It only took until day two of his presidency, but finally someone stood up and had the guts to tell the Orange Idiot to his face what millions should be saying. That there are very, very good people who are scared to death because of what he and his cronies are trying to do - people who have done nothing to hurt anyone else, who have done nothing but try to make a better life for themselves or their families.
How long will it take before the morons who follow him wake up and realize that the only person he cares about is himself. That the only group of people who will benefit from his Presidency are the rich who sat inside the capital building at his inauguration?
When his actions start to hit their pocketbooks, when they suddenly can’t afford to buy groceries, or a new car, or gasoline prices go sky high, or the water they drink and the air that they breath is not clean and safe……. then perhaps they will wake up. When half of the construction workers in this country are deported, or when there is no one to work on farms or in food processing plants, or when they can’t sleep in a clean hotel room - when there is no one to do the jobs that they refuse to work at because they are beneath them, then perhaps they will wake up. When the prices for everything they buy go up, and when inflation runs rampant again because of the tariffs the Orange Asshole will enact jack up the price of everything imported including the parts and raw materials we need to manufacture in this country, then maybe they will listen.
Or maybe when someone they know commits suicide, or gets beaten to death for simply trying to be their true self. When a friend or a family member ends up in the hospital, or perhaps in an early grave due to the actions of the hate groups Trump has stirred up. Or when one of their children comes home with a story about someone they know having to move because they can’t get healthcare anymore. Or with a story about a good teacher being forced out because of the ignorance and prejudice of Trump’s followers.
Then maybe they will understand that he has no idea what he is talking about and is only telling them what they want to hear - and not doing what should be done, what needs to be done, instead of what sounds good.
How long until our police wake up and realize the asshole they have been supporting just released 1500 people who attacked our own government and injured their brothers and sisters in law enforcement. How long until they realize that the Orange Jerkoff in Washington doesn’t care about the rule of law unless it benefits him? That he doesn’t care about real Justice?
Maybe it won’t be too late……..
The new H....r has me regretting that I don't own an explosive way of self defense. I think that I know members of the "christian" right. I just do not know where this is going... Living right next door to an ICE building that was the site of very bitter demonstrations in the recent past makes the future feel all the less secure. I think I have a photo of the sniper they had on their roof.
This is feeling pretty horrible right now. I will not write about what I hope might happen...
Gwen (Gwinn)
history and freedom
The path of liberty has never been straight and level. Even in this country founded on the notion that all men are created equal it has been been full of switchbacks and obstacles. I take comfort in knowing that that hate has never been able to fully reverse the gains made in the previous progressive cycle. I believe that while greed and fear will have their day, in the end reason will prevail again to move the baseline once more. I am seventy-four years old. I remember seeing
signs in local businesses saying that they reserved the right to refuse service to anyone, the Northern code for "no Niggers allowed." I remember when that word was just they way people spoke informally. Today, not even the most radical of the MAGA horde would dare to suggest returning to those days. I believe that those of you who are young enough will someday look back on Trump's trans-hate as a historical memory. Unfortunately, between that day and the present time there will be pain and struggle.
I am ten years younger than you…….
But grew up in an old Southern family, a family which has been in the area around Mecklinburg, Union, and Cabarrus Counties in North Carolina since the early 1700’s. I was lucky enough to be born in Southern California, and spent a good portion of my formative years in California and Upstate NY, so even though I grew up related to a bunch of redneck assholes, and spent about half of my youth living in the southeast amongst them, I was exposed to much more liberal and progressive ideas.
Be that as it may, I can still remember my parents saying that if a black family moved into our neighborhood they would sell the house and move. I was exposed to more racist names and jokes than I care to remember, and that is saying a lot. Luckily for me, I was intelligent enough, and independent enough, that I did not simply become another redneck asshole clone.
The point being is that you don’t have to be the product of your upbringing. You can better.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Hear! Hear!
Thank you Dallas and Greybeard for these comments. I can only empathize with you because I live on the other side of the world and am relatively immune to the worst effects of the shit-head regime that you will have to endure (although our right-wing politicians are starting to emulate the slime-ball tactics of the Orange Arsehole).
I am amazed that a large percentage of your (and our) inhabitants cannot see how detrimental the policies being introduced will be to their quality of life. Having been a resident of a couple of our medical institutions for the last month or so I can guarantee that our health system would collapse if it were not for the immigrants working in them, from doctors down.
The fruit and vegetables in our fields would rot unpicked if we didn't have seasonal workers from the Pacific to harvest them.
Our hospitality industry relies on staff from overseas to work in their kitchens and to bring the food and drink to our tables.
The larger retailers would be desperate for check-out staff, shelf-stackers and trolley movers without immigrants. Our public and private transport, buses, trains, taxis and Ubers rely on these people to continue to operate.
The ramifications are endless.
Yet our right-wing politicians are advocating stricter laws to reduce their numbers. They are not yet proposing to deport those already here en masse but our immigration laws are already strict and we treat refugees worse than we treat our home-grown criminals.
There is growing sentiment against the TG community, although not organized or institutionalized like yours and it appalls me that the gay communities are silent where they are concerned. Can they not see that they are next on the list?
In addition we are experiencing a dreadful up-swing in anti-Semitic attacks and incidents, with cowards defacing and/or burning Jewish property, including schools and child-care facilities. Perhaps such incidents do not warrant headlines in your nation.
I just hope I live to see some semblance of normality return to our societies. No country is perfect but right now we are looking at a period of outright Nazi-ism.
Lambda Legal
Perhaps not as outspoken as they could be, but also not silent on trans rights. (And Dawn, coincidentally, the CEO is from North Carolina.)
Historical Memory
But how much persecution will we (collective "we") have to live through, how many will have to physically and/or mentally suffer before such things are "historical". And what guarantee is there that things will eventually get better. I know it is condemned as a losing argument, but how many Jewish people said much the same thing back in 1939? What's the saying? The only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good (people) to do nothing. Well, to my eyes at least, more and more "good" people are doing nothing. I'll be checking out in a year or two, but I hope you younger people survive the next years. I wouldn't be placing any bets.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
BIG demonstrations at the ICE building.
There were demonstrations at ICE in 2018 and 2020. I don't remember if Trump was in his first term. I think so.
I’m a bit surprised he visited that church
But the bishop rose to the occasion and gave him a simple message of Christianity, not Nationalism.
Of course he didn’t appreciate it.
And now the whole host of Republican politicians are ducking and dodging questions about pardoning violent criminals and cop beaters.
Gillian Cairns