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I am apparently incapable of, "... ever producing an idea without stealing it from someone more talented than..." myself. I have received 37 emails and 1 PM here accusing me of such in the last 12 hours, in addition to a PM from a friend who pointed out similarity in one of my stories to hers. In addition to THAT, one of the other admin just informed me (between Previewing this blog and actually posting it) that I "needed" to change my story, because I'm stealing the driving theme behind the main character of a friend's story. So... I suck. No new content from me while I re-evaluate the directions my stories are going.
I know I promised a new Sk8r Grrls by the end of tonight, but I'm not going to post it yet. Sorry to those who are disappointed.
That many emails means it can't just be coincidence. I hate plagiarism with every fiber of my being, so I will not allow myself to even inadvertently do so.
I am not deleting what's here. I am not leaving the site. I will continue to help with admin. I will continue to be here. My stories that are here will stay... for now.
Please check out the Facts before Frying Someone?
Give people the benefit of the doubt and check out facts before accusing someone? I am quite certain Edeyn did not do what she had been accused of and I will stand up behind her 100% for her author integrity. Every story element has been used before somewhere throughout history. So what? As long as it isnt lifted and the intent is not the same for the same reasons and is not identical, it is not idea theft.
Give 1000 monkeys typewriters and within 10 years a work of Shakespeare could be written.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
Hear, Hear.
There are a couple of stories here that are very similar to one I began work on in 1973, and that has been seen by several friends in the community, one of whom has written one of the stories I mentioned.
But not only will I not accuse her of stealing my idea, I will admit to having swiped the very vague general idea for my story from J.M M'Intosh's Transmigration.
But I didn't plagiarize, either.
Maybe someday I'll finish it, too.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
I don't know the details of
I don't know the details of this issue, so I just want to toss out some food for thought. I was reading a writer's guide recently (Mugging the Muse, Writing for Love and Money by Holly Lisle, Now available as a free download at Here is what she had to say about story idea protection:
"If you aspire to write novels and you're worried about protecting your ideas, breathe a deep sigh of relief now. You don't have to worry anymore. Every idea you're ever going to have for the writing of your novels has already been written more times than you can count. And wil continue to be written ling after you and I are dust (if civilization doesn't blow the planet into oblivion.) And that is fine. Ideas aren't the engines that make novels run."
That means that, for an example, someone could right a story about a sailor turned into a kitsune, they could. The only restriction is the story be different enough to be unique to the writer. That means it cannot use my words or my way of writing, and it would need to have a recognizable difference from my story, such as different characters, scenes, descriptions. Ideas themselves are not copyrightable. Just the implementation of those ideas. The really slippery slope comes in when you use the same world and characters of another person's story. Legally that usually is considered copyright infringement.
Kaho =^.^=
I agree...
with Sephrena.
There is nothing new under the sun. Shoot, you'll find most of the stuff you see today in old folklore. Sex? Romance? Transformations? Furry? Zeus turning into a swan and bonking someone? It's pretty much all been done.
And on this site... well, in almost all of the stories, someone is going to turn into a girl, or wish he could turn into a girl, or wish she could change back, or whatever. The interest is in the details.
The idea is to put these well-used story elements together with some interesting and/or likable characters and maybe some unique settings, stir well, and give the reader a few minutes or hours of happy reading.
I freely admit to being an SF geek, and rarely read stories that don't have a science fiction or fantasy element. Still, I am an avid reader of Edeyn's Scenes of Hope and Dear Diary series. I have some of her other stuff (Sk8r Grrls) in my to do folder.
What I'm saying is that Edeyn's stuff is fresh and fun. So what if someone else at some other time has had similar ideas?
I read stories about 'new life and new civilizations' long before Star Trek came out. (To be more precise, I read the stuff that was written long before ST was conceived.) Asimov wrote The Fun They Had long before the personal computer was a gleam in Wozniak's eye -- yet the central device in that story was a 'teaching machine' that was a whole lot like a modern PC.
By the way, you can't copyright a story line. Roddenberry doesn't have a copyright on the idea of a faster than light quasi-military ship full of adventurers any more than Clarke has a copyright (or patent) on the idea of a geostationary communications satellite (even though it was originally his idea.)
You want superhero fiction? You don't have to buy from Marvel to get it. In fact, you don't have to buy anything.
OK... rant over.
Edeyn, please try to ignore the nay-sayers. You write good stuff.
Ray Drouillard
Passionate About Writing
A few years ago a person on line who is still my friend sent me a story to edit. The story was about a person taking a journey. I suggested that during that journey the person should think about his life and how it had intersected with the person to whose funeral he is travelling. The person I was editing for rejected that concept. I went back to the writer and fleshed out the idea a bit, adding that the story could be Brokeback Mountain-ish, as it should have been told. Again she rejected my storyline.
A few days later I sent her a copy of a story draft. I hadn't used anything from her story other than a person taking a journey, yet she claimed that I had stolen her idea.
I said, "You write yours and I'll write mine. We'll both post them and we'll see if anyone thinks they are the same in any way." We did. Over the years we've remained friends, but there's always been that feeling that she thought I took her idea. The stories were Dimelza Cassidy's Wooden Ships and my "Roling" through Life.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I don't see the issue?
I'm glad you're not removing your stories or leaving the site- I kinda like having you around :)
As far as the original idea thing, I don't see why that would be an issue on a site like this. Personally, if I like a story, it's not gonna matter how similar it is to someone else's story, especially in a genre as incredibly limited as TG fiction. Doubtless everything I've written could be said to be derivative of someone else's work as well, if you looked hard enough online (please, don't. I feel proud of coming up with the ideas for my stories and don't want to see them eclipsed by better stories that were written before them :P)
Look at the stories here on this site. How many ways can you write a story where a boy becomes a female cheerleader without crossing the same ground as every other author who's wrote a story along the same lines? How many ways can an older sister convince her little brother to try on one of her old dresses? Even if the science changes, isn't one body swap basically the same as any other? The devil's in the details. Author writing style, word choice, even what events are chosen to focus in on and which ones are skimmed over. If two authors here were to take the exact same story and write it, corresponding with each other constantly to make sure they had the same events, the same characters, and even the same general dialogue, you would still see two very different stories that would appeal to different audiences. Where one person might focus on the clothes, shopping, and makeup aspects of the change, things that affect social standing and how others perceive the character, the other author may take the more introspective route, concentrating on the main character's emotions as they interact with others and how the emotional and psychological affects of the events change the character. Two authors, one story, two extremely different reads. I like to toss out references to my favorite authors and stories in my works that anyone who has read them will easily catch, but that doesn't mean I copy their stories.
Honestly, I think the biggest tell is that you received those comments and the PM HERE. Not at a site for writing anything that comes out of your head, not at a site designed to showcase progressive writing styles, not at a site that covers everything under the sun. It's a TG fiction web site. Every story is going to have a plot that boils down to being the exact same thing as every other story here, and you can probably take a random sample of any fifty stories and find at least three that could be clones of each other. It's gonna happen, there's no way to stop it, IT DOESN'T MATTER. 'Original idea' is all in the eye of the beholder.
Melanie E.
Leave Edeyn alone
The other day, I signed on and read one of my favorite author's stories, 'Dear Diary'. There were some similarities between her story and one that I had written. But they are ONLY stories.
I hope she will continue her story along the lines that she has intended. I am only sorry, I didn't find out about how much greif she is receiving over this silly issue unti just now So I ask that you all back off, let her write her stories the way she wishes. I for one will be looking forward to future issues of 'Dear Diary' and 'Sk8r Grrls'.