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March 12, 2020. That’s the date that sticks in my memory. The CDC had just announced that COVID-19 had crossed the threshold into being a pandemic, and courts started canceling trials. Within days, sporting events, concerts, all the rest, would stop. Stores began to implement social distancing policies. Workplaces and schools shuttered, leaving people scrambling to learn how to do everything remotely. I tried to process some of my own feelings of helpless bewilderment two years later, when I wrote an An Aria for Cami. Speaking through my characters, I described feeling like I was watching a speeding train jump off the rails and bury itself, car by car, into a thick, deadening bank of snow. Society, too, was traumatized. It still is. Here in the United States, our politics reflects this unspoken trauma. We are angrier and more fearful. More insular. Less trusting. Cynical, even nihilistic. We try to retreat from the world, while still attempting to dominate it. Our hearts are harder, our minds less open. Like a person who has wrapped himself in himself, we make a package that grows smaller and smaller. Five years, and that wicked day still burns in my memory. I pray for those who did not survive, but still more, I pray for those who emerged so much less than they had been. And for our poor, fragile, broken world. |
losing several family members to Covid, some of my relatives remain reluctant to be vaccinated. Some others also contracted Covid, with two still suffering long-term health problems directly related to Covid. The sudden, non-Covid-related death of one of my in-laws was made sadder by memorial arrangements being restricted by Covid protocols. Ultimately, the memorial celebration was postponed for a year. I remain very frustrated and saddened.
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm fortunate
In our little corner of the world, not a lot has changed. Yes, we are more cautious, but then I live in an extremely small town; about 2500 population, which is about a 45 minute drive from any major population center. We were already pretty provincial and interacted with the outside world as little as possible. So the increase was barely noticeable. I personally know two people who died from Covid, one was a coworker.
I had three close relatives that contracted Covid to spite being fully vaccinated (which BTW is a misnomer. Vaccinations make you immune. Covid shots only equip your body to better fight it.) My youngest daughter and her husband and my granddaughter. That was during the third or fourth mutation and while serious, it was a watered down version. My daughter and her husband caught it a second time. By then it was just a highly communicable flu.
My wife's BFF from high school spent some time in the hospital and was on a respirator for a time and after that on oxygen for several weeks.
So it touched us as a family, but we have all recovered health wise and only just a little more likely to be cautious than before.
I pray for the families of those who succumbed to the disease. No doubt it was more than difficult to sit helplessly by with nothing you or anyone else could do while their life drained out of them.
Perhaps my age gives me an unusual response to it all. I've just turned 80. My father died at 82 (prostate cancer) my brother at 88 (prostate cancer); my oldest sister died at 73 (colon cancer) My other sister died at 85 cause unknown... she was on her way back from doing the laundry and fell over dead.
So at 80, I'm living on borrowed time. If one thing don't get me another will. I'm not looking forward to it, but I think I'm ready. The only things I really want to see is my granddaughter (26) get married and I wouldn't mind being around to see my grandson's (24 and one year married come June) new wife to give me a great-grandchild. With those two things my life would be complete.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I remember it well…….
In my line of work, Logistics and Supply Chain, I do a lot of reading and watching trends. I suppose that being a bit of a news junky helps me there - or does my job make me a news junky? Probably a bit of both. The simple fact is that supply chains are impacted by basically everything - weather, politics, wars, economics, illnesses, etc., no matter where in the world it happens. So tracking these things and getting ahead of the curve is key in being able to remain profitable and relevant.
I remember seeing the first reports of a new viral outbreak in China, and sending my analysis out to the ownership of the company, the board of directors, and our buyers as well - warning them all of the potential impact this could have on our supply chain, availability of stock, and costs. This was back before the Holiday Season in 2019, around October, long before anyone had any inkling of what was going to happen around the world - but we were already seeing impact to our supply chain.
I continued tracking and updating the rest of the management team, and I can remember the girls in my office joking about how the zombie apocalypse was upon us; how the world was going to soon be overrun with Chinese zombies. Yeah, it was all a big joke, lol.
And then suddenly it wasn’t.
It was a Wednesday in mid April when all of our senior management was called onto a conference call and we were all told that we were being mandated by the government to not only close all of our stores, but also to close our distribution centers and our offices. All effective that day. By law, only retail stores that sold food items were allowed to remain open, and as we were a department store chain we were not included in that group. We actually had been forced to close our restaurants several weeks previously; at that time, about half of our stores had a restaurant inside the store footprint, making us one of the last department store chains in the US to have them.
So, I let my staff know to wrap up whatever they were working on, and pack up anything they needed to take home as our offices were going to be closed for the next 10 to 14 days, which is what we had been told to expect. They were also instructed that they should immediately file for unemployment as they were being furloughed our operations were being temporarily shut down by order of the government.
I, on the other hand, was told to pack up whatever I thought I might need to have with me to continue to work out of the house for the duration. There were about five of us in senior management who would be kept on full pay in order to handle any issues that arose while we were closed down. So I packed a couple of boxes of files I needed, grabbed my laptop, tossed everything into my car, gave all of the girls in my office a hug and told them to stay safe and call me if they needed anything at all, jumped in my car and made the 280 mile drive from my office in Reading, PA to my home in upstate New York. I called my spouse and let her know I was headed home and why.
Coincidentally, my spouse, who was the City Clerk and Commissioner of Accounts for the city we lived in, was sent home the following day after I arrived home as the city closed their offices as well. Ironically, they did this because one of the city’s employees was diagnosed with Covid that same day, having exposed everyone in the office already. My wife called me when she found out that they had all been exposed and let me know that we were being quarantined in our house due to that exposure. I had actually been out picking up groceries before she called me, and had stopped at a gas station to fill my car up when she called me. So I finished up and headed home to be locked in for God knows how long at that time.
About a week later, my spouse got sick; my two sons who were living with us falling ill a few days after her. My wife was instructed to drive to the local hospital and call them when she arrived. A nurse came out to her car and tested her for Covid without allowing her to even get of the car - and then she was sent home. She of course tested positive. She and my sons all three spent at least a week essentially in bed other than meals, while I cooked and cleaned, spent time on conference calls or online dealing with issues at work, coordinated import shipments of masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc., and distribution of those shipments - actually having to pay the costs of one airfreight shipment (duties, handling, warehousing, etc.) on my personal credit card as the company didn’t have any accounts with an airfreight agent as airfreight is normally anathema to retail due to the high cost.
My middle son, as a Deputy Sheriff worked through the entire pandemic, and luckily never got sick. I also never got sick, even though I was cooped up in a house with three people who were sick with Covid. For several weeks, we would receive random phone calls from the County Board of Health, and from the State of New York, during which every person in the house had to speak with them to verify we were in the house and to give them our current temperature. We were kept under quarantine until every person in the house had reported a normal temperature for seven straight days. One of my sons and I were pulled into a study by New York State afterwards, where we were checked for Covid antibodies - and of course we both showed antibodies in our blood. Proof positive that I had been exposed to Covid, but never got sick.
Our ten to fourteen day work shutdown ending up being nearly three months, as we started ramping back up to full staffing just after the July 4th holiday. I brought two of my staff back the first week, while I returned to the office full time the following week, and then we began bringing additional people back slowly but surely finally getting back to full staffing around Labor Day.
So yeah, I remember it well. The ironic thing is that we closed down our offices and I was sent home - where I was immediately exposed to Covid! Of course, I was the only one who went home to New York as everyone else lived locally to Reading, PA - but I always laugh when I think about the fact that I drove 280 miles so I could be exposed, lol.
I also laugh when I think about the fact that when the girls on my staff heard about me spring cleaning the house from top to bottom out of boredom while everyone was sick, they went out and bought me a French Maid uniform to wear to the office that Halloween; we had a tradition of everyone in my office wearing a costume for Halloween every year. But mine was decidedly sexier than anyone else’s that year! Of course, I had to show it to my spouse when I went home the next weekend; after my administrative assistant sent her pictures from the office she insisted that I wear it for her, lol. She told me it definitely looked better than the yoga pants and camisole I had actually worn during Covid.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
It was a very scary time.
Unfortunately my job cannot be done outside of a secure facility so no remote work for me.
It was a minor miracle that I did not contract it in such a closed area before vaccinations finally started.
My company paid out a one time measly 250 dollar bonus for the risks we were taking.
It was fortunate for the most part everyone adhered to the whole distancing and masking protocols.
It also help I live in a blue state so people were for the most part far more sensible.
It was an isolating, scary hard to believe time that has in my mind only exacerbated the chasm in our country that was getting worse by the day.
To my mind, so much of our citizenry are such gullible sh**ple that they ascribe such horrible things to people who have the good conscience to want to take care of the common good.
I am still damn salty about that. I mean, look at the whole measles outbreak thing in Texas, it's as if we are a third world country or something.
Dodging Bullets
I was in Hong Kong in early 2020, one of the first places to panic (outside of mainland China). By March everybody wore masks and there were runs on toilet paper and facemasks. There was even a T.P. heist at one supermarket. I was booked to travel back to Australia to have my cataracts done and I got away on March 10. I was amazed when I arrived in Brisbane to see that no one was wearing a mask. Anyway I had my eyes fixed on March 14 and 17. A week later the crackdown came as the seriousness of the outbreak became evident. All elective surgery was suspended and a couple of days later social distancing and mask-wearing were introduced. The airlines stopped all international flights so my plan to return to Hong Kong didn't eventuate.
Most Aussie states went into lockdowns, barring interstate travel, but generally life went on with restrictions in place, but nothing really draconian. My planned return after three weeks turned into a 27 month absence until airline travel resumed. During that time I had my first three jabs and stayed healthy. On returning to HK I had to get another jab and I contracted Covid on Christmas Eve 2022. The shots must have done their stuff because I was only out of action for about a week with what seemed like a mild dose of flu, and then I was quarantined for another week.
Since then I've had three more jabs and no aftereffects. I count myself lucky. Another friend of mine wasn't so lucky. He contracted Long Covid, was sick for several months and died a few weeks ago.
I think the world was generally very lucky. When the Spanish flu hit in 1919 the mortality rate was, I believe, around twenty percent. We have had a hundred years of medical advances and a much deeper understanding of the pandemic, plus vaccines. While still tragic, things could have been much worse. The mortality rate this time round was more like two percent. That was still too many lives lost.
Yet we now have idiots discounting the use of vaccines, PPE, social distancing, etc, and telling us that contracting measles is good for us, since catching it gives lifetime immunity, ignoring the fact that the ensuing lifetime might be zero.
Fun fact
There are more kids in Texas with measles than ALL the transgirls competing in girls' sports in the USA.
Love, Andrea Lena
Spanish Flu
You mention the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1919. During the initial stages of the Covid pandemic of 2020 an off-hand mention of that pandemic triggered me to investigate the 1919 pandemic for some historical background.
First, each wave of the Spanish Flu pandemic was triggered by a corresponding wave of demobilization and repatriation of troops from the World War 1 war zone in Europe back to their home countries. So global travel is definitely a big contributing factor in the spread of any disease. The faster the mode of travel is, the faster diseases can spread!
Second, the most effective way that stopped the Spanish Flu, was a very strict masking protocol coupled rigorous personal hygiene. Quarantine also helped. But quarantine without masking seemed to be far less effective than masking without quarantine.
Masking has a dual benefit. To a certain extent it protects you from others. But more so it protects others from you.
For complete protection from the environment, you need to wear a mask that seals around nose and mouth with a considerable amount of pressure. As can be seen in the case of respirators used by spray-painters, fumigators or fire-fighters, that have at least four straps that go around the back of the neck and over the crown of the head. Those respirators often come with a “plate” behind the head and five straps that connect to the front mask.
Masking was already practiced in densely populated areas of the far east as far back as the 1980s for various environmental reasons. So those countries had a far easier time implementing the masking protocols than western nations such as in Europe and America. (Many countries in America had a very hard time getting enough masks for their population.)
And people who have failed to learn that my personal freedoms end where they clash with the personal freedoms of my neighbor are the most outspoken rebels against any kind of masking.
it protects others from you.
Think of the OR scenes from TV shows like M*A*S*H. All the surgeons, nurses and orderlies were wearing masks. The weren't afraid of catching bullet wounds or shrapnel injuries; no, they are wearing masks to keep from contaminating the wounds as the did surgery.
Social distancing and frequent hand sanitizing after being out in public was where it was effective. As school bus driver, during the height of the pandemic, I was tasked with delivering free lunches to all those who qualified, and with everyone not working, everyone qualified. We drove small buses, a driver and a distribution person in each bus. We wore masks and gloves. Before each run we had to take our temperature and record it. We weren't done up like that to protect us from anything, it was to see that we didn't contaminate the lunches we were handing out.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Time and Life Marches On
Give all of your heart to the ones you love. Share as much of yourself as you may with real friends. Find understanding lives begins while others end despite whatever we do to change the equation. Do your best to leave the world a better place when called home, than when you arrived if at all possible. Revel in the good things in life and accept we can't stop a hurricane, tornadoes, or other bad things. Understand the most precious things in our lives have no price tag but are priceless. The things we are able to put a price tag on, material things, are truly worthless.
Hugs Emma
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
We’re still recovering
For starters, I think you did a wonderful job describing the uncertainty and problems dealing with the outbreak in Aria. Thank you so much.
I follow the science and medicine community online, so I learned in early January that something bad was happening in China. And I started following a podcast dedicated to virology on a weekly basis to get reliable information about the outbreak. I had initially thought we might be able to contain it the way we did the first SARS outbreak. But I didn’t account for the ignorance and pass-the-buck mentality of the Trump administration. Enough said on that.
Personally, I am a sports fan. My school (Michigan State) had just won the regular season championship when the conference tournament and NCAA tournaments were cancelled. One of their star players is still playing in the NBA. So I had hopes, but we’ll never know.
On a personal basis, my wife got very sick the first of April and I wondered if she might have caught Covid-19 although it seemed like a GI infection. But she recovered in a few days. I was driving for DoorDash and got to see all the closed shops and wait outside the doors of restaurants to pick up orders. I especially remember one very loud customer yelling at the sales person and complaining that he was required to wear a mask to enter the restaurant.
The first round of shutdowns were very tough on single purpose businesses like clothing stores and salons, as well as smaller restaurants that couldn’t do drive-thru. And my wife had to move her workout from the apartment gym to our living room.
State-ordered restrictions were bringing the case loads way down in September when my wife had a stroke and I had to directly confront the restrictions. She was placed in a neuro ICU for about 3 weeks. Because the case rates had dropped, she could have one visitor per day. When my daughter visited, I let her be that visitor. Later, she was moved to a rehab hospital for lots of therapies and I spent time learning to help her and encouraging her.
But the coverage for that ended and she needed to move to a skilled nursing facility. So we decided to move from Texas back to New Mexico. It took a week of calling and three try’s faxing her medical records to get an opening for her. And New Mexico had tighter restrictions and we were limited to phone calls and window visits.
And it took a long time to get our house remodeled to give her a good place to recuperate. By then she had been moved to an assisted living facility. We brought her home, but her health had declined and she died after a few months. I still cherish that time together.
She was one of the first ones to get vaccinated. I got vaccinated 4 years ago, And I have kept up with boosters.
My brother got really sick with Covid-19 in October 2021. He spent 4 weeks in an ICU barely avoiding getting intubated. But he recovered, was able to come home and seems relatively good now. I know a few of my classmates died from Covid-19.
Now we are trying to cope with measles and bird flu. But resistance to the restrictions fueled the anti-science movement. And the current administration is hostile to any serious action to deal with those.
As well as thinking they can define science by executive order.
It’s probably a parallel effect. But transphobia is entrenching itself and politicians from Idaho to Iowa to Texas are attacking our rights.
It’s frustrating and depressing to share all this, but thank you for reading it.
And thanks to all the authors on this site for helping lift our collective spirits in these difficult times.
Gillian Cairns