In my next book, my main character has her SRS.
Since this is not in my ballpark, I need advice and help to portray an accurate description of everything. Google only gets you so far.
I'd like to create a dialogue with others who could look at what I've written or help me with questions.
Thank you for reading, and hopefully, I will hear back.
I had SRS in Bangkok in 2007. I made lots of mistakes post op. Neglected proper dilation. Never had a close relationship. I'm 78 now, and would not repeat it. Feel free to PM me.
Is it possible...
To consult an OB/GYN through a family member or a friend??
Never Be A Proper Woman
Surprisingly, even medical folk can be amazingly ignorant about Male To Female Vaginoplasty. I was very surprised to have my primary care Physician want to do a Pap Smear on me. Real female sexual organs are specialized baby ovens. The Vagina is a stretchy, flexible muscled sack, while the artificial Vagina is not at all and will never be capable of supporting a fetus.
For me; the one positive part is the sweaty, itchy penis and sack are gone !!! :)
but since my protagonist is undergoing the surgery, I was hoping to get that point of view. you an google a lot but not first hand experiences
This can be a highly varying subject
It also depends on which time period when SRS/GCS gets done.
Surgical techniques have evolved. Locations where such operations have evolved too, e.g. Thailand is now a very common destination.
I get that. But I don't want to make up stuff when I can hear it from someone with the experience
I cannot contribute over the nature of SRS for any individual, but there are a great many very varied things that use SRS as an abbreviation and this may cause confusion. The circumstances of your question, makes it unlikely here! I am aware that many/most people who know more than me use GRS rather than SRS. I think Gender Reaffirming Surgery is a much nicer term.
thank you
But I thought GRS covers more than bottom surgery