I know that, for a lot of us, our appearance is something that we can be a bit touchy about. For some of us, it can be an issue of not passing well, or even at all. Regardless, I thought it might be interesting to see who here was brave enough to stand up and let their face be seen. There are a few of us who have been so daring as to use image sigs or images of ourselves in posts before. For me, this will probably be the only time you see me post an image anywhere on this site. I just thought that, since the age question is out and running, why not a pics thread? They can be old or new pics, showing you at your very best or covered in muck wrestling alligators for all it matters, so long as you feel the pic says something about you, whether it be 'I'm not afraid of being who I am', 'I loved this Halloween costume', or 'That was one MASSIVE fish hook caught in my neck, wasn't it?'
I think what my picture says about me is 'I am a very blurry person.' My friend Ashley took this pic of me about a year and a half back with her cheap little digital camera, but it's still the most recent picture of me I have.
This is also me in boy mode, since as of yet I do not have the resources to begin transition and thus try to keep from being overtly girly most of the time. Don't hate me :(
Melanie E.
We HAVE Been Through This Before
If you WANT to sig your pic - feel free! If you DON'T - don't! Its every member's choice. Not everyone passes for exactly what they have in mind for themselves as a woman and all of us are different. So what? If you want to show yourself, feel free. For me, it's what inside that counts, not the outside in determining who I like.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
*shrug* okay
I just thought it'd be fun to see who was up for it is all. I always like looking at the dust jackets on books I read to see what my favorite authors look like. This just strikes me as the same kind of thing- getting to know others better.
I'm sorry if I phrased it badly in the post, but really all I was trying to see was who was up for sharing a bit more about themselves. If nobody does, that's okay. There's a lot of us who probably would never go to a real life support meeting but don't mind posting anonymously online, and that's fine. It wouldn't matter if someone posted a pic of Halle Berry and claimed it was them- if that's how you see yourself, that's okay, though not exactly what I was hoping for.
If we can't feel comfortable showing ourselves in front of one another, in an environment where we know we're surrounded by friends, we can't have the courage to go out in the real world and be ourselves either. It may be that someone is role playing a different person entirely on this site to get away from the difficulties they have in their own life, in which case a pic of themselves would do nothing more than destroy the haven they have worked so hard to build. But for some, perhaps this could, just maybe, give a chance to give the world its first glimpse of the person inside. For others it could be a bit of fun where you can be open about who you are without having to worry about major negative response. I don't expect massive response to this, or even mediocre response. But for anyone who is willing, it's here.
Melanie E.
The problem
Not everybody that comes to sites like this has benign intentions. It's all too easy to attract the wrong sort of person, and if you've revealed a bit too much that can be a big problem. So that's why this probably doesn't seem a very good idea to many of us. I'll not repeat my own experiences except to say it was very disturbing and still has the power to give me nightmares. Sephy knows and understands why I tend to be very touchy, I expect she had me in mind in her response.
Karen J.
"All lies in jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest"
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Beyond the few not nice people out there Karen warned us of ...
there is the burning question, do we REALY want to see what we all look like?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I could post a picture from when I was younger, say two?
John in Wauwatosa
I bet you made an adorable little baby, John! :P
Melanie E.
My photo??? And NO I don't hate you...
It is a valid question and most probably quite innocent in the asking.
We all wonder about the appearance of those we have come to know and whose advice and comments we have learned to cherish.
We must, however, accept that appearance is probably a closely guarded secret for many reasons. Most of these reasons are simply because we feel, "my nose is too big" or "Does my left ear REALLY sit higher than my right one?" "Eahhggh, am I REALLY going bald?"
and many other reasons.
A few, such as myself, have specific enemies out there somewhere who never give up. I was reminded of that only just a few years ago.
The image which I use to sign my comments was taken when I was 12 & 1/2 years of age. Yes, really!!! I still looked the same in 1996.
In December of 1997 I attended the funeral of someone who meant the world to me and only a few months later had my face remodeled through several impacts which were anything but accidental.
The remodeling did not help improve my appearance.
I am reclusive... probably with good reason. Am I paranoid? If there really are people out to get you, is that paranoia?
Anyway... The way I look now is not the way I looked for most of my life but looking at my comments photo gives you a good idea of how once the way things were.
God Bless You...
Pics of me
I think the most recent photos are from October or November of 2008.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Small problem
I might consider posting a pic, but the truth is I don't have any!
I wish I could get one of my old drivers license pics, it was quite nice.
Piper Pics
Dat's me. If you want more, follow link.
Pictures of Piper @ GabyZone
Cindy, at 20 in the early 70's
That's me at age 20 in the early 70's. I'm at a friend's house on Christmas day, burning the cast-off wrappings from the opening of the presents. And, yes, I'm sitting on my own feet and not someone else's. I was much more limber in those days. Is my butt really that big ! ? ! Hugs and love, Cindy
Thank you
Thanks to everyone who's posted pics so far! Miss Edeyn, I really liked your bard outfit, it was very cute!
Melanie E.
Here's me
Well, me from way back when. I'm OK with sharing a more current image of myself but certain others with a stake in the matter are not, at least for the time being, so I'll respect that.
The one on the left is how I actually looked at age 9. The one on the right is more like how I saw myself, except for the brown eyes. (That's Kim Richards from Escape to Witch Mountain in case you don't recognize her.) I actually had dark blonde hair similar to Kim's but for some reason it always photographed with a reddish tint. And of course I could only wish for my hair to be as long as hers.
Sadly, Melanie, you in boy mode look at least as feminine as I currently do in girl mode. Granted, I'm only just starting my own transition, but still. No fair.
oh wow, i love pic threads.
Hey, I love pic threads!
Well i haven't got a problem if you want to see me, just come along to Gabycon this May!
(in case you are wondering, this really is me Christmas 2006)
Maddy Bell's Homepage and the Gaby Story Library.
Madeline Anafrid Bell