You, too, can be a cheerleader

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For the past 2 1/2 hours, I've been a cheerleader! Woo hoo!!

I got a cheerleader simulation video game and it is like so much fun! Go team!! :)

I highly recommend a cheerleader video game for those of you with yearning inner teenage girls. My inner teen is so happy. *sigh*

Oh my goodness! The outfits and hairstyles are so kewl!! Squeeeeee!! :) :) :)

I better hit the showers now. Phew!! Cheerleading is hard work. :)

Cheerful hugs

- Terry



If you really want the full experience, you can get a free one-year subscription to American Cheerleader magazine here

Not really intersted in the magazine ...

Can I just get a free cheerleader instead?

The girl on the cover would do nicely.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S.You do realize if there is a cheerleader sim game out there there may also be a sumo wrestling game ... or worse a drunken trailer-trash guy simulation --- euw!

John in Wauwatosa

Drunken Trailer-Trash Guy Simulation -- details

The year was 1996, and the guy across the hall from me in the off-campus apartment was absolutely enthralled with his newest FPS* game, Reddnexx.

Guess what? It's a drunken trailer-trash guy simulation. You run around avoiding rev'nooers and tanking up on moonshine, for awhile, and then you go home to your double-wide and there's an entire part of the game that's, shall we say, less tasteful than even the rest?

You hunt deer, you shoot trespassers, you even get to go 'mudding' in your 4x4.

I think late nights of him playing that game across the hall from me is when I truly learned to hate the cry,


* FPS is short for First-Person Shooter