Wendy J and her epic story Midnight Downloads, but if you have started reading since the first President Bush took office, you may have never heard of her or seen the story. Wendy was upset over the election and withdrew her works from the sites she had posted them.
I was and am a fan of the story and we conversed many times in chat and email about this one and other works. When she withdrew, based on the above and her health worsening, she emailed me her works. She told me I could release them to interested individuals, but not post them anywhere. I have mailed them to a few people over the years.
She had gone through and re-edited and re-released chapters 1 through 30, and had re-edited through I believe chapter 36, but had not released them. I have chapter 36 through I believe 50 in a seperate file. Many of the last 10 or so chapters are individual scenes she was working on, or a few are just notes.
If anyone is interested in this epic, you may mail me at [email protected], and I will return mail it to you. Be prepared to enjoy a very good story, but keep the kleenex handy.
Of all the terrible things
Of all the terrible things the shrub did; causing a situation that made this story be withdrawn has to be one of the worst.
Serious overreaction
I thought it was silly then, and I still think so now.
They know they can survive
I agree
It is so silly that I don't think it was the real reason she pulled her stories and went into hibernation. There just has to be a more realistic reason. We may never know.
Mr. Ram
I can guarantee you that this is the REAL and only reason. I have a very personal and close relationship with Wendy-J over the years and can say she is still just as passionate about her reasoning as the day she originally did it.
I won't go into further discussion on this board, as every time that has happened elsewhere it has turned into a flame war...
If you wish to continue the disscussion, feel free to PM me using the "Write to Author" link at the bottom of the post, and we can even take it to email.
Something to lash out at.
I have seen this at Storysite and here at BCTS over the years and sometimes I think that people just get so frustrated and burdened with life issues that they look for something to lash out at. T folk seem to experience just lots of intractable situations, but looking back into my earlier life, there were plenty then to so it makes me wonder if one of the normal parts of life is that there are lots of things we simply can't fix.
[email protected]
I am fully out and screw anyone who wants to make an issue of it.
Follow up
Just in case anyone was/is nervous about handing out an email, etc. I have so far sent out 15 copies of the story. All were attached one by one with no group mailing, no lists were made, and all emails were promptly deleted without being saved into my addy book. I hope those 15 people enjoy the story, and if anyone else is interested, just drop me a note.
LOL You can keep my email
LOL You can keep my email address.
In fact: [email protected]
If you want my real life stuff, I outted myself on my big website too. I've been out of work for 2 years and I don't think that being TS will make that much more difference.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
what format are they in?
I have them in word doc form office 2007. I can resave in a variety of formats through word if necessary.
Hmmm... hi
Just asking, is about what hos story?
can anybody give a little Description?
By Yuki-chan
"People don't change. They may want to. They may need to. But they simply don't." House M.D
Sorry my poor english, i am from Brasil >_<
By Miri-tan
"People don't change. They may want to. They may need to. But they simply don't." House M.D
Sorry my poor english, i am from Brasil >_<
Its kind of hard to give a synopsis of this one. Boy finds out he's suited as a girl. Girl finds out she's not suited as a boy. There is some violent child abuse scene you could skip. The antics they go through. A computer genius. A Super hot lawyer. A Protect women's group. High school antics. Good music. You kind of have to read it and go with it. Anyone else wish to try to do it w/o giving the story away? Or leave comments to entice others into reading?
Who Cares are Reason Its A Good Story.
The story is a good one. I want to read the rest. I do not care why she did it and still with Obama elected has not chosen to change her mind. Stacy I sent you a P.M. so please e-mail it to me. Thank you.
Midnight Downloads
Well, so far about 45 people have received copies. About a dpzen of those have responded back, all positively with comments about the story...the plot, the characters, development, etc. If anyone else is interested, just drop me a note at [email protected] and I'll be pleased to pass it along. Piper, next time you hear from Wendy, let her know her fans still appreciate her and her story.
Well, it's been
about a year now, since I last offered Midnight Downloads to interested parties. A few more than 50 people wound up with the copies. Since then, a lot of new peple have popped in around here, s I thought I would take a minute and open the issue again. If you desire a copy of this wonderful story, send me an email as listed in the original post and I will attach a copy to a return email. I seriously doubt it will ever be finished, as I understand her illness precludes her even sitting in a chair long enough to do any writing. This story is so well written, and so powerful I just have to make the offer again. Read the original posts and comments for further info.
Look no further than here.
Yes, it is I, Wendy J.
The why I pulled my story STEMMED from the Shrub wars. It was not the shrub. Leave it at that. PLEASE.
If you want to read M.D. it's here: and here:
Currently, the continuation is here: and is the next five parts, or forty pages, taking Tina and Sam through Hallowe'en night. It will be here soon, it's a royal pain posting here, so it'll take a while. While i am completely dissatisfied with FM.'s formatting of the story, they're the easiest to post to. Besides, FM. was the original home to my story, so i gave them the nod when it came to publishing it.
Thank you all who said they enjoyed the story. Thank you all who said they HATED the story. Yes, I really do mean that. It means I moved you enough to say something. Therefore, I succeeded as a writer. Most people are apathetic and say nothing. I moved you to writing. Thank you.
If you enjoyed it and want more, it's here.
Thank you again.
Stacy and Piper, Thank you. You're both dolls.
Wendy J.